More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Yes because another 1930s style depression is just what the doctor ordered.


That's what was staring us in the face.

Lehman went and the whole street was set to follow. Along with the Auto Industry.

A good deal of our manufacturing along with tech had already been off shored.

What's left?

Pencils and apples?
The alternative to no child and/or corporation left behind is letting them fail and learn from their mistakes. Failure does not mean you can't try harder next time. Failure does not mean we can't build cars again. It just means the people that were running the company had a bad business model. For example, GM should have ended golden parachute retirement plans decades ago. If they had they would not have been saddled with the bulk of today's revenue going to retired employees.
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I don't know or care.

But I'm not the one claiming the POTUS is the reason for stock prices rising and falling. You are.

Iirc you were predicting that the stock market would regain all it's losses over the past few weeks by yesterday ...... :lol:

Good luck with that :thup:

Yup..I did..and I miss calculated.

First the old canard that good news is bad news at the Market. Which it is for a short time.

And then that Russia was going to make a stink.

Overall however? It' will recover and over the next couple of weeks. That is if there is no new war or some other ridiculous event.

That's the thing [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION]. Nobody can predict the future or how the stock market will react to ANYTHING. Some people believe that over the long term, the market will always come back? Tell that to investors from 1966 ...they had to wait over 20 years just to break even. 1928 investors waited over 30 years....

My point is simple - You don't know what the market will do. Nobody does.

Good luck!! :thup:

Well, I've been watching the market up close and personal for close to twenty years and basically from the inside.

You do get a "feel" of what it's going to do..but heck, sometimes you get some good surprises.

In any case, IMHO, the economy is in pretty good shape and should do well barring some big catastrophe.
That's what was staring us in the face.

Lehman went and the whole street was set to follow. Along with the Auto Industry.

A good deal of our manufacturing along with tech had already been off shored.

What's left?

Pencils and apples?

Jobs have left this country for two reasons---------high corporate taxes and unions----both basions of liberalism.

Want more american jobs and growth of the american economy? cut the corporate tax rate, allow foreign corporate money to return to the US tax free, eliminate federal employee unions, tax union "profits" (dues from members).

That's ridiculous.

Jobs left because of several factors:

1. The tax code rewards foreign investment.
2. Education of labor in India and China met requirements.
3. Work place safety rules in foreign nations were non-existent.
4. Companies could retain US legal protections and make use of the infrastructure while having access to US markets and not pay for it.

And actually Manufacturing has been coming back because of President Obama's tax incentives, the fact that the infrastructure in China and India really sucks and wages are starting to go up in those places.

What manufacturing is coming back? What Obama tax incentives are you talking about? I'm curious.

That's what was staring us in the face.

Lehman went and the whole street was set to follow. Along with the Auto Industry.

A good deal of our manufacturing along with tech had already been off shored.

What's left?

Pencils and apples?
The alternative to no child and/or corporation left behind is letting them fail and learn from their mistakes. Failure does not mean you can't try harder next time. Failure does not mean we can't build cars again. It just means the people that were running the company had a bad business model. For example, GM should have ended golden parachute retirement plans decades ago. If they had they would not have been saddled with the bulk of today's revenue going to retired employees.

Guy, these are not "children". Most of them were multinational financial corporations. They have very deep hooks into to the economy and the government. AIG, alone, is the biggest insurance company in the world. Letting them go under would have taken the world wide economy with them.

There were only 2 options.

Seizing them and cleaning house, which would have had you folks screaming "Communism" or recapitalizing them, giving them breathing room to sort out their bad assets from their good assets and allowing them to reorganize. That's what was done.

It wasn't pretty or fair but it kept us from a world wide depression that would have made the 1930s look like a cake walk.
That's what was staring us in the face.

Lehman went and the whole street was set to follow. Along with the Auto Industry.

A good deal of our manufacturing along with tech had already been off shored.

What's left?

Pencils and apples?
The alternative to no child and/or corporation left behind is letting them fail and learn from their mistakes. Failure does not mean you can't try harder next time. Failure does not mean we can't build cars again. It just means the people that were running the company had a bad business model. For example, GM should have ended golden parachute retirement plans decades ago. If they had they would not have been saddled with the bulk of today's revenue going to retired employees.

