More Bad News for Her Thighness Clinton- More Democrats Want Biden to Run

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
And how do you think the DoD wiped a server that wasn't even in the government's possession??? Was it magic???

A DoD wipe is a software approach to cleaning a hard drive and is mandated by law read about it here National Industrial Security Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now look at what modern companies can do to secure data Cleaning Hard Disks DoD 5220.22-M
Get it now?

If the only thing on that server were personal emails, cat gifs, and non-classified communications ... why did she feel the need to wipe it, wipe it good?


Because it was the personal server of the Secretary of State of the United States and properly cleaning the hard drive is mandated by law.

She broke protocol by having a private, unsecured server in the first place.

Nope. The law wasn't changed until late 2014, well after she was out of office.
And how do you think the DoD wiped a server that wasn't even in the government's possession??? Was it magic???

A DoD wipe is a software approach to cleaning a hard drive and is mandated by law read about it here National Industrial Security Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now look at what modern companies can do to secure data Cleaning Hard Disks DoD 5220.22-M
Get it now?

If the only thing on that server were personal emails, cat gifs, and non-classified communications ... why did she feel the need to wipe it, wipe it good?


Because it was the personal server of the Secretary of State of the United States and properly cleaning the hard drive is mandated by law.
It's also not an acceptable practice to keep it in an unsecure shitter, is it????

Pretty useless point don't you think when the house was protected by Secret Service?

Hillary's email server was run out of an old bathroom closet

Hillary Clinton’s email servers were maintained by a mom-and-pop outfit — run out of an old bathroom closet in a downtown Denver loft, according to a published report on Tuesday.

While Platte River Networks has ties to Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, it wasn’t immediately clearly how the company got hooked up with the former secretary of state and Democratic presidential front-runner, the Daily Mail said.

The company’s work with Clinton was a secret to many of its employees, who were amazed when they learned of it.

“At the time I worked for them they wouldn’t have been equipped to work for Hillary Clinton because I don’t think they had the resources, they were based out of a loft, so [it was] not very high security, we didn’t even have an alarm,” Tera Dadiotis, a former customer relations consultant between 2007 and 2010, told the website.
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
so there's no question in your mind that everything is on the up and up and this is all just another "vast right wing conspiracy" and hillary is as innocent as a new born baby?
..or has the DNC told you operatives to close ranks, toe the party line and tell everyone everything is fine, nothing to worry about we have this all under control, no matter what happens.

reminds me of "baghdad bob"

Baghdad Bob was a piece of work....
Shit blowing up all around him and he was going on about how they were beating back the Infidels.....
His image on TV is there for all humanity to see forever.
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.

In this corner, we have an Presidential candidate who is running based on nothing more than his bad hair and his ability to be an asshole. In that corner, we have a Presidential candidate whose main defense to a criminal probe into mishandling of state secrets is "the evidence has been thoroughly erased so nobody can find anything."

Ladies and gentlemen of the country, I submit to you: We're fucked.

trump knows what he's doing, is an american patriot and has decades of experience and success in a hostile business climate in this country... no matter what you think of his shallow...
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
so there's no question in your mind that everything is on the up and up and this is all just another "vast right wing conspiracy" and hillary is as innocent as a new born baby?
..or has the DNC told you operatives to close ranks, toe the party line and tell everyone everything is fine, nothing to worry about we have this all under control, no matter what happens.

reminds me of "baghdad bob"

I think we are looking at a piling on when it comes to the presumptive Democratic nominee. Let's be honest, the Bush Administration did not produce a single email from the events surrounding the Iraq War not a single one. When Democrats went to Colin Powell about his testimony to the United Nations, he had no email it was all gone, Nothing was available from the office of the then Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice either all her email was gone. So before we take on Hillary could we at least have a disclaimer that double standards are okay in the U.S.A.?
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
And how do you think the DoD wiped a server that wasn't even in the government's possession??? Was it magic???

