More damage done to the country by Republicans

The tea party can burn in hell. If I have my way America will lead in science, tech and regain our leads in infrastructure.

The tea party will be defeated!!!!

All these threads on how the TP's have been crushed and now you say they will be defeated. You libs just can't keep your stories straight. But worse than that, you're wrong on both counts.
I never thought the tea party would out fuck the trayvondickton cluster. NOT by a little but a mile!!!!

This isn't about just some rioting and bull shit...This is about our economic standing in the world and leadership.

This is treason!

So is working with your dear leader to continue to take the country on the path to destruction. I seriously doubt charges will be brought in either case.
Hey, Barry.....

How's "My way or the highway" working out for ya?

... and taking the country hostage after losing the election is - getting your way.


We didn't lose the house, what is it about divided government that you fail to understand?

Democrats got 1.4 million more votes in the House in the last election.

But Republicans so gerrymandered the districts, that they held on to the majority.
It’s more TPM republicans who are causing the most damage; rational, traditional republicans, no so much.

I disagree. It is BECAUSE the rational traditional republicans WON'T stand up to the Tee baggers that we are in this position. The main stream rethugs FEAR is what's keeping us from moving forward.
Personally I see nothing wrong with a smaller Govt and a limit on spending. The limit just keeps getting raised because the clowns in DC can't stop spending. They completely ignore the fact that we are 17 Trillion dollars in debt. I mean really. Could they be anymore idiot then they are??

I also see nothing wrong with wanting to put off the ACA for a year. After all there are already extentions and waivers up the ass on Obamacare. Apprantly there are all kinds of problems with Obamacare.

You could expect nothing less from a bill than the Dem idiots who passed it didn't bother to read.

Yeah. We're in great shape. Just raise that debt ceiling and lets see how much more debt those Clowns can pile on.
Hey, Barry.....

How's "My way or the highway" working out for ya?

You do realize that the GOP hope to win the Senate is gone and their House control is teetering on the edge..."Barry" is not rolling over like the Baggers thought he would. Now they are backpeddling. Soon the House GOP moderates will take over.
It’s more TPM republicans who are causing the most damage; rational, traditional republicans, no so much.

I disagree. It is BECAUSE the rational traditional republicans WON'T stand up to the Tee baggers that we are in this position. The main stream rethugs FEAR is what's keeping us from moving forward.

The moderate GOPers are scared that the TP will defeat them in the primaries all the while the Dems hope the TP does and runs more of their loons. How did that work out for the TP? Not too well...huh?

The GOP needs to chose. They can either stand up to the TP or they can lose more national elections and watch their influence vanish.....

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