More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense


give something to support your bullshit other than bullshit.

Don't mind Jake
There is some issue going on with him
It is quite sad.

The amount of irrational hate
coming from his posts is so extreme as of late.
Full of false accusations and invoking the Godwin Rule.

To hear him go on an on with excuses after excuses
It does appear to be a case of " The lady doth protest too much "
One would almost think he has a bad case of OCD the way
he rambles on.

He seems to have really lost it when we asked him for actual
proof/links of his false claims. Delusional people are often
reactive when forced to face reality.

It is sad; I mean his postings have become
so obtuse and sophomoric, more than usual.
They lack any originality now

It appears, as well, he has a hard time accepting
that the US voters reject his extreme views

Check out the link I have to some of them
- pretty out there
He thinks statism exist nowhere in the world
Let's tell that to the North Koreans

I do hope for Jake
He gets better soon
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somebody has to do the work around here
and pay all the bills

Really, who is going to pay off this debt
Democratic voters

between gov't checks
That's great.
So what is the tax break?
Be specific.
This time from the Wall Street Journal:

It’s an obscure advantage that corporate jets enjoy over commercial airliners in tax-depreciation schedules.

Google is your friend.

I'm not the one attacking the break without even knowing what it is.
So why don't you use Google and tell us what the break is?
Be specific.
I just did.
He is free to pay more
In fact, here is link for everyone that may want to pay more

Gift Contributions to Reduce Debt Held by the Public

Here is the "debt counter" see how your money helps the debt

He is giving his money to the Gates Foundation.

Nice try, though.

I realize that is just an expression, but it's not a nice try, it's a pathetic, lame try. Warren Buffett should be taxed in accordance with the wealth that being an American has allowed him to achieve.

And this moron you are replying to should not get a free ride on the backs of patriotic, working Americans, just because he is a loser who thinks he is owed something.
He is free to pay more
In fact, here is link for everyone that may want to pay more

Gift Contributions to Reduce Debt Held by the Public

Here is the "debt counter" see how your money helps the debt

He is giving his money to the Gates Foundation.

Nice try, though.

I realize that is just an expression, but it's not a nice try, it's a pathetic, lame try. Warren Buffett should be taxed in accordance with the wealth that being an American has allowed him to achieve.
And this moron you are replying to should not get a free ride on the backs of patriotic, working Americans, just because he is a loser who thinks he is owed something.

Spoken like a true Statist.

He is free to pay more
In fact, here is link for everyone that may want to pay more

Gift Contributions to Reduce Debt Held by the Public

Here is the "debt counter" see how your money helps the debt

He is giving his money to the Gates Foundation.

Nice try, though.

I realize that is just an expression, but it's not a nice try, it's a pathetic, lame try. Warren Buffett should be taxed in accordance with the wealth that being an American has allowed him to achieve.

And this moron you are replying to should not get a free ride on the backs of patriotic, working Americans, just because he is a loser who thinks he is owed something.

Truly moronic is one who thinks we have a tax problem and
not a spending problem. Well, someone like you I guess

Free ride? hardly- that would the base of the Lefts' voters

The Top 50% pay 96.54% of All Income Taxes

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

I expect a neg rep soon from you
since you can not handle the truth
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He is giving his money to the Gates Foundation.

Nice try, though.

I realize that is just an expression, but it's not a nice try, it's a pathetic, lame try. Warren Buffett should be taxed in accordance with the wealth that being an American has allowed him to achieve.
And this moron you are replying to should not get a free ride on the backs of patriotic, working Americans, just because he is a loser who thinks he is owed something.

Spoken like a true Statist.



nice one!
The term "papa" suggests one yet has the ability to sire children.

Things being as they are it seems as though the equipment might have gone missing.

But maybe they do these things different in Washington.
Warren Buffett, the third-richest man in the world, has criticised the US tax system for allowing him to pay a lower rate than his secretary and his cleaner.

Speaking at a $4,600-a-seat fundraiser in New York for Senator Hillary Clinton, Mr Buffett, who is worth an estimated $52 billion (£26 billion), said: “The 400 of us [here] pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning ladies, for that matter. If you’re in the luckiest 1 per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.”

Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent. Mr Buffett told his audience, which included John Mack, the chairman of Morgan Stanley, and Alan Patricof, the founder of the US branch of Apax Partners, that US government policy had accentuated a disparity of wealth that hurt the economy by stifling opportunity and motivation.

Buffett blasts system that lets him pay less tax than secretary - Times Online

Buffett is a liar.
And so is anyone who claims that 400 people control half the wealth in America.
This time from the Wall Street Journal:

It’s an obscure advantage that corporate jets enjoy over commercial airliners in tax-depreciation schedules.

Google is your friend.

I'm not the one attacking the break without even knowing what it is.
So why don't you use Google and tell us what the break is?
Be specific.
I just did.
No you didn't.
What tax break is enjoyed by the private jet owners but not by commercial airlines?
Actual numbers would be appreciated.
NeoFacist babbles on . . . and on . . . and on . . . and on.

His little mind can't handle that he and his very few likethinkers on the far fascist right don't have the numbers to dictate to the rest of us how to live.

That is his tough luck. :lol:
NeoFacist babbles on . . . and on . . . and on . . . and on.

His little mind can't handle that he and his very few likethinkers on the far fascist right don't have the numbers to dictate to the rest of us how to live.

