More Anti-Muslim Bigotry and Hate from the Far Right

‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.
Let me ask you something if I was rallying against Nazi's would I be a bigot?

False equivalency

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There are plenty of laws that infringe on a religion's practices, rendering religious protection meaningless, and if one thing is meaningless and can be detoured easily, then the rest of the Constitution is meaningless.
If you want to go down that road, then one could argue the Patriot and Military Commissions Acts effectively made the Bill of Rights null and void.
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.
Let me ask you something if I was rallying against Nazi's would I be a bigot?

False equivalency

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No not really if you examine both men and their ideological movements they are actually the same.

Both are murdering war mongers who killed anyone who disagreed with them AKA totalitarian dictatorship.
Both hate the Jews and anything different from themselves.
Both participated in forced conversion
Both were womanizer's
Both were thieves and or pillaged
Both conquered to set themselves up as supreme rulers.
Both have a flawed Ideology
Both promote slavery

OK only Mohammad was a pedophile. I guess that makes him worse than Hitler. But the rest matches up.

As you well know anyone can create an Ideology and call it a "religion". Just because one has many followers doesn't legitimize the movement. Nazism is a cult and so is Islam. I don't like or have to agree with the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints I.E. Warren Jeffs. I don't have to like or agree with Westboro Baptist Church. I don't have to like Nazism, Communism,socialism. I don't have to like or agree with The People's Temple AKA Jim Jones,Rajneesh movement, Heaven's Gate,Atheism,Unification Church AKA Moonies,Branch Davidian's,The Manson Family,Scientology,Raëlism, Order of the Solar Temple, and yet I'm a Bigot because I stand against a 1400 year old death cult that kills gays,subjugates women,promotes pedophilia advocates the chopping off of healthy appendages as punishment, requires 4 men to witness the rape of a woman or she's found to be an adulteress( women need not apply as witnesses because they are considered unreliable), stones adulteresses to death or poor rape victims that had less than 3 witnesses. Insists women cover themselves from head to toe even in a climate where the average temperature is hotter than hell. This shit isn't happening centuries ago it's happening now as we speak.

If that makes me a bigot so be it. I'd rather be a bigot than one of the leftist sheeple. Remember those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Islam is not our friend and never will be. Yes they tell us they are but there is also something called Taqiya Where they are allowed to lie to avoid persecution. Do you think they'd treat you the same? Nope if you aren't Islamic you can stay what ever you are as long as you pay a special tax called Jizya. Learn about Mohammad from history not his followers. They are biased just as the Manson Family members would tell you how wonderful Charlie is or Warren Jeffs followers would praise him even though he's a womanizing pedophile pig. Investigate the Koran,Hadith's and what Sharia Law is about before you condemn people as prejudice. This stuff is not compatible with western thinking and will destroy us.

Taqiya - Wikipedia

Jizya - Wikipedia
Yada yada yada, not all religions are the same nor do they behave the same today, as much as you Lefties love to make it a one size fits all. It is "progressive"'thinking like yours that has caused many countries to commit national suicide. No thanks.

Of course she the shit hits the fan, the first people to suddenly get mum are you lefties, who cause the problems to begin with.
No, not all religion is equal. The point is that legal theory is a constant as is your blatant bigotry and fear mongering.

Here we go, when a Leftie loses an argument it's always the same whiny fallback false accusations. You can't legalize the practice of bigotry against other religions and classes of people (which is what Shariah law is) and make it supersede the law of the land, just because Shariah is "religious based".
You want to outlaw Sharia entirely- to single out a religion and deprive them of their religious law -but your not a bigot? You can't seem to make the distinction between the benign as aspects of Sharia and those harsher features of it that may run afoul of our laws. You think that Sharia is able to supersede our laws because it is religious law ,but like Mudda, you show a piss poor understanding of the statutory and Constitutional safeguards that we have.

I previously posted the it is again incase you missed it or it was lost on you. Read it now and explain how I'm loosing:

Issue #1 The use of Sharia law in US Courts:
No one who goes before a US court is going to be subject to Sharia law, even if they are Muslum and somehow committed an offence against another Muslim or against Islam. No one will have a hand cut off for stealing. No one will be stoned for adultery. A Muslim before a US court who has committed a civil or criminal offence will be judged and punished in accordance with the applicable statutes and codes, and the US Constitution.

All of the hysteria about Sharia laws can be traced to instances like the Florida case where a judge allowed two Muslims parties to arbitrate a civil matter under Sharia law, but that does not mean that they would be allowed to seek a remedy that violates US law.

And, there are cases like this:

In the United States, there are no Islamic courts, but judges sometimes have to consider Islamic law in their decisions. For example, a judge may have to recognize the validity of an Islamic marriage contract from a Muslim country in order to grant a divorce in America.
Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost
2. The use of Sharia law by Muslims in there place of worship or homes. You want to outlaw Sharia Law to protect women and children ? Well, first of all, if you want to curtail the religious practices of Muslims, you are going run into a pesky problem called that first
Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....."

However, that does not mean that they can circumvent or violate US law or the Constitution. They can't cut off hands or stone people any more than a civil court judge can. They can't marry a 10 year old. If they do, and it comes to the attention of the authorities, they will be tried and punished in accordance with US law.

In addition, even if you could get around the first amendment , you have to other religious laws- particular Catholicism and Judaism have there oppressive aspects as well. Now you have a problem of equal protection under the law because you are singling out Islam.
You want to legitimize Shariah law which treats women, gays, minorities, and people of other faiths as subhumans, but you're not a bigot? It's always interesting when the Lefties keep telling us that we have to tolerate intolerant, hateful ideologies.

Interesting how it's the same people who treat gays, women, minorities, and non Christians like shit are the same ones who blather about how Muslims treat other people.

