More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

With the world waiting for tomorrow's "most important data of the year" payrolls report as their signal to BTFD or follow Yellen Capital's recommendation and "sell," we thought it perhaps of note that this morning's Challenger jobs data was extremely weak. Layoffs in July surged 49% (the most since May 2012) to 46,887. This is the 2nd most layoffs in 11 months. The heaviest layoffs were in the Western region and also most concentrated in the auto industry.

Payrolls Watch: July Challenger Job Layoffs Surge Most In Over 2 Years | Zero Hedge

While it's nice to see you rightards are still rooting for the economy to fail, you will likely not see that tomorrow. Many, if not most, of July's layoffs won't be reflected in BLS stats until the August numbers come out.

Btw, Vagisil, did ya see the GDP numbers? I know you were hoping and praying for a second consecutive quarter of negative growth, but you lose again as usual ... Q2's preliminary numbers posted a nice healthy 4% growth; and Q1's numbers were revised upwards from a horrendous -2.9% to a barely more palatable -2.1%.

Good news for America is bad news for Conservatives.
No kidding.

Like when they crow about Clinton's surpluses. As though he wouldn't have run up huge deficits without Gingrich keeping spending from exploding.

Complete nonsense. First of all, the deficit began shrinking before Republicans took over the Congress; and second of all, Republicans exploded the deficit after Clinton left office. It was Clinton, not Republicans, who gets the credit for the shrinking deficits.

First of all, the deficit began shrinking before Republicans took over the Congress

Sure, we had come out of a recession the prior year.

and second of all, Republicans exploded the deficit after Clinton left office.

Absolutely! Bush spent way too much.

And of course, Obama makes Bush look like a piker.
Sorry, but you don't get to make up your own version of history ... the recession ended 2 years before Clinton became president and Bush couldn't spend a dime that the Congress didn't send to his desk for his signature.

The deficits began falling before Republicans took over and they began rising after Clinton left office.

It was Clinton, the Rhodes scholar in economics, and not Republicans, who gets the credit for the shrinking deficits. The president who oversaw our longest peacetime economic expansion.
With the world waiting for tomorrow's "most important data of the year" payrolls report as their signal to BTFD or follow Yellen Capital's recommendation and "sell," we thought it perhaps of note that this morning's Challenger jobs data was extremely weak. Layoffs in July surged 49% (the most since May 2012) to 46,887. This is the 2nd most layoffs in 11 months. The heaviest layoffs were in the Western region and also most concentrated in the auto industry.

Payrolls Watch: July Challenger Job Layoffs Surge Most In Over 2 Years | Zero Hedge

While it's nice to see you rightards are still rooting for the economy to fail, you will likely not see that tomorrow. Many, if not most, of July's layoffs won't be reflected in BLS stats until the August numbers come out.

Btw, Vagisil, did ya see the GDP numbers? I know you were hoping and praying for a second consecutive quarter of negative growth, but you lose again as usual ... Q2's preliminary numbers posted a nice healthy 4% growth; and Q1's numbers were revised upwards from a horrendous -2.9% to a barely more palatable -2.1%.

Good news for America is bad news for Conservatives.

Good news for obuma, and -317 pts. bad news for the stock market!
"Markets In Turmoil" Russell 2000 Plunges Most In Over 2 Years, Dow Down For 2014
With the world waiting for tomorrow's "most important data of the year" payrolls report as their signal to BTFD or follow Yellen Capital's recommendation and "sell," we thought it perhaps of note that this morning's Challenger jobs data was extremely weak. Layoffs in July surged 49% (the most since May 2012) to 46,887. This is the 2nd most layoffs in 11 months. The heaviest layoffs were in the Western region and also most concentrated in the auto industry.

Payrolls Watch: July Challenger Job Layoffs Surge Most In Over 2 Years | Zero Hedge

While it's nice to see you rightards are still rooting for the economy to fail, you will likely not see that tomorrow. Many, if not most, of July's layoffs won't be reflected in BLS stats until the August numbers come out.

Btw, Vagisil, did ya see the GDP numbers? I know you were hoping and praying for a second consecutive quarter of negative growth, but you lose again as usual ... Q2's preliminary numbers posted a nice healthy 4% growth; and Q1's numbers were revised upwards from a horrendous -2.9% to a barely more palatable -2.1%.

Good news for America is bad news for Conservatives.

Good news for obuma, and -317 pts. bad news for the stock market!
"Markets In Turmoil" Russell 2000 Plunges Most In Over 2 Years, Dow Down For 2014

Like I said, it's nice to see you're still rooting for America to fail. That means all is right in the world. The universe is copasetic.

