More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

You're belief that there is any real distinction between them is what's cuckoo.

Statism and crony capitalism is the problem

The sad thing is, they believe they are doing it for the "right" reasons

No, the problem is that Bush lowered taxes for rich and put two wars and a drug company give away on his Chinese credit card.

Then his SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme that destroyed our economy.

So twice in the last 80 years unregulated capitalism destroyed our economy.

Good to know

Most of us were thinking that Papa Obama's spending and
his secret deals with Big Pharma to increase their profits, might be a problem too
No, the problem is that Bush lowered taxes for rich and put two wars and a drug company give away on his Chinese credit card.

Then his SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme that destroyed our economy.

So twice in the last 80 years unregulated capitalism destroyed our economy.

There you go with the knee-jerk propaganda talking points again.
No, the problem is that Bush lowered taxes for rich and put two wars and a drug company give away on his Chinese credit card.

Then his SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme that destroyed our economy.

So twice in the last 80 years unregulated capitalism destroyed our economy.

There you go with the knee-jerk propaganda talking points again.

Class warfare and the race card is all they have
They can't run on Papa Obama's record
Besides, the extreme Left always has to use class struggle

Note, a sure way to make some on the Left's head explode is
have them explain how the USSR was not socialist- good for a few laughs

It is sad how long this class warfare stuff keeps going on
long after the failure of the Socialist state in the USSR
As well, how the Left keeps pushing these extreme
and outdated ideas.

This German video brings back some memories

[ame=]‪Socialist World Republic - Sozialistische Weltrepublik‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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Not for nothing did US billionaire Warren Buffett call them the real 'weapons of mass destruction'

The market is worth more than $516 trillion, (£303 trillion), roughly 10 times the value of the entire world's output: it's been called the "ticking time-bomb".

It's a market in which the lead protagonists – typically aggressive, highly educated, and now wealthy young men – have flourished in the derivatives boom. But it's a market that is set to come to a crashing halt – the Great Unwind has begun.

Last week the beginning of the end started for many hedge funds with the combination of diving market values and worried investors pulling out their cash for safer climes.

Some of the world's biggest hedge funds – SAC Capital, Lone Pine and Tiger Global – all revealed they were sitting on double-digit losses this year. September's falls wiped out any profits made in the rest of the year. Polygon, once a darling of the London hedge fund circuit, last week said it was capping the basic salaries of its managers to £100,000 each. Not bad for the average punter but some way off the tens of millions plundered by these hotshots during the good times. But few will be shedding any tears.

The complex and opaque derivatives markets in which these hedge funds played has been dubbed the world's biggest black hole because they operate outside of the grasp of governments, tax inspectors and regulators. They operate in a parallel, shadow world to the rest of the banking system. They are private contracts between two companies or institutions which can't be controlled or properly assessed. In themselves derivative contracts are not dangerous, but if one of them should go wrong – the bad 2 per cent as it's been called – then it is the domino effect which could be so enormous and scary.

Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction: A $516 Trillion Derivatives 'Time-Bomb'
The Nazis have nothing to do with the American plutocracy.

400 people control HALF the wealth in this country.

80% of the increase in after tax income in the last 40 years went to the top 1%.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Corporations doubled their ratio of assets to cash from 1980 to 2006.

They currently are sitting on $2 trillion dollars in cash.

How much do those 400 mean people control?
Do you have a link?
You're belief that there is any real distinction between them is what's cuckoo.

Statism and crony capitalism is the problem

The sad thing is, they believe they are doing it for the "right" reasons

No, the problem is that Bush lowered taxes for rich and put two wars and a drug company give away on his Chinese credit card.

Then his SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme that destroyed our economy.

So twice in the last 80 years unregulated capitalism destroyed our economy.
Is the $516 trillion notional, nominal or value at risk?
Does it matter?
You're belief that there is any real distinction between them is what's cuckoo.

Statism and crony capitalism is the problem

The sad thing is, they believe they are doing it for the "right" reasons

Then his SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme that destroyed our economy.

So twice in the last 80 years unregulated capitalism destroyed our economy.

Frannie and Freddie brought us the last problems and they are totally gov't regulated

And the gov't has interjected itself thousands of times, causing distortions in the market place which helped to create
the crony capitalist system we have now

So I guess they are even

Ponzi - just like Social Security and we have to fix that as well

Interesting website
I found some stuff on their too

"The President Who Became an Actor": And This Year’s Oscar Goes To… Barack Obama

America's Nightmare: The Obama Dystopia
Manipulation, propaganda, imagery & PR wizardry
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The Nazis have nothing to do with the American plutocracy.

400 people control HALF the wealth in this country.

80% of the increase in after tax income in the last 40 years went to the top 1%.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Corporations doubled their ratio of assets to cash from 1980 to 2006.