The fact is that some Christians and Jews can be said to be guilty of those same things -albeit not as harsh as the more extreme Islamists-but you're not talking about banning their religious laws are you? That is hypocritical.

The aspects of any religious law that does objective harm to any one is already dealt with by our civil laws, as I have pointed out, and as you and others have ignored. .

As I have also pointed out, banning the law of one religion, or all religions for that matter has first amendment implications, yet something else that you can't deal with.

What exactly would banning Sharia law look like in the real world.? Would they be barred from fasting for Ramadan? From praying to Mecca three times a day?

I already documented that fact that it is not used in our courts. That leaves making it unlawful for Muslims to practice their religion in their homes and Mosques. How do you do that ?
You can't regulate what people do in private unless a criminal act comes to the attention of the authorities an d that is the case whether Sharia law is banned or not.

What do you even know about Sharia law? . Here are some fun facts....Please educate yourself Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost
2. What does Shariah cover?

While often thought of as a legal system, Shariah covers personal and collective spheres of daily life, and has three components – belief, character, and actions. Only a small portion of the “action” component relates to law. In fact, only about 80 of the Quran’s 6,236 verses are about specific legal injunctions.

⦁ The “belief” component of Shariah commands Muslims to believe in God, the angels, prophets, revelation, and other metaphysical and physical aspects of the faith.

⦁ In terms of “character,” Shariah commands Muslims to strive for traits like humility and kindness, and to avoid traits such as lying and pride.

⦁ “Actions” include those relating to God, such as prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage, as well as actions relating to other humans, such as marriage, crime, and business.

. Does Shariah really prescribe harsh punishments like stoning adulterers?

Yes, but many of these punishments have been taken out of context, abrogated, or require a near-impossible level of evidence to be carried out. For someone to be convicted of adultery, for example, there must be four witnesses to the act, which is rare. The Quran also prescribes amputating the hands of thieves, but (and this is often forgotten or unmentioned) not if the thief has repented.

And again.....this could not happen legally here

Here is more: The True Story of Sharia in American Courts

Sharia, or Islamic law, is a complex system of moral codes that governs all aspects of Muslim life. More than simply “law” in the prescriptive sense, it is also the methodology through which Muslims engage with foundational religious texts to search for the divine will. For devout Muslims, Sharia governs everything from the way they eat to how they treat animals and protect the environment, to how they do business, how they marry and how their estate is distributed after death. Although the emergence of the nation-state did away with the premodern methodology of Sharia, its current manifestations are either a source of legislation or actual state law in many Muslim countries

Please tell me again, how the hell do you ban all of that? You people need to give a whole lot more thought to this before continuing your hysterical crusade against Sharia law

You might also want to read this. Give the hate a rest:

Muslim – Christian Cooperation and Unity | WELCOME TO CAREFRONTING – NIGERIA

Muslims hold key to fighting terror | Toronto Star
Your total ignorance of Shariah law has been noted. You just spent a shitload of time justifying a bigoted, intolerant, violent set of Islamic laws. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. Shariah should be banned in all Western nations as it is clearly the source of Islamic radicalism, intolerance and violence. Those practicing it should not be allowed to visit or emigrate, and those currently practicing it should be put in jail or deported. Just because some delusional Leftie idiots want to commit national suicide doesn't mean we have to.
This is what delusional Lefties want to do to America:

The Muslims who feel most strongly about sexual segregation, or about the importance of ensuring that women dress "modestly", see those customs as ordered by God. They are profoundly offended by the idea that they reflect merely human choices. That is why there is a vocal strain of Islam in Britain that insists that Muslims should be governed, not by British law, but by sharia.

Islamic law does not, of course, accept that men and women have equal rights. Sharia courts in Britain have already judged that a man may have up to four wives at any one time; that a wife has no property rights in the event of divorce; that a woman may not leave her home without her husband's consent; and that a woman cannot marry without the presence and permission of a male guardian.

In 2004, in response to pressure from some of its Muslim leaders, the Canadian province of Ontario planned to impose legally binding arbitration on Muslims according to sharia. The most vigorous protests came from Muslim women, who insisted that the main reason they had emigrated to Canada was to get away from it. Their arguments prevailed over those who claimed that sharia was merely "a choice" which should be allowed in any "multicultural society".

There are other conflicts with the liberal tradition. A fundamental part of Islamic law is that someone who converts to another religion should be executed. In Islamic states, the death penalty for apostasy is on the statute books; even in Britain, very few spokesmen for the Muslim community will condemn such laws as wrong.

So it is a mistake to pretend that there is no conflict between principles that are supposed to animate British society – freedom of religion, equality of the sexes, and the primacy of secular law made by democratic representatives – and fundamentalist interpretations of Islam. But much official policy seems to be based on the hope that such a conflict is illusory, and will simply evaporate if we pretend it is not there.
I'm a somewhat practicing Muslim who happens to know my religion....thr stuff that some throw out here is foreign to me and laughable to say the least.
Problem with bigots is the fear of the unknown the most tolerant ones are those who know.
There are plenty of laws that infringe on a religion's practices, rendering religious protection meaningless, and if one thing is meaningless and can be detoured easily, then the rest of the Constitution is meaningless.
If you want to go down that road, then one could argue the Patriot and Military Commissions Acts effectively made the Bill of Rights null and void.
Agreed. We only pay lip service to the Constitution.
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.
Let me ask you something if I was rallying against Nazi's would I be a bigot?

False equivalency

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No not really if you examine both men and their ideological movements they are actually the same.

Both are murdering war mongers who killed anyone who disagreed with them AKA totalitarian dictatorship.
Both hate the Jews and anything different from themselves.
Both participated in forced conversion
Both were womanizer's
Both were thieves and or pillaged
Both conquered to set themselves up as supreme rulers.
Both have a flawed Ideology
Both promote slavery

OK only Mohammad was a pedophile. I guess that makes him worse than Hitler. But the rest matches up.