Guy, these are not "children". Most of them were multinational financial corporations. They have very deep hooks into to the economy and the government. AIG, alone, is the biggest insurance company in the world. Letting them go under would have taken the world wide economy with them.

There were only 2 options.

Seizing them and cleaning house, which would have had you folks screaming "Communism" or recapitalizing them, giving them breathing room to sort out their bad assets from their good assets and allowing them to reorganize. That's what was done.

It wasn't pretty or fair but it kept us from a world wide depression that would have made the 1930s look like a cake walk.

Nonsense. Breaking up monopolies like AIG is a time honored tradition. It's not communist to break up a monopoly. Where do you get the idea breaking up a monopoly like AIG into smaller entities is communist? Why do you think corporate mergers have to go through federal and international vetting processes?

You seem to be clueless about the how our system is supposed to work.

When a company goes bankrupt, or gets split into smaller entities, the world does not end. Many / most times the work goes on and there are improvements.

Bankruptcy is like death. You might fear it... but life goes on.

Hooking a dead company up to life support might work for a while but at some point you have to realize that a brain dead company needs to be taken off life support so the rest of us can move on.
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Jobs have left this country for two reasons---------high corporate taxes and unions----both basions of liberalism.

Want more american jobs and growth of the american economy? cut the corporate tax rate, allow foreign corporate money to return to the US tax free, eliminate federal employee unions, tax union "profits" (dues from members).

That's ridiculous.

Jobs left because of several factors:

1. The tax code rewards foreign investment.
2. Education of labor in India and China met requirements.
3. Work place safety rules in foreign nations were non-existent.
4. Companies could retain US legal protections and make use of the infrastructure while having access to US markets and not pay for it.

And actually Manufacturing has been coming back because of President Obama's tax incentives, the fact that the infrastructure in China and India really sucks and wages are starting to go up in those places.

What manufacturing is coming back? What Obama tax incentives are you talking about? I'm curious.

Auto Manufacturing for one.

And the "Work Opportunity Tax Credit".
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Extended

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA) (H.R. 8) extends the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) for hiring certain workers through Dec. 31, 2013.

The VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 made changes to the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), including adding new categories to the qualified veterans targeted group and expanding the WOTC to make a reduced credit available to tax-exempt organizations for hiring qualified veterans. The VOW Act also extended the WOTC for qualified veterans hired before Jan.1, 2013. The other targeted group categories were not extended by the VOW Act and expired for targeted group members other than qualified veterans hired after Dec.31, 2011.

ATRA extends the WOTC for qualified veterans hired before Jan. 1, 2014. ATRA also extends the WOTC for targeted group members, other than qualified veterans, hired after Dec.31, 2011, and before Jan.1, 2014.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Extended
That's ridiculous.

Jobs left because of several factors:

1. The tax code rewards foreign investment.
2. Education of labor in India and China met requirements.
3. Work place safety rules in foreign nations were non-existent.
4. Companies could retain US legal protections and make use of the infrastructure while having access to US markets and not pay for it.

And actually Manufacturing has been coming back because of President Obama's tax incentives, the fact that the infrastructure in China and India really sucks and wages are starting to go up in those places.

What manufacturing is coming back? What Obama tax incentives are you talking about? I'm curious.

Auto Manufacturing for one.

And the "Work Opportunity Tax Credit".
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Extended

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA) (H.R. 8) extends the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) for hiring certain workers through Dec. 31, 2013.

The VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 made changes to the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), including adding new categories to the qualified veterans targeted group and expanding the WOTC to make a reduced credit available to tax-exempt organizations for hiring qualified veterans. The VOW Act also extended the WOTC for qualified veterans hired before Jan.1, 2013. The other targeted group categories were not extended by the VOW Act and expired for targeted group members other than qualified veterans hired after Dec.31, 2011.