They currently are sitting on $2 trillion dollars in cash.

How much do those 400 mean people control?
Do you have a link?

Who said they were mean?

Here's the link...

The Richest People in America -
Statism and crony capitalism is the problem

The sad thing is, they believe they are doing it for the "right" reasons

Then his SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme that destroyed our economy.

So twice in the last 80 years unregulated capitalism destroyed our economy.

Frannie and Freddie brought us the last problems and they are totally gov't regulated

And the gov't has interjected itself thousands of times, causing distortions in the market place which helped to create
the crony capitalist system we have now

So I guess they are even

Ponzi - just like Social Security and we have to fix that as well

Interesting website
I found some stuff on their too

"The President Who Became an Actor": And This Year’s Oscar Goes To… Barack Obama

America's Nightmare: The Obama Dystopia
Manipulation, propaganda, imagery & PR wizardry

The derivative bubble destroyed the economy, not Freedie and fannie.

And social security has been solvent for 75 years, it's not a ponzi scheme.

Nice try, though. You know the Republican lies well.
The Nazis have nothing to do with the American plutocracy.

400 people control HALF the wealth in this country.

80% of the increase in after tax income in the last 40 years went to the top 1%.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Corporations doubled their ratio of assets to cash from 1980 to 2006.

They currently are sitting on $2 trillion dollars in cash.

How much do those 400 mean people control?
Do you have a link?

Who said they were mean?

Here's the link...

The Richest People in America -

That's always an interesting issue, but I didn't see where it claimed they control half the wealth in this country.
Could you help me find where in the article that was?
Then his SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme that destroyed our economy.

So twice in the last 80 years unregulated capitalism destroyed our economy.

Frannie and Freddie brought us the last problems and they are totally gov't regulated

And the gov't has interjected itself thousands of times, causing distortions in the market place which helped to create
the crony capitalist system we have now

So I guess they are even

Ponzi - just like Social Security and we have to fix that as well

Interesting website
I found some stuff on their too

"The President Who Became an Actor": And This Year’s Oscar Goes To… Barack Obama

America's Nightmare: The Obama Dystopia
Manipulation, propaganda, imagery & PR wizardry

The derivative bubble destroyed the economy, not Freedie and fannie.

And social security has been solvent for 75 years, it's not a ponzi scheme.

Nice try, though. You know the Republican lies well.

How did the "derivative bubble" destroy the economy?
Do you have a list of banks that were destroyed by derivatives?
Any non-banks?
Then his SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme that destroyed our economy.

So twice in the last 80 years unregulated capitalism destroyed our economy.

Frannie and Freddie brought us the last problems and they are totally gov't regulated

And the gov't has interjected itself thousands of times, causing distortions in the market place which helped to create
the crony capitalist system we have now

So I guess they are even

Ponzi - just like Social Security and we have to fix that as well

Interesting website
I found some stuff on their too

"The President Who Became an Actor": And This Year’s Oscar Goes To… Barack Obama

America's Nightmare: The Obama Dystopia
Manipulation, propaganda, imagery & PR wizardry

The derivative bubble destroyed the economy, not Freedie and fannie.

And social security has been solvent for 75 years, it's not a ponzi scheme.

Nice try, though. You know the Republican lies well.

Not a Ponzi, talk to me in 30 years

Freddie and Fannie were the main cause of the bubble
Sorry but that is the way it is

If fact some of the derivatives were created in response to the gov't
forcing banks to give loans to high risk people

Again, gov't distortion in the market place is the cause of most economic
Frannie and Freddie brought us the last problems and they are totally gov't regulated

And the gov't has interjected itself thousands of times, causing distortions in the market place which helped to create
the crony capitalist system we have now

So I guess they are even

Ponzi - just like Social Security and we have to fix that as well

Interesting website
I found some stuff on their too

"The President Who Became an Actor": And This Year’s Oscar Goes To… Barack Obama

America's Nightmare: The Obama Dystopia
Manipulation, propaganda, imagery & PR wizardry

The derivative bubble destroyed the economy, not Freedie and fannie.

And social security has been solvent for 75 years, it's not a ponzi scheme.

Nice try, though. You know the Republican lies well.

How did the "derivative bubble" destroy the economy?
Do you have a list of banks that were destroyed by derivatives?
Any non-banks?

Are you serious? How old are you?
The derivative bubble destroyed the economy, not Freedie and fannie.

Fannie and Freddie created the "derivative bubble." It was actually a sub-prime bubble. The libturds keep talking about derivatives, but they were a symptom of the disaster, not the cause.

And social security has been solvent for 75 years, it's not a ponzi scheme.

