More Bad News for Her Thighness Clinton- More Democrats Want Biden to Run

Sure they will say that but a DoD wipe is pretty effective, I do not believe they will find anything.
so there's no question in your mind that everything is on the up and up and this is all just another "vast right wing conspiracy" and hillary is as innocent as a new born baby?
..or has the DNC told you operatives to close ranks, toe the party line and tell everyone everything is fine, nothing to worry about we have this all under control, no matter what happens.

reminds me of "baghdad bob"

I think we are looking at a piling on when it comes to the presumptive Democratic nominee. Let's be honest, the Bush Administration did not produce a single email from the events surrounding the Iraq War not a single one. When Democrats went to Colin Powell about his testimony to the United Nations, he had no email it was all gone, Nothing was available from the office of the then Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice either all her email was gone. So before we take on Hillary could we at least have a disclaimer that double standards are okay in the U.S.A.?

every time you guys get caught doing something shady you always try to deflect and try to change the subject to something in the past.
Here's a clue;
using misconduct in the past as an excuse for misconduct now is about as weak an argument as I've ever heard.

I think hypocrisy in politics is something we all should be concerned about. When its OK for your side and not the other, you are displaying your lack of ethos for all to see. Conducting business on behalf of the people is an important job, Hillary Clinton will have her day and if she has done a criminal act she should pay. it's just too bad your side walks free guilty as hell and you're happy about that.

YOU use misconduct from the past as an excuse for misconduct now...THAT is hypocrisy...and now you try to turn it around as if I said that.
you can save all those "your side" snide references..I hated bush

you assuredly ARE a DNC operative spreading disinformation and trying to sow uncertainty and confusion.

Who is excusing misconduct now? Not me! I said specifically that if she is guilty of a criminal act she should pay. It is YOU who is ignoring the past while indicting a current member of the opposite side. Hypocrite, get comfortable being called that.

That operative crap is just showing me that you're a fruitcake.
so there's no question in your mind that everything is on the up and up and this is all just another "vast right wing conspiracy" and hillary is as innocent as a new born baby?
..or has the DNC told you operatives to close ranks, toe the party line and tell everyone everything is fine, nothing to worry about we have this all under control, no matter what happens.

reminds me of "baghdad bob"

I think we are looking at a piling on when it comes to the presumptive Democratic nominee. Let's be honest, the Bush Administration did not produce a single email from the events surrounding the Iraq War not a single one. When Democrats went to Colin Powell about his testimony to the United Nations, he had no email it was all gone, Nothing was available from the office of the then Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice either all her email was gone. So before we take on Hillary could we at least have a disclaimer that double standards are okay in the U.S.A.?

every time you guys get caught doing something shady you always try to deflect and try to change the subject to something in the past.
Here's a clue;
using misconduct in the past as an excuse for misconduct now is about as weak an argument as I've ever heard.

I think hypocrisy in politics is something we all should be concerned about. When its OK for your side and not the other, you are displaying your lack of ethos for all to see. Conducting business on behalf of the people is an important job, Hillary Clinton will have her day and if she has done a criminal act she should pay. it's just too bad your side walks free guilty as hell and you're happy about that.

YOU use misconduct from the past as an excuse for misconduct now...THAT is hypocrisy...and now you try to turn it around as if I said that.
you can save all those "your side" snide references..I hated bush

you assuredly ARE a DNC operative spreading disinformation and trying to sow uncertainty and confusion.

Who is excusing misconduct now? Not me! I said specifically that if she is guilty of a criminal act she should pay. It is YOU who is ignoring the past while indicting a current member of the opposite side. Hypocrite, get comfortable being called that.
you are the one who brought up misconduct in the past as an excuse...people who read this know the score...all your backpedaling and semantic distortion doesn't cover that up.

That operative crap is just showing me that you're a fruitcake.

a WWII bomber pilot said something like.."when you start catching flak, you know you're near the target".
It appears I'm on target.
I think we are looking at a piling on when it comes to the presumptive Democratic nominee. Let's be honest, the Bush Administration did not produce a single email from the events surrounding the Iraq War not a single one. When Democrats went to Colin Powell about his testimony to the United Nations, he had no email it was all gone, Nothing was available from the office of the then Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice either all her email was gone. So before we take on Hillary could we at least have a disclaimer that double standards are okay in the U.S.A.?

every time you guys get caught doing something shady you always try to deflect and try to change the subject to something in the past.
Here's a clue;
using misconduct in the past as an excuse for misconduct now is about as weak an argument as I've ever heard.

