More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

They're railing about pander to the greedy idiot rich Pub and corporate tax rates and policies that have wrecked the non rich over the last 32 years, brainwashed dingbat. see sig

I cannot tell. Is this asshole saying the corporate tax rates are too high? (they are and I would agree with him if he is saying that) I would love to know how the artificial stock market has benefited the middle class in any way.

Mean while, the cliche that repubs only care about the rich is nothing but a cliche put out by these uneducated, ignorant gas bags.

I could list again all of the warnings Bush put out (17 times in 2008 alone) of the housing bubble. I can say it again that the democrats have controlled 2/3 of the government since 2007, including all of the government in 2009.

I could say it again that the republicans controlled at least 2/3 of the government from 1994-2006. We can see how the unemployment rate benefited and how the economy did well. I think they still credit clinton for leaving a surplus, even though the presidency has little to do with the purse strings that is really congress.

All of those things would be a waste of time for me or any of us. All we can do is watch the train wreck that these ignorant morons of the academia world have caused while they act as though they are so smart.

Hell, they still think the rise in part time jobs is really a good thing. They are that dumb.
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Just substitute "America" for "Argentina" in the article linked below and you have the perfect preview or what's in store when Our Kenyan President completes his plan to "put America in its place" comes to fuition:

Argentina braces for market reaction to second default in 12 years | Reuters

Too much debt?

One-word fix:


America's not Argentina.

For one thing our cowboys do not wear goucho pants.

For another thing our cowboys do not use bolas.

To sum up:

No Goucho pants. No Bolas.

Also, our First Ladies do not say everything in song

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They're railing about pander to the greedy idiot rich Pub and corporate tax rates and policies that have wrecked the non rich over the last 32 years, brainwashed dingbat. see sig

I cannot tell. Is this asshole saying the corporate tax rates are too high? (they are and I would agree with him if he is saying that) I would love to know how the artificial stock market has benefited the middle class in any way.

Mean while, the cliche that repubs only care about the rich is nothing but a cliche put out by these uneducated, ignorant gas bags.

I could list again all of the warnings Bush put out (17 times in 2008 alone) of the housing bubble. I can say it again that the democrats have controlled 2/3 of the government since 2007, including all of the government in 2009.

I could say it again that the republicans controlled at least 2/3 of the government from 1994-2006. We can see how the unemployment rate benefited and how the economy did well. I think they still credit clinton for leaving a surplus, even though the presidency has little to do with the purse strings that is really congress.

All of those things would be a waste of time for me or any of us. All we can do is watch the train wreck that these ignorant morons of the academia world have caused while they act as though they are so smart.

Hell, they still think the rise in part time jobs is really a good thing. They are that dumb.


Along with tossing out sprinkles of stuff like "ZIRP" you constantly shown you do little more than parrot the right wing crap.

Every one outside the FOX bubble knows that Bush was completely responsible for the economic catastrophe of 2008. Legislatively? He was highly successful and the policies that were implemented by his administration were pretty much the same as Reagan's and the results were similar.

Cutting taxes, regulations, interest rates and giving free reign to major corporations and financials generally results in the same outcome.

Yet you guys do it over and over again.

Einstein stay that's the hallmark of stupidity.

You folks should listen.
They're railing about pander to the greedy idiot rich Pub and corporate tax rates and policies that have wrecked the non rich over the last 32 years, brainwashed dingbat. see sig

I cannot tell. Is this asshole saying the corporate tax rates are too high? (they are and I would agree with him if he is saying that) I would love to know how the artificial stock market has benefited the middle class in any way.

Mean while, the cliche that repubs only care about the rich is nothing but a cliche put out by these uneducated, ignorant gas bags.

I could list again all of the warnings Bush put out (17 times in 2008 alone) of the housing bubble. I can say it again that the democrats have controlled 2/3 of the government since 2007, including all of the government in 2009.

I could say it again that the republicans controlled at least 2/3 of the government from 1994-2006. We can see how the unemployment rate benefited and how the economy did well. I think they still credit clinton for leaving a surplus, even though the presidency has little to do with the purse strings that is really congress.

All of those things would be a waste of time for me or any of us. All we can do is watch the train wreck that these ignorant morons of the academia world have caused while they act as though they are so smart.

Hell, they still think the rise in part time jobs is really a good thing. They are that dumb.