If you used standard methods of accounting used in the private sector, then Social Security has been bankrupt for decades. All the people who run it would go to jail if they perpetrated this scam with a private corporation. The only thing keeping SS "solvent" is the ability of the government to steal more money to prop it up, and also it's ability to renege on the promised benefits.
Frannie and Freddie brought us the last problems and they are totally gov't regulated

And the gov't has interjected itself thousands of times, causing distortions in the market place which helped to create
the crony capitalist system we have now

So I guess they are even

Ponzi - just like Social Security and we have to fix that as well

Interesting website
I found some stuff on their too

"The President Who Became an Actor": And This Year’s Oscar Goes To… Barack Obama

America's Nightmare: The Obama Dystopia
Manipulation, propaganda, imagery & PR wizardry

The derivative bubble destroyed the economy, not Freedie and fannie.

And social security has been solvent for 75 years, it's not a ponzi scheme.

Nice try, though. You know the Republican lies well.

Not a Ponzi, talk to me in 30 years

Freddie and Fannie were the main cause of the bubble
Sorry but that is the way it is

If fact some of the derivatives were created in response to the gov't
forcing banks to give loans to high risk people

Again, gov't distortion in the market place is the cause of most economic

Thanks for admiting you were wrong about social security.

Only 6% of mortgages were in default when everything went bad.

I will try to explain it to you simply. The derivative bubble grew to $516 trillion dollars. The GDP of all the nations in the world in one year is $50 trillion dollars. That gives you an idea how big the bubble was. When the bubble burst, all the big banks fell like dominos and sucked all the liquidity out of the markets.

Freddie and Fannie were small potatoes compared to the derivative bubble. But the Republicans love to play Blame the Poor People. It's their MO.
How much do those 400 mean people control?
Do you have a link?

Who said they were mean?

Here's the link...

The Richest People in America -

That's always an interesting issue, but I didn't see where it claimed they control half the wealth in this country.
Could you help me find where in the article that was?
How much do those 400 mean people control?
Do you have a link?

This factoid is pure fiction. Leftists throw it around because they think no one will ever challenge them on it.

There are no published figures on who owns what. The evidence available indicates that big institutions, like pension funds, own most of the wealth, not 400 people.
The derivative bubble destroyed the economy, not Freedie and fannie.

And social security has been solvent for 75 years, it's not a ponzi scheme.

Nice try, though. You know the Republican lies well.

Not a Ponzi, talk to me in 30 years

Freddie and Fannie were the main cause of the bubble
Sorry but that is the way it is

If fact some of the derivatives were created in response to the gov't
forcing banks to give loans to high risk people

Again, gov't distortion in the market place is the cause of most economic

Thanks for admiting you were wrong about social security.

Only 6% of mortgages were in default when everything went bad.

I will try to explain it to you simply. The derivative bubble grew to $516 trillion dollars. The GDP of all the nations in the world in one year is $50 trillion dollars. That gives you an idea how big the bubble was. When the bubble burst, all the big banks fell like dominos and sucked all the liquidity out of the markets.

Freddie and Fannie were small potatoes compared to the derivative bubble. But the Republicans love to play Blame the Poor People. It's their MO.

Read much
I admit it is still a Ponzi game, your money is invested in nothing real
and is dependent on a growing number of people to particulate in it to keep
it solvent at current pay outs- yeah it is Ponzi game

As for Freddie and Fannie, it is the old tired mantra from the Left that
no one believes. If they did then the House would have stayed Democrats


Yeah right no role

Did you ever notice with the Left we are always just one regulation away from getting right this time

Myth 1: The government-sponsored housing finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had nothing to do with the housing crisis. They were simply innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire. Economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, for instance, has argued that Fannie and Freddie’s role in the housing market was insignificant between 2004 and 2006 because “they pulled back sharply after 2003, just when housing really got crazy.” According to Krugman, Fannie and Freddie “largely faded from the scene during the height of the housing bubble.”

Fact 1: Fannie and Freddie contributed to the housing crisis by making it easier for more people to take out loans for houses they could not afford. Beginning in 2000, Fannie and Freddie took on loans with low FICO scores, loans with low down payments, and loans with little or no documentation.

The federal government’s role in the housing market goes back at least to 1938, but that role changed fundamentally in the 1990s when the government made a push to increase homeownership in the United States.

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The derivative bubble destroyed the economy, not Freedie and fannie.

Fannie and Freddie created the "derivative bubble." It was actually a sub-prime bubble. The libturds keep talking about derivatives, but they were a symptom of the disaster, not the cause.

And social security has been solvent for 75 years, it's not a ponzi scheme.

If you used standard methods of accounting used in the private sector, then Social Security has been bankrupt for decades. All the people who run it would go to jail if they perpetrated this scam with a private corporation. The only thing keeping SS "solvent" is the ability of the government to steal more money to prop it up, and also it's ability to renege on the promised benefits.

LMAO! Couldn't be. Have a link?

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