A DoD wipe is a software approach to cleaning a hard drive and is mandated by law read about it here National Industrial Security Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now look at what modern companies can do to secure data Cleaning Hard Disks DoD 5220.22-M
Get it now?

the enn ess aay, the chi coms and the russians all know exactly what was in those mails...don't pretend the FBI doesn't, whether the server was "wiped" or not...
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
And how do you think the DoD wiped a server that wasn't even in the government's possession??? Was it magic???

A DoD wipe is a software approach to cleaning a hard drive and is mandated by law read about it here National Industrial Security Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now look at what modern companies can do to secure data Cleaning Hard Disks DoD 5220.22-M
Get it now?

If the only thing on that server were personal emails, cat gifs, and non-classified communications ... why did she feel the need to wipe it, wipe it good?


Because it was the personal server of the Secretary of State of the United States and properly cleaning the hard drive is mandated by law.

*Pro Tip*
don't overlook the enn ess aay.....they know.
Let's go back a second here.....
Baghdad Bob.... we are destroying the attacking forces,we will destroy the Infidels....
Obama.... over and over again.... If you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor.If you like your plan you can keep your plan.....

A DoD wipe is a software approach to cleaning a hard drive and is mandated by law read about it here National Industrial Security Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now look at what modern companies can do to secure data Cleaning Hard Disks DoD 5220.22-M
Get it now?

If the only thing on that server were personal emails, cat gifs, and non-classified communications ... why did she feel the need to wipe it, wipe it good?


Because it was the personal server of the Secretary of State of the United States and properly cleaning the hard drive is mandated by law.
It's also not an acceptable practice to keep it in an unsecure shitter, is it????

Pretty useless point don't you think when the house was protected by Secret Service?

Hillary's email server was run out of an old bathroom closet

Hillary Clinton’s email servers were maintained by a mom-and-pop outfit — run out of an old bathroom closet in a downtown Denver loft, according to a published report on Tuesday.

While Platte River Networks has ties to Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, it wasn’t immediately clearly how the company got hooked up with the former secretary of state and Democratic presidential front-runner, the Daily Mail said.

The company’s work with Clinton was a secret to many of its employees, who were amazed when they learned of it.

“At the time I worked for them they wouldn’t have been equipped to work for Hillary Clinton because I don’t think they had the resources, they were based out of a loft, so [it was] not very high security, we didn’t even have an alarm,” Tera Dadiotis, a former customer relations consultant between 2007 and 2010, told the website.
I stand corrected Obiwan, I wasn't aware of that.
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
so there's no question in your mind that everything is on the up and up and this is all just another "vast right wing conspiracy" and hillary is as innocent as a new born baby?
..or has the DNC told you operatives to close ranks, toe the party line and tell everyone everything is fine, nothing to worry about we have this all under control, no matter what happens.

reminds me of "baghdad bob"

I think we are looking at a piling on when it comes to the presumptive Democratic nominee. Let's be honest, the Bush Administration did not produce a single email from the events surrounding the Iraq War not a single one. When Democrats went to Colin Powell about his testimony to the United Nations, he had no email it was all gone, Nothing was available from the office of the then Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice either all her email was gone. So before we take on Hillary could we at least have a disclaimer that double standards are okay in the U.S.A.?

every time you guys get caught doing something shady you always try to deflect and try to change the subject to something in the past.
Here's a clue;
using misconduct in the past as an excuse for misconduct now is about as weak an argument as I've ever heard.
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
And how do you think the DoD wiped a server that wasn't even in the government's possession??? Was it magic???

A DoD wipe is a software approach to cleaning a hard drive and is mandated by law read about it here National Industrial Security Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now look at what modern companies can do to secure data Cleaning Hard Disks DoD 5220.22-M
Get it now?

the enn ess aay, the chi coms and the russians all know exactly what was in those mails...don't pretend the FBI doesn't, whether the server was "wiped" or not...

I think you overstate the capability of the NSA. Yes, they certainly can grab a lot of information no doubt about that, but finding and re-assimilating it is entirely another matter.
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
And how do you think the DoD wiped a server that wasn't even in the government's possession??? Was it magic???

