More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

The Dow is now negative for the year

The Russell 2000 down 3.62% YTD

The S&P500 is up 3.89% for the year

And I predict the second half of the year will be worse by the time the zigging and zagging is done.


Where will the market be at the end of the year.

Give us all a number.

I think you're thinking of a gypsy with a crystal ball, not a macroeconomist.

That's like asking your doctor the exact day he or she expects you to croak based on your eating and exercise habits.

It's also like asking a priest exactly what day the world's going to come to an end.

The questions that you, D23, Jakey, Merc, etc.'s obvious you folks have no training whatsoever in this discipline. I'm not saying you can't make assessments, but it's like you asking a doctor something you should be asking a Vet or asking a plumber something you should be asking a carpenter.

Your questions are very telling about what you know and don't know.

Every time I post this up, as I hit the "submit" button, Im splitting my sides laughing!!

The banks are controlling every' name it. Waitlll this one pops.......boy are some on this thread going to look like epic mEaThEadS:D:D:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Yep, skook, you'd think this wouldn't be so hard to understand. :D What goes up must come down.
I'm not a conservative either. I'm a libertarian conservative. Quite the difference. Only align with about half the political opinions of so called conservatives. I align with only a very small percentage of political opinions of so called progressives. I align with 99.9 % of the opinions of so called libertarians who are right leaning. IOW I'm not a libertarian anarchist, rather I'm a libertarian conservative.

If you don't understand I invite you explain how it is you think all conservatives have the same opinion on all topics and respond with whether you agreed with every single opinion of every single lefty.

This is fucking ridiculous ... you said yourself you are in the "Upper Right quadrant of the political spectrum. Anyone to the right is a rightie. Anyone who is any flavor of Conservative is a rightie.

Embrace who you are, rightie, and stop being so ashamed of it?

Eat shit and choke on it ya Commie bastard.

And I predict the second half of the year will be worse by the time the zigging and zagging is done.


Where will the market be at the end of the year.

Give us all a number.

I think you're thinking of a gypsy with a crystal ball, not a macroeconomist.

That's like asking your doctor the exact day he or she expects you to croak based on your eating and exercise habits.

It's also like asking a priest exactly what day the world's going to come to an end.

The questions that you, D23, Jakey, Merc, etc.'s obvious you folks have no training whatsoever in this discipline. I'm not saying you can't make assessments, but it's like you asking a doctor something you should be asking a Vet or asking a plumber something you should be asking a carpenter.

Your questions are very telling about what you know and don't know.

Your dealing with Shallow. Now don't get me wrong, I like Shallow, always have but the poor boy is the left's version of Lush limpjaw. Good luck with your argument....... :eusa_whistle:

Where will the market be at the end of the year.

Give us all a number.

i think you're thinking of a gypsy with a crystal ball, not a macroeconomist.

That's like asking your doctor the exact day he or she expects you to croak based on your eating and exercise habits.

It's also like asking a priest exactly what day the world's going to come to an end.

The questions that you, d23, jakey, merc, etc.'s obvious you folks have no training whatsoever in this discipline. I'm not saying you can't make assessments, but it's like you asking a doctor something you should be asking a vet or asking a plumber something you should be asking a carpenter.

Your questions are very telling about what you know and don't know.

your dealing with shallow. Now don't get me wrong, i like shallow, always have but the poor boy is the left's version of lush limpjaw. Good luck with your argument....... :eusa_whistle:

lol. :d
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


You know what that DOW record will mean to the "99%" that the left supposedly sympathizes with? Nothing. The jobs report is not great. Millions dropped out of the work force altogether and no longer count in the stats. Many settled for lower paying or part time jobs and aren't doing nearly as well as they were before. Those jobs numbers mean very little now. Still spending way more at the grocery store and gas station. Middle class and the poor still hurting. Obamacare will make more jobs (and people) disappear once Obama stops delaying the harmful parts of it.
Well, well. NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll is out.

64% of Americans unhappy with economy.

Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, the economy's doing great. (roll eyes)

Poll shows Obama crashing and burning on everything.

