More and more people enjoying more isolation


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
As things are fully opening up and I am still seeing stores with very few shoppers, restaurants with no people in them only takeout, iand in talking to people I am hearing being more isolated agrees with them and they are growing to like it. Working at home is so much better than having to go to the office plus they are so much more productive at home, which makes sense. Perhaps this change will be a big plus for society once the virus is under control.
As things are fully opening up and I am still seeing stores with very few shoppers, restaurants with no people in them only takeout, iand in talking to people I am hearing being more isolated agrees with them and they are growing to like it. Working at home is so much better than having to go to the office plus they are so much more productive at home, which makes sense. Perhaps this change will be a big plus for society once the virus is under control.
Friend, we don't need each other, all we need is Big Brother.

So close down the churches, close down the schools, close down those bars, and remove those stools.
We haven't had a church service in church since March as voted on by our church council. We do zooms now and people are growing to like it. As far as bars I never went to any so that doesn't matter to me one way or the other. Schools here will be virtual to start via the school boards decision. Modern technology is helping this happen.
As things are fully opening up and I am still seeing stores with very few shoppers, restaurants with no people in them only takeout, iand in talking to people I am hearing being more isolated agrees with them and they are growing to like it. Working at home is so much better than having to go to the office plus they are so much more productive at home, which makes sense. Perhaps this change will be a big plus for society once the virus is under control.
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see what things look like when the dust settles.

I have three brothers, and our families are spread from five different states in America to Canada to England. We've been doing Zoom calls every week since this started, and that won't stop after it's over. We get to see all the kids and their kids, and it's a great time. I don't know if this would have happened if not for the virus, but I'm sure glad it did.

So, yeah, we'll see.
As things are fully opening up and I am still seeing stores with very few shoppers, restaurants with no people in them only takeout, iand in talking to people I am hearing being more isolated agrees with them and they are growing to like it. Working at home is so much better than having to go to the office plus they are so much more productive at home, which makes sense. Perhaps this change will be a big plus for society once the virus is under control.

I think you have a point. Sure, bars are closed---but people are entertaining more at home. People have revived the idea of Speak Easies as well. Instead of eating is a restaurant, they are eating more and more at home. The inner cities are being abandoned to the nut ball BLM types and being ignored.
We like this change. Less people on the roads and fewer in restaurants. I do feel for the small business owner, as they are getting screwed.
We like this change. Less people on the roads and fewer in restaurants. I do feel for the small business owner, as they are getting screwed.
If they can, they need to get their stuff up on the internet to sell, asap...with pick up avail to locals, so they can avoid shipping costs.
As things are fully opening up and I am still seeing stores with very few shoppers, restaurants with no people in them only takeout, iand in talking to people I am hearing being more isolated agrees with them and they are growing to like it. Working at home is so much better than having to go to the office plus they are so much more productive at home, which makes sense. Perhaps this change will be a big plus for society once the virus is under control.
Is that why suicides are higher than ever

Take your pills
We like this change. Less people on the roads and fewer in restaurants. I do feel for the small business owner, as they are getting screwed.
If they can, they need to get their stuff up on the internet to sell, asap...with pick up avail to locals, so they can avoid shipping costs.
I doubt that will work for most businesses. Certainly not for small restaurants and cafes.

Amazon will merely get bigger and bigger and Bezos may soon own the world.
Not me. I miss being around my coworkers. I miss going to restaurants with my friends. I miss going to the gym. I hate this, but it is what it is.
We love getting a lot of Sam's club things ordered off net and delivered now...the hubby upgraded our membership, which gives free shipping, and we don't have to drive the 30 miles to get there....

And although I miss seeing my doctor in person, the television/phone appointment is not so bad... it felt more personal than in person... she was less distracted, no nurses popping in and interrupting.... we went in to things in a more in depth manner, no matter the dumb or ignorant question I asked....since I had her. Attention!!! :)

50 years from now, when history is read.... this awful pandemic.... Will have some spun positives to it with the story of how this pushed humanity in to a more technology advance society....