As you well know anyone can create an Ideology and call it a "religion". Just because one has many followers doesn't legitimize the movement. Nazism is a cult and so is Islam. I don't like or have to agree with the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints I.E. Warren Jeffs. I don't have to like or agree with Westboro Baptist Church. I don't have to like Nazism, Communism,socialism. I don't have to like or agree with The People's Temple AKA Jim Jones,Rajneesh movement, Heaven's Gate,Atheism,Unification Church AKA Moonies,Branch Davidian's,The Manson Family,Scientology,Raëlism, Order of the Solar Temple, and yet I'm a Bigot because I stand against a 1400 year old death cult that kills gays,subjugates women,promotes pedophilia advocates the chopping off of healthy appendages as punishment, requires 4 men to witness the rape of a woman or she's found to be an adulteress( women need not apply as witnesses because they are considered unreliable), stones adulteresses to death or poor rape victims that had less than 3 witnesses. Insists women cover themselves from head to toe even in a climate where the average temperature is hotter than hell. This shit isn't happening centuries ago it's happening now as we speak.

If that makes me a bigot so be it. I'd rather be a bigot than one of the leftist sheeple. Remember those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Islam is not our friend and never will be. Yes they tell us they are but there is also something called Taqiya Where they are allowed to lie to avoid persecution. Do you think they'd treat you the same? Nope if you aren't Islamic you can stay what ever you are as long as you pay a special tax called Jizya. Learn about Mohammad from history not his followers. They are biased just as the Manson Family members would tell you how wonderful Charlie is or Warren Jeffs followers would praise him even though he's a womanizing pedophile pig. Investigate the Koran,Hadith's and what Sharia Law is about before you condemn people as prejudice. This stuff is not compatible with western thinking and will destroy us.

Taqiya - Wikipedia

Jizya - Wikipedia
That is quite an hysterical rant. Just one problem. All Nazis are cut from the same mold . Few Muslims fit you criteria.
No, not all religion is equal. The point is that legal theory is a constant as is your blatant bigotry and fear mongering.

Here we go, when a Leftie loses an argument it's always the same whiny fallback false accusations. You can't legalize the practice of bigotry against other religions and classes of people (which is what Shariah law is) and make it supersede the law of the land, just because Shariah is "religious based".
You want to outlaw Sharia entirely- to single out a religion and deprive them of their religious law -but your not a bigot? You can't seem to make the distinction between the benign as aspects of Sharia and those harsher features of it that may run afoul of our laws. You think that Sharia is able to supersede our laws because it is religious law ,but like Mudda, you show a piss poor understanding of the statutory and Constitutional safeguards that we have.

I previously posted the it is again incase you missed it or it was lost on you. Read it now and explain how I'm loosing:

Issue #1 The use of Sharia law in US Courts:
No one who goes before a US court is going to be subject to Sharia law, even if they are Muslum and somehow committed an offence against another Muslim or against Islam. No one will have a hand cut off for stealing. No one will be stoned for adultery. A Muslim before a US court who has committed a civil or criminal offence will be judged and punished in accordance with the applicable statutes and codes, and the US Constitution.

All of the hysteria about Sharia laws can be traced to instances like the Florida case where a judge allowed two Muslims parties to arbitrate a civil matter under Sharia law, but that does not mean that they would be allowed to seek a remedy that violates US law.

And, there are cases like this:

In the United States, there are no Islamic courts, but judges sometimes have to consider Islamic law in their decisions. For example, a judge may have to recognize the validity of an Islamic marriage contract from a Muslim country in order to grant a divorce in America.
Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost
2. The use of Sharia law by Muslims in there place of worship or homes. You want to outlaw Sharia Law to protect women and children ? Well, first of all, if you want to curtail the religious practices of Muslims, you are going run into a pesky problem called that first
Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....."

However, that does not mean that they can circumvent or violate US law or the Constitution. They can't cut off hands or stone people any more than a civil court judge can. They can't marry a 10 year old. If they do, and it comes to the attention of the authorities, they will be tried and punished in accordance with US law.

In addition, even if you could get around the first amendment , you have to other religious laws- particular Catholicism and Judaism have there oppressive aspects as well. Now you have a problem of equal protection under the law because you are singling out Islam.
You want to legitimize Shariah law which treats women, gays, minorities, and people of other faiths as subhumans, but you're not a bigot? It's always interesting when the Lefties keep telling us that we have to tolerate intolerant, hateful ideologies.

Interesting how it's the same people who treat gays, women, minorities, and non Christians like shit are the same ones who blather about how Muslims treat other people.

The fact is that some Christians and Jews can be said to be guilty of those same things -albeit not as harsh as the more extreme Islamists-but you're not talking about banning their religious laws are you? That is hypocritical.

The aspects of any religious law that does objective harm to any one is already dealt with by our civil laws, as I have pointed out, and as you and others have ignored. .

As I have also pointed out, banning the law of one religion, or all religions for that matter has first amendment implications, yet something else that you can't deal with.

What exactly would banning Sharia law look like in the real world.? Would they be barred from fasting for Ramadan? From praying to Mecca three times a day?

I already documented that fact that it is not used in our courts. That leaves making it unlawful for Muslims to practice their religion in their homes and Mosques. How do you do that ?
You can't regulate what people do in private unless a criminal act comes to the attention of the authorities an d that is the case whether Sharia law is banned or not.

What do you even know about Sharia law? . Here are some fun facts....Please educate yourself Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost
2. What does Shariah cover?

While often thought of as a legal system, Shariah covers personal and collective spheres of daily life, and has three components – belief, character, and actions. Only a small portion of the “action” component relates to law. In fact, only about 80 of the Quran’s 6,236 verses are about specific legal injunctions.