I think hypocrisy in politics is something we all should be concerned about. When its OK for your side and not the other, you are displaying your lack of ethos for all to see. Conducting business on behalf of the people is an important job, Hillary Clinton will have her day and if she has done a criminal act she should pay. it's just too bad your side walks free guilty as hell and you're happy about that.

YOU use misconduct from the past as an excuse for misconduct now...THAT is hypocrisy...and now you try to turn it around as if I said that.
you can save all those "your side" snide references..I hated bush

you assuredly ARE a DNC operative spreading disinformation and trying to sow uncertainty and confusion.

Who is excusing misconduct now? Not me! I said specifically that if she is guilty of a criminal act she should pay. It is YOU who is ignoring the past while indicting a current member of the opposite side. Hypocrite, get comfortable being called that.
you are the one who brought up misconduct in the past as an excuse...people who read this know the score...all your backpedaling and semantic distortion doesn't cover that up.

That operative crap is just showing me that you're a fruitcake.

a WWII bomber pilot said something like.."when you start catching flak, you know you're near the target".
It appears I'm on target.

No, you're a major fruitcake, no mistake about that. I brought up past misconduct as evidence of a double standard that Republicans are comfortable with. All the babble you just regurgitated all over yourself is drool.
every time you guys get caught doing something shady you always try to deflect and try to change the subject to something in the past.
Here's a clue;
using misconduct in the past as an excuse for misconduct now is about as weak an argument as I've ever heard.

I think hypocrisy in politics is something we all should be concerned about. When its OK for your side and not the other, you are displaying your lack of ethos for all to see. Conducting business on behalf of the people is an important job, Hillary Clinton will have her day and if she has done a criminal act she should pay. it's just too bad your side walks free guilty as hell and you're happy about that.

YOU use misconduct from the past as an excuse for misconduct now...THAT is hypocrisy...and now you try to turn it around as if I said that.
you can save all those "your side" snide references..I hated bush

you assuredly ARE a DNC operative spreading disinformation and trying to sow uncertainty and confusion.

Who is excusing misconduct now? Not me! I said specifically that if she is guilty of a criminal act she should pay. It is YOU who is ignoring the past while indicting a current member of the opposite side. Hypocrite, get comfortable being called that.
you are the one who brought up misconduct in the past as an excuse...people who read this know the score...all your backpedaling and semantic distortion doesn't cover that up.

That operative crap is just showing me that you're a fruitcake.

a WWII bomber pilot said something like.."when you start catching flak, you know you're near the target".
It appears I'm on target.

No, you're a major fruitcake, no mistake about that. I brought up past misconduct as evidence of a double standard that Republicans are comfortable with. All the babble you just regurgitated all over yourself is drool.

there is no double tried to use the juvenile excuse "they did it first" and when you got hoisted on your own petard you started trying to turn it around and pretend I said it..You aren't fooling anyone...
I think hypocrisy in politics is something we all should be concerned about. When its OK for your side and not the other, you are displaying your lack of ethos for all to see. Conducting business on behalf of the people is an important job, Hillary Clinton will have her day and if she has done a criminal act she should pay. it's just too bad your side walks free guilty as hell and you're happy about that.

YOU use misconduct from the past as an excuse for misconduct now...THAT is hypocrisy...and now you try to turn it around as if I said that.
you can save all those "your side" snide references..I hated bush

you assuredly ARE a DNC operative spreading disinformation and trying to sow uncertainty and confusion.

Who is excusing misconduct now? Not me! I said specifically that if she is guilty of a criminal act she should pay. It is YOU who is ignoring the past while indicting a current member of the opposite side. Hypocrite, get comfortable being called that.
you are the one who brought up misconduct in the past as an excuse...people who read this know the score...all your backpedaling and semantic distortion doesn't cover that up.