But at the same time, moved us towards a near jobless society, and less social children, and less social people all my guess of the future.... :eek:
We like this change. Less people on the roads and fewer in restaurants. I do feel for the small business owner, as they are getting screwed.
If they can, they need to get their stuff up on the internet to sell, asap...with pick up avail to locals, so they can avoid shipping costs.
I doubt that will work for most businesses. Certainly not for small restaurants and cafes.

Amazon will merely get bigger and bigger and Bezos may soon own the world.
Or Competition will arise? Sounds like an opportunity for someone else to get a cut or two or three, of the pie.
We like this change. Less people on the roads and fewer in restaurants. I do feel for the small business owner, as they are getting screwed.

I agree. Small business it taking a hit though I see many open where I live.

I'm a loner and always have been. I can take or leave people.

I don't need a crowd or anyone to be honest. Works for me.
As things are fully opening up and I am still seeing stores with very few shoppers, restaurants with no people in them only takeout, iand in talking to people I am hearing being more isolated agrees with them and they are growing to like it. Working at home is so much better than having to go to the office plus they are so much more productive at home, which makes sense. Perhaps this change will be a big plus for society once the virus is under control.

Self-isolation is not the current American way and has not been since colonial days. Around here on the East Coast, we are few miles off I-95, life never really slowed down much—either through the initial lockdown orders or even at the height of this new satanic panic. In fact the only differences one will notice in our area from say February and before to right now are the mask wearing, the barricaded entrances/exits into and from some stores/restaurants, and a general attitude of distrust among the greater populace of public strangers.

Working from home is neither pleasurable nor convenient in the long run. My wife must still go into the office a couple of days per week and I must split my time between running a small business that requires in person interaction with law enforcement and my side-gig which involves full-time fiction writing. She'd rather be physically in the office, and I'd rather be both uninhibited by her presence at home while I am trying to write and free to work normal hours outside our home without her constant check-ins, like before the virus.

If you believe the virus has successfully inhibited our American spirit—our American ability to organize, band together, fight back then you shall be sorely mistaken.
The virus isn't going to ruin the american spirit nobody is saying that. People adapt and people shopping less, spending less, going out less is an adaptation we are seeing and in the end it really doesn't hurt anybody. We are fully open for business here. The stores are devoid of shoppers and people are simply adapting to more isolation and many I've talked to are growing to like it. That doesn't mean the american spirit is broken in fact people being more isolated and adapting to it shows how strong the spirit is. It is interesting to watch.
this is the democrats way of isolation...if you believe their words...god forbid if you do...there next step after isolation is to sign the deed over to china or russia..WAKE UP PEOPLE....if you dont like the representation---you run for office...these fucking democrats dont want you to damn must rely on them---tell the dems to go fuck themselves ---of course after you get asshole schumer out of botoxed prune face pelosis ass---oh btw prune face---where did all your money come from...sure as hell wasnt legal
We like this change. Less people on the roads and fewer in restaurants. I do feel for the small business owner, as they are getting screwed.
If they can, they need to get their stuff up on the internet to sell, asap...with pick up avail to locals, so they can avoid shipping costs.
I doubt that will work for most businesses. Certainly not for small restaurants and cafes.

Amazon will merely get bigger and bigger and Bezos may soon own the world.
Bars and restaurants, will have a better chance of survival, when we developed an accurate rapid test for the virus... You get your answer in minutes, positive or negative, just by spit and s strip of reactive paper.... sold in every pharmacy, so we can test ourselves at home too!

All businesses could use this rapid test, on customers and employees....

Then, the economy could come back, with a bang, schools can safely open, churches can safely practice, sports can fill their stadiums, bars and restaurants can open safely etc etc etc.....

I know it might sound like a dream, but it is....What scientists and government should have been working towards.....imo.

We can do this!

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