More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Consider reading the article for which I provided a link. And no, I am going to waste my time and anyone's bandwidth explaining to you how one goes about clicking on a link. Please consult the nearest adult.

Correction's getting closer. Let's see at least 10%, and then some decent growth news.

That'll be time to buy.


Now that's sensible.

Nice to see Liz Ann Sonders of Schwab agreeing with me precisely this morning on CNBC.

"I would just rather see the next big move to be on the down side, not on the up side, and we're a little bit concerned about sentiment". She then explains how money not yet at play comes in and grabs value during smaller dips and it's prolonging the wait for the needed and healthy correction. She also said 10% would be nice.

Damn I'm good.

Time for market to trim gains?

Nice to see Liz Ann Sonders of Schwab agreeing with me precisely this morning on CNBC.

"I would just rather see the next big move to be on the down side, not on the up side, and we're a little bit concerned about sentiment". She then explains how money not yet at play comes in and grabs value during smaller dips and it's prolonging the wait for the needed and healthy correction. She also said 10% would be nice.

Damn I'm good.

Time for market to trim gains?

Just because someone or even most people agree with you does not in any way make you right or make you money. If you can't value markets, you should not be investing. The market is not going to dip to let people in off the sidelines. It's not going to correct just because a certain period of time has passed.

Markets correct after they become over or under valued do to errors in group think herd mentality.

This market is currently neither.

Nice to see Liz Ann Sonders of Schwab agreeing with me precisely this morning on CNBC.

"I would just rather see the next big move to be on the down side, not on the up side, and we're a little bit concerned about sentiment". She then explains how money not yet at play comes in and grabs value during smaller dips and it's prolonging the wait for the needed and healthy correction. She also said 10% would be nice.

Damn I'm good.

Time for market to trim gains?

Just because someone or even most people agree with you does not in any way make you right or make you money. If you can't value markets, you should not be investing. The market is not going to dip to let people in off the sidelines. It's not going to correct just because a certain period of time has passed.

Markets correct after they become over or under valued do to errors in group think herd mentality.

This market is currently neither.

Well, I'd better be investing, I'm an investment advisor. I do it for a living for my individual and corporate clients.

A market doesn't dip to let people in off the sidelines, people get off the sidelines when they see the market dip. And/or they adjust allocations accordingly.

No one who knows what they are doing claims that the market is going to correct on any given time frame. They know that corrections happen as a normal part of a healthy secular bull market, and some can see when the market is somewhat overvalued in the short term. As it is right now.

Looks like you missed my point. This has been on ongoing conversation on this thread. Anything else?

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Nice to see Liz Ann Sonders of Schwab agreeing with me precisely this morning on CNBC.

"I would just rather see the next big move to be on the down side, not on the up side, and we're a little bit concerned about sentiment". She then explains how money not yet at play comes in and grabs value during smaller dips and it's prolonging the wait for the needed and healthy correction. She also said 10% would be nice.

Damn I'm good.

Time for market to trim gains?

Just because someone or even most people agree with you does not in any way make you right or make you money. If you can't value markets, you should not be investing. The market is not going to dip to let people in off the sidelines. It's not going to correct just because a certain period of time has passed.

Markets correct after they become over or under valued do to errors in group think herd mentality.

This market is currently neither.

Well, I'd better be investing, I'm an investment advisor. I do it for a living for my individual and corporate clients.

A market doesn't dip to let people in off the sidelines, people get off the sidelines when they see the market dip. And/or they adjust allocations accordingly.

No one who knows what they are doing claims that the market is going to correct on any given time frame. They know that corrections happen as a normal part of a healthy secular bull market, and some can see when the market is somewhat overvalued in the short term. As it is right now.

Looks like you missed my point. This has been on ongoing conversation on this thread. Anything else?

By what measure is the market overvalued?
By what measure is the market overvalued?

S&P 500 P/E ratio as of today is 19.54, you want it at 17-18; NASDAQ is at 23.16, you want it at about 20.00, Dow is at 16.51, you want it about 15.50, especially in an uneven and tepid environment.

Additionally, GDP for year will not match the 3.0% predicted and we need faster growth to achieve escape velocity to avoid inflation issues.

I'm hoping for 2nd quarter GDP at least 3.0% to 3.5%, hopefully more. Anything under about 2.8% will be a disappointment.

That's (part of) what the market sees, and that's why we'd love to see a short term pullback/consolidation. It would be healthy.

Then, if a few other things look good, we could be right back and running.

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By what measure is the market overvalued?

S&P 500 P/E ratio as of today is 19.54, you want it at 17-18; NASDAQ is at 23.16, you want it at about 20.00, Dow is at 16.51, you want it about 15.50, especially in an uneven and tepid environment.

Additionally, GDP for year will not match the 3.0% predicted and we need faster growth to achieve escape velocity to avoid inflation issues.

I'm hoping for 2nd quarter GDP at least 3.0% to 3.5%, hopefully more. Anything under about 2.8% will be a disappointment.