Along with tossing out sprinkles of stuff like "ZIRP" you constantly shown you do little more than parrot the right wing crap.

Every one outside the FOX bubble knows that Bush was completely responsible for the economic catastrophe of 2008. Legislatively? He was highly successful and the policies that were implemented by his administration were pretty much the same as Reagan's and the results were similar.

Cutting taxes, regulations, interest rates and giving free reign to major corporations and financials generally results in the same outcome.

Yet you guys do it over and over again.

Einstein stay that's the hallmark of stupidity.

You folks should listen.

Everyone outside of Fox? Your whole post is nothing but hippy talking points of every liberal source out there. You denying the facts that boooosh warned 17 times in 2008 of the impending bubble does not make it untrue. It is in the official white house archive. Not some made up source or Fox News talking point.

Yes, I would imagine believing something for so long and finding out the facts and those facts not fitting the narrative you believed in would be hard.

Your obfuscation and never ending lines of cliches is all you have.

Also, you denying the zero interst rate policy being the key contributing factor to market's artificial inflation is you revealing your pure ignorance. The slow GDP only illustrates it an artifical bubble created by the fed in order to nuke capitalism.

You are a blithering incompetent blind brainwashed hypocritical sheep.
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I cannot tell. Is this asshole saying the corporate tax rates are too high? (they are and I would agree with him if he is saying that) I would love to know how the artificial stock market has benefited the middle class in any way.

Mean while, the cliche that repubs only care about the rich is nothing but a cliche put out by these uneducated, ignorant gas bags.

I could list again all of the warnings Bush put out (17 times in 2008 alone) of the housing bubble. I can say it again that the democrats have controlled 2/3 of the government since 2007, including all of the government in 2009.

I could say it again that the republicans controlled at least 2/3 of the government from 1994-2006. We can see how the unemployment rate benefited and how the economy did well. I think they still credit clinton for leaving a surplus, even though the presidency has little to do with the purse strings that is really congress.

All of those things would be a waste of time for me or any of us. All we can do is watch the train wreck that these ignorant morons of the academia world have caused while they act as though they are so smart.

Hell, they still think the rise in part time jobs is really a good thing. They are that dumb.


Along with tossing out sprinkles of stuff like "ZIRP" you constantly shown you do little more than parrot the right wing crap.

Every one outside the FOX bubble knows that Bush was completely responsible for the economic catastrophe of 2008. Legislatively? He was highly successful and the policies that were implemented by his administration were pretty much the same as Reagan's and the results were similar.

Cutting taxes, regulations, interest rates and giving free reign to major corporations and financials generally results in the same outcome.

Yet you guys do it over and over again.

Einstein stay that's the hallmark of stupidity.

You folks should listen.

Everyone outside of Fox? Your whole post is nothing but hippy talking points of every liberal source out there. You denying the facts that boooosh warned 17 times in 2008 of the impending bubble does not make it untrue. It is in the official white house archive. Not some made up source or Fox News talking point.

Yes, I would imagine believing something for so long and finding out the facts and those facts not fitting the narrative you believed in would be hard.

Your obfuscation and never ending lines of cliches is all you have.

Also, you denying the zero interst rate policy being the key contributing factor to market's artificial inflation is you revealing your pure ignorance. The slow GDP only illustrates it an artifical bubble created by the fed in order to nuke capitalism.

You are a blithering incompetent blind brainwashed hypocritical sheep.

Obama has not caused a stock market bubble. If anything the stocks are undervalued.


And by the looks of it?

They might lose the House.

The lawsuit thing is a WINNER!


Shallow, you may be a partisan dumbfuck, but at least you're entirely delusional.

Seriously, are you on drugs? Do you like drop acid before you post here?

Along with tossing out sprinkles of stuff like "ZIRP" you constantly shown you do little more than parrot the right wing crap.

Every one outside the FOX bubble knows that Bush was completely responsible for the economic catastrophe of 2008. Legislatively? He was highly successful and the policies that were implemented by his administration were pretty much the same as Reagan's and the results were similar.

Cutting taxes, regulations, interest rates and giving free reign to major corporations and financials generally results in the same outcome.

Yet you guys do it over and over again.

Einstein stay that's the hallmark of stupidity.

You folks should listen.

Everyone outside of Fox? Your whole post is nothing but hippy talking points of every liberal source out there. You denying the facts that boooosh warned 17 times in 2008 of the impending bubble does not make it untrue. It is in the official white house archive. Not some made up source or Fox News talking point.