⦁ The “belief” component of Shariah commands Muslims to believe in God, the angels, prophets, revelation, and other metaphysical and physical aspects of the faith.

⦁ In terms of “character,” Shariah commands Muslims to strive for traits like humility and kindness, and to avoid traits such as lying and pride.

⦁ “Actions” include those relating to God, such as prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage, as well as actions relating to other humans, such as marriage, crime, and business.

. Does Shariah really prescribe harsh punishments like stoning adulterers?

Yes, but many of these punishments have been taken out of context, abrogated, or require a near-impossible level of evidence to be carried out. For someone to be convicted of adultery, for example, there must be four witnesses to the act, which is rare. The Quran also prescribes amputating the hands of thieves, but (and this is often forgotten or unmentioned) not if the thief has repented.

And again.....this could not happen legally here

Here is more: The True Story of Sharia in American Courts

Sharia, or Islamic law, is a complex system of moral codes that governs all aspects of Muslim life. More than simply “law” in the prescriptive sense, it is also the methodology through which Muslims engage with foundational religious texts to search for the divine will. For devout Muslims, Sharia governs everything from the way they eat to how they treat animals and protect the environment, to how they do business, how they marry and how their estate is distributed after death. Although the emergence of the nation-state did away with the premodern methodology of Sharia, its current manifestations are either a source of legislation or actual state law in many Muslim countries

Please tell me again, how the hell do you ban all of that? You people need to give a whole lot more thought to this before continuing your hysterical crusade against Sharia law

You might also want to read this. Give the hate a rest:

Muslim – Christian Cooperation and Unity | WELCOME TO CAREFRONTING – NIGERIA

Muslims hold key to fighting terror | Toronto Star
Your total ignorance of Shariah law has been noted. You just spent a shitload of time justifying a bigoted, intolerant, violent set of Islamic laws. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. Shariah should be banned in all Western nations as it is clearly the source of Islamic radicalism, intolerance and violence. Those practicing it should not be allowed to visit or emigrate, and those currently practicing it should be put in jail or deported. Just because some delusional Leftie idiots want to commit national suicide doesn't mean we have to.
My ignorance of Sharia law??!! I was even beginning to think...No, more like hope, that you did not represent the same level of insanity and stupidity as Mudda. Now I'm very disappointed.

I just provided documentation of what it is really about. You in turn go off on an opinionated tirade with nothing to substantiate it. I also detailed the reasons why it is neither practical, useful or even possible to outright ban Sharia, but all that you can do is continue to blather about the evil of Sharia-again offering only an inane and bigoted opinion and nothing more.

By doing some research and presenting facts and logic, I thought that I might be able to make some inroads with you and get you to think more about the ridged and extreme position that you take. What a fool. My work is done here.
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.
Let me ask you something if I was rallying against Nazi's would I be a bigot?

False equivalency

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No not really if you examine both men and their ideological movements they are actually the same.

Both are murdering war mongers who killed anyone who disagreed with them AKA totalitarian dictatorship.
Both hate the Jews and anything different from themselves.
Both participated in forced conversion
Both were womanizer's
Both were thieves and or pillaged
Both conquered to set themselves up as supreme rulers.
Both have a flawed Ideology
Both promote slavery

OK only Mohammad was a pedophile. I guess that makes him worse than Hitler. But the rest matches up.

As you well know anyone can create an Ideology and call it a "religion". Just because one has many followers doesn't legitimize the movement. Nazism is a cult and so is Islam. I don't like or have to agree with the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints I.E. Warren Jeffs. I don't have to like or agree with Westboro Baptist Church. I don't have to like Nazism, Communism,socialism. I don't have to like or agree with The People's Temple AKA Jim Jones,Rajneesh movement, Heaven's Gate,Atheism,Unification Church AKA Moonies,Branch Davidian's,The Manson Family,Scientology,Raëlism, Order of the Solar Temple, and yet I'm a Bigot because I stand against a 1400 year old death cult that kills gays,subjugates women,promotes pedophilia advocates the chopping off of healthy appendages as punishment, requires 4 men to witness the rape of a woman or she's found to be an adulteress( women need not apply as witnesses because they are considered unreliable), stones adulteresses to death or poor rape victims that had less than 3 witnesses. Insists women cover themselves from head to toe even in a climate where the average temperature is hotter than hell. This shit isn't happening centuries ago it's happening now as we speak.

If that makes me a bigot so be it. I'd rather be a bigot than one of the leftist sheeple. Remember those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Islam is not our friend and never will be. Yes they tell us they are but there is also something called Taqiya Where they are allowed to lie to avoid persecution. Do you think they'd treat you the same? Nope if you aren't Islamic you can stay what ever you are as long as you pay a special tax called Jizya. Learn about Mohammad from history not his followers. They are biased just as the Manson Family members would tell you how wonderful Charlie is or Warren Jeffs followers would praise him even though he's a womanizing pedophile pig. Investigate the Koran,Hadith's and what Sharia Law is about before you condemn people as prejudice. This stuff is not compatible with western thinking and will destroy us.

Taqiya - Wikipedia

Jizya - Wikipedia
That is quite an hysterical rant. Just one problem. All Nazis are cut from the same mold . Few Muslims fit you criteria.
All Muslims want to live under sharia. Now you know.
I'm a somewhat practicing Muslim who happens to know my religion....thr stuff that some throw out here is foreign to me and laughable to say the least.
Problem with bigots is the fear of the unknown the most tolerant ones are those who know.
Then you are either ignorant or a total liar trying to justify the intolerance and barbarism in your faith. Shariah also victimizes Muslims, especially women and gays, many of which flee to Western countries because of it. You should be standing up against it, not defending it.
Here we go, when a Leftie loses an argument it's always the same whiny fallback false accusations. You can't legalize the practice of bigotry against other religions and classes of people (which is what Shariah law is) and make it supersede the law of the land, just because Shariah is "religious based".
You want to outlaw Sharia entirely- to single out a religion and deprive them of their religious law -but your not a bigot? You can't seem to make the distinction between the benign as aspects of Sharia and those harsher features of it that may run afoul of our laws. You think that Sharia is able to supersede our laws because it is religious law ,but like Mudda, you show a piss poor understanding of the statutory and Constitutional safeguards that we have.

