More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

No problemo Johnny Reb.

Yes..back to the real world:

Thu, Jul 17, 2014, 12:47 PM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 3 hrs 13 mins
S&P 500

-10.14 (0.51%)

Chart for ^GSPC

-51.04 (0.30%)

Chart for ^DJI

Markets are DOWN.


This must be that dreaded crash you folks were looking for..


So Baghdad Bob, if instead of handing trillions to Wall Street, if Obama had just split the money among all taxpayers. what would the effect be?

Reagan did that, but not Obama, he gave all the money to Warren Buffet instead. Obama thinks Buffet needs it more, at least he knows Buffet funneled a gob of it to him and the democrats. Remember the Obama mantra, fuck the middle class.
There is no stagflation.

And actually the Stimulus worked quite well.

Which is why we are seeing a robust recovery now.

Robust recovery? LOL!

Weakest recovery ever.

Even before Q1's -2.9% GDP.

Yep that's why most major corporations are posting record profits and 288K people got hired last month.

Dust off the resume, there, you might even be able to land a job yourself!



The economic expansion following the 2008 recession has been the weakest of the post–World War II era. Four years after the start of the recovery, GDP has risen about half as much as in the average post–World War II era recovery. The federal budget deficit, which was larger than in any other post–World War II era recovery for much of the past four years, has shrunk rapidly in recent months and is now smaller than in the recoveries which began in 1980 and 1982. House prices rose again in the second quarter of 2013 but remain 5 percent lower than they were at the start of the recovery (updated 11/19/2013). Household debt remained essentially unchanged in the second quarter of 2013 and remains below its June 2009 level (updated 11/19/2013).

Quarterly Update: The U.S. Economic Recovery in Historical Context - Council on Foreign Relations

No problemo Johnny Reb.

Yes..back to the real world:

Thu, Jul 17, 2014, 12:47 PM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 3 hrs 13 mins
S&P 500

-10.14 (0.51%)

Chart for ^GSPC

-51.04 (0.30%)

Chart for ^DJI

Markets are DOWN.


This must be that dreaded crash you folks were looking for..


So Baghdad Bob, if instead of handing trillions to Wall Street, if Obama had just split the money among all taxpayers. what would the effect be?

Reagan did that, but not Obama, he gave all the money to Warren Buffet instead. Obama thinks Buffet needs it more, at least he knows Buffet funneled a gob of it to him and the democrats. Remember the Obama mantra, fuck the middle class.

Reagan did not do that, Johnny Reb.

Reagan cut taxes on the rich and got rid of regulations. Then? He started spending money like crazy on the military.

The deficit got SO BAD, he had to beg Tip O'Neil to give him cover when he had to raise it on the middle class and poor.

Reagan introduced new taxes on unemployment and tips.

He also got rid of death beneficiaries for SSI that were older than 18.

Nice guy.
Reagan did not do that, Johnny Reb.

Reagan cut taxes on the rich and got rid of regulations. Then? He started spending money like crazy on the military.

The deficit got SO BAD, he had to beg Tip O'Neil to give him cover when he had to raise it on the middle class and poor.

Reagan introduced new taxes on unemployment and tips.

He also got rid of death beneficiaries for SSI that were older than 18.

Nice guy.

Then I guess every taxpayer is rich, because EVERY taxpayer got a rebate under Reagan.

I know, you're just lying - it's what you do.

You do realize that the level of absurd lies you tell indicate that you are mentally unstable, right Baghdad Bob? Clearly you cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality.

Is the reason that you're a pathological liar that you are actually a paranoid schizophrenic? :dunno:
There is no stagflation.

And actually the Stimulus worked quite well.

Which is why we are seeing a robust recovery now.

Thanks for that update, Baghdad Bob,

Now back to the real world...

No problemo Johnny Reb.

Yes..back to the real world:

Thu, Jul 17, 2014, 12:47 PM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 3 hrs 13 mins
S&P 500

-10.14 (0.51%)

Chart for ^GSPC

-51.04 (0.30%)

Chart for ^DJI

Markets are DOWN.


This must be that dreaded crash you folks were looking for..


all this is is an example of the rich getting richer. Yes, we will conceed, the economy has been great for the 1%. the 99%, not so much. Corporations are sitting on a ton of cash. Corporations are outsourcing jobs and reducing head count. corporations are replacing FT workers with PT and temp labor. Executive salraries are up, rank and file down. The market is up because companies are increasing their bottom lines at the expense of domestic jobs and the workers.
Reagan did not do that, Johnny Reb.