Yes, I would imagine believing something for so long and finding out the facts and those facts not fitting the narrative you believed in would be hard.

Your obfuscation and never ending lines of cliches is all you have.

Also, you denying the zero interst rate policy being the key contributing factor to market's artificial inflation is you revealing your pure ignorance. The slow GDP only illustrates it an artifical bubble created by the fed in order to nuke capitalism.

You are a blithering incompetent blind brainwashed hypocritical sheep.

Obama has not caused a stock market bubble. If anything the stocks are undervalued.


yes, we all conceed coporate profits are at an all time high. the rich are getting richer. the 1% have been well served. now what about the 99%?
Everyone outside of Fox? Your whole post is nothing but hippy talking points of every liberal source out there. You denying the facts that boooosh warned 17 times in 2008 of the impending bubble does not make it untrue. It is in the official white house archive. Not some made up source or Fox News talking point.

Yes, I would imagine believing something for so long and finding out the facts and those facts not fitting the narrative you believed in would be hard.

Your obfuscation and never ending lines of cliches is all you have.

Also, you denying the zero interst rate policy being the key contributing factor to market's artificial inflation is you revealing your pure ignorance. The slow GDP only illustrates it an artifical bubble created by the fed in order to nuke capitalism.

You are a blithering incompetent blind brainwashed hypocritical sheep.

Obama has not caused a stock market bubble. If anything the stocks are undervalued.


yes, we all conceed coporate profits are at an all time high. the rich are getting richer. the 1% have been well served. now what about the 99%?

Yes QE & tax loopholes are subsidizing the rich. But the House chose to raise payroll taxes instead of cutting the subsidies to the rich.
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Stocks falling like a stone today.

Is the world wising up to the real value of all those trillions of Obamabucks?
Everyone outside of Fox? Your whole post is nothing but hippy talking points of every liberal source out there. You denying the facts that boooosh warned 17 times in 2008 of the impending bubble does not make it untrue. It is in the official white house archive. Not some made up source or Fox News talking point.

Yes, I would imagine believing something for so long and finding out the facts and those facts not fitting the narrative you believed in would be hard.

Your obfuscation and never ending lines of cliches is all you have.

Also, you denying the zero interst rate policy being the key contributing factor to market's artificial inflation is you revealing your pure ignorance. The slow GDP only illustrates it an artifical bubble created by the fed in order to nuke capitalism.

You are a blithering incompetent blind brainwashed hypocritical sheep.

Obama has not caused a stock market bubble. If anything the stocks are undervalued.


yes, we all conceed coporate profits are at an all time high. the rich are getting richer. the 1% have been well served. now what about the 99%?

Define the 99%. Do you mean the 99% of personal income tax earners or the 99% of asset owners or 99% of the population that are not in the 1% of top asset owners?

I assume you mean the 99% of the people who are not as well off as the other 1% based on some whacked out feelings of displacement algorithm that only liberals understand, but can't actually write down on paper.

First off 99% of 100% will always be the 99%. That's how percentages work, look it up.

Secondly, within the 100% of income and asset owners, half of the people don't work at and don't have any desire to accumulate additional assets, for if they did they would be working.

Thirdly of the half that do work some 20-30 percent of those people are currently working part time due to minimum wage polices, immigration policies, welfare policies that force them to keep their income below a 30hr work week at minimum wage threshold, and a total lack of giving a shit.

Fourthly, of the 25 percent who actually earn enough income to have to pay taxes, those people are hindered from accumulating assets by a so called progressive tax system that penalizes them exponentially for trying to earn enough income to accumulate assets, and an immigration system that promotes off shoring of middle class jobs while on shoring middle class workers to displace middle class workers.

Fifthly, the supposed one per-centers don't need to have any income or pay any taxes in relation to their accumulated wealth. This is due to the fact that our tax system benefits the poor and the very rich, while expecting the so called upper middle class income earners to foot the bill for everyone else.
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Obama has not caused a stock market bubble. If anything the stocks are undervalued.


yes, we all conceed coporate profits are at an all time high. the rich are getting richer. the 1% have been well served. now what about the 99%?

Define the 99%. Do you mean the 99% of personal income tax earners or the 99% of asset owners or 99% of the population that are not in the 1% of top asset owners?

I assume you mean the 99% of the people who are not as well off as the other 1% based on some whacked out feelings of displacement algorithm that only liberals understand, but can't actually write down on paper.