I previously posted the it is again incase you missed it or it was lost on you. Read it now and explain how I'm loosing:

Issue #1 The use of Sharia law in US Courts:
No one who goes before a US court is going to be subject to Sharia law, even if they are Muslum and somehow committed an offence against another Muslim or against Islam. No one will have a hand cut off for stealing. No one will be stoned for adultery. A Muslim before a US court who has committed a civil or criminal offence will be judged and punished in accordance with the applicable statutes and codes, and the US Constitution.

All of the hysteria about Sharia laws can be traced to instances like the Florida case where a judge allowed two Muslims parties to arbitrate a civil matter under Sharia law, but that does not mean that they would be allowed to seek a remedy that violates US law.

And, there are cases like this:

In the United States, there are no Islamic courts, but judges sometimes have to consider Islamic law in their decisions. For example, a judge may have to recognize the validity of an Islamic marriage contract from a Muslim country in order to grant a divorce in America.
Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost
2. The use of Sharia law by Muslims in there place of worship or homes. You want to outlaw Sharia Law to protect women and children ? Well, first of all, if you want to curtail the religious practices of Muslims, you are going run into a pesky problem called that first
Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....."

However, that does not mean that they can circumvent or violate US law or the Constitution. They can't cut off hands or stone people any more than a civil court judge can. They can't marry a 10 year old. If they do, and it comes to the attention of the authorities, they will be tried and punished in accordance with US law.

In addition, even if you could get around the first amendment , you have to other religious laws- particular Catholicism and Judaism have there oppressive aspects as well. Now you have a problem of equal protection under the law because you are singling out Islam.
You want to legitimize Shariah law which treats women, gays, minorities, and people of other faiths as subhumans, but you're not a bigot? It's always interesting when the Lefties keep telling us that we have to tolerate intolerant, hateful ideologies.

Interesting how it's the same people who treat gays, women, minorities, and non Christians like shit are the same ones who blather about how Muslims treat other people.

The fact is that some Christians and Jews can be said to be guilty of those same things -albeit not as harsh as the more extreme Islamists-but you're not talking about banning their religious laws are you? That is hypocritical.

The aspects of any religious law that does objective harm to any one is already dealt with by our civil laws, as I have pointed out, and as you and others have ignored. .

As I have also pointed out, banning the law of one religion, or all religions for that matter has first amendment implications, yet something else that you can't deal with.

What exactly would banning Sharia law look like in the real world.? Would they be barred from fasting for Ramadan? From praying to Mecca three times a day?

I already documented that fact that it is not used in our courts. That leaves making it unlawful for Muslims to practice their religion in their homes and Mosques. How do you do that ?
You can't regulate what people do in private unless a criminal act comes to the attention of the authorities an d that is the case whether Sharia law is banned or not.

What do you even know about Sharia law? . Here are some fun facts....Please educate yourself Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost
2. What does Shariah cover?

While often thought of as a legal system, Shariah covers personal and collective spheres of daily life, and has three components – belief, character, and actions. Only a small portion of the “action” component relates to law. In fact, only about 80 of the Quran’s 6,236 verses are about specific legal injunctions.

⦁ The “belief” component of Shariah commands Muslims to believe in God, the angels, prophets, revelation, and other metaphysical and physical aspects of the faith.

⦁ In terms of “character,” Shariah commands Muslims to strive for traits like humility and kindness, and to avoid traits such as lying and pride.

⦁ “Actions” include those relating to God, such as prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage, as well as actions relating to other humans, such as marriage, crime, and business.

. Does Shariah really prescribe harsh punishments like stoning adulterers?

Yes, but many of these punishments have been taken out of context, abrogated, or require a near-impossible level of evidence to be carried out. For someone to be convicted of adultery, for example, there must be four witnesses to the act, which is rare. The Quran also prescribes amputating the hands of thieves, but (and this is often forgotten or unmentioned) not if the thief has repented.

And again.....this could not happen legally here

Here is more: The True Story of Sharia in American Courts

Sharia, or Islamic law, is a complex system of moral codes that governs all aspects of Muslim life. More than simply “law” in the prescriptive sense, it is also the methodology through which Muslims engage with foundational religious texts to search for the divine will. For devout Muslims, Sharia governs everything from the way they eat to how they treat animals and protect the environment, to how they do business, how they marry and how their estate is distributed after death. Although the emergence of the nation-state did away with the premodern methodology of Sharia, its current manifestations are either a source of legislation or actual state law in many Muslim countries

Please tell me again, how the hell do you ban all of that? You people need to give a whole lot more thought to this before continuing your hysterical crusade against Sharia law

You might also want to read this. Give the hate a rest:

Muslim – Christian Cooperation and Unity | WELCOME TO CAREFRONTING – NIGERIA

Muslims hold key to fighting terror | Toronto Star
Your total ignorance of Shariah law has been noted. You just spent a shitload of time justifying a bigoted, intolerant, violent set of Islamic laws. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. Shariah should be banned in all Western nations as it is clearly the source of Islamic radicalism, intolerance and violence. Those practicing it should not be allowed to visit or emigrate, and those currently practicing it should be put in jail or deported. Just because some delusional Leftie idiots want to commit national suicide doesn't mean we have to.
My ignorance of Sharia law??!! I was even beginning to think...No, more like hope, that you did not represent the same level of insanity and stupidity as Mudda. Now I'm very disappointed.