That's (part of) what the market sees, and that's why we'd love to see a short term pullback/consolidation. It would be healthy.

Then, if a few other things look good, we could be right back and running.

The phrase "escape velocity to avoid inflation issues" is just another phrase invented for the consumption of gullible idiots.

Rear PE ratio's are worthless to investors. Forward PEG ratios is how stocks are valued.
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By what measure is the market overvalued?

S&P 500 P/E ratio as of today is 19.54, you want it at 17-18; NASDAQ is at 23.16, you want it at about 20.00, Dow is at 16.51, you want it about 15.50, especially in an uneven and tepid environment.

Additionally, GDP for year will not match the 3.0% predicted and we need faster growth to achieve escape velocity to avoid inflation issues.

I'm hoping for 2nd quarter GDP at least 3.0% to 3.5%, hopefully more. Anything under about 2.8% will be a disappointment.

That's (part of) what the market sees, and that's why we'd love to see a short term pullback/consolidation. It would be healthy.

Then, if a few other things look good, we could be right back and running.

The phrase "escape velocity to avoid inflation issues" is just another phrase invented for the consumption of gullible idiots.

Rear PE ratio's are worthless to investors. Forward PEG ratios is how stocks are valued.

Well, don't tell my clients that I'm a gullible idiot, they're pretty happy and that would be real embarrassing.

Not sure what you're so cranky about, but whatever works for ya. Not my problem.


Thank goodness!

Pubbies are still likely to take the Senate.

The second quarter GDP was still held back by wet weather in the south. Third quarter GDP will explode as the economy will be hitting on all cylinders everywhere in the country. Those high GDP & other economic numbers will boost Democrats going into the 2014 mid terms.

I'm sure that will cheer up former Senate Majority leader Reid.
Just substitute "America" for "Argentina" in the article linked below and you have the perfect preview or what's in store when Our Kenyan President completes his plan to "put America in its place" comes to fuition:

Argentina braces for market reaction to second default in 12 years | Reuters

Too much debt?

One-word fix:


America's not Argentina.

For one thing our cowboys do not wear goucho pants.

For another thing our cowboys do not use bolas.

To sum up:

No Goucho pants. No Bolas.
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. On a side note, I find it fascinating how some how the democrats, even after Obama was elected, still maintains that blacks are the perpetual victim and they still have no fair shots at making it.

So, when blacks around the country celebrated and said....."WE ARRIVED!!!!! FREE AT LAST FREE AT LAST!!!!"

They really did not mean that, or it is that they are perpetually convinced they have not arrived and they are not FREE at all, for nefarious who reasons. Mainly due to the power generated by the democrats and race profiteers who greatly benefit by keeping the black man grievances front and center?

Oh never mind man. Don't answer those things. Those are rhetorical questions, and you are in the lead. Congrats.

Yes, they do mean free at last and they had every reason to celebrate the election of a black man

We are talking about people who grew up in a country that officially labeled them second class citizens. Unworthy of being the social equal of whites. Dirty, unworthy of drinking from the same drinking fountain as a white. People who, there whole life were told they are not the equal of a white

You bet your ass they celebrated.......why didn't you?

I would rather celebrate for content of character rather than color of skin. None of you actually showed any real qualifications this president had.

We know less about his schooling than we do about Thomas Jefferson's. Why all of the secrets? What in your estimation did he accomplish that garnered him the qualifications to be president? The highest office in the land.

There is nothing that he did that he really accomplished. List the things.

Your whole post makes it out that you voted for him simply because he is black (half black actually).

If we are going to be content of character, are you going to explain to me why you would not vote for Allen West? Want me to list a side by side comparison about the things West had done compared to Obama.

You stink left wing hacks always say there were those that did not vote for him because he was black. Well, in my estimation there were many more that voted for him TWICE simply because he was black. Oh, but that type of racism does not count, cause people like you do not think patronizing is racism.

Now, go ahead and tell us all of the reasons (other than color of skin) that made you think he was so qualified to hold the highest office in the land.


Did any of them ever list the reasons they voted for obama twice? Other than him being a democrat, or better yet NOT a republican, or the color of skin?

I asked this way back on page 35.

Did any of the patronizing racists, who do not know it is racism to patronize minorities list the vast accomplishments of obama? We do not even know his grades. He had no real key votes as senator.

Did they ever get around to answering it? They still clearly show they have no clue about the stock market being artificially inflated with ZIRP. They have no idea about that either.

They are the same ones mind you, that protest wall street under boooooooosh and then cheer when the rich get richer through the artificial inflation.

There is no point really in treating these ignorant patronizing racists with respect. Is there?

Look at the assholes while they rail against wall street and capitalism while they use the products gleefully produced by evil corporations they supposedly hate.

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They're railing about pander to the greedy idiot rich Pub and corporate tax rates and policies that have wrecked the non rich over the last 32 years, brainwashed dingbat. see sig

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