More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Dow down 316.80 as I write this.

So what? The Fed cut QE by $10 billion & the Rich people are afraid they will end QE by October hurting their entitled easy money corporate profits. Taxing corporate profits would do the same, but Republicans will never allow that.

Sorry dummy, but Republicans want a new tax code, with lower corporate tax rates than the current 35 percent -- the highest in the industrialized world -- to keep companies from bolting to lower-cost venues (out of country corporations) in a bid to stay competitive.
of course when the democrats controlled bot the house and senate they did nothing. so why do you bring up something that has zero impact on anything? Fact is all your golden boy has done is everything you accuse republicans of doing.

Wrong, Obama cut payroll taxes & tried to close the loopholes fore the rich like the carried interest, CRT, death tax, offshore accounts & many more. Republicans made him raise the payroll tax back up & refused to close loopholes for their rich benefactors. Democrats put a small healthcare tax on wallstreet dividends, It should have been more to reduce payroll tax permanently. Democrats raised the minimum wage & needs to raise it more to get more workers off the dole. Bush blocked the CFPB & many other Wallstreet regulations. Now we have Dodd-Frank, CFPB & more. There is a lot of stuff Obama his cabinet & congress is doing to keep deficit inflation low & jobs growing & on-shoring. Much more needs to be done, but the change in direction is good.

Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

Obama is bringing jobs back to the USA.

Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

What did he do to lower deficit spending and inflation?

Be as specific as you can.

Easy. He raped the American public so bad it formed the Tea Party and elected enough republican house members to stop him. Oh... nvm.

Hilarious how the democrats cry the republicans won't let them spend more then try to take credit.
Stocks falling like a stone today.

Is the world wising up to the real value of all those trillions of Obamabucks?

No, I just pointed out on a different thread that our last good bull market correction was April 23, 2010 to July 2, 2010, down 16.10%.

We could use that right now, more growth is on the way and it would be a great buying opportunity.

Wrong, Obama cut payroll taxes & tried to close the loopholes fore the rich like the carried interest, CRT, death tax, offshore accounts & many more. Republicans made him raise the payroll tax back up & refused to close loopholes for their rich benefactors. Democrats put a small healthcare tax on wallstreet dividends, It should have been more to reduce payroll tax permanently. Democrats raised the minimum wage & needs to raise it more to get more workers off the dole. Bush blocked the CFPB & many other Wallstreet regulations. Now we have Dodd-Frank, CFPB & more. There is a lot of stuff Obama his cabinet & congress is doing to keep deficit inflation low & jobs growing & on-shoring. Much more needs to be done, but the change in direction is good.

Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

Obama is bringing jobs back to the USA.

Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

What did he do to lower deficit spending and inflation?

Be as specific as you can.

Easy. He raped the American public so bad it formed the Tea Party and elected enough republican house members to stop him. Oh... nvm.

Hilarious how the democrats cry the republicans won't let them spend more then try to take credit.

Wrong again - Republican President, House & Senate exploded deficits. Clinton had a surplus building for the boomers retirement & republicans gave it to the rich exploding inflation. Obama will have a surplus next year. The Republicans will again lie & claim it is not a surplus or Obama did not do that, just like they lie about Clinton's surplus.
Dow down 316.80 as I write this.

So what? The Fed cut QE by $10 billion & the Rich people are afraid they will end QE by October hurting their entitled easy money corporate profits. Taxing corporate profits would do the same, but Republicans will never allow that.

Sorry dummy, but Republicans want a new tax code, with lower corporate tax rates than the current 35 percent -- the highest in the industrialized world -- to keep companies from bolting to lower-cost venues (out of country corporations) in a bid to stay competitive.

You idiot, they only pay 13% now. It is lower than the average industrialized world & way lower than people who work for a living. Keep the lies coming.
So what? The Fed cut QE by $10 billion & the Rich people are afraid they will end QE by October hurting their entitled easy money corporate profits. Taxing corporate profits would do the same, but Republicans will never allow that.

Sorry dummy, but Republicans want a new tax code, with lower corporate tax rates than the current 35 percent -- the highest in the industrialized world -- to keep companies from bolting to lower-cost venues (out of country corporations) in a bid to stay competitive.

