More Bad News for Her Thighness Clinton- More Democrats Want Biden to Run

A DoD wipe is a software approach to cleaning a hard drive and is mandated by law read about it here National Industrial Security Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now look at what modern companies can do to secure data Cleaning Hard Disks DoD 5220.22-M
Get it now?

If the only thing on that server were personal emails, cat gifs, and non-classified communications ... why did she feel the need to wipe it, wipe it good?


Because it was the personal server of the Secretary of State of the United States and properly cleaning the hard drive is mandated by law.

DoD Media Sanitization | Standards & Guidelines
That is Department of Defense. Same procedure as State?

DoD 5220.22-M was never approved by the Department of Defense for civilian media sanitization, and even more importantly, the DoD never intended for it to be a standard for classified data. The DoD is not in the business of certifying data destruction standards and has no mechanism for policing any given company's procedures. For its own classified data, the DoD requires a combination of wiping, degaussing and/or physical destruction.

--DoD Media Sanitation

I don't know to be honest the NSA has there own manual as well
I am no fan of Republican lite.

You do realize you sound like just as much of an idiot as the wing nuts on the right who cry like little bitches about Rubio and Jeb Bush being "Rinos," right? Clinton is not "Republican lite." She's not even the servant bitch who turns on Republicans' lights. Clinton is pure Democrat, through and through.
If the only thing on that server were personal emails, cat gifs, and non-classified communications ... why did she feel the need to wipe it, wipe it good?


Because it was the personal server of the Secretary of State of the United States and properly cleaning the hard drive is mandated by law.

DoD Media Sanitization | Standards & Guidelines
That is Department of Defense. Same procedure as State?

DoD 5220.22-M was never approved by the Department of Defense for civilian media sanitization, and even more importantly, the DoD never intended for it to be a standard for classified data. The DoD is not in the business of certifying data destruction standards and has no mechanism for policing any given company's procedures. For its own classified data, the DoD requires a combination of wiping, degaussing and/or physical destruction.

--DoD Media Sanitation

I don't know to be honest the NSA has there own manual as well
So we see different departments have their own rules for disposing of cyber material. Do you think any of them recommended as personal server and using Platte for wiping their server clean?
I am no fan of Republican lite.

You do realize you sound like just as much of an idiot as the wing nuts on the right who cry like little bitches about Rubio and Jeb Bush being "Rinos," right? Clinton is not "Republican lite." She's not even the servant bitch who turns on Republicans' lights. Clinton is pure Democrat, through and through.
Oh, I don't know. I think for a price, she would turn into a GOP member.
And how do you think the DoD wiped a server that wasn't even in the government's possession??? Was it magic???

A DoD wipe is a software approach to cleaning a hard drive and is mandated by law read about it here National Industrial Security Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now look at what modern companies can do to secure data Cleaning Hard Disks DoD 5220.22-M
Get it now?

If the only thing on that server were personal emails, cat gifs, and non-classified communications ... why did she feel the need to wipe it, wipe it good?


Because it was the personal server of the Secretary of State of the United States and properly cleaning the hard drive is mandated by law.

DoD Media Sanitization | Standards & Guidelines

The link doesn't have anything to do with what you said...but it doesn't matter anyway..the enn ess aay has it all and they got it in real time.No need to "recover" anything.
I am no fan of Republican lite.

You do realize you sound like just as much of an idiot as the wing nuts on the right who cry like little bitches about Rubio and Jeb Bush being "Rinos," right? Clinton is not "Republican lite." She's not even the servant bitch who turns on Republicans' lights. Clinton is pure Democrat, through and through.

I don't care what your opinion of Hillary Clinton is, I'm the one voting and she will not get my vote in any primary. Hillary is in bed with K Street, she is a hawk and will put boots on the ground wherever needed and wants to expand the military, she's a chief advocate for TPP, she is against relaxing marijuana laws which could reduce the size of our prisons, she opposes any gun restrictions, likes privatization of schools, there are dozens of other reasons to not vote for her and I believe we could put forth a better choice for a nominee.[/QUOTE]
Because it was the personal server of the Secretary of State of the United States and properly cleaning the hard drive is mandated by law.

DoD Media Sanitization | Standards & Guidelines
That is Department of Defense. Same procedure as State?

DoD 5220.22-M was never approved by the Department of Defense for civilian media sanitization, and even more importantly, the DoD never intended for it to be a standard for classified data. The DoD is not in the business of certifying data destruction standards and has no mechanism for policing any given company's procedures. For its own classified data, the DoD requires a combination of wiping, degaussing and/or physical destruction.

--DoD Media Sanitation

I don't know to be honest the NSA has there own manual as well
So we see different departments have their own rules for disposing of cyber material. Do you think any of them recommended as personal server and using Platte for wiping their server clean?

No idea, personal servers were allowed so was the use of Platte, who's fault is that?
There's part of your're so wrapped up in protecting your favorite politicians and maintaining the "us vs. them" dynamic that you have tunnel vision.
I don't have a side of the fence. I want all corruption punished. Read that as many times as it takes until it sinks in.

Some people are democrats...some people are republicans ...and some people put america ahead of ANY you mature hopefully you'll eventually reach that same place.

Wrong again. I'm not protecting anyone I've already made that clear. As I stated before, you are Okay with the corruption on your side and after our fourth discussion about this you still haven't condemned those action and that's because you are good with it.

as I've said several times already, operative, I'm against all political corruption, yet you keep going back to that like a dog to it's own vomit trying to disparage've been shut down each time...