ATRA extends the WOTC for qualified veterans hired before Jan. 1, 2014. ATRA also extends the WOTC for targeted group members, other than qualified veterans, hired after Dec.31, 2011, and before Jan.1, 2014.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Extended

Uhmm I thought our auto manufacturing was sold off to canada, china, japan, ... no? Government motors looks to be needing yet another check. No? Ford's doing good cause they fixed their business plan the right way before the recession hit.

ROFL on the opportunity tax credit. That's not bringing jobs to America, that's a veteran only hire program to discriminate against non-veterans.
What manufacturing is coming back? What Obama tax incentives are you talking about? I'm curious.

Auto Manufacturing for one.

And the "Work Opportunity Tax Credit".
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Extended

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA) (H.R. 8) extends the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) for hiring certain workers through Dec. 31, 2013.

The VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 made changes to the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), including adding new categories to the qualified veterans targeted group and expanding the WOTC to make a reduced credit available to tax-exempt organizations for hiring qualified veterans. The VOW Act also extended the WOTC for qualified veterans hired before Jan.1, 2013. The other targeted group categories were not extended by the VOW Act and expired for targeted group members other than qualified veterans hired after Dec.31, 2011.

ATRA extends the WOTC for qualified veterans hired before Jan. 1, 2014. ATRA also extends the WOTC for targeted group members, other than qualified veterans, hired after Dec.31, 2011, and before Jan.1, 2014.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Extended

Uhmm I thought our auto manufacturing was sold off to canada, china, japan, ... no? Government motors looks to be needing yet another check. No? Ford's doing good cause they fixed their business plan the right way before the recession hit.

ROFL on the opportunity tax credit. That's not bringing jobs to America, that's a veteran only hire program to discriminate against non-veterans.

Oh gosh, seriously?

I find the stuff you ask for and get nonsense in return.

Did you code like this?

Cause if I did? I wouldn't have a job.

Oh wait, you don't work.

And in other news:

Market is up!

Wed, Aug 6, 2014, 4:13 PM EDT - U.S. Markets closed
S&P 500

+0.03 (0.00%)

Chart for ^GSPC

+13.87 (0.08%)
Auto Manufacturing for one.

And the "Work Opportunity Tax Credit".

Uhmm I thought our auto manufacturing was sold off to canada, china, japan, ... no? Government motors looks to be needing yet another check. No? Ford's doing good cause they fixed their business plan the right way before the recession hit.

ROFL on the opportunity tax credit. That's not bringing jobs to America, that's a veteran only hire program to discriminate against non-veterans.

Oh gosh, seriously?

I find the stuff you ask for and get nonsense in return.

Did you code like this?

Cause if I did? I wouldn't have a job.

Oh wait, you don't work.

Typical. Call your bullshit out for what it is and you deflect to a personal attack.

I work. I just work less than I used to.
Uhmm I thought our auto manufacturing was sold off to canada, china, japan, ... no? Government motors looks to be needing yet another check. No? Ford's doing good cause they fixed their business plan the right way before the recession hit.

ROFL on the opportunity tax credit. That's not bringing jobs to America, that's a veteran only hire program to discriminate against non-veterans.

Oh gosh, seriously?

I find the stuff you ask for and get nonsense in return.

Did you code like this?

Cause if I did? I wouldn't have a job.

Oh wait, you don't work.

Typical. Call your bullshit out for what it is and you deflect to a personal attack.

I work. I just work less than I used to.

There's no "bullshit".

President Obama's raw numbers in terms of Job Creation and the Stock Market beats out Bush, Reagan, Bush and Clinton.

And he's done this with the Stimulus, which had a blend of tax incentives, tax cuts and grants. He did this by waiting to sunset the Bush tax cuts. He did this by keeping a Fed Chief that knew the territory and appointing one that is ridiculously business friendly.

The metrics bear this out.

Unfortunately you refuse to accept reality.

Dunno man.

It's like debating with a person that thinks "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Fountainhead" are steeped in real life.

Oh gosh, seriously?

I find the stuff you ask for and get nonsense in return.

Did you code like this?

Cause if I did? I wouldn't have a job.

Oh wait, you don't work.

Typical. Call your bullshit out for what it is and you deflect to a personal attack.