Reagan cut taxes on the rich and got rid of regulations. Then? He started spending money like crazy on the military.

The deficit got SO BAD, he had to beg Tip O'Neil to give him cover when he had to raise it on the middle class and poor.

Reagan introduced new taxes on unemployment and tips.

He also got rid of death beneficiaries for SSI that were older than 18.

Nice guy.

Then I guess every taxpayer is rich, because EVERY taxpayer got a rebate under Reagan.

I know, you're just lying - it's what you do.

You do realize that the level of absurd lies you tell indicate that you are mentally unstable, right Baghdad Bob? Clearly you cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality.

Is the reason that you're a pathological liar that you are actually a paranoid schizophrenic? :dunno:

Well no..

I am not lying.

Also Reagan's economy required multiple financial bailouts and exploded the deficit.

Johnny Reb.

I think you may have taken one to many bullets to the head.
Thanks for that update, Baghdad Bob,

Now back to the real world...

No problemo Johnny Reb.

Yes..back to the real world:

Thu, Jul 17, 2014, 12:47 PM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 3 hrs 13 mins
S&P 500

-10.14 (0.51%)

Chart for ^GSPC

-51.04 (0.30%)

Chart for ^DJI

Markets are DOWN.


This must be that dreaded crash you folks were looking for..


all this is is an example of the rich getting richer. Yes, we will conceed, the economy has been great for the 1%. the 99%, not so much. Corporations are sitting on a ton of cash. Corporations are outsourcing jobs and reducing head count. corporations are replacing FT workers with PT and temp labor. Executive salraries are up, rank and file down. The market is up because companies are increasing their bottom lines at the expense of domestic jobs and the workers.

And again..52% of the 288K hires were full time and made over 20 bucks an hour.

Obama's economy has recovered all jobs, public and private sector lost during the Bush cataclysm with JUST private sector hires.

If you folks are so concerned about people's employment? Put folks into congress that will pass bills to appropriate money for public hires.

Like they did with Reagan.
Like they did with Bush.
Like they did with Clinton.
Like they did with Bush II.

Otherwise? Welcome to the new paradigm.
No problemo Johnny Reb.

Yes..back to the real world:

Thu, Jul 17, 2014, 12:47 PM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 3 hrs 13 mins
S&P 500

-10.14 (0.51%)

Chart for ^GSPC

-51.04 (0.30%)

Chart for ^DJI

Markets are DOWN.


This must be that dreaded crash you folks were looking for..


all this is is an example of the rich getting richer. Yes, we will conceed, the economy has been great for the 1%. the 99%, not so much. Corporations are sitting on a ton of cash. Corporations are outsourcing jobs and reducing head count. corporations are replacing FT workers with PT and temp labor. Executive salraries are up, rank and file down. The market is up because companies are increasing their bottom lines at the expense of domestic jobs and the workers.

And again..52% of the 288K hires were full time and made over 20 bucks an hour.

Obama's economy has recovered all jobs, public and private sector lost during the Bush cataclysm with JUST private sector hires.

If you folks are so concerned about people's employment? Put folks into congress that will pass bills to appropriate money for public hires.

Like they did with Reagan.
Like they did with Bush.
Like they did with Clinton.
Like they did with Bush II.

Otherwise? Welcome to the new paradigm.

uhm, we don't have the funding to pay for public hires. public hires only add to our debt right now. we don't need to expand government we can't afford to. Get it? and we can't afford to because Obama did not fix the economy.
all this is is an example of the rich getting richer. Yes, we will conceed, the economy has been great for the 1%. the 99%, not so much. Corporations are sitting on a ton of cash. Corporations are outsourcing jobs and reducing head count. corporations are replacing FT workers with PT and temp labor. Executive salraries are up, rank and file down. The market is up because companies are increasing their bottom lines at the expense of domestic jobs and the workers.

And again..52% of the 288K hires were full time and made over 20 bucks an hour.

Obama's economy has recovered all jobs, public and private sector lost during the Bush cataclysm with JUST private sector hires.

If you folks are so concerned about people's employment? Put folks into congress that will pass bills to appropriate money for public hires.

Like they did with Reagan.
Like they did with Bush.
Like they did with Clinton.
Like they did with Bush II.

Otherwise? Welcome to the new paradigm.

uhm, we don't have the funding to pay for public hires. public hires only add to our debt right now. we don't need to expand government we can't afford to. Get it? and we can't afford to because Obama did not fix the economy.

We just paid 1.7 trillion for the F-35..which doesn't work.