First off 99% of 100% will always be the 99%. That's how percentages work, look it up.

Secondly, within the 100% of income and asset owners, half of the people don't work at and don't have any desire to accumulate additional assets, for if they did they would be working.

Thirdly of the half that do work some 20-30 percent of those people are currently working part time due to minimum wage polices, immigration policies, welfare policies that force them to keep their income below a 30hr work week at minimum wage threshold, and a total lack of giving a shit.

Fourthly, of the 25 percent who actually earn enough income to have to pay taxes, those people are hindered from accumulating assets by a so called progressive tax system that penalizes them exponentially for trying to earn enough income to accumulate assets, and an immigration system that promotes off shoring of middle class jobs while on shoring middle class workers to displace middle class workers.

Fifthly, the supposed one per-centers don't need to have any income or pay any taxes in relation to their accumulated wealth. This is due to the fact that our tax system benefits the poor and the very rich, while expecting the so called upper middle class income earners to foot the bill for everyone else.

Its possession of assets that moves the 1% to more wealth not work. The system is stacked against the middle class and poor. It is not progressive taxes on the middle class holding them back. It is lack of access to bountiful low taxed income earning small risk assets.

Richest 1 Percent Hold 46 Percent Of The World's Wealth
Reuters 10/09/13 03:29 PM ET
Tap To Read This Story Fast
Oct 9 (Reuters) - Global wealth has risen by 68 percent over the past 10 years to reach a new all-time high of $241 trillion and the United States accounts for nearly three quarters of the increase, Credit Suisse said in its World Wealth Report.

Average global wealth has hit a peak of $51,600 per adult but this is spread very unevenly, with the richest 10 percent owning 86 percent of the wealth, analysts at the Credit Suisse Research Institute said.

The top 1 percent alone own 46 percent of all global assets.
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Obama has not caused a stock market bubble. If anything the stocks are undervalued.


yes, we all conceed coporate profits are at an all time high. the rich are getting richer. the 1% have been well served. now what about the 99%?

Yes QE & tax loopholes are subsidizing the rich. But the House chose to raise payroll taxes instead of cutting the subsidies to the rich.

of course when the democrats controlled bot the house and senate they did nothing. so why do you bring up something that has zero impact on anything? Fact is all your golden boy has done is everything you accuse republicans of doing.
yes, we all conceed coporate profits are at an all time high. the rich are getting richer. the 1% have been well served. now what about the 99%?

Yes QE & tax loopholes are subsidizing the rich. But the House chose to raise payroll taxes instead of cutting the subsidies to the rich.

of course when the democrats controlled bot the house and senate they did nothing. so why do you bring up something that has zero impact on anything? Fact is all your golden boy has done is everything you accuse republicans of doing.

Wrong, Obama cut payroll taxes & tried to close the loopholes fore the rich like the carried interest, CRT, death tax, offshore accounts & many more. Republicans made him raise the payroll tax back up & refused to close loopholes for their rich benefactors. Democrats put a small healthcare tax on wallstreet dividends, It should have been more to reduce payroll tax permanently. Democrats raised the minimum wage & needs to raise it more to get more workers off the dole. Bush blocked the CFPB & many other Wallstreet regulations. Now we have Dodd-Frank, CFPB & more. There is a lot of stuff Obama his cabinet & congress is doing to keep deficit inflation low & jobs growing & on-shoring. Much more needs to be done, but the change in direction is good.

Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

Obama is bringing jobs back to the USA.
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Dow down 316.80 as I write this.

So what? The Fed cut QE by $10 billion & the Rich people are afraid they will end QE by October hurting their entitled easy money corporate profits. Taxing corporate profits would do the same, but Republicans will never allow that.
yes, we all conceed coporate profits are at an all time high. the rich are getting richer. the 1% have been well served. now what about the 99%?

Define the 99%. Do you mean the 99% of personal income tax earners or the 99% of asset owners or 99% of the population that are not in the 1% of top asset owners?

I assume you mean the 99% of the people who are not as well off as the other 1% based on some whacked out feelings of displacement algorithm that only liberals understand, but can't actually write down on paper.

First off 99% of 100% will always be the 99%. That's how percentages work, look it up.

Secondly, within the 100% of income and asset owners, half of the people don't work at and don't have any desire to accumulate additional assets, for if they did they would be working.

