More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

The really fun part?

Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

In fact they've done EVERYTHING to sabotage it.

From getting the T-Bills downgraded, to the sequester, to the government shutdown.

This is a great thing to run on in November, along with the Ryan budget that wanted to kill medicare, obamacare and cut taxes on the rich..while pumping more money into military contracts.

Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

The sequester limited the amount of money Obama could shovel to his donors.

Anything they can do to slow him down is great for the economy.
I seem to recall Conservatives blaming Obama for the sequester at the time.

you must have missed the part where Obama vowed to veto any attempt by either Party to undo the sequester....................maybe it's because you're a brain dead loser?
Obama Vowed To Use Veto To Keep Sequester | Sweetness & …

Obama pledges to veto effort to undo ... Obama was saying that he would veto any attempt to change the sequester if ... Obama was only willing to undo the sequester

Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.3%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

- Promised to end the Iraq War in 16 months. Finally removed all troops after 35 months, when negotiations to keep them longer failed.

- Signed his first Executive Order to prevent the hiring of lobbyists into senior government positions. Waived that order a few dozen times so he could hire lobbyists into senior government positions.

- Promised a policy of "fiscal responsibility". signed 6+ Trillion of new debt into law since taking office.

- As a Senator, properly declared that Bush couldn't attack Iran without Congressional authorization. As President, ignored the War Powers Resolution, and attacked Libya without Congressional authorization.

- Rammed an $800 Billion spending bill through Congress during his first month, with the intent of keeping Unemployment below 8% (and expected to have Unemployment down to 5.5% by mid-2012. Of course the unemployment rate cannot be trusted since the 7.8 percent was a proven lie in 2012, and it was 4.6 percent the last time the republicans had majority of the power at the end of 2006. Now, the press brags about 6.3 even though there is no way we can really verify that number, or know how many of those jobs are in the private sector. Government jobs have expanded, then that is only going to increase government power and increase the sky rocketing debt. But, hey we all know who hates the private sector don't we?

- Blames everything on Republicans. Even though Democrats controlled the House & Senate during his first two years in office, and passed any bill he told them to.

- Believes that it's Constitutional for the Federal Government to dictate that every American must purchase a specified commercial product. Which the Supreme Court upheld as yet another massive new tax.

- Endlessly attacked and opposed the "Bush tax cuts". Until he continued and expanded them every year after they would have expired.

- Promised to close Gitmo. Still promising to close Gitmo.

- Promised to use public campaign financing. Turned himself into a liar after the nomination was locked up, proceeded to run a $750,000,000 campaign with private donations.

- Stated that he was against a mandate to purchase health insurance. Signed a massive "health care" bill into law, centered on a mandate for every American to purchase health insurance.

- Clearly a firmly stated his religious conviction that marriage is between a man & women. Until he needed to pander for more votes, six months before the election.

- Obama Lies about Sequester;


"Remember when Obama supported the sequester cuts?

Busted for lying for the umpteenth time. Even Democrat Bob Woodward felt the need to call out Obama for his blatant lies about not only having supported the automatic spending cuts, but actually having introduced the idea himself.

Hey man, I will cut him some slack. Since he is the most unqualified president to ever take office, he only says what he is told to say.


According to morons on the left Government Motors is alive? They have recalled more cars than they have sold since the government took over in 2009. That, according to the left is alive?

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Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

The sequester limited the amount of money Obama could shovel to his donors.

Anything they can do to slow him down is great for the economy.
I seem to recall Conservatives blaming Obama for the sequester at the time.

you must have missed the part where Obama vowed to veto any attempt by either Party to undo the sequester....................maybe it's because you're a brain dead loser?
Thanks for demenstrating just how rightarded you are ... you call me names while you're proving me right. :lmao: If I'm a "brain dead loser," then so are you for agreeing with me. :eusa_doh:
I seem to recall Conservatives blaming Obama for the sequester at the time.

you must have missed the part where Obama vowed to veto any attempt by either Party to undo the sequester....................maybe it's because you're a brain dead loser?
Thanks for demenstrating just how rightarded you are ... you call me names while you're proving me right. :lmao: If I'm a "brain dead loser," then so are you for agreeing with me. :eusa_doh:

You are denying Obama is responsible for the sequester eh? You are all so easy to lie to.

You can try and deny it, and you can call all of the names you want. You cannot refute the facts.

From his own mouth....

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The really fun part?

Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

In fact they've done EVERYTHING to sabotage it.

From getting the T-Bills downgraded, to the sequester, to the government shutdown.

This is a great thing to run on in November, along with the Ryan budget that wanted to kill medicare, obamacare and cut taxes on the rich..while pumping more money into military contracts.

Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

The sequester limited the amount of money Obama could shovel to his donors.

Anything they can do to slow him down is great for the economy.
I seem to recall Conservatives blaming Obama for the sequester at the time.

Except when they took credit for it.