That is his tough luck. :lol:
What we are seeing from the rich is a flow of their money out of this country, and into safer places. We are watching them counter the unions by moving production to China, or Mexico.
So in the end, the guy on the bottom, is going to find himself even lower, with no chance of a job.
And mooching left just does not have the power to stop this. that is their tough luck.
Sorry Necrophilia, but the class war is over.

The rich won.

Yes they did they even voted for themself.

obama's friends and appointee's
1 Hillary Clinton
Maximum Net Worth


2 Rahm Emanuel
Maximum Net Worth



Steven Chu
Maximum Net Worth


4 Shaun L.S. Donovan
Maximum Net Worth


5 Barack Obama (D)
Maximum Net Worth


6 Gary F. Locke
Maximum Net Worth


7 Timothy F. Geithner
Maximum Net Worth


8 Kathleen Sebelius
Maximum Net Worth


9 Eric K. Shinseki
Maximum Net Worth

10 Arne S. Duncan
Maximum Net Worth


11 Christina D. Romer
Maximum Net Worth


12 Peter R. Orszag
Maximum Net Worth

13 Thomas J. Vilsack
Maximum Net Worth


14 Janet A. Napolitano
Maximum Net Worth


15 Hilda L. Solis
Maximum Net Worth

16 Joseph R Biden Jr (D)
Maximum Net Worth

17 Ray LaHood
Maximum Net Worth

Net Worth, 2009 | Personal Finance Disclosure | OpenSecrets

9 Republicans are on this list of 25 the rest are Democrats why would they vote for higher taxes on the rich when it woul effect them, unless they have their money tied up in loopholes.

Net Worth, 2009 | Personal Finance Disclosure | OpenSecrets
9 Republicans are on this list of 25 the rest are Democrats why would they vote for higher taxes on the rich when it woul effect them, unless they have their money tied up in loopholes.
Funny thing about money, you never have enough.
When I first started working and was making a whopping 16k a year, all I could think of was one day making 25, I would be rich. Of course when 25 came, It wasnt enough, I had to go back to school so I could make 40, not enough.
Now with a family income of almost 200,, I sure could use some more,, If only I could get to 249k, just below the tax rape number.. Man, everything would be cool in my life. Unless,, I found a way to hit 300k
NeoFacist babbles on . . . and on . . . and on . . . and on.

His little mind can't handle that he and his very few likethinkers on the far fascist right don't have the numbers to dictate to the rest of us how to live.

That is his tough luck. :lol:
What we are seeing from the rich is a flow of their money out of this country, and into safer places. We are watching them counter the unions by moving production to China, or Mexico.
So in the end, the guy on the bottom, is going to find himself even lower, with no chance of a job.
And mooching left just does not have the power to stop this. that is their tough luck.

If the mooching left, the sleeping center, and the responsible right don't put an end to it, then, yes, it is our tough luck.

But what we won't do is let the NeoFacsists and littledebFacists ever be in a position to tell us what to do.
9 Republicans are on this list of 25 the rest are Democrats why would they vote for higher taxes on the rich when it woul effect them, unless they have their money tied up in loopholes.
Funny thing about money, you never have enough.
When I first started working and was making a whopping 16k a year, all I could think of was one day making 25, I would be rich. Of course when 25 came, It wasnt enough, I had to go back to school so I could make 40, not enough.
Now with a family income of almost 200,, I sure could use some more,, If only I could get to 249k, just below the tax rape number.. Man, everything would be cool in my life. Unless,, I found a way to hit 300k

Well if the Left and Papa Obama have their way with their extreme policies
you may not get a chance. Most Americans hope the Left's statism does not become

[ame=]‪Liz Cheney: What Obama Is Proposing Isn't Capitalism‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
NeoFacist babbles on . . . and on . . . and on . . . and on.

His little mind can't handle that he and his very few likethinkers on the far fascist right don't have the numbers to dictate to the rest of us how to live.

That is his tough luck. :lol:
What we are seeing from the rich is a flow of their money out of this country, and into safer places. We are watching them counter the unions by moving production to China, or Mexico.
So in the end, the guy on the bottom, is going to find himself even lower, with no chance of a job.
And mooching left just does not have the power to stop this. that is their tough luck.

If the mooching left, the sleeping center, and the responsible right don't put an end to it, then, yes, it is our tough luck.

But what we won't do is let the NeoFacsists and littledebFacists ever be in a position to tell us what to do.

little shitstain do you realize that this post really makes you look stupid.
Who the fuck is littledebFacists ?
9 Republicans are on this list of 25 the rest are Democrats why would they vote for higher taxes on the rich when it woul effect them, unless they have their money tied up in loopholes.
Funny thing about money, you never have enough.
When I first started working and was making a whopping 16k a year, all I could think of was one day making 25, I would be rich. Of course when 25 came, It wasnt enough, I had to go back to school so I could make 40, not enough.
Now with a family income of almost 200,, I sure could use some more,, If only I could get to 249k, just below the tax rape number.. Man, everything would be cool in my life. Unless,, I found a way to hit 300k

Well if the Left and Papa Obama have their way with their extreme policies
you may not get a chance. Most Americans hope the Left's statism does not become

[ame=]‪Liz Cheney: What Obama Is Proposing Isn't Capitalism‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

It's entrenched, it's in both party's they are called statist elite.
littledebFascist, you are a drunk, poorly educated, a racist, and rather illiterate. You know that, I know that.

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