More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

400 people are sitting on HALF THE WEALTH in this country.

What is more important, that American children get an education, that our people get healthcare, that roads and bridges get fixed, that advanced materials research be done, that our military be supplied with the best equipment, that old people be taken care of, that our debt be paid down, that food and water be safe, that our environment be clean, OR THAT A BILLIONAIRE GETS A NEW YACHT???

Ahhhh! Now I understand why you normally just post articles and the words of others. It's because your own opinions are really fucking stupid. :lol::lol:

Taking money from other people is theft. You're not Robin fucking Hood, and rich people are not your enemies.

I'm filing this one away for future use. :lol:
What tax break do they get?
Be specific.
From the AP:

Obama's proposal would scale back a tax break enjoyed by the private jet owners but not by commercial airlines.

That's great.
So what is the tax break?
Be specific.
This time from the Wall Street Journal:

It’s an obscure advantage that corporate jets enjoy over commercial airliners in tax-depreciation schedules.

Google is your friend.
From the AP:

Obama's proposal would scale back a tax break enjoyed by the private jet owners but not by commercial airlines.

That's great.
So what is the tax break?
Be specific.
This time from the Wall Street Journal:

It’s an obscure advantage that corporate jets enjoy over commercial airliners in tax-depreciation schedules.

Google is your friend.

I'm not the one attacking the break without even knowing what it is.
So why don't you use Google and tell us what the break is?
Be specific.
snipping the lies and leaving the truth

Don't mind Neofacist. He has trouble: he thinks his hopes/dreams are facts. His behavior has unalterably blocked his path, and he refuses to follow the the better way.

That is his right to do so as an America. Yet he wishes to block others.

Neofascist continues to practice Alinky's Rules for the Fascist Right. He offers no proof for what he states, while his own posts time after time condemn him for what he is.

He is a boring as most juveniles tend to often be. He is extremist, and Americans do not flutter over his ultra-rightist political and (un)constitutional views. He does not like that.
so obtuse and sophomoric, more than usual.

As long as he plays Stupid Boy, then all that can be done is keep telling him what the truth is and make him responsible for his own decisions.
It really wouldn't require a tax on corporate jets to reduce the deficit in a meaningful way. All it would take is to ground the ultimate corporate jet - Air Force One. If that fell a little short, precluding greens fees and ice cream cones from being accepted as expense items on "President" Obama's budget ought to finish the task.
Warren Buffett, the third-richest man in the world, has criticised the US tax system for allowing him to pay a lower rate than his secretary and his cleaner.

Speaking at a $4,600-a-seat fundraiser in New York for Senator Hillary Clinton, Mr Buffett, who is worth an estimated $52 billion (£26 billion), said: “The 400 of us [here] pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning ladies, for that matter. If you’re in the luckiest 1 per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.”

Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent. Mr Buffett told his audience, which included John Mack, the chairman of Morgan Stanley, and Alan Patricof, the founder of the US branch of Apax Partners, that US government policy had accentuated a disparity of wealth that hurt the economy by stifling opportunity and motivation.

Buffett blasts system that lets him pay less tax than secretary - Times Online
NeoFacist continues to whine. His trouble: he thinks his hopes/dreams are facts. His behavior has unalterably blocked his path, and he refuses to follow the the better way.

That is his right to do so as an America. Yet he wishes to block others.

Neofascist continues to practice Alinky's Rules for the Fascist Right. He offers no proof for what he states, while his own posts time after time condemn him for what he is.

He is a boring as most juveniles tend to often be. He is extremist, and Americans do not flutter over his ultra-rightist political and (un)constitutional views. He does not like that.
so obtuse and sophomoric, more than usual.

As long as he plays Stupid Boy, then all that can be done is keep telling him what the truth is and make him responsible for his own decisions.
He is free to pay more
In fact, here is link for everyone that may want to pay more

Gift Contributions to Reduce Debt Held by the Public

Here is the "debt counter" see how your money helps the debt

You live in a constitutional republic that decides matters by a certain electoral and procedural manner. That you are unhappy with it does not matter. That you fail to understand the foundations of the process merely reveals your inability to comprehend, NeoFascist.
It really wouldn't require a tax on corporate jets to reduce the deficit in a meaningful way. All it would take is to ground the ultimate corporate jet - Air Force One. If that fell a little short, precluding greens fees and ice cream cones from being accepted as expense items on "President" Obama's budget ought to finish the task.

I hear you.

Class warfare and the race card is all the Left has
At this point, they can not run on Papa Obama's record
The Corporate jet tax is a smokescreen

Charles Krauthammer

He himself, as we just heard, said you can’t reduce the deficit to the levels we need without raising revenues. Then he talks about the [tax break for] corporate jets, which he mentioned not once but six times.

I did the math on this. If you collect the corporate jet tax every year for the next 5,000 years, you will cover one year of the debt that Obama has run up. One year.

To put it another way, if you started collecting that tax at the time of John the Baptist and you collected it every year — first in shekels and now in dollars — you wouldn’t be halfway to covering one year of the amount of debt that Obama has run up.

As for the other one, he mentions again and again, the oil depreciation tax break — if you collect that one for 700 years, you won’t cover a year of Obama deficits.

And then here’s my favorite. I worked it out in the car on the way here. If you collect the corporate jets and the oil tax together — get all the bad guys and the fat cats at once — and you collect it for 100 years, it covers the amount of debt Obama added… in February!

And he pretends that he’s the serious adult at the table..
That is why your thinking is considered rather stupid by the rest of the Board, littledebFascist.
When will the phony rhetoric stop?

corporate jet's are built by unions I think those who make corporate jet's should be taxed at 95% of the net

No Papa Obama saves that kind of tax
for planes made in South Carolina.


Pretty sad, in a country that use to promote free markets
now has a statist gov't to tell it where to build plants.

Obama Bureaucrat Tells Boeing Where to Expand

Perhaps had they donated more to Papa Obama like Goldman Sachs, they
would be in a better position.

So sad where the radical Left is taking us with their extremest policies
Indeed, deeper into crony capitalism

You even have Papa Obama cutting deals with Big Pharma to increase their profits
How far can they take this country down.
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He is free to pay more
In fact, here is link for everyone that may want to pay more

Gift Contributions to Reduce Debt Held by the Public

Here is the "debt counter" see how your money helps the debt

He is giving his money to the Gates Foundation.

Nice try, though.

One is a charity, the other is not. If it so important to him then he can give to both.

Of course, where the Left wants to take us
that could be our future

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