79% of the country dissatisfied with the current direction of the country.
Well, well. NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll is out.

64% of Americans unhappy with economy.

Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, the economy's doing great. (roll eyes)

Poll shows Obama crashing and burning on everything.

79% of the country dissatisfied with the current direction of the country.

36% of the country is on welfare. Wonder if those are the happy ones.
And I predict the second half of the year will be worse by the time the zigging and zagging is done.


Where will the market be at the end of the year.

Give us all a number.

I think you're thinking of a gypsy with a crystal ball, not a macroeconomist.

That's like asking your doctor the exact day he or she expects you to croak based on your eating and exercise habits.

It's also like asking a priest exactly what day the world's going to come to an end.

The questions that you, D23, Jakey, Merc, etc.'s obvious you folks have no training whatsoever in this discipline. I'm not saying you can't make assessments, but it's like you asking a doctor something you should be asking a Vet or asking a plumber something you should be asking a carpenter.

Your questions are very telling about what you know and don't know.

Not asking you anything that mystical.

When I was on another board I predicted a real live crash was going to happen when the Market hit 14000. I thought it would go down to about 9k or 8K but it would be dramatic.

That was based on a real fake economy. One based on taxes cut on the rich, almost zero interest rates, the mortgage backed securities and 2 wars.

I was slightly off since the market when down to around 6-7K and the job market collapsed.

i was also basing that on the failure to do anything about the Arthur Anderson/Enron debacle. don't have to do a crystal ball thing.

What you can do is predict something based on what you are seeing.

Where will the market be at the end of the year.

Give us all a number.

I think you're thinking of a gypsy with a crystal ball, not a macroeconomist.

That's like asking your doctor the exact day he or she expects you to croak based on your eating and exercise habits.

It's also like asking a priest exactly what day the world's going to come to an end.

The questions that you, D23, Jakey, Merc, etc.'s obvious you folks have no training whatsoever in this discipline. I'm not saying you can't make assessments, but it's like you asking a doctor something you should be asking a Vet or asking a plumber something you should be asking a carpenter.

Your questions are very telling about what you know and don't know.

Not asking you anything that mystical.

When I was on another board I predicted a real live crash was going to happen when the Market hit 14000. I thought it would go down to about 9k or 8K but it would be dramatic.

That was based on a real fake economy. One based on taxes cut on the rich, almost zero interest rates, the mortgage backed securities and 2 wars.

I was slightly off since the market when down to around 6-7K and the job market collapsed.

i was also basing that on the failure to do anything about the Arthur Anderson/Enron debacle. don't have to do a crystal ball thing.

What you can do is predict something based on what you are seeing.

I'm going to try to explain this to you again. I'm a macroeconomist. That means I look at thousands of variables, I look at international trade, I look at foreign policy.....the Dow, which is just one of numerous markets is just one little small piece of the big picture.

I have no interest in playing micro-economist. It bores me. What I do, as I did in the thread about Economic Malaise, is tell you whether economic policies are working or not.

And as the NBC/WSJ poll shows today, I was spot on once again. :eusa_whistle:
Dow sliding to the "below 16,000" mark. Wow, another Obama economic miracle!

Dow is slipping because of 2 factors.

Good news at home.
Bad news abroad.

You Keynsians will fight for your tax and spend philosophy to the death.

History has already proved it doesn't work. But it's fun watching a new crop of folks ride that missile into the ground.
Well, well. NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll is out.

64% of Americans unhappy with economy.

Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, the economy's doing great. (roll eyes)

Poll shows Obama crashing and burning on everything.

79% of the country dissatisfied with the current direction of the country.

36% of the country is on welfare. Wonder if those are the happy ones.

Funny how the math works out on that, huh? LOL.

Yep, we warned about the makers and the takers. Now even some of the takers as well as all the makers can see what a disaster O is.
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


You know what that DOW record will mean to the "99%" that the left supposedly sympathizes with? Nothing. The jobs report is not great. Millions dropped out of the work force altogether and no longer count in the stats. Many settled for lower paying or part time jobs and aren't doing nearly as well as they were before. Those jobs numbers mean very little now. Still spending way