That operative crap is just showing me that you're a fruitcake.

a WWII bomber pilot said something like.."when you start catching flak, you know you're near the target".
It appears I'm on target.

No, you're a major fruitcake, no mistake about that. I brought up past misconduct as evidence of a double standard that Republicans are comfortable with. All the babble you just regurgitated all over yourself is drool.

there is no double tried to use the juvenile excuse "they did it first" and when you got hoisted on your own petard you started trying to turn it around and pretend I said it..You aren't fooling anyone...

No for the third time. A double standard existed or we would have email to examine. We didn't and investigations were incomplete. Now, you are balls up for a possible prosecution but remain clueless how you got away with your own investigation. You're a hypocrite pure and simple.
YOU use misconduct from the past as an excuse for misconduct now...THAT is hypocrisy...and now you try to turn it around as if I said that.
you can save all those "your side" snide references..I hated bush

you assuredly ARE a DNC operative spreading disinformation and trying to sow uncertainty and confusion.

Who is excusing misconduct now? Not me! I said specifically that if she is guilty of a criminal act she should pay. It is YOU who is ignoring the past while indicting a current member of the opposite side. Hypocrite, get comfortable being called that.
you are the one who brought up misconduct in the past as an excuse...people who read this know the score...all your backpedaling and semantic distortion doesn't cover that up.

That operative crap is just showing me that you're a fruitcake.

a WWII bomber pilot said something like.."when you start catching flak, you know you're near the target".
It appears I'm on target.

No, you're a major fruitcake, no mistake about that. I brought up past misconduct as evidence of a double standard that Republicans are comfortable with. All the babble you just regurgitated all over yourself is drool.

there is no double tried to use the juvenile excuse "they did it first" and when you got hoisted on your own petard you started trying to turn it around and pretend I said it..You aren't fooling anyone...

No for the third time. A double standard existed or we would have email to examine. We didn't and investigations were incomplete. Now, you are balls up for a possible prosecution but remain clueless how you got away with your own investigation. You're a hypocrite pure and simple.
The fact is, there were investigations, and no clear evidence of misconduct was turned up.

Now an investigation into the Democrats' leading candidate is turning up information which could very well land her in prison

It's time to stop the deflections and face the facts.
Who is excusing misconduct now? Not me! I said specifically that if she is guilty of a criminal act she should pay. It is YOU who is ignoring the past while indicting a current member of the opposite side. Hypocrite, get comfortable being called that.
you are the one who brought up misconduct in the past as an excuse...people who read this know the score...all your backpedaling and semantic distortion doesn't cover that up.

That operative crap is just showing me that you're a fruitcake.

a WWII bomber pilot said something like.."when you start catching flak, you know you're near the target".
It appears I'm on target.

No, you're a major fruitcake, no mistake about that. I brought up past misconduct as evidence of a double standard that Republicans are comfortable with. All the babble you just regurgitated all over yourself is drool.

there is no double tried to use the juvenile excuse "they did it first" and when you got hoisted on your own petard you started trying to turn it around and pretend I said it..You aren't fooling anyone...

No for the third time. A double standard existed or we would have email to examine. We didn't and investigations were incomplete. Now, you are balls up for a possible prosecution but remain clueless how you got away with your own investigation. You're a hypocrite pure and simple.
The fact is, there were investigations, and no clear evidence of misconduct was turned up.

Now an investigation into the Democrats' leading candidate is turning up information which could very well land her in prison

It's time to stop the deflections and face the facts.

I haven't seen her even indicted yet. You're innocent until proven guilty in this country, can we at least wait until it gets to a court?
YOU use misconduct from the past as an excuse for misconduct now...THAT is hypocrisy...and now you try to turn it around as if I said that.
you can save all those "your side" snide references..I hated bush

you assuredly ARE a DNC operative spreading disinformation and trying to sow uncertainty and confusion.

Who is excusing misconduct now? Not me! I said specifically that if she is guilty of a criminal act she should pay. It is YOU who is ignoring the past while indicting a current member of the opposite side. Hypocrite, get comfortable being called that.
you are the one who brought up misconduct in the past as an excuse...people who read this know the score...all your backpedaling and semantic distortion doesn't cover that up.