[ame=]Boehner brags about getting 98% in Debt Ceiling Sequester Deal - YouTube[/ame]
you must have missed the part where Obama vowed to veto any attempt by either Party to undo the sequester....................maybe it's because you're a brain dead loser?
Thanks for demenstrating just how rightarded you are ... you call me names while you're proving me right. :lmao: If I'm a "brain dead loser," then so are you for agreeing with me. :eusa_doh:

You are denying Obama is responsible for the sequester eh? You are all so easy to lie to.

You can try and deny it, and you can call all of the names you want. You cannot refute the facts.

From his own mouth....

The GOP was threatening to close down the government. They were engaged in hostage taking.

The Sequester never would have happened had the GOP not taken such radical and extreme measures.

Next time around? President Obama said, "Go for it".

And they closed down government.

How'd that work out?

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Thanks for demenstrating just how rightarded you are ... you call me names while you're proving me right. :lmao: If I'm a "brain dead loser," then so are you for agreeing with me. :eusa_doh:

You are denying Obama is responsible for the sequester eh? You are all so easy to lie to.

You can try and deny it, and you can call all of the names you want. You cannot refute the facts.

From his own mouth....

The GOP was threatening to close down the government. They were engaged in hostage taking.

The Sequester never would have happened had the GOP not taken such radical and extreme measures.

Next time around? President Obama said, "Go for it".

And they closed down government.

How'd that work out?


Factchecker gives you....

FOUR Pinocchios


The Pinocchio Test

No one disputes the fact that no one wanted sequestration, or that ultimately a bipartisan vote in Congress led to passage of the Budget Control Act. But the president categorically said that sequestration was “something that Congress has proposed.”

Woodward’s detailed account of meetings during the crisis, clearly based on interviews with key participants and contemporaneous notes, make it clear that sequestration was a proposal advanced and promoted by the White House.

In sum: Gene Sperling brought up the idea of a sequester, while Jack Lew sold Harry Reid on the idea and then decided to use the Gramm-Hollings-Rudman language (which he knew from his days of working for Tip O’Neill) as a template for sequester. The proposal was so unusual for Republicans that staffers had to work through the night to understand it.

Oddly, Lew in Tampa on Thursday, publicly asserted the opposite: “There was an insistence on the part of Republicans in Congress for there to be some automatic trigger….

[It] was very much rooted in the Republican congressional insistence that there be an automatic measure at the end.”

This prompted Woodward to go over his notes and interviews once again, to make sure he had gotten it right.

“After reviewing all the interviews and the extensive material I have on this issue, it looks like President Obama told a whopper,” Woodward said. “Based on what Jack Lew said in Florida today, I have asked the White House to correct the record.”

We had been wavering between Three and Four Pinocchios. But in light’s of Lew’s decision to doubledown on Obama’s claim, we agree it’s a whopper.
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The really fun part?

Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

In fact they've done EVERYTHING to sabotage it.

From getting the T-Bills downgraded, to the sequester, to the government shutdown.

This is a great thing to run on in November, along with the Ryan budget that wanted to kill medicare, obamacare and cut taxes on the rich..while pumping more money into military contracts.

Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

The sequester limited the amount of money Obama could shovel to his donors.

Anything they can do to slow him down is great for the economy.
I seem to recall Conservatives blaming Obama for the sequester at the time.

Obama signed it and then blamed Republicans for it.

And then he turns around and takes credit for a falling deficit.

He should do standup after he leaves office. :lol:
Thanks for demenstrating just how rightarded you are ... you call me names while you're proving me right. :lmao: If I'm a "brain dead loser," then so are you for agreeing with me. :eusa_doh:

You are denying Obama is responsible for the sequester eh? You are all so easy to lie to.

You can try and deny it, and you can call all of the names you want. You cannot refute the facts.

From his own mouth....

The GOP was threatening to close down the government. They were engaged in hostage taking.

The Sequester never would have happened had the GOP not taken such radical and extreme measures.

Next time around? President Obama said, "Go for it".

And they closed down government.

How'd that work out?


One government worker lost his job and the government saved millions.
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These economic new items are like stabs in the heart to Republicans. If only another depression would hit America they would be on their way. In the meantime what choices do Republicans have: shut the government down, or continue to vote repeal Obamacare? Of course they could always trot out their- this is socialism and that leads to communism gambit, but having used that thing for the last seventy years people it no longer seems to get a lot of people excited like it did in 1935 with Social Security.
you must have missed the part where Obama vowed to veto any attempt by either Party to undo the sequester....................maybe it's because you're a brain dead loser?
Thanks for demenstrating just how rightarded you are ... you call me names while you're proving me right. :lmao: If I'm a "brain dead loser," then so are you for agreeing with me. :eusa_doh:

You are denying Obama is responsible for the sequester eh? You are all so easy to lie to.

You can try and deny it, and you can call all of the names you want. You cannot refute the facts.

From his own mouth....

I didn't deny it, you flippin' rightard. :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:

Someone on the left pointed out how Republicans can't take any credit for the comeback of the economy since they haven't done anything. Someone on the right disputed that by trying to credit Republicans with the sequester. That's when I chimed in by pointing out that Republicans don't take the credit for that. Then some rightard unwittingly proved me right. :D
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Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

The sequester limited the amount of money Obama could shovel to his donors.