I just provided documentation of what it is really about. You in turn go off on an opinionated tirade with nothing to substantiate it. I also detailed the reasons why it is neither practical, useful or even possible to outright ban Sharia, but all that you can do is continue to blather about the evil of Sharia-again offering only an inane and bigoted opinion and nothing more.

By doing some research and presenting facts and logic, I thought that I might be able to make some inroads with you and get you to think more about the ridged and extreme position that you take. What a fool. My work is done here.
I lived in a Muslim country, dickhead. I know exactly what Shariah law does. I have non Muslim friends who have had to bribe a cleric in order to pretend that they converted to Islam, because Muslims are above non Muslims in the eyes of the law, in every way. Shariah is evil, horrific, anti democracy and freedom, and violates basic human rights. But you Libtards defend this barbarism at every turn.

Sharia law incompatible with human rights legislation, Lords say
Well, I'll tell you something. It's interesting that I was able to find this story in about a half dozen publications and you chose the one from Fox news that is actually just a discussion about Sharia law in general and provides no actual facts of the case. Here is the real story: Articles: Sharia Victory in Florida Threatens Human Rights

You will see that the case had to do with a dispute between two Muslim groups, a Mosque and a group of their trustees who were dismissed by the Mosque

The Mosque was opposed to the use of Sharia law in the arbitration

The use of religious law is not unusual to settle disputes with a religious group

In any case no one outside of a religious group is subject to religious law

So what the hell are you bleating about?
Sharia must be outlawed to protect women and children in Muslim America. Don't you agree?

Son, You apparently have not thought this through. You are either terribly confused or you are deliberately and dishonestly conflating two different issues.

Issue #1 The use of Sharia law in US Courts:

No one who goes before a US court is going to be subject to Sharia law, even if they are Muslim and somehow committed an offence against another Muslim or against Islam. No one will have a hand cut off for stealing. No one will be stoned for adultery. A Muslim before a US court who has committed a civil or criminal offence will be judged and punished in accordance with the applicable statutes and codes, and the US Constitution.

All of the hysteria about Sharia laws can be traced to instances like the Florida case where a judge allowed two Muslims parties to arbitrate a civil matter under Sharia law, but that does not mean that they would be allowed to seek a remedy that violates US law.
And, there are cases like this:

In the United States, there are no Islamic courts, but judges sometimes have to consider Islamic law in their decisions. For example, a judge may have to recognize the validity of an Islamic marriage contract from a Muslim country in order to grant a divorce in America. Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost

Issue 2. The use of Sharia law by Muslims in there place of worship or homes.

You want to outlaw Sharia Law to protect women and children ? Well, first of all, if you want to curtail the religious practices of Muslims, you are going run into a pesky problem called that first Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....."

However, that does not mean that they can circumvent or violate US law or the Constitution. They can't cut off hands or stone people any more than a civil court judge can. They can't marry a 10 year old. If they do, and it comes to the attention of the authorities, they will be tried and punished in accordance with US law.

In addition, even if you could get around the first amendment , you have to other religious laws- particularly Catholicism and Judaism have there oppressive aspects as well. Now you have a problem of equal protection under the law because you are singling out Islam.
Frankly, I think that all of this anti Sharia crap is a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement. Anti Sharia is code for anti Muslim.

I might add that it's the same people who blather about protecting women and children by banning Sharia Law are all for cuts in health care services for women, nutritional programs, and loads of other stuff that benefits them? Do you agree?

If there is any part of this that you don't understand, please let me know and I'll rewrite it at a lower grade level.
Ma'am, it's exactly what I said somewhere else, the Constitution protects the use of sharia law. So unless we change the Constitution again, hands will eventually get chopped off.
Sorry but the "Law of the land" does not support a dual legal system, second: The Law does not except cruel or unusual punishments. So the Sharia law is nul and void when the Person becomes a American Citizen. If someone does not like it, then go to another Nation like England or France they might be ok with this law. The same goes for the China version of Law, of shooting suspects that are State Officials of violations of Law and Trust. Hummm might work over hear.
The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". So sharia, being part of Islam, should be allowed.

lol.......never gonna happen s0n. In fact, you don't want it to ever. my friend will automatically be considered a domestic terrorist by tens of millions of people in this country. And you really, really don't want to be on their bad side.........a real poor life choice. Dollar to a thousand stale donuts you're not good at violence s0n! Many millions are............and they dont think the way you do. Actually, it makes them far more angry then you can conceive. Support of Sharia by progressives is going to end up very badly for they have no idea how badly. People on my side know exactly what I am talking about because it has been a main topic for many years now. FTMFW...........
Sharia must be outlawed to protect women and children in Muslim America. Don't you agree?

Son, You apparently have not thought this through. You are either terribly confused or you are deliberately and dishonestly conflating two different issues.

Issue #1 The use of Sharia law in US Courts:

No one who goes before a US court is going to be subject to Sharia law, even if they are Muslim and somehow committed an offence against another Muslim or against Islam. No one will have a hand cut off for stealing. No one will be stoned for adultery. A Muslim before a US court who has committed a civil or criminal offence will be judged and punished in accordance with the applicable statutes and codes, and the US Constitution.

All of the hysteria about Sharia laws can be traced to instances like the Florida case where a judge allowed two Muslims parties to arbitrate a civil matter under Sharia law, but that does not mean that they would be allowed to seek a remedy that violates US law.
And, there are cases like this:

In the United States, there are no Islamic courts, but judges sometimes have to consider Islamic law in their decisions. For example, a judge may have to recognize the validity of an Islamic marriage contract from a Muslim country in order to grant a divorce in America. Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost

Issue 2. The use of Sharia law by Muslims in there place of worship or homes.

You want to outlaw Sharia Law to protect women and children ? Well, first of all, if you want to curtail the religious practices of Muslims, you are going run into a pesky problem called that first Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....."