Thirdly of the half that do work some 20-30 percent of those people are currently working part time due to minimum wage polices, immigration policies, welfare policies that force them to keep their income below a 30hr work week at minimum wage threshold, and a total lack of giving a shit.

Fourthly, of the 25 percent who actually earn enough income to have to pay taxes, those people are hindered from accumulating assets by a so called progressive tax system that penalizes them exponentially for trying to earn enough income to accumulate assets, and an immigration system that promotes off shoring of middle class jobs while on shoring middle class workers to displace middle class workers.

Fifthly, the supposed one per-centers don't need to have any income or pay any taxes in relation to their accumulated wealth. This is due to the fact that our tax system benefits the poor and the very rich, while expecting the so called upper middle class income earners to foot the bill for everyone else.

Its possession of assets that moves the 1% to more wealth not work. The system is stacked against the middle class and poor. It is not progressive taxes on the middle class holding them back. It is lack of access to bountiful low taxed income earning small risk assets.

Richest 1 Percent Hold 46 Percent Of The World's Wealth
Reuters 10/09/13 03:29 PM ET
Tap To Read This Story Fast
Oct 9 (Reuters) - Global wealth has risen by 68 percent over the past 10 years to reach a new all-time high of $241 trillion and the United States accounts for nearly three quarters of the increase, Credit Suisse said in its World Wealth Report.

Average global wealth has hit a peak of $51,600 per adult but this is spread very unevenly, with the richest 10 percent owning 86 percent of the wealth, analysts at the Credit Suisse Research Institute said.

The top 1 percent alone own 46 percent of all global assets.

Richest 1 Percent Hold 46 Percent Of The World's Wealth

Make up your mind first you say our current system of progressive taxation on personal income is stacked against the middle class and poor.

Then you say the system is not stacked against the middle class.

Which is it? You can't have both.

Then you say access to bountiful low taxed income earning small risk assets is the reason the middle class is hindered. Well, duh yeah if you were to give me a billion dollars I could invest it and make lots of money too. Is that your answer? Re-distributions? That will make everything fair? Or are you trying to say only the middle class should be allowed to invest? Huh?
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Dow down 316.80 as I write this.

So what? The Fed cut QE by $10 billion & the Rich people are afraid they will end QE by October hurting their entitled easy money corporate profits. Taxing corporate profits would do the same, but Republicans will never allow that.

Yeah cause corporations can't operate at a loss.. ROFL you just can't make up the silliness of leftists.
Dow down 316.80 as I write this.

So what? The Fed cut QE by $10 billion & the Rich people are afraid they will end QE by October hurting their entitled easy money corporate profits. Taxing corporate profits would do the same, but Republicans will never allow that.

Yeah cause corporations can't operate at a loss.. ROFL you just can't make up the silliness of leftists.

Market took a beating today because of the international scene.

I'll bet it's back up by Monday.

And tomorrow they'll be alot of buying.
Obama has not caused a stock market bubble. If anything the stocks are undervalued.


yes, we all conceed coporate profits are at an all time high. the rich are getting richer. the 1% have been well served. now what about the 99%?

Yes QE & tax loopholes are subsidizing the rich. But the House chose to raise payroll taxes instead of cutting the subsidies to the rich.

And Obama signed it. Nice!
Yes QE & tax loopholes are subsidizing the rich. But the House chose to raise payroll taxes instead of cutting the subsidies to the rich.

of course when the democrats controlled bot the house and senate they did nothing. so why do you bring up something that has zero impact on anything? Fact is all your golden boy has done is everything you accuse republicans of doing.

Wrong, Obama cut payroll taxes & tried to close the loopholes fore the rich like the carried interest, CRT, death tax, offshore accounts & many more. Republicans made him raise the payroll tax back up & refused to close loopholes for their rich benefactors. Democrats put a small healthcare tax on wallstreet dividends, It should have been more to reduce payroll tax permanently. Democrats raised the minimum wage & needs to raise it more to get more workers off the dole. Bush blocked the CFPB & many other Wallstreet regulations. Now we have Dodd-Frank, CFPB & more. There is a lot of stuff Obama his cabinet & congress is doing to keep deficit inflation low & jobs growing & on-shoring. Much more needs to be done, but the change in direction is good.

Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

Obama is bringing jobs back to the USA.

Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

What did he do to lower deficit spending and inflation?

Be as specific as you can.

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