More children living in poverty now

End result of Bush Jr's policies. No surprise. Just NOW getting back around to where economy actually is hiring people...not even fixed yet and I don't expect it to be fixed. But at least people can get SOME jobs...
Obozo lets illegals in to take jobs quicker than they can be created...

And saying something can't be straightened out in damn near two terms??? Either Obozo contributed to the mess, or he demonstrated a level of incompetence that would have gotten him fired within a week on a real job.
Thanks to Obama and his party of SNAKES. we are ALL living in poverty because of him

anyone seen FOOD prices? gas Finally dropped below 3-3.50 a gallon the way they were for the FIRST SIX years he was in office. my electric bills, gas bills, etc etc

Thanks to Obama and his party of SNAKES. we are ALL living in poverty because of him

anyone seen FOOD prices? gas Finally dropped below 3-3.50 a gallon the way they were for the FIRST SIX years he was in office. my electric bills, gas bills, etc etc

Also, real wages have fallen, and more people are out of work.
Remember when I told you that we would see truly hungry, truly desperate as a result of Obama's policies? It's happening.

"About 22% of children in the U.S. lived below the poverty line in 2013, compared with 18% in 2008..."

Oh, and the ones who suffer the most...increasingly, minorities. Thanks, dems!

"Black, Hispanic and American Indian children were more than twice as likely to live in poverty than white children, the report said."
More children living in poverty now than during recession

And the poverty is highest in the red states controlled by the white christer party
Thanks to Obama and his party of SNAKES. we are ALL living in poverty because of him

anyone seen FOOD prices? gas Finally dropped below 3-3.50 a gallon the way they were for the FIRST SIX years he was in office. my electric bills, gas bills, etc etc

Speak for yourself, broke assed.bitch on a.m.b. daily
Thanks to Obama and his party of SNAKES. we are ALL living in poverty because of him

anyone seen FOOD prices? gas Finally dropped below 3-3.50 a gallon the way they were for the FIRST SIX years he was in office. my electric bills, gas bills, etc etc

Also, real wages have fallen, and more people are out of work.

People who are educated and have skills are doing fine
End result of Bush Jr's policies. No surprise. Just NOW getting back around to where economy actually is hiring people...not even fixed yet and I don't expect it to be fixed. But at least people can get SOME jobs...

You mean like when under Bush Jr the unemployment rate was at 4.5%?
Didn't the Republicans reduce food stamps? Why, yes, yes they did.

As they should have. SNAP is an illegal program. Children are the responsibility of their parents...... Can't support them; don't have them.

I don't mind helping if it's temporary. but it shouldn't be until the kid is 26 YEARS old. according to the liberals/Obama that's when they aren't children anymore. Unless they want them to vote. Pelosi just came out wanting 16YEAR olds to be able to vote
Didn't the Republicans reduce food stamps? Why, yes, yes they did.

As they should have. SNAP is an illegal program. Children are the responsibility of their parents...... Can't support them; don't have them.

I don't mind helping if it's temporary. but it shouldn't be until the kid is 26 YEARS old. according to the liberals/Obama that's when they aren't children anymore. Unless they want them to vote. Pelosi just came out wanting 16YEAR olds to be able to vote
Youre STILL a child, lets be honest. You cant read, cant write, are dumber than a box of hammers and have admitted you live on Government assistance.

Personal responsibility would go a long way with your people. You poor folks living off of us taxpayers.

So you think people with an education are doing fine???

According to the government, in 2013, they had a lot HIGHER unemployment rate than the general population ...

The job market for recent college graduates in the United States The Economics Daily U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

And that was while student loan debts were racking up.

Any other lies today??????

[QUOTE ="Stephanie, posthenm.1884107, member: 1668"]I don't mind helping if it's temporary. but it shouldn't be until the kid is 26 YEARS old. according to the liberals/Obama that's when they aren't children anymore. Unless they want them to vote. Pelosi just came out wanting 16YEAR olds to be able to vote[/QUOTE]

I do mind. My parents managed to support 3 kids on one salary; and my father wasn't making a six figure income. We wore hand-me-downs and shopped at discount stores. We never had a lot of things but we made it work.

Conversely, my sister in laws kids won't wear anything but name brand apparel. They eat like hogs and go through her food stamps in the first 10 days of the month. She and her husband refuse to even consider getting jobs because the Government will Cover everything for them

So you think people with an education are doing fine???

According to the government, in 2013, they had a lot HIGHER unemployment rate than the general population ...

The job market for recent college graduates in the United States The Economics Daily U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

And that was while student loan debts were racking up.

Any other lies today??????

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The North east and Midwest are doing much better then the souf' I was just listening to the report on NPR, in the past five years childhood poverty doubled in Alabamal
You goobers better make up your mind , haven't you said government doesn't create jobs?

As the low skilled goober jobs left this country people needed to further their education , oh oh there goes that personal responsibility thingy again that you alway talk about ,and we don't need no stinking gob'ment you are always whining about, imagine that
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