More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.


If you let me borrow a few HUNDRED BILLION $ with NO INTEREST, I'll put the market at 25,000!!!!!
The recovery of the stock market is good news for almost everyone.
Declining unemployment is good news.

But the job is far from done.
USDJPY Breaks Key Technical Level; Drags Stocks, Bond Yields Lower

USDJPY has broken below its 200-day moving-average at 101.25 and is trading back to almost 6-month lows this morning ahead of this evening's BoJ meeting (which is largely expected now not to provide the additional QQE that everyone hoped for earlier in the exuberant year). The Nikkei is tumbling right along side it... as are US equities... and US Treasury bond yields... But, it's Tuesday!!!!!

USDJPY Breaks Key Technical Level; Drags Stocks, Bond Yields Lower | Zero Hedge

and there we have more liberal spin. without spin you'd have nothing at all.

but one thing you can claim that is real is that half the national debt was created under barack obama.

Hey dumbass: what was the DOW at when Obama took office?

What is it now?

Shut the fuck up. :lol:

undervalued from its peak of 14K. un like bush who took it from a high anddrove it even higher.

now how about that debt you have doubled and continue to grow.

Did we get rid of that patriot act yet?

Are people on entitlements still floating near 50%

Nice work

and there we have more liberal spin. without spin you'd have nothing at all.

but one thing you can claim that is real is that half the national debt was created under barack obama.

Hey dumbass: what was the DOW at when Obama took office?

What is it now?

Shut the fuck up. :lol:

Reality does not reflect the soaring stock market.

You haven't clue what is driving the stock market, or apparently the reality American workers are living in.

That is such a laughable statistic, and all you can do is post propaganda and childish things like this?

Go do something else.
I am all for a healthy financial market, always have been...

The 20MILL who are still unemployed would love it too if they had a 401K...

The Double Standard you will display comes later, you know it and so does everyone else...

The Admin has failed miserably at creating a Recovery...

As I've posted numerous times in this VERY THREAD, the job losses in the private sector that occurred during the Bush administration in the private sector HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY REVERSED.

What hasn't been reversed is the job losses in the PUBLIC SECTOR.

As you folks want to shrink government recovering those losses are completely incompatible with your agenda.

At least when there is a Democrat at the helm.

Because during the Reagan and George W. Bush years, hiring in the public sector was robust.

no they haven't. most companies downsized and are still running leaner. we're at least 600 people less than we were even with the rehires we've made.

Private sector jobs help with the deficite, public sector jobs put a further drain on it. obamas stimulus package was public sector job intense. thus the massive increase in our debt. he banked the economy would recover enough on its own he's have good numbers to post and keep the democrats in power in the 2010 midterms. that didn't happen. we can't afford to keep floating the size of government we've built.

Yes they have.

Your company is not the only private company out there.

Getting really fucking tired of posting these links.
U.S. jobs recovery is near - hold your applause

This happened because of austerity.

Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush spent wildly to keep the numbers up.

So? If you want a small and lean government?

Don't complain about Unemployment. Because, yes Virginia, the government DOES create jobs.
As I've posted numerous times in this VERY THREAD, the job losses in the private sector that occurred during the Bush administration in the private sector HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY REVERSED.

Yes, but you're a sociopath, and you post what you think will promote your shameful party - with no consideration of whether what you post happens to be true.

In this case, what you post is laughably absurd.

What hasn't been reversed is the job losses in the PUBLIC SECTOR.

As you folks want to shrink government recovering those losses are completely incompatible with your agenda.

At least when there is a Democrat at the helm.

Because during the Reagan and George W. Bush years, hiring in the public sector was robust.

It's opposite day among the sociopath democrats again...

You live in a world all your own..
and there we have more liberal spin. without spin you'd have nothing at all.

but one thing you can claim that is real is that half the national debt was created under barack obama.

Hey dumbass: what was the DOW at when Obama took office?

What is it now?

Shut the fuck up. :lol:

Reality does not reflect the soaring stock market.

You haven't clue what is driving the stock market, or apparently the reality American workers are living in.

That is such a laughable statistic, and all you can do is post propaganda and childish things like this?