However, that does not mean that they can circumvent or violate US law or the Constitution. They can't cut off hands or stone people any more than a civil court judge can. They can't marry a 10 year old. If they do, and it comes to the attention of the authorities, they will be tried and punished in accordance with US law.

In addition, even if you could get around the first amendment , you have to other religious laws- particularly Catholicism and Judaism have there oppressive aspects as well. Now you have a problem of equal protection under the law because you are singling out Islam.
Frankly, I think that all of this anti Sharia crap is a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement. Anti Sharia is code for anti Muslim.

I might add that it's the same people who blather about protecting women and children by banning Sharia Law are all for cuts in health care services for women, nutritional programs, and loads of other stuff that benefits them? Do you agree?

If there is any part of this that you don't understand, please let me know and I'll rewrite it at a lower grade level.
Ma'am, it's exactly what I said somewhere else, the Constitution protects the use of sharia law. So unless we change the Constitution again, hands will eventually get chopped off.
Sorry but the "Law of the land" does not support a dual legal system, second: The Law does not except cruel or unusual punishments. So the Sharia law is nul and void when the Person becomes a American Citizen. If someone does not like it, then go to another Nation like England or France they might be ok with this law. The same goes for the China version of Law, of shooting suspects that are State Officials of violations of Law and Trust. Hummm might work over hear.
The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". So sharia, being part of Islam, should be allowed.

lol.......never gonna happen s0n. In fact, you don't want it to ever. my friend will automatically be considered a domestic terrorist by tens of millions of people in this country. And you really, really don't want to be on their bad side.........a real poor life choice. Dollar to a thousand stale donuts you're not good at violence s0n! Many millions are............and they dont think the way you do. Actually, it makes them far more angry then you can conceive. Support of Sharia by progressives is going to end up very badly for they have no idea how badly. People on my side know exactly what I am talking about because it has been a main topic for many years now. FTMFW...........
You sound really scared of Muslims, I'm not.
Son, You apparently have not thought this through. You are either terribly confused or you are deliberately and dishonestly conflating two different issues.

Issue #1 The use of Sharia law in US Courts:

No one who goes before a US court is going to be subject to Sharia law, even if they are Muslim and somehow committed an offence against another Muslim or against Islam. No one will have a hand cut off for stealing. No one will be stoned for adultery. A Muslim before a US court who has committed a civil or criminal offence will be judged and punished in accordance with the applicable statutes and codes, and the US Constitution.

All of the hysteria about Sharia laws can be traced to instances like the Florida case where a judge allowed two Muslims parties to arbitrate a civil matter under Sharia law, but that does not mean that they would be allowed to seek a remedy that violates US law.
And, there are cases like this:

Issue 2. The use of Sharia law by Muslims in there place of worship or homes.

You want to outlaw Sharia Law to protect women and children ? Well, first of all, if you want to curtail the religious practices of Muslims, you are going run into a pesky problem called that first Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....."

However, that does not mean that they can circumvent or violate US law or the Constitution. They can't cut off hands or stone people any more than a civil court judge can. They can't marry a 10 year old. If they do, and it comes to the attention of the authorities, they will be tried and punished in accordance with US law.

In addition, even if you could get around the first amendment , you have to other religious laws- particularly Catholicism and Judaism have there oppressive aspects as well. Now you have a problem of equal protection under the law because you are singling out Islam.
Frankly, I think that all of this anti Sharia crap is a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement. Anti Sharia is code for anti Muslim.

I might add that it's the same people who blather about protecting women and children by banning Sharia Law are all for cuts in health care services for women, nutritional programs, and loads of other stuff that benefits them? Do you agree?

If there is any part of this that you don't understand, please let me know and I'll rewrite it at a lower grade level.
Ma'am, it's exactly what I said somewhere else, the Constitution protects the use of sharia law. So unless we change the Constitution again, hands will eventually get chopped off.
Sorry but the "Law of the land" does not support a dual legal system, second: The Law does not except cruel or unusual punishments. So the Sharia law is nul and void when the Person becomes a American Citizen. If someone does not like it, then go to another Nation like England or France they might be ok with this law. The same goes for the China version of Law, of shooting suspects that are State Officials of violations of Law and Trust. Hummm might work over hear.
The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". So sharia, being part of Islam, should be allowed.

lol.......never gonna happen s0n. In fact, you don't want it to ever. my friend will automatically be considered a domestic terrorist by tens of millions of people in this country. And you really, really don't want to be on their bad side.........a real poor life choice. Dollar to a thousand stale donuts you're not good at violence s0n! Many millions are............and they dont think the way you do. Actually, it makes them far more angry then you can conceive. Support of Sharia by progressives is going to end up very badly for they have no idea how badly. People on my side know exactly what I am talking about because it has been a main topic for many years now. FTMFW...........
You sound really scared of Muslims, I'm not.

Sure you are. Don't lie and erode your credibility even more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ma'am, it's exactly what I said somewhere else, the Constitution protects the use of sharia law. So unless we change the Constitution again, hands will eventually get chopped off.
Sorry but the "Law of the land" does not support a dual legal system, second: The Law does not except cruel or unusual punishments. So the Sharia law is nul and void when the Person becomes a American Citizen. If someone does not like it, then go to another Nation like England or France they might be ok with this law. The same goes for the China version of Law, of shooting suspects that are State Officials of violations of Law and Trust. Hummm might work over hear.
The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". So sharia, being part of Islam, should be allowed.

lol.......never gonna happen s0n. In fact, you don't want it to ever. my friend will automatically be considered a domestic terrorist by tens of millions of people in this country. And you really, really don't want to be on their bad side.........a real poor life choice. Dollar to a thousand stale donuts you're not good at violence s0n! Many millions are............and they dont think the way you do. Actually, it makes them far more angry then you can conceive. Support of Sharia by progressives is going to end up very badly for they have no idea how badly. People on my side know exactly what I am talking about because it has been a main topic for many years now. FTMFW...........
You sound really scared of Muslims, I'm not.