You idiot, they only pay 13% now. It is lower than the average industrialized world & way lower than people who work for a living. Keep the lies coming.
No, they don't you fucking idiot!...Corporate tax is imposed in the United States at the federal, most state, and some local levels on the income of entities treated for tax purposes as corporations. Federal tax rates on corporate taxable income vary from 15% to 35%. State and local taxes and rules vary by jurisdiction, though many are based on federal concepts and definitions. Taxable income may differ from book income both as to timing of income and tax deductions and as to what is taxable...... You simply have no idea!, asshole. The rate is 35% and then there are write offs, and other deductibles!
Wrong, Obama cut payroll taxes & tried to close the loopholes fore the rich like the carried interest, CRT, death tax, offshore accounts & many more. Republicans made him raise the payroll tax back up & refused to close loopholes for their rich benefactors. Democrats put a small healthcare tax on wallstreet dividends, It should have been more to reduce payroll tax permanently. Democrats raised the minimum wage & needs to raise it more to get more workers off the dole. Bush blocked the CFPB & many other Wallstreet regulations. Now we have Dodd-Frank, CFPB & more. There is a lot of stuff Obama his cabinet & congress is doing to keep deficit inflation low & jobs growing & on-shoring. Much more needs to be done, but the change in direction is good.

Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

Obama is bringing jobs back to the USA.

Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

What did he do to lower deficit spending and inflation?

Be as specific as you can.

Easy. He raped the American public so bad it formed the Tea Party and elected enough republican house members to stop him. Oh... nvm.

Hilarious how the democrats cry the republicans won't let them spend more then try to take credit.

No kidding.

Like when they crow about Clinton's surpluses. As though he wouldn't have run up huge deficits without Gingrich keeping spending from exploding.
Sorry dummy, but Republicans want a new tax code, with lower corporate tax rates than the current 35 percent -- the highest in the industrialized world -- to keep companies from bolting to lower-cost venues (out of country corporations) in a bid to stay competitive.

You idiot, they only pay 13% now. It is lower than the average industrialized world & way lower than people who work for a living. Keep the lies coming.
No, they don't you fucking idiot!...Corporate tax is imposed in the United States at the federal, most state, and some local levels on the income of entities treated for tax purposes as corporations. Federal tax rates on corporate taxable income vary from 15% to 35%. State and local taxes and rules vary by jurisdiction, though many are based on federal concepts and definitions. Taxable income may differ from book income both as to timing of income and tax deductions and as to what is taxable...... You simply have no idea!, asshole. The rate is 35% and then there are write offs, and other deductibles!

It does not matter what tax rate you post is. The GAO & IRS say the effective corporate tax rate actually collected on large profitable companies in 2010 was only 12.6%. Workers actually paid triple that. Hell before adding in income tax, the payroll tax rate collected on minimum wage workers was the same as the big corporations.

Even when foreign, state and local taxes were taken into account, the companies paid only 16.9% of their profits in taxes in 2010.
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You idiot, they only pay 13% now. It is lower than the average industrialized world & way lower than people who work for a living. Keep the lies coming.
No, they don't you fucking idiot!...Corporate tax is imposed in the United States at the federal, most state, and some local levels on the income of entities treated for tax purposes as corporations. Federal tax rates on corporate taxable income vary from 15% to 35%. State and local taxes and rules vary by jurisdiction, though many are based on federal concepts and definitions. Taxable income may differ from book income both as to timing of income and tax deductions and as to what is taxable...... You simply have no idea!, asshole. The rate is 35% and then there are write offs, and other deductibles!

It does not matter what tax rate you post is. The GAO & IRS say the effective corporate tax rate actually collected on large profitable companies in 2010 was only 12.6%. Workers actually paid triple that.

Did those Corporations break any tax laws...NO

They simply used the current tax laws for deductions, BUT, an overseas based corporation would pay CONSIDERABLY LESS TAX than one based here! Don't you think it's time to bring the current tax laws into equivalence so that we don't lose more corporations, and the job opportunities going out of country that also would be paying tax?
You idiot, they only pay 13% now. It is lower than the average industrialized world & way lower than people who work for a living. Keep the lies coming.
No, they don't you fucking idiot!...Corporate tax is imposed in the United States at the federal, most state, and some local levels on the income of entities treated for tax purposes as corporations. Federal tax rates on corporate taxable income vary from 15% to 35%. State and local taxes and rules vary by jurisdiction, though many are based on federal concepts and definitions. Taxable income may differ from book income both as to timing of income and tax deductions and as to what is taxable...... You simply have no idea!, asshole. The rate is 35% and then there are write offs, and other deductibles!