Exactly how can we afford that but not hiring Police, Firemen, Sanitation and Teachers?

It's pretty amazing.

The Military Industrial Complex has a magical pot of gold.

Everyone else?

You are fucked.
We just paid 1.7 trillion for the F-35..which doesn't work.

Exactly how can we afford that but not hiring Police, Firemen, Sanitation and Teachers?

It's pretty amazing.

The Military Industrial Complex has a magical pot of gold.

Everyone else?

You are fucked.

I pointed out that you are on the level of a bag lady screaming at a lamp post to stop following her, which is accurate, but unfair to bag ladies and lamp posts.

The issue is, you simpering retard. the federal government doesn't fund firemen, police, and teachers. While you think that Obama is King, everything belongs to him, and he decides everything, that isn't reality. But as noted, you have no grasp on reality.

In real life, police, fire, and teachers are funded by local communities - generally through property taxes.
And again..52% of the 288K hires were full time and made over 20 bucks an hour.

Obama's economy has recovered all jobs, public and private sector lost during the Bush cataclysm with JUST private sector hires.

If you folks are so concerned about people's employment? Put folks into congress that will pass bills to appropriate money for public hires.

Like they did with Reagan.
Like they did with Bush.
Like they did with Clinton.
Like they did with Bush II.

Otherwise? Welcome to the new paradigm.

uhm, we don't have the funding to pay for public hires. public hires only add to our debt right now. we don't need to expand government we can't afford to. Get it? and we can't afford to because Obama did not fix the economy.

We just paid 1.7 trillion for the F-35..which doesn't work.

Exactly how can we afford that but not hiring Police, Firemen, Sanitation and Teachers?

It's pretty amazing.

The Military Industrial Complex has a magical pot of gold.

Everyone else?

You are fucked.

We just paid 1.7 trillion for the F-35..

There is no stagflation.

And actually the Stimulus worked quite well.

Which is why we are seeing a robust recovery now.

Robust recovery? LOL!

Weakest recovery ever.

Even before Q1's -2.9% GDP.

Yep that's why most major corporations are posting record profits and 288K people got hired last month.

Dust off the resume, there, you might even be able to land a job yourself!


Buried in that net 288K is a loss of nearly 600K full time jobs.

Replacing good full time jobs with lousy part time ones is a pillar of the Obama Legacy.
What happened to the $800 BILLION in stimulus?....When you dug yourself into a hole, the only way you can go is up!


Who dug the hole idiot?

All you people do is lie, claiming Obama caused stagflation. The opposite is true. Bush caused an inflationary death spiral, Obama turned it into a prosperous deflationary economy.

There is no stagflation.

And actually the Stimulus worked quite well.

Which is why we are seeing a robust recovery now.

BIG PUSSY SWALLOWed that Democratic bullshit!

Dems Conveniently Forgot About Obama’s Failed Stimulus Package

Christie: Dems Conveniently Forgot About Obama?s Failed Stimulus Package | Washington Free Beacon
uhm, we don't have the funding to pay for public hires. public hires only add to our debt right now. we don't need to expand government we can't afford to. Get it? and we can't afford to because Obama did not fix the economy.

We just paid 1.7 trillion for the F-35..which doesn't work.

Exactly how can we afford that but not hiring Police, Firemen, Sanitation and Teachers?

It's pretty amazing.

The Military Industrial Complex has a magical pot of gold.

Everyone else?

You are fucked.

We just paid 1.7 trillion for the F-35..


Trillion-Dollar Jet Has Thirteen Expensive New Flaws | Danger Room | WIRED
U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion » Stop the F-35
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Next time, reinstall your google.
Who dug the hole idiot?

All you people do is lie, claiming Obama caused stagflation. The opposite is true. Bush caused an inflationary death spiral, Obama turned it into a prosperous deflationary economy.

There is no stagflation.

And actually the Stimulus worked quite well.

Which is why we are seeing a robust recovery now.

Dems Conveniently Forgot About Obama’s Failed Stimulus Package

Christie: Dems Conveniently Forgot About Obama?s Failed Stimulus Package | Washington Free Beacon


You mean this Christie?

The Manhattan district attorney's office and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission are looking into a 2011 agreement Christie made to use $1.8 billion in Port Authority money to pay for repairs to the Skyway, a nearly 4-mile bridge-causeway linking Newark and Jersey City, according to the report.

Christie's administration pressed the Port Authority — the bistate agency that oversees tunnels and bridges between New Jersey and New York — to pay for the repairs and related road projects, diverting money that was set to be used on the Hudson River rail tunnel that the Republican governor canceled in October 2010, the report said.