That operative crap is just showing me that you're a fruitcake.

a WWII bomber pilot said something like.."when you start catching flak, you know you're near the target".
It appears I'm on target.

No, you're a major fruitcake, no mistake about that. I brought up past misconduct as evidence of a double standard that Republicans are comfortable with. All the babble you just regurgitated all over yourself is drool.

there is no double tried to use the juvenile excuse "they did it first" and when you got hoisted on your own petard you started trying to turn it around and pretend I said it..You aren't fooling anyone...

No for the third time. A double standard existed or we would have email to examine. We didn't and investigations were incomplete. Now, you are balls up for a possible prosecution but remain clueless how you got away with your own investigation. You're a hypocrite pure and simple.

I'm against criminal behavior..
You are trying (awkwardly and unsuccessfully) to sow disinformation...and you keep saying "you got away with your own investigation", trying to link me with supporting one is fooled by your semantic distortion.
you are the one who brought up misconduct in the past as an excuse...people who read this know the score...all your backpedaling and semantic distortion doesn't cover that up.

a WWII bomber pilot said something like.."when you start catching flak, you know you're near the target".
It appears I'm on target.

No, you're a major fruitcake, no mistake about that. I brought up past misconduct as evidence of a double standard that Republicans are comfortable with. All the babble you just regurgitated all over yourself is drool.

there is no double tried to use the juvenile excuse "they did it first" and when you got hoisted on your own petard you started trying to turn it around and pretend I said it..You aren't fooling anyone...

No for the third time. A double standard existed or we would have email to examine. We didn't and investigations were incomplete. Now, you are balls up for a possible prosecution but remain clueless how you got away with your own investigation. You're a hypocrite pure and simple.
The fact is, there were investigations, and no clear evidence of misconduct was turned up.

Now an investigation into the Democrats' leading candidate is turning up information which could very well land her in prison

It's time to stop the deflections and face the facts.

I haven't seen her even indicted yet. You're innocent until proven guilty in this country, can we at least wait until it gets to a court?

were powell or rice indicted?
Why are you RWnuts so eager to get Biden the nomination? A Biden/O'Malley ticket is unbeatable. and then you get Elizabeth Warren at Treasury or Labor.

Happy now?
Who is excusing misconduct now? Not me! I said specifically that if she is guilty of a criminal act she should pay. It is YOU who is ignoring the past while indicting a current member of the opposite side. Hypocrite, get comfortable being called that.
you are the one who brought up misconduct in the past as an excuse...people who read this know the score...all your backpedaling and semantic distortion doesn't cover that up.

That operative crap is just showing me that you're a fruitcake.

a WWII bomber pilot said something like.."when you start catching flak, you know you're near the target".
It appears I'm on target.

No, you're a major fruitcake, no mistake about that. I brought up past misconduct as evidence of a double standard that Republicans are comfortable with. All the babble you just regurgitated all over yourself is drool.

there is no double tried to use the juvenile excuse "they did it first" and when you got hoisted on your own petard you started trying to turn it around and pretend I said it..You aren't fooling anyone...

No for the third time. A double standard existed or we would have email to examine. We didn't and investigations were incomplete. Now, you are balls up for a possible prosecution but remain clueless how you got away with your own investigation. You're a hypocrite pure and simple.

I'm against criminal behavior..
You are trying (awkwardly and unsuccessfully) to sow disinformation...and you keep saying "you got away with your own investigation", trying to link me with supporting one is fooled by your semantic distortion.

Well excuse me, but you are not against criminal behavior, you seem just fine with it when its on your side of the fence and since you never condemned it in any way I'll take that as proof of your belief.
No, you're a major fruitcake, no mistake about that. I brought up past misconduct as evidence of a double standard that Republicans are comfortable with. All the babble you just regurgitated all over yourself is drool.

there is no double tried to use the juvenile excuse "they did it first" and when you got hoisted on your own petard you started trying to turn it around and pretend I said it..You aren't fooling anyone...

No for the third time. A double standard existed or we would have email to examine. We didn't and investigations were incomplete. Now, you are balls up for a possible prosecution but remain clueless how you got away with your own investigation. You're a hypocrite pure and simple.
The fact is, there were investigations, and no clear evidence of misconduct was turned up.