If tomorrow's job numbers are good; along with strong GDP growth for Q2; the stock market will recover from today's loses. That will leave you stranded, struggling to find more bad news. :eusa_whistle:
While it's nice to see you rightards are still rooting for the economy to fail, you will likely not see that tomorrow. Many, if not most, of July's layoffs won't be reflected in BLS stats until the August numbers come out.

Btw, Vagisil, did ya see the GDP numbers? I know you were hoping and praying for a second consecutive quarter of negative growth, but you lose again as usual ... Q2's preliminary numbers posted a nice healthy 4% growth; and Q1's numbers were revised upwards from a horrendous -2.9% to a barely more palatable -2.1%.

Good news for America is bad news for Conservatives.

Good news for obuma, and -317 pts. bad news for the stock market!
"Markets In Turmoil" Russell 2000 Plunges Most In Over 2 Years, Dow Down For 2014

Like I said, it's nice to see you're still rooting for America to fail. That means all is right in the world. The universe is copasetic.

If tomorrow's job numbers are good; along with strong GDP growth for Q2; the stock market will recover from today's loses. That will leave you stranded, struggling to find more bad news. :eusa_whistle:

Perhaps, and if it falls another few hundred points on this GREAT economic news?:eusa_silenced:

The week

All major US equity indices close lower in July... The Russell 2000's worst month since May 2012

The Year... Dow Red, Russell -3.6%

Was Yellen right after all?

Stocks finally caught down to credit's warnings...

Dow's worst day in 6 months...

Builders are worst but Discretionary and Staples are now red YTD...

Amid all the carnage in stocks, Treasury yields closed +/-1bps (long-end higher in yield, short-end lower)...

The USD was flat...

Commodity markets were clubbed as we suspect EU closing margin calls (and then US margin calls) hit them... WTI dropped below $98!!

Year-to-date, gold and bonds continue to lead, HY lags...

While talking heads were anxious to explain how there was no panic... the moves in commodities had the smell of margin calls to them as equities demanded more cover...

So to sum up - carnage in stocks... USD flat, bonds flat... Oil monkey-hammered and PMs dumped.
Charts: Bloomberg
Bonus Chart: "Sell In May" worked after all...
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Good news for obuma, and -317 pts. bad news for the stock market!
"Markets In Turmoil" Russell 2000 Plunges Most In Over 2 Years, Dow Down For 2014

Like I said, it's nice to see you're still rooting for America to fail. That means all is right in the world. The universe is copasetic.

If tomorrow's job numbers are good; along with strong GDP growth for Q2; the stock market will recover from today's loses. That will leave you stranded, struggling to find more bad news. :eusa_whistle:

Perhaps, and if it falls another few hundred points on this GREAT economic news?:eusa_silenced:

For Conservatives, it would be. Bad news for America is good news for rightards.

For Obama, today's loses mean the Dow has increased only 100% so far on his watch.
Like I said, it's nice to see you're still rooting for America to fail. That means all is right in the world. The universe is copasetic.

If tomorrow's job numbers are good; along with strong GDP growth for Q2; the stock market will recover from today's loses. That will leave you stranded, struggling to find more bad news. :eusa_whistle:

Perhaps, and if it falls another few hundred points on this GREAT economic news?:eusa_silenced:

For Conservatives, it would be. Bad news for America is good news for rightards.

For Obama, today's loses mean the Dow has increased only 100% so far on his watch.

But that's NOT what I said!
Advice to liberals and other fools:

BUY U.S. government bonds. Invest all of your savings in them. Mortgage your home (those few of you who aren't renters or living free i public housing) and invest the proceeds, too!

Then, if Your New Messiah pulls a rabbit out of the hat you'll be rich.

BUT - when he pulls an Argentina outta da hat you'll lose everything but can feel good that you're a full participant in redistribution. The sort where all your money is redistributed - to government.
Good news it is for the U.S. as we added another 209K jobs in July. Plus, the private sector grew again. That adds to Obama's streak and brings it to 53 consecutive months of growth.
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Wrong, Obama cut payroll taxes & tried to close the loopholes fore the rich like the carried interest, CRT, death tax, offshore accounts & many more. Republicans made him raise the payroll tax back up & refused to close loopholes for their rich benefactors. Democrats put a small healthcare tax on wallstreet dividends, It should have been more to reduce payroll tax permanently. Democrats raised the minimum wage & needs to raise it more to get more workers off the dole. Bush blocked the CFPB & many other Wallstreet regulations. Now we have Dodd-Frank, CFPB & more. There is a lot of stuff Obama his cabinet & congress is doing to keep deficit inflation low & jobs growing & on-shoring. Much more needs to be done, but the change in direction is good.

Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

Obama is bringing jobs back to the USA.

Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

What did he do to lower deficit spending and inflation?

Be as specific as you can.

Easy. He raped the American public so bad it formed the Tea Party and elected enough republican house members to stop him. Oh... nvm.

Hilarious how the democrats cry the republicans won't let them spend more then try to take credit.

You lie. Republicans deficit spent like mad. They only act half fiscally responsible when a democrat president is in office. Republicans wasted billions with their fiscal cliff antics & nearly caused another recession by trying to cause the US treasury to default. Just ask Carter what happens to interest rates when congress causes the treasury to default missing debt payments.
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Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

What did he do to lower deficit spending and inflation?

Be as specific as you can.

Easy. He raped the American public so bad it formed the Tea Party and elected enough republican house members to stop him. Oh... nvm.

Hilarious how the democrats cry the republicans won't let them spend more then try to take credit.

You lie. Republicans deficit spent like mad. They only act half fiscally responsible when a democrat president is in office. Republicans wasted billions with their fiscal cliff antics & nearly caused another recession by trying to cause the US treasury to default. Just ask Carter what happens to interest rates when congress causes the treasury to default missing debt payments.

Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

You never answered.

What did he do to lower deficit spending and inflation?

Be as specific as you can.
Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

What did he do to lower deficit spending and inflation?

Be as specific as you can.

Easy. He raped the American public so bad it formed the Tea Party and elected enough republican house members to stop him. Oh... nvm.

Hilarious how the democrats cry the republicans won't let them spend more then try to take credit.

You lie. Republicans deficit spent like mad. They only act half fiscally responsible when a democrat president is in office. Republicans wasted billions with their fiscal cliff antics & nearly caused another recession by trying to cause the US treasury to default. Just ask Carter what happens to interest rates when congress causes the treasury to default missing debt payments.

Make up your mind dumb ass. First you say I lie, then you agree with me. :eusa_liar: :eusa_clap::badgrin:
Good news it is for the U.S. as we added another 209K jobs in July. Plus, the private sector grew again. That adds to Obama's streak and brings it to 53 consecutive months of growth.

Oh for God's sake have a little respect for yourself. At the very least demand a salary in exchange for your lockstep. There are roughly 320 million people in the US. 100 million of working age are not working. 209,000 jobs is about the same as my piss to toilet water ratio each morning.
Good news it is for the U.S. as we added another 209K jobs in July. Plus, the private sector grew again. That adds to Obama's streak and brings it to 53 consecutive months of growth.

Oh for God's sake have a little respect for yourself. At the very least demand a salary in exchange for your lockstep. There are roughly 320 million people in the US. 100 million of working age are not working. 209,000 jobs is about the same as my piss to toilet water ratio each morning.

Not sure what you are looking for here ace.

President Obama presided over some pretty good economic news.

His employment record now beats Clinton.

June marks 52 straight months of private sector job growth, the longest ever on record, beating out Bill Clinton's record of 51 continuous months of private sector job growth from February 1996 to April 2000. The economy has added more than 200,000 jobs for five months in a row now, the longest such streak since 1999. In the first half of this year alone the economy has added 1.4 million jobs, another accomplishment not seen since 1999.
Barack Obama bests Bill Clinton's private sector job creation record ? The People's View

These are ALL private sector jobs.

So explain it.

What are you looking to see?

Bear in mind? Cutting taxes and regulations did not generate jobs during the Reagan and Bush II administration. Which is why they relied on government spending to keep unemployment down. They basically grew the government to mask their poor numbers.
Good news it is for the U.S. as we added another 209K jobs in July. Plus, the private sector grew again. That adds to Obama's streak and brings it to 53 consecutive months of growth.

Oh for God's sake have a little respect for yourself. At the very least demand a salary in exchange for your lockstep. There are roughly 320 million people in the US. 100 million of working age are not working. 209,000 jobs is about the same as my piss to toilet water ratio each morning.

Not sure what you are looking for here ace.

President Obama presided over some pretty good economic news.

His employment record now beats Clinton.

June marks 52 straight months of private sector job growth, the longest ever on record, beating out Bill Clinton's record of 51 continuous months of private sector job growth from February 1996 to April 2000. The economy has added more than 200,000 jobs for five months in a row now, the longest such streak since 1999. In the first half of this year alone the economy has added 1.4 million jobs, another accomplishment not seen since 1999.
Barack Obama bests Bill Clinton's private sector job creation record ? The People's View

These are ALL private sector jobs.

So explain it.

What are you looking to see?

Bear in mind? Cutting taxes and regulations did not generate jobs during the Reagan and Bush II administration. Which is why they relied on government spending to keep unemployment down. They basically grew the government to mask their poor numbers.

dumb ass wants us to go back to the carter days... ROFL

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