More covid deaths this labor day week-end than labor day a a yr. ago

Even in Israel the most vaccinated nation on earth only about 58% of the people if I remember correctly are vaccinated.

Thus your hypothetical of 100% vaccination is unrealistic. No such model of 100 per cent vaccination exists.

Now in Israel there has been a big surge in covid....I have read two 'explanations' for that as in they say 58% is not enough...more should be vaccinated. Maybe they are right....maybe they are wrong.

Then the other explanation was that the new delta variant was responsible...perhaps so.

but if the vaccine does not protect against the delta variant what good is it?

So your question is too simplified to have any reality to it.

I try to deal with reality.
Sorry, wrong answer. The correct answer is… if 100% of the a cities population is vaccinated the 100% of the Covid deaths would be vaccinated people.

that wasn’t a very hard question but I do appreciate you trying to answer! I’ll answer yours now…
You only to look at the republicans on here that won't take it for political reasons. Then they complaints not working????
Most people who refuse do so because they do not believe what they hear from the media and the government.

As shown above the group most resistant to taking the needle are phd's that should tell you something.

Also blacks are very resistant to taking the many of them are republicans?

No one resists taking the needle because of politics; they refuse the needle because they do not believe the media or ole lying sloe joe.

The media has proved for at least the last 4 yrs all they do is propagandize and ole sloe joe is a pathological liar.

Thus neither of them have any credibility.
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Because the vaccinations have an efficacy rate. 90-95% for the OG strain and 50-60% for the delta strain
It appears those numbers keep changing.

Beginning with the numbers they came out with shortly after introducing the vaccines.

That is why I took the needle....the numbers looked good. Now they do not look so good.

It seems like most everyone knows someone fully vaccinated that still has caught covid.
Too many are coming on here and making statements with nothing to back them up but their opinion.

If you are goint to try and make a intelligent statement on covid you first of all need recent data not a chart from 2 months ago...lots of new developments and you need a link to your source.

Anyone can make up a chart.

You sourced your opinion so well. Dumbass.
It appears those numbers keep changing.

Beginning with the numbers they came out with shortly after introducing the vaccines.

That is why I took the needle....the numbers looked good. Now they do not look so good.

It seems like most everyone knows someone fully vaccinated that still has caught covid.
There’s been a new strain of the virus since the vaccines first came out. That’s the nature of these things. We were too slow.

everybody would know twice as many infected as they currently know if there were no vaccine
There’s been a new strain of the virus since the vaccines first came out. That’s the nature of these things. We were too slow.

everybody would know twice as many infected as they currently know if there were no vaccine
Yes.....I mentioned that to my Doctor shortly after taking the needle and she said...."oh that is the nature of virus's they always mutate but do not worry now you are safe"

When the polio vaccine came out that ended polio. Never heard of any varients of the polio virus.

Something tells me this covid thing is way more complicated than the experts want to admit.
Yes.....I mentioned that to my Doctor shortly after taking the needle and she said...."oh that is the nature of virus's they always mutate but do not worry now you are safe"

When the polio vaccine came out that ended polio. Never heard of any varients of the polio virus.

Something tells me this covid thing is way more complicated than the experts want to admit.
Polio is a very different virus than COVID and that vaccine took longer to develop. Also, you are much safe now that you got the shot… not immune, not invincible, you still need to act responsibly…. But you are safer.
Not true...that is a fallacy.

The group of people refusing to get the needle are the more educated folks.

Those who didn't get the vaccines are dying. Its not in any way shape or form falls on Biden.
Israel is the most vaccinated nation on earth....have you not heard what is happening there?
However, the country’s politicians are insistent no new lockdown will be introduced and have pointed out that despite the surge in cases, serious illness and death among vaccinated Israelis remains low.
The Israeli health ministry has pointed out the number of serious cases in Israel appears to be falling. And among those aged over 60, serious cases in the unvaccinated was running at 15 times greater than the vaccinated.

The mortality rate in countries with high vaccination rates has plummeted, even those seeing rising cases.