Sure you are. Don't lie and erode your credibility even more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You're the one who's afraid to piss them off, so you appease them.
When the Irish first immigrated to the U.S. they were treated like crap.

So, yes, I can imagine.
Just like all religions aren't the same, not all immigrants are the same either. Just look at Europe and what has happened to it by naively letting in wave after wave of immigrants from Muslim countries. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Lies in sharia law non Muslims or Muslims will be both equal under the law like any other law.
You don't have to lie to hate. Just say you hate it and be done with it.

You want to outlaw Sharia entirely- to single out a religion and deprive them of their religious law -but your not a bigot? You can't seem to make the distinction between the benign as aspects of Sharia and those harsher features of it that may run afoul of our laws. You think that Sharia is able to supersede our laws because it is religious law ,but like Mudda, you show a piss poor understanding of the statutory and Constitutional safeguards that we have.

I previously posted the it is again incase you missed it or it was lost on you. Read it now and explain how I'm loosing:
You want to legitimize Shariah law which treats women, gays, minorities, and people of other faiths as subhumans, but you're not a bigot? It's always interesting when the Lefties keep telling us that we have to tolerate intolerant, hateful ideologies.

Interesting how it's the same people who treat gays, women, minorities, and non Christians like shit are the same ones who blather about how Muslims treat other people.

The fact is that some Christians and Jews can be said to be guilty of those same things -albeit not as harsh as the more extreme Islamists-but you're not talking about banning their religious laws are you? That is hypocritical.

The aspects of any religious law that does objective harm to any one is already dealt with by our civil laws, as I have pointed out, and as you and others have ignored. .

As I have also pointed out, banning the law of one religion, or all religions for that matter has first amendment implications, yet something else that you can't deal with.

What exactly would banning Sharia law look like in the real world.? Would they be barred from fasting for Ramadan? From praying to Mecca three times a day?

I already documented that fact that it is not used in our courts. That leaves making it unlawful for Muslims to practice their religion in their homes and Mosques. How do you do that ?
You can't regulate what people do in private unless a criminal act comes to the attention of the authorities an d that is the case whether Sharia law is banned or not.

What do you even know about Sharia law? . Here are some fun facts....Please educate yourself Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It | HuffPost
2. What does Shariah cover?

While often thought of as a legal system, Shariah covers personal and collective spheres of daily life, and has three components – belief, character, and actions. Only a small portion of the “action” component relates to law. In fact, only about 80 of the Quran’s 6,236 verses are about specific legal injunctions.

⦁ The “belief” component of Shariah commands Muslims to believe in God, the angels, prophets, revelation, and other metaphysical and physical aspects of the faith.

⦁ In terms of “character,” Shariah commands Muslims to strive for traits like humility and kindness, and to avoid traits such as lying and pride.

⦁ “Actions” include those relating to God, such as prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage, as well as actions relating to other humans, such as marriage, crime, and business.

. Does Shariah really prescribe harsh punishments like stoning adulterers?

Yes, but many of these punishments have been taken out of context, abrogated, or require a near-impossible level of evidence to be carried out. For someone to be convicted of adultery, for example, there must be four witnesses to the act, which is rare. The Quran also prescribes amputating the hands of thieves, but (and this is often forgotten or unmentioned) not if the thief has repented.

And again.....this could not happen legally here

Here is more: The True Story of Sharia in American Courts

Sharia, or Islamic law, is a complex system of moral codes that governs all aspects of Muslim life. More than simply “law” in the prescriptive sense, it is also the methodology through which Muslims engage with foundational religious texts to search for the divine will. For devout Muslims, Sharia governs everything from the way they eat to how they treat animals and protect the environment, to how they do business, how they marry and how their estate is distributed after death. Although the emergence of the nation-state did away with the premodern methodology of Sharia, its current manifestations are either a source of legislation or actual state law in many Muslim countries

Please tell me again, how the hell do you ban all of that? You people need to give a whole lot more thought to this before continuing your hysterical crusade against Sharia law

You might also want to read this. Give the hate a rest:

Muslim – Christian Cooperation and Unity | WELCOME TO CAREFRONTING – NIGERIA

Muslims hold key to fighting terror | Toronto Star
Your total ignorance of Shariah law has been noted. You just spent a shitload of time justifying a bigoted, intolerant, violent set of Islamic laws. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. Shariah should be banned in all Western nations as it is clearly the source of Islamic radicalism, intolerance and violence. Those practicing it should not be allowed to visit or emigrate, and those currently practicing it should be put in jail or deported. Just because some delusional Leftie idiots want to commit national suicide doesn't mean we have to.
My ignorance of Sharia law??!! I was even beginning to think...No, more like hope, that you did not represent the same level of insanity and stupidity as Mudda. Now I'm very disappointed.

I just provided documentation of what it is really about. You in turn go off on an opinionated tirade with nothing to substantiate it. I also detailed the reasons why it is neither practical, useful or even possible to outright ban Sharia, but all that you can do is continue to blather about the evil of Sharia-again offering only an inane and bigoted opinion and nothing more.

By doing some research and presenting facts and logic, I thought that I might be able to make some inroads with you and get you to think more about the ridged and extreme position that you take. What a fool. My work is done here.
I lived in a Muslim country, dickhead. I know exactly what Shariah law does. I have non Muslim friends who have had to bribe a cleric in order to pretend that they converted to Islam, because Muslims are above non Muslims in the eyes of the law, in every way. Shariah is evil, horrific, anti democracy and freedom, and violates basic human rights. But you Libtards defend this barbarism at every turn.

Sharia law incompatible with human rights legislation, Lords say

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