I work. I just work less than I used to.

There's no "bullshit".

President Obama's raw numbers in terms of Job Creation and the Stock Market beats out Bush, Reagan, Bush and Clinton.

And he's done this with the Stimulus, which had a blend of tax incentives, tax cuts and grants. He did this by waiting to sunset the Bush tax cuts. He did this by keeping a Fed Chief that knew the territory and appointing one that is ridiculously business friendly.

The metrics bear this out.

Unfortunately you refuse to accept reality.

Dunno man.

It's like debating with a person that thinks "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Fountainhead" are steeped in real life.


I think you need to wash your dress. Looks like Obama spilled something on it.
Typical. Call your bullshit out for what it is and you deflect to a personal attack.

I work. I just work less than I used to.

There's no "bullshit".

President Obama's raw numbers in terms of Job Creation and the Stock Market beats out Bush, Reagan, Bush and Clinton.

And he's done this with the Stimulus, which had a blend of tax incentives, tax cuts and grants. He did this by waiting to sunset the Bush tax cuts. He did this by keeping a Fed Chief that knew the territory and appointing one that is ridiculously business friendly.

The metrics bear this out.

Unfortunately you refuse to accept reality.

Dunno man.

It's like debating with a person that thinks "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Fountainhead" are steeped in real life.


I think you need to wash your dress. Looks like Obama spilled something on it.

Wait a sec, weren't you just crying like a bitch about personal insults?'re something else.

But I sorta don't blame ya.

Reality doesn't agree with your side of the story, here.
Jobs have left this country for two reasons---------high corporate taxes and unions----both basions of liberalism.

Want more american jobs and growth of the american economy? cut the corporate tax rate, allow foreign corporate money to return to the US tax free, eliminate federal employee unions, tax union "profits" (dues from members).

That's ridiculous.

Jobs left because of several factors:

1. The tax code rewards foreign investment.
2. Education of labor in India and China met requirements.
3. Work place safety rules in foreign nations were non-existent.
4. Companies could retain US legal protections and make use of the infrastructure while having access to US markets and not pay for it.

And actually Manufacturing has been coming back because of President Obama's tax incentives, the fact that the infrastructure in China and India really sucks and wages are starting to go up in those places.

1, 2, and 3 are correct. 4 is bullshit, american corporations pay american taxes (actually consumers pay them but thats a different topic).

"obama's tax incentives" :lol::lol::lol: thats some funny shit.
Using your logic, the company I work for pays my taxes.
Market is rebounding nicely.

Fri, Aug 8, 2014, 1:42 PM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 2 hrs 18 mins
S&P 500

+17.44 (0.91%)

Chart for ^GSPC

+156.09 (0.95%)

Chart for ^DJI

+31.13 (0.72%)

Chart for ^IXIC
Gold 1,310.60 -0.14% Crude Oil 97.59 +0.26% EUR/USD 1.3412 +0.38% VIX 15.80 -5.16% 10-Yr Bond 2.41 -0.66% Corn 363.50 -2.09% Copper 3.18 +0.05% Silver 19.94 -0.23% Natural Gas 3.96 +2.22% Russell 2000 1,129.18 +0.84% BATS 1000 21,430.46 +0.15% GBP/USD 1.6779 -0.32% USD/JPY 102.0350 -0.07%
so the market is down like 700 points in the last few weeks. what is your boy trying to do? crash the market again?

He's fishing for the right deflection to get the press to let him invade the US with millions of illegals and terrorists to destroy our economy under the weight of welfare and crime these people are bringing with them.
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Fri, Aug 8, 2014, 4:01 PM EDT - U.S. Markets closed
S&P 500

+21.91 (1.15%)

Chart for ^GSPC

+184.31 (1.13%)

Chart for ^DJI

Up for the day.

Not too bad.
so the market is down like 700 points in the last few weeks. what is your boy trying to do? crash the market again?

He's fishing for the right deflection to get the press to let him invade the US with millions of illegals and terrorists to destroy our economy under the weight of welfare and crime these people are bringing with them.


How can you "deflect" insanity?

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