“The severe disease rates in the vaccinated are about one-tenth of those seen in the unvaccinated, which means the vaccine is still over 90 per cent effective in preventing severe disease,” infectious disease specialist at Sheba Medical Centre, Professor Eyal Leshem, told Canadian TV station CBC.
Yes.....I mentioned that to my Doctor shortly after taking the needle and she said...."oh that is the nature of virus's they always mutate but do not worry now you are safe"

When the polio vaccine came out that ended polio. Never heard of any varients of the polio virus.

Something tells me this covid thing is way more complicated than the experts want to admit.
Polio and smallpox were viruses that didn’t involve animals. They were human-only. This ‘blue plague’, as I call it, is not human-only and that’s why it can’t be eradicated the way smallpox and polio were and will continue to mutate.
Most people who refuse do so because they do not believe what they hear from the media and the government.

Where do they get their advice to not h have it then? Are they better qualified to know or simply conspiracy theorists or hate Joe?

As shown above the group most resistant to taking the needle are phd's that should tell you something.

I have seen no evidence of phds doing that on an overwhelming scale. It's simply not true.

Also blacks are very resistant to taking the many of them are republicans?

I have no idea how many are republicans
And I'll bet you don't either but you assume they are democrats because of their race.

No one resists taking the needle because of politics; they refuse the needle because they do not believe the media or ole lying sloe joe.
So it is about Joe Biden. I told you so and now you admit it. Take fox for instance, what are they telling the followers?
Let me guess. Don't believe drmocrats.

The media has proved for at least the last 4 yrs all they do is propagandize and ole sloe joe is a pathological liar.

You need to research which president in the last 4 years told lies and it was trump. The guardian listed them and also fact checked them, over 3000 of them.. has Joe don't that??

Thus neither of them have any credibility.

They way I have just stripped you bare regarding your lies, it's you that has no credibility. Research is not hard. Use Google. Stop making a fool of yourself.
I'll pick you off off every time.
Those who didn't get the vaccines are dying. Its not in any way shape or form falls on Biden.
He has failed to convince people to get vaccinated because of being a pathological liar he has no credibility the same with the media with all their fake news and wonder so many refuse to get vaccinated.

Lyin biden stood before the nation and proclaimed there was no virus when he came in. etc.etc. and so on as in he just keeps after another--then he acts surprised no one believes him and refuse to run out and take the needle just because he tells them to?

Anyone that has no credibility should not be in the White House and people realize he is just a puppet and not a real President anyhow.

He has no leadership capability and should be impeached and gotten rid of before he creates any more problems.

We have enough problems without a lying old scum bag that is senile --acting like he is the president.

Get is obvious more blame for this pandemic lies on his shoulders than anyone elses except the media.

Whereas President Trump through his warp speed program got the vaccine produced in record time...and then ole lying biden tried to take credit for it...what a clown!
Almost all were un vaxxed people. His plan was to distribute the vaccines. Backwards red state losers won' take them...not his fault.

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Just sayin.
there is no vaccine for the xiden variant or a plan for it. The trump vaccine, which was developed in warp speed is for the Chinese variant, which doesn’t keep people from catching the xiden variant
yep.....Trump is the man who always has a plan.

Biden...senile, confused and controlled by his puppetmastah.
He has failed to convince people to get vaccinated because of being a pathological liar he has no credibility the same with the media with all their fake news and wonder so many refuse to get vaccinated.

Lyin biden stood before the nation and proclaimed there was no virus when he came in. etc.etc. and so on as in he just keeps after another--then he acts surprised no one believes him and refuse to run out and take the needle just because he tells them to?

Anyone that has no credibility should not be in the White House and people realize he is just a puppet and not a real President anyhow.

He has no leadership capability and should be impeached and gotten rid of before he creates any more problems.

We have enough problems without a lying old scum bag that is senile --acting like he is the president.

Get is obvious more blame for this pandemic lies on his shoulders than anyone elses except the media.

Whereas President Trump through his warp speed program got the vaccine produced in record time...and then ole lying biden tried to take credit for it...what a clown!
it also didn’t help that the dems campaign, lead by folks like Harris and Cuomo “the Gold standard” - spread distrust and undermined the vaccine for the better part of 2020.
Colin, you are a clueless jackass. Take off your blinders and try and see what is really going on.

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