Anything they can do to slow him down is great for the economy.
I seem to recall Conservatives blaming Obama for the sequester at the time.

Obama signed it and then blamed Republicans for it.

And then he turns around and takes credit for a falling deficit.

He should do standup after he leaves office. :lol:

Spot the disconnect ...

Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

The sequester limited the amount of money Obama could shovel to his donors.

Anything they can do to slow him down is great for the economy.
I seem to recall Conservatives blaming Obama for the sequester at the time.

Obama signed it and then blamed Republicans for it.

And then he turns around and takes credit for a falling deficit.

He should do standup after he leaves office. :lol:

Spot the disconnect ...

Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

The sequester limited the amount of money Obama could shovel to his donors.

Anything they can do to slow him down is great for the economy.

The disconnect is that Obama and the rest of the libs are whining about sequester spending cuts.

[ame=]Weekly Address from President Obama "Congress Must Act Now to Stop the Sequester" - YouTube[/ame]
You are denying Obama is responsible for the sequester eh? You are all so easy to lie to.

You can try and deny it, and you can call all of the names you want. You cannot refute the facts.

From his own mouth....

The GOP was threatening to close down the government. They were engaged in hostage taking.

The Sequester never would have happened had the GOP not taken such radical and extreme measures.

Next time around? President Obama said, "Go for it".

And they closed down government.

How'd that work out?


Obama?s fanciful claim that Congress ?proposed? the sequester - The Washington Post

Factchecker gives you....

FOUR Pinocchios


The Pinocchio Test

No one disputes the fact that no one wanted sequestration, or that ultimately a bipartisan vote in Congress led to passage of the Budget Control Act. But the president categorically said that sequestration was “something that Congress has proposed.”

Woodward’s detailed account of meetings during the crisis, clearly based on interviews with key participants and contemporaneous notes, make it clear that sequestration was a proposal advanced and promoted by the White House.

In sum: Gene Sperling brought up the idea of a sequester, while Jack Lew sold Harry Reid on the idea and then decided to use the Gramm-Hollings-Rudman language (which he knew from his days of working for Tip O’Neill) as a template for sequester. The proposal was so unusual for Republicans that staffers had to work through the night to understand it.

Oddly, Lew in Tampa on Thursday, publicly asserted the opposite: “There was an insistence on the part of Republicans in Congress for there to be some automatic trigger….

[It] was very much rooted in the Republican congressional insistence that there be an automatic measure at the end.”

This prompted Woodward to go over his notes and interviews once again, to make sure he had gotten it right.

“After reviewing all the interviews and the extensive material I have on this issue, it looks like President Obama told a whopper,” Woodward said. “Based on what Jack Lew said in Florida today, I have asked the White House to correct the record.”

We had been wavering between Three and Four Pinocchios. But in light’s of Lew’s decision to doubledown on Obama’s claim, we agree it’s a whopper.

First off..that's basically opinion. And it has nothing to do with what I posted. What I posted was that the sequester HAPPENED because the GOP were threatening a government shutdown.

The next time the GOP used the debt ceiling as a hostage? They actually went ahead and let the government shutdown.

Pinnocchios notwithstanding.

The GOP threat was real.
You are denying Obama is responsible for the sequester eh? You are all so easy to lie to.

You can try and deny it, and you can call all of the names you want. You cannot refute the facts.

From his own mouth....

The GOP was threatening to close down the government. They were engaged in hostage taking.

The Sequester never would have happened had the GOP not taken such radical and extreme measures.

Next time around? President Obama said, "Go for it".

And they closed down government.

How'd that work out?


One government worker lost his job and the government saved millions.
If the One gvmt. organizer lost his, the government would save trillions. :eusa_whistle:
Obama signed it and then blamed Republicans for it.

And then he turns around and takes credit for a falling deficit.

He should do standup after he leaves office. :lol:

Spot the disconnect ...

Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

The sequester limited the amount of money Obama could shovel to his donors.

Anything they can do to slow him down is great for the economy.

The disconnect is that Obama and the rest of the libs are whining about sequester spending cuts.

[ame=""]Weekly Address from President Obama "Congress Must Act Now to Stop the Sequester" - YouTube[/ame]

It's sad that President Obama only uses the bully pulpit to blacken the eyes of Republicans rather than spending serious time seeking help from the people of the United States to volunteer their services to help his causes. He prefers throwing money at everything and the finding more ways to squander the contents of the Treasury while nobody's looking.

Instead of getting people's help, he prefers scorched earth more jealously than the devil. :rolleyes:

That makes him more lame duck than those he tries to shoot down.
Market sentiment poll only shows 29% of stockholders are bullish, yet the Dow is up 50 & S&P is above record close. The P/E was a totally ridiculous unsustainable 65 under Bush & now at the normal 18. That indicates the market is still climbing a wall of worry which is bullish.
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Market sentiment poll only shows 29% of stockholders are bullish, yet the Dow is up 50 & S&P is above record close. The P/E was a totally ridiculous unsustainable 65 under Bush & now at the normal 18. That indicates the market is still climbing a wall of worry which is bullish.

What P/E was 65 under Bush? When?

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