Port Authority lawyers warned against the move because the Skyway is owned and operated by the state and not the agency, according to the report, which cited memos and emails reviewed by investigators that the newspaper had obtained.

Still, Christie's administration lobbied repeatedly to use the money, and the governor even announced that the state planned to use Port Authority funds before an agreement was reached, the report said. The agency eventually justified paying for the repairs by saying the bridge was an access road to the Lincoln Tunnel, even though the tunnel is located miles away, according to the report.
Investigators launch another Christie bridge probe, this time over Pulaski Skyway, report says |
There is no stagflation.

And actually the Stimulus worked quite well.

Which is why we are seeing a robust recovery now.

Dems Conveniently Forgot About Obama’s Failed Stimulus Package

Christie: Dems Conveniently Forgot About Obama?s Failed Stimulus Package | Washington Free Beacon


You mean this Christie?

The Manhattan district attorney's office and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission are looking into a 2011 agreement Christie made to use $1.8 billion in Port Authority money to pay for repairs to the Skyway, a nearly 4-mile bridge-causeway linking Newark and Jersey City, according to the report.

Christie's administration pressed the Port Authority — the bistate agency that oversees tunnels and bridges between New Jersey and New York — to pay for the repairs and related road projects, diverting money that was set to be used on the Hudson River rail tunnel that the Republican governor canceled in October 2010, the report said.

Port Authority lawyers warned against the move because the Skyway is owned and operated by the state and not the agency, according to the report, which cited memos and emails reviewed by investigators that the newspaper had obtained.

Still, Christie's administration lobbied repeatedly to use the money, and the governor even announced that the state planned to use Port Authority funds before an agreement was reached, the report said. The agency eventually justified paying for the repairs by saying the bridge was an access road to the Lincoln Tunnel, even though the tunnel is located miles away, according to the report.
Investigators launch another Christie bridge probe, this time over Pulaski Skyway, report says |

Are all these obuma scandal's PHONY???

We just paid 1.7 trillion for the F-35..which doesn't work.

Exactly how can we afford that but not hiring Police, Firemen, Sanitation and Teachers?

It's pretty amazing.

The Military Industrial Complex has a magical pot of gold.

Everyone else?

You are fucked.

We just paid 1.7 trillion for the F-35..


Trillion-Dollar Jet Has Thirteen Expensive New Flaws | Danger Room | WIRED
U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion » Stop the F-35
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Next time, reinstall your google.

Thanks! It's so much easier when you disprove your own stupid claim.

The U.S. government now projects that the total cost to develop, buy and operate the Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will be $1.45 trillion over the next 50-plus years, according to a Pentagon document obtained by Reuters.

Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.
That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Just more evidence the stock market is completely disconnected from the domestic economy, as is the latest 'boom'. The reality is the market should have been around 22,000 just to allow for inflation in the first Bush term, so jumping up and down over it reaching 17,000 to 18,000 is like being happy you only lost one leg to that axe murderer ...

After this latest pump and dump, it will fall back again; this is just institutional computer trading reflecting outside money seeking a haven in the U.S. due to political instability elsewhere, and has squat to do with any real improvement domestically.
And again..52% of the 288K hires were full time and made over 20 bucks an hour.

Obama's economy has recovered all jobs, public and private sector lost during the Bush cataclysm with JUST private sector hires.

If you folks are so concerned about people's employment? Put folks into congress that will pass bills to appropriate money for public hires.

Like they did with Reagan.
Like they did with Bush.
Like they did with Clinton.
Like they did with Bush II.

Otherwise? Welcome to the new paradigm.

uhm, we don't have the funding to pay for public hires. public hires only add to our debt right now. we don't need to expand government we can't afford to. Get it? and we can't afford to because Obama did not fix the economy.

We just paid 1.7 trillion for the F-35..which doesn't work.

Exactly how can we afford that but not hiring Police, Firemen, Sanitation and Teachers?

It's pretty amazing.

The Military Industrial Complex has a magical pot of gold.

Everyone else?

You are fucked.

The democrats need to stop creating and fostering a large segment of society dependent on entitlements and uninformed just for votes. It is a drain on society and the economy. 1% of the people control nearly half the wealth of the country. That is what is reflected in the rising market. That is what is reflected in salaries not keeping up with inflation. that is what is reflected in the lack of public sector jobs. that is what is reflected in companies like Microsoft laying off around 15,000 employees. a rising market doesn't mean jobs, it means profits.

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