It does not matter what tax rate you post is. The GAO & IRS say the effective corporate tax rate actually collected on large profitable companies in 2010 was only 12.6%. Workers actually paid triple that. Hell before adding in income tax, the payroll tax rate collected on minimum wage workers was the same as the big corporations.

Uh, dood.

The taxes that workers pay are also paid indirectly by their employers. The employer incurs the cash expense for 100% of their comp, including tax withholdings. If you think the workers pay too much in taxes, that's the government's fault, not the employer's.
You idiot, they only pay 13% now. It is lower than the average industrialized world & way lower than people who work for a living. Keep the lies coming.
No, they don't you fucking idiot!...Corporate tax is imposed in the United States at the federal, most state, and some local levels on the income of entities treated for tax purposes as corporations. Federal tax rates on corporate taxable income vary from 15% to 35%. State and local taxes and rules vary by jurisdiction, though many are based on federal concepts and definitions. Taxable income may differ from book income both as to timing of income and tax deductions and as to what is taxable...... You simply have no idea!, asshole. The rate is 35% and then there are write offs, and other deductibles!

It does not matter what tax rate you post is. The GAO & IRS say the effective corporate tax rate actually collected on large profitable companies in 2010 was only 12.6%. Workers actually paid triple that. Hell before adding in income tax, the payroll tax rate collected on minimum wage workers was the same as the big corporations.

If a company made $1,000,000 before employee wages were taken into account and employee wages are $800,000, corporate income is $200,000. Taxed at a 35% rate, that's $70,000.
If you think that means their effective rate is 7% ( 70,000/1,000,000) and therefore too low, then you're a bigger idiot than I thought.
No, they don't you fucking idiot!...Corporate tax is imposed in the United States at the federal, most state, and some local levels on the income of entities treated for tax purposes as corporations. Federal tax rates on corporate taxable income vary from 15% to 35%. State and local taxes and rules vary by jurisdiction, though many are based on federal concepts and definitions. Taxable income may differ from book income both as to timing of income and tax deductions and as to what is taxable...... You simply have no idea!, asshole. The rate is 35% and then there are write offs, and other deductibles!

It does not matter what tax rate you post is. The GAO & IRS say the effective corporate tax rate actually collected on large profitable companies in 2010 was only 12.6%. Workers actually paid triple that.

Did those Corporations break any tax laws...NO

They simply used the current tax laws for deductions, BUT, an overseas based corporation would pay CONSIDERABLY LESS TAX than one based here! Don't you think it's time to bring the current tax laws into equivalence so that we don't lose more corporations, and the job opportunities going out of country that also would be paying tax?

Close the corporate tax loopholes & lower the tax rate, as long as the effective tax collected is 19%. Lower all workers effective tax collected to 19% or less. Clinton raised corporate taxes & jobs came to the USA. Bush lowered corporate taxes & jobs left the USA. Obama raised them again & jobs are coming back to the USA. That is because fiscal responsibility & properly regulated markets trumps tax rates.

It does not matter what tax rate you post is. The GAO & IRS say the effective corporate tax rate actually collected on large profitable companies in 2010 was only 12.6%. Workers actually paid triple that.

Did those Corporations break any tax laws...NO

They simply used the current tax laws for deductions, BUT, an overseas based corporation would pay CONSIDERABLY LESS TAX than one based here! Don't you think it's time to bring the current tax laws into equivalence so that we don't lose more corporations, and the job opportunities going out of country that also would be paying tax?

Close the corporate tax loopholes & lower the tax rate, as long as the effective tax collected is 19%. Lower all workers effective tax collected to 19% or less. Clinton raised corporate taxes & jobs came to the USA. Bush lowered corporate taxes & jobs left the USA. Obama raised them again & jobs are coming back to the USA. That is because fiscal responsibility & properly regulated markets trumps tax rates.


Bush lowered corporate taxes & jobs left the USA.

