More children living in poverty now

Thanks to Obama and his party of SNAKES. we are ALL living in poverty because of him

anyone seen FOOD prices? gas Finally dropped below 3-3.50 a gallon the way they were for the FIRST SIX years he was in office. my electric bills, gas bills, etc etc


You were living in a trailer park way before Obama was President and you will be living in a trailer park long after he is gone, eating your gob'ment cheese
Remember when I told you that we would see truly hungry, truly desperate as a result of Obama's policies? It's happening.

"About 22% of children in the U.S. lived below the poverty line in 2013, compared with 18% in 2008..."

Oh, and the ones who suffer the most...increasingly, minorities. Thanks, dems!

"Black, Hispanic and American Indian children were more than twice as likely to live in poverty than white children, the report said."
More children living in poverty now than during recession

Aw, gee, I can't believe you ain't blaming the Clintons. Actually, this humanitarian disaster began with Reagan - and the Bushes made it even worse. Compare what President Obama has done to help poor children compared to Reagan and the Bushes. Also, what are the NaziCons in Congress doing to help poor hungry children? Maybe Israel could send back some the billions in foreign aid that we give them. How many poor hungry Jews are in Israel?
Thanks to Obama and his party of SNAKES. we are ALL living in poverty because of him

anyone seen FOOD prices? gas Finally dropped below 3-3.50 a gallon the way they were for the FIRST SIX years he was in office. my electric bills, gas bills, etc etc


You crying for a bigger handout , your gob'ment check isn't big enough?
BTW...this is also a result of dem policy:

"Deirdre Bloome, an assistant professor of sociology and faculty associate at the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan, said racial segregation by income and housing occurs because of economic differences for individual families."

In other words (and to make it simple for ravtard), creating housing specifically for poor people exacerbates the problem.

More children living in poverty now than during recession

I have to disagree with that one. Cart/horse thing. Race is the deciding factor in the segregation and economics is a sidebar.
PG County, MD, is mostly black and the median income is above most counties in the US. The segregation is cultural and voluntary while the income disparities are often more a reflection of that culture -- not a cause.

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