Now an investigation into the Democrats' leading candidate is turning up information which could very well land her in prison

It's time to stop the deflections and face the facts.

I haven't seen her even indicted yet. You're innocent until proven guilty in this country, can we at least wait until it gets to a court?

were powell or rice indicted?

No, they destroyed their email and a case could not be made.
you are the one who brought up misconduct in the past as an excuse...people who read this know the score...all your backpedaling and semantic distortion doesn't cover that up.

a WWII bomber pilot said something like.."when you start catching flak, you know you're near the target".
It appears I'm on target.

No, you're a major fruitcake, no mistake about that. I brought up past misconduct as evidence of a double standard that Republicans are comfortable with. All the babble you just regurgitated all over yourself is drool.

there is no double tried to use the juvenile excuse "they did it first" and when you got hoisted on your own petard you started trying to turn it around and pretend I said it..You aren't fooling anyone...

No for the third time. A double standard existed or we would have email to examine. We didn't and investigations were incomplete. Now, you are balls up for a possible prosecution but remain clueless how you got away with your own investigation. You're a hypocrite pure and simple.

I'm against criminal behavior..
You are trying (awkwardly and unsuccessfully) to sow disinformation...and you keep saying "you got away with your own investigation", trying to link me with supporting one is fooled by your semantic distortion.

Well excuse me, but you are not against criminal behavior, you seem just fine with it when its on your side of the fence and since you never condemned it in any way I'll take that as proof of your belief.

There's part of your're so wrapped up in protecting your favorite politicians and maintaining the "us vs. them" dynamic that you have tunnel vision.
I don't have a side of the fence. I want all corruption punished. Read that as many times as it takes until it sinks in.

Some people are democrats...some people are republicans ...and some people put america ahead of ANY you mature hopefully you'll eventually reach that same place.

What happens when Gowdy Doody comes up empty handed again? She will bounce right back and no one will believe anything else coming from the right.

Empty handed? If you haven't noticed, the FBI has taken possession of her server. Do you even know the deep shit you'd be in if the FBI confiscated your computer?
The FBI cannot reconstruct evidence from nothing, it just isn't possible. A DoD wipe makes recovery impossible, but I understand they have to try.

Your boy Obama is doing Hillary dirty like he did Jack Ryan
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there is no double tried to use the juvenile excuse "they did it first" and when you got hoisted on your own petard you started trying to turn it around and pretend I said it..You aren't fooling anyone...

No for the third time. A double standard existed or we would have email to examine. We didn't and investigations were incomplete. Now, you are balls up for a possible prosecution but remain clueless how you got away with your own investigation. You're a hypocrite pure and simple.
The fact is, there were investigations, and no clear evidence of misconduct was turned up.

Now an investigation into the Democrats' leading candidate is turning up information which could very well land her in prison

It's time to stop the deflections and face the facts.

I haven't seen her even indicted yet. You're innocent until proven guilty in this country, can we at least wait until it gets to a court?

were powell or rice indicted?

No, they destroyed their email and a case could not be made.

in other words there was no evidence...
Well, if there's no evidence here she will be exonerated. If she lied and gets caught straight to prison...That's how it works.
You've been RABIDLY defending her all day while making excuses "they did it too"...your blind "loyalty" gives you away as a DNC operative.

What happens when Gowdy Doody comes up empty handed again? She will bounce right back and no one will believe anything else coming from the right.

Empty handed? If you haven't noticed, the FBI has taken possession of her server. Do you even know the deep shit you'd be in if the FBI confiscated your computer?
The FBI cannot reconstruct evidence from nothing, it just isn't possible. A DoD wipe makes recovery impossible, but I understand they have to try.

You boy Obama is doing Hillary dirty like he did Jack Ryan
didn't think anyone remembered THAT little "episode"..was talking to my wife about it the other day..said the same one remembers just how dirty obama is
No, you're a major fruitcake, no mistake about that. I brought up past misconduct as evidence of a double standard that Republicans are comfortable with. All the babble you just regurgitated all over yourself is drool.

there is no double tried to use the juvenile excuse "they did it first" and when you got hoisted on your own petard you started trying to turn it around and pretend I said it..You aren't fooling anyone...