I don't believe you.
Did those Corporations break any tax laws...NO

They simply used the current tax laws for deductions, BUT, an overseas based corporation would pay CONSIDERABLY LESS TAX than one based here! Don't you think it's time to bring the current tax laws into equivalence so that we don't lose more corporations, and the job opportunities going out of country that also would be paying tax?

Close the corporate tax loopholes & lower the tax rate, as long as the effective tax collected is 19%. Lower all workers effective tax collected to 19% or less. Clinton raised corporate taxes & jobs came to the USA. Bush lowered corporate taxes & jobs left the USA. Obama raised them again & jobs are coming back to the USA. That is because fiscal responsibility & properly regulated markets trumps tax rates.


Bush lowered corporate taxes & jobs left the USA.

I don't believe you.


Born yesterday?

That's what happened.

We lost Manufacturing and Technical jobs during the Bush administration.

Heck, FOXCONN still exists.

I work for a company that has an office in Pune, India.

All that happened because of Bush and his failure to close tax incentives and loopholes that allowed for the transfer.
Close the corporate tax loopholes & lower the tax rate, as long as the effective tax collected is 19%. Lower all workers effective tax collected to 19% or less. Clinton raised corporate taxes & jobs came to the USA. Bush lowered corporate taxes & jobs left the USA. Obama raised them again & jobs are coming back to the USA. That is because fiscal responsibility & properly regulated markets trumps tax rates.


Bush lowered corporate taxes & jobs left the USA.

I don't believe you.


Born yesterday?

That's what happened.

We lost Manufacturing and Technical jobs during the Bush administration.

Heck, FOXCONN still exists.

I work for a company that has an office in Pune, India.

All that happened because of Bush and his failure to close tax incentives and loopholes that allowed for the transfer.

I don't believe Bush lowered corporate taxes.

Born yesterday? LOL!

his failure to close tax incentives and loopholes

One of the incentives to move is our idiotic, highest in the developed world, corporate tax rates.

But if I had to guess, you're not in favor of reducing those, are you?
With the economy slowly improving maybe the Republicans ought to go back to the birth certificate thing. Sure it was stupid but for some it fit the bill, and they didn't have to figure out these charts. In fact, if Republicans threw Obama's 57 state gaff they might feel better.
With the world waiting for tomorrow's "most important data of the year" payrolls report as their signal to BTFD or follow Yellen Capital's recommendation and "sell," we thought it perhaps of note that this morning's Challenger jobs data was extremely weak. Layoffs in July surged 49% (the most since May 2012) to 46,887. This is the 2nd most layoffs in 11 months. The heaviest layoffs were in the Western region and also most concentrated in the auto industry.

Payrolls Watch: July Challenger Job Layoffs Surge Most In Over 2 Years | Zero Hedge
Obama is lowering deficit spending & inflation.

What did he do to lower deficit spending and inflation?

Be as specific as you can.

Easy. He raped the American public so bad it formed the Tea Party and elected enough republican house members to stop him. Oh... nvm.

Hilarious how the democrats cry the republicans won't let them spend more then try to take credit.

No kidding.

Like when they crow about Clinton's surpluses. As though he wouldn't have run up huge deficits without Gingrich keeping spending from exploding.

Complete nonsense. First of all, the deficit began shrinking before Republicans took over the Congress; and second of all, Republicans exploded the deficit after Clinton left office. It was Clinton, not Republicans, who gets the credit for the shrinking deficits.
Easy. He raped the American public so bad it formed the Tea Party and elected enough republican house members to stop him. Oh... nvm.

Hilarious how the democrats cry the republicans won't let them spend more then try to take credit.

No kidding.

Like when they crow about Clinton's surpluses. As though he wouldn't have run up huge deficits without Gingrich keeping spending from exploding.

Complete nonsense. First of all, the deficit began shrinking before Republicans took over the Congress; and second of all, Republicans exploded the deficit after Clinton left office. It was Clinton, not Republicans, who gets the credit for the shrinking deficits.

First of all, the deficit began shrinking before Republicans took over the Congress

Sure, we had come out of a recession the prior year.

and second of all, Republicans exploded the deficit after Clinton left office.

Absolutely! Bush spent way too much.

And of course, Obama makes Bush look like a piker.

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