A DoD wipe is a software approach to cleaning a hard drive and is mandated by law read about it here National Industrial Security Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now look at what modern companies can do to secure data Cleaning Hard Disks DoD 5220.22-M
Get it now?

the enn ess aay, the chi coms and the russians all know exactly what was in those mails...don't pretend the FBI doesn't, whether the server was "wiped" or not...

I think you overstate the capability of the NSA. Yes, they certainly can grab a lot of information no doubt about that, but finding and re-assimilating it is entirely another matter.

LMFAO..they already HAD everything...they intercept in real time..who do you think you're kidding?
Whoever sent her an E mail or received one from her is still on those servers.....
So the E mails still live somewhere.
And how do you think the DoD wiped a server that wasn't even in the government's possession??? Was it magic???

A DoD wipe is a software approach to cleaning a hard drive and is mandated by law read about it here National Industrial Security Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now look at what modern companies can do to secure data Cleaning Hard Disks DoD 5220.22-M
Get it now?

If the only thing on that server were personal emails, cat gifs, and non-classified communications ... why did she feel the need to wipe it, wipe it good?


Because it was the personal server of the Secretary of State of the United States and properly cleaning the hard drive is mandated by law.

She broke protocol by having a private, unsecured server in the first place.

Nope. The law wasn't changed until late 2014, well after she was out of office.

It was okay for a SoS to have unsecured communications prior to 2014?

Platte River "is not cleared” to have access to classified material, Cindy McGovern, chief public affairs officer for the Defense Security Service, told The Daily Caller last week.

In any case, Clinton's decision to hire Platte River to secure her private system is facing scrutiny.

"My big issue here is do you want a small firm with little/no government experience or contracting (according to what's being reported) and no stated security expertise to be in charge of the email system for our [former] secretary of state?" cybersecurity expert Alex McGeorge, a senior security researcher at Immunity Inc., told Business Insider over email last week.

"That is fundamentally ridiculous."

Hillary Clinton's private server company was 'mom and pop shop' - Business Insider
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
so there's no question in your mind that everything is on the up and up and this is all just another "vast right wing conspiracy" and hillary is as innocent as a new born baby?
..or has the DNC told you operatives to close ranks, toe the party line and tell everyone everything is fine, nothing to worry about we have this all under control, no matter what happens.

reminds me of "baghdad bob"

I think we are looking at a piling on when it comes to the presumptive Democratic nominee. Let's be honest, the Bush Administration did not produce a single email from the events surrounding the Iraq War not a single one. When Democrats went to Colin Powell about his testimony to the United Nations, he had no email it was all gone, Nothing was available from the office of the then Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice either all her email was gone. So before we take on Hillary could we at least have a disclaimer that double standards are okay in the U.S.A.?

every time you guys get caught doing something shady you always try to deflect and try to change the subject to something in the past.
Here's a clue;
using misconduct in the past as an excuse for misconduct now is about as weak an argument as I've ever heard.

I think hypocrisy in politics is something we all should be concerned about. When its OK for your side and not the other, you are displaying your lack of ethos for all to see. Conducting business on behalf of the people is an important job, Hillary Clinton will have her day and if she has done a criminal act she should pay. it's just too bad your side walks free guilty as hell and you're happy about that.
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
And how do you think the DoD wiped a server that wasn't even in the government's possession??? Was it magic???

A DoD wipe is a software approach to cleaning a hard drive and is mandated by law read about it here National Industrial Security Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now look at what modern companies can do to secure data Cleaning Hard Disks DoD 5220.22-M
Get it now?

the enn ess aay, the chi coms and the russians all know exactly what was in those mails...don't pretend the FBI doesn't, whether the server was "wiped" or not...

I think you overstate the capability of the NSA. Yes, they certainly can grab a lot of information no doubt about that, but finding and re-assimilating it is entirely another matter.