No for the third time. A double standard existed or we would have email to examine. We didn't and investigations were incomplete. Now, you are balls up for a possible prosecution but remain clueless how you got away with your own investigation. You're a hypocrite pure and simple.

I'm against criminal behavior..
You are trying (awkwardly and unsuccessfully) to sow disinformation...and you keep saying "you got away with your own investigation", trying to link me with supporting one is fooled by your semantic distortion.

Well excuse me, but you are not against criminal behavior, you seem just fine with it when its on your side of the fence and since you never condemned it in any way I'll take that as proof of your belief.

There's part of your're so wrapped up in protecting your favorite politicians and maintaining the "us vs. them" dynamic that you have tunnel vision.
I don't have a side of the fence. I want all corruption punished. Read that as many times as it takes until it sinks in.

Some people are democrats...some people are republicans ...and some people put america ahead of ANY you mature hopefully you'll eventually reach that same place.

Wrong again. I'm not protecting anyone I've already made that clear. As I stated before, you are Okay with the corruption on your side and after our fourth discussion about this you still haven't condemned those action and that's because you are good with it.
No for the third time. A double standard existed or we would have email to examine. We didn't and investigations were incomplete. Now, you are balls up for a possible prosecution but remain clueless how you got away with your own investigation. You're a hypocrite pure and simple.
The fact is, there were investigations, and no clear evidence of misconduct was turned up.

Now an investigation into the Democrats' leading candidate is turning up information which could very well land her in prison

It's time to stop the deflections and face the facts.

I haven't seen her even indicted yet. You're innocent until proven guilty in this country, can we at least wait until it gets to a court?

were powell or rice indicted?

No, they destroyed their email and a case could not be made.

in other words there was no evidence...
Well, if there's no evidence here she will be exonerated. If she lied and gets caught straight to prison...That's how it works.
You've been RABIDLY defending her all day while making excuses "they did it too"...your blind "loyalty" gives you away as a DNC operative.

Our system of jurisprudence makes the allowance for a hearty defense, but we don't even have an indictment yet and you're ready for the lynching. I know who the partisans are, they're the ones that can't wait for justice to be examined and tested they want it now. I am not even a Hillary supporter and will not vote for her in a primary. I will support the nominee and if that is her she will receive my vote.
there is no double tried to use the juvenile excuse "they did it first" and when you got hoisted on your own petard you started trying to turn it around and pretend I said it..You aren't fooling anyone...

No for the third time. A double standard existed or we would have email to examine. We didn't and investigations were incomplete. Now, you are balls up for a possible prosecution but remain clueless how you got away with your own investigation. You're a hypocrite pure and simple.

I'm against criminal behavior..
You are trying (awkwardly and unsuccessfully) to sow disinformation...and you keep saying "you got away with your own investigation", trying to link me with supporting one is fooled by your semantic distortion.

Well excuse me, but you are not against criminal behavior, you seem just fine with it when its on your side of the fence and since you never condemned it in any way I'll take that as proof of your belief.

There's part of your're so wrapped up in protecting your favorite politicians and maintaining the "us vs. them" dynamic that you have tunnel vision.
I don't have a side of the fence. I want all corruption punished. Read that as many times as it takes until it sinks in.

Some people are democrats...some people are republicans ...and some people put america ahead of ANY you mature hopefully you'll eventually reach that same place.

Wrong again. I'm not protecting anyone I've already made that clear. As I stated before, you are Okay with the corruption on your side and after our fourth discussion about this you still haven't condemned those action and that's because you are good with it.

as I've said several times already, operative, I'm against all political corruption, yet you keep going back to that like a dog to it's own vomit trying to disparage've been shut down each time...

Unlike you, I put america ahead of any party.

What happens when Gowdy Doody comes up empty handed again? She will bounce right back and no one will believe anything else coming from the right.

Empty handed? If you haven't noticed, the FBI has taken possession of her server. Do you even know the deep shit you'd be in if the FBI confiscated your computer?
The FBI cannot reconstruct evidence from nothing, it just isn't possible. A DoD wipe makes recovery impossible, but I understand they have to try.
So, why did she have it wiped clean? Doesn't that make you think that she is hiding something.? What is the question.

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