Go do something else.

Clue: If you adjust for devaluation of the dollar and inflation... stocks are right where one would expect them to be if the market was flat. The only thing driving the market right now is the Fed Actions.
Are rising (nominal) stock prices the new meme for Democrats to tout as economic success? What happens when they fall?

Seems desperate to me.
Hey dumbass: what was the DOW at when Obama took office?

What is it now?

Shut the fuck up. :lol:

Reality does not reflect the soaring stock market.

You haven't clue what is driving the stock market, or apparently the reality American workers are living in.

That is such a laughable statistic, and all you can do is post propaganda and childish things like this?

Go do something else.

Clue: If you adjust for devaluation of the dollar and inflation... stocks are right where one would expect them to be if the market was flat. The only thing driving the market right now is the Fed Actions.
Of course, corporations posting record profits don't factor into the equation at all. :eusa_doh:
i've done great with the rise in the market the last few years. i wonder how many of the poor and jobless can say the same thing? i guess the economy has really only improved for a few

Just keep voting for the CEO's who shaft the workers, to pay shareholders & themselves more. That will keep making you money, stocks climbing & those dam worker slaves in line & depending on government tax payer's.
Just keep voting for the CEO's who shaft the workers, to pay shareholders & themselves more.

Comrade, why did 88% of Americans with a net worth of greater than $10 million vote for Obama?

Because Obama and the democrats are looking out for the "little guy?"

That will keep making you money, stocks climbing & those dam worker slaves in line & depending on government tax payer's.

90% of the supposed recovery benefits the top 1% of the nation.

I think I see a pattern, Comrade...
If you let me borrow a few HUNDRED BILLION $ with NO INTEREST, I'll put the market at 25,000!!!!!

The Fed is buying government debt & bad debt & holding it sterile, therefore not circulating in the economy. Removing leverage debt has a deflationary effect countering the printing, which is why gold has fallen. Inflation happens when debt is created, deflation happens when debt is paid or defaulted on.

Care to explain our $17+ TRILLION DEBT then?
If you let me borrow a few HUNDRED BILLION $ with NO INTEREST, I'll put the market at 25,000!!!!!

The Fed is buying government debt & bad debt & holding it sterile, therefore not circulating in the economy. Removing leverage debt has a deflationary effect countering the printing, which is why gold has fallen. Inflation happens when debt is created, deflation happens when debt is paid or defaulted on.

Care to explain our $17+ TRILLION DEBT then?

Fed actions QE, etc. are not the same as Treasury Debt. The 17 trillion is backed by the tax payer. The Fed backs itself with vapor.
If you let me borrow a few HUNDRED BILLION $ with NO INTEREST, I'll put the market at 25,000!!!!!

The Fed is buying government debt & bad debt & holding it sterile, therefore not circulating in the economy. Removing leverage debt has a deflationary effect countering the printing, which is why gold has fallen. Inflation happens when debt is created, deflation happens when debt is paid or defaulted on.

Care to explain our $17+ TRILLION DEBT then?
And unfunded mandates...
i've done great with the rise in the market the last few years. i wonder how many of the poor and jobless can say the same thing? i guess the economy has really only improved for a few

Just keep voting for the CEO's who shaft the workers, to pay shareholders & themselves more. That will keep making you money, stocks climbing & those dam worker slaves in line & depending on government tax payer's.

You really think the federal party on either side is interested in doing anything different.

The left has made it so that government is more a business than anything else. And those in office are going to get theirs.
Dayum..such sour pusses..

Guess these guys were happier when we were charging 2 wars, tax cuts for the rich, and a Department of Homeland security on the national credit card or we had a president cutting taxes while spending kabillions of dollars on a "Star Wars Weapons Systems" while on a deregulation bonanza.


Led to financial cataclysm requiring massive bailouts from tax payers.

Well..cheer up buckaroos.

Maybe sometime in 2024, Americans will be tired of peace, prosperity, a budget surplus and the Democratic policies that got them there.

They will want a return to boom and bust, bailouts, war and unemployment.

And elect a Republican President. then? I'll be part of the 1%. Lately? Been on my way there!


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