But it's apparent that Hillary wasn't dealing with a top-of-the-line company. As a matter of fact, nobody there even had a security clearance, and they weren't even approved to do business with the government. I would say there is ample reason to suspect that they may not have been up to snuff on DoD standards, certainly not to the extent needed to foil the FBI.
Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
And how do you think the DoD wiped a server that wasn't even in the government's possession??? Was it magic???

A DoD wipe is a software approach to cleaning a hard drive and is mandated by law read about it here National Industrial Security Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now look at what modern companies can do to secure data Cleaning Hard Disks DoD 5220.22-M
Get it now?

the enn ess aay, the chi coms and the russians all know exactly what was in those mails...don't pretend the FBI doesn't, whether the server was "wiped" or not...

I think you overstate the capability of the NSA. Yes, they certainly can grab a lot of information no doubt about that, but finding and re-assimilating it is entirely another matter.

But it's apparent that Hillary wasn't dealing with a top-of-the-line company. As a matter of fact, nobody there even had a security clearance, and they weren't even approved to do business with the government. I would say there is ample reason to suspect that they may not have been up to snuff on DoD standards, certainly not to the extent needed to foil the FBI.

We'll certainly see about that.
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.

In this corner, we have an Presidential candidate who is running based on nothing more than his bad hair and his ability to be an asshole. In that corner, we have a Presidential candidate whose main defense to a criminal probe into mishandling of state secrets is "the evidence has been thoroughly erased so nobody can find anything."

Ladies and gentlemen of the country, I submit to you: We're fucked.

trump knows what he's doing, is an american patriot and has decades of experience and success in a hostile business climate in this country... no matter what you think of his shallow...

Too funny. A hostile business climate in a country where all the gains have gone to those who have Trump's wealth.
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
so there's no question in your mind that everything is on the up and up and this is all just another "vast right wing conspiracy" and hillary is as innocent as a new born baby?
..or has the DNC told you operatives to close ranks, toe the party line and tell everyone everything is fine, nothing to worry about we have this all under control, no matter what happens.

reminds me of "baghdad bob"

I think we are looking at a piling on when it comes to the presumptive Democratic nominee. Let's be honest, the Bush Administration did not produce a single email from the events surrounding the Iraq War not a single one. When Democrats went to Colin Powell about his testimony to the United Nations, he had no email it was all gone, Nothing was available from the office of the then Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice either all her email was gone. So before we take on Hillary could we at least have a disclaimer that double standards are okay in the U.S.A.?

every time you guys get caught doing something shady you always try to deflect and try to change the subject to something in the past.
Here's a clue;
using misconduct in the past as an excuse for misconduct now is about as weak an argument as I've ever heard.

I think hypocrisy in politics is something we all should be concerned about. When its OK for your side and not the other, you are displaying your lack of ethos for all to see. Conducting business on behalf of the people is an important job, Hillary Clinton will have her day and if she has done a criminal act she should pay. it's just too bad your side walks free guilty as hell and you're happy about that.

YOU use misconduct from the past as an excuse for misconduct now...THAT is hypocrisy...and now you try to turn it around as if I said that.
you can save all those "your side" snide references..I hated bush

you assuredly ARE a DNC operative spreading disinformation and trying to sow uncertainty and confusion.
'Nothing to Worry About': Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan

Clinton's campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI. But two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation told NBC News on Tuesday that the bureau may be able to recover at least some data.

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.

In this corner, we have an Presidential candidate who is running based on nothing more than his bad hair and his ability to be an asshole. In that corner, we have a Presidential candidate whose main defense to a criminal probe into mishandling of state secrets is "the evidence has been thoroughly erased so nobody can find anything."

Ladies and gentlemen of the country, I submit to you: We're fucked.

trump knows what he's doing, is an american patriot and has decades of experience and success in a hostile business climate in this country... no matter what you think of his shallow...

Too funny. A hostile business climate in a country where all the gains have gone to those who have Trump's wealth.

you are clueless..go see how many companies have moved out of the u.s taking jobs from americans...nabisco, ford and gm right off the top of my head.

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