Unlike you, I put america ahead of any party.

I don't think there is an answer for your lunatic babbling except for a shrink.

keep dodging...good entertainment watching you twist an writhe... no one is fooled, though. :popcorn:

Just another example of self-absorbed juvenile behavior right there, maybe someday you'll be grown up enough to talk about it like an adult.

I'm grievously wounded.
That is Department of Defense. Same procedure as State?

DoD 5220.22-M was never approved by the Department of Defense for civilian media sanitization, and even more importantly, the DoD never intended for it to be a standard for classified data. The DoD is not in the business of certifying data destruction standards and has no mechanism for policing any given company's procedures. For its own classified data, the DoD requires a combination of wiping, degaussing and/or physical destruction.

--DoD Media Sanitation

I don't know to be honest the NSA has there own manual as well
So we see different departments have their own rules for disposing of cyber material. Do you think any of them recommended as personal server and using Platte for wiping their server clean?

No idea, personal servers were allowed so was the use of Platte, who's fault is that?
No one else in the administration used a personal server. THEY had nothing to hide.

The original mistake -- deciding to conduct official government business through a private email account for the sake, you say, of convenience -- can't be undone. But you ought to stop -- now! -- with the unconvincing claim that you did nothing different from your predecessors as secretary of state.

The relevant universe of predecessors during the era of email is precisely two. Condoleezza Rice rarely used email but employed a government account when she did.

The more reasonable question is: What did other Cabinet secretaries inthisadministration do? No others, to my knowledge, relied solely or even primarily on a private address.

By the way, even if relying solely on private email was not against explicit rules at the time, you still were supposed to make your correspondence available promptly for archiving and FOIA requests -- not when you turned them over, in response to an inquiry from the State Department, two years after departing.
Stop Digging the Hole, Secretary Clinton
That is Department of Defense. Same procedure as State?

DoD 5220.22-M was never approved by the Department of Defense for civilian media sanitization, and even more importantly, the DoD never intended for it to be a standard for classified data. The DoD is not in the business of certifying data destruction standards and has no mechanism for policing any given company's procedures. For its own classified data, the DoD requires a combination of wiping, degaussing and/or physical destruction.

--DoD Media Sanitation

I don't know to be honest the NSA has there own manual as well
So we see different departments have their own rules for disposing of cyber material. Do you think any of them recommended as personal server and using Platte for wiping their server clean?

No idea, personal servers were allowed so was the use of Platte, who's fault is that?
No one else in the administration used a personal server. THEY had nothing to hide.

High-Ranking Federal Officials' History of Using Personal Email for Government Business
That is Department of Defense. Same procedure as State?

DoD 5220.22-M was never approved by the Department of Defense for civilian media sanitization, and even more importantly, the DoD never intended for it to be a standard for classified data. The DoD is not in the business of certifying data destruction standards and has no mechanism for policing any given company's procedures. For its own classified data, the DoD requires a combination of wiping, degaussing and/or physical destruction.

--DoD Media Sanitation

I don't know to be honest the NSA has there own manual as well
So we see different departments have their own rules for disposing of cyber material. Do you think any of them recommended as personal server and using Platte for wiping their server clean?

No idea, personal servers were allowed so was the use of Platte, who's fault is that?
No one else in the administration used a personal server. THEY had nothing to hide.

High-Ranking Federal Officials' History of Using Personal Email for Government Business
Aren't you proud? Hilary finally got in the top 6% of something.
Another day with more news



Allies fault Hillary Clinton’s response on email controversy

With Hillary Clinton facing a new round of questions about her email use when she was secretary of state, some of her longtime allies are increasingly worried she’s falling back on her tendency to mount a legalistic defense — something that encourages perceptions she has something to hide.

A key concern, Politico writes, is whether top campaign operatives new to Clinton’s orbit have enough influence in crafting her response to the email controversy. Others, meanwhile, have expressed dismay at how testy the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination appears when answering questions from the press about her email. A news conference in Las Vegas on Tuesday got heated when Clinton was grilled about whether she had tried to wipe her email server. “I don’t know, I have no idea,” she said. “Like with a cloth or something?”

Allies fault Hillary Clinton’s response on email controversy
So you know she's just about done here. And I mean well done. If you're warming up Biden in the Bull Pen then the WOPPER must be broke.


More Democrats crack open door for Biden presidential run

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More prominent Democrats on Sunday cracked open the door for Vice President Joe Biden to enter the race for the Democratic presidential nomination as party front-runner Hillary Clinton battled questions over her use of a private email server.

California Governor Jerry Brown told NBC's Meet the Press program that Biden should give "very serious consideration" to a presidential run.

More Democrats crack open door for Biden presidential run

Biden would be awesome. The one candidate worse than Hillary
With the hands down favorite Hillary in trouble and Big Joe rumored to be making a move behind the scenes
word is out that jumpimg over Hillary is a go how long before we start to see Al Gore surface....

Must be discouraging to realize that all of those people could beat the Republican candidates hands down.

Yes, obviously your endorsement would carry any candidate to office
Remember folks, Hillary is INEVITABLE! She can't be beat! She leads every poll!!!!!

comparing joe or Mary Snuffy government employee to somebody in the highest, most sensitive job in an administration outside of the office of the President himself, a job where you are dealing with countries with nuclear weapons, wtih terrorism, with industrial espionage...etc

liberals are simply laughable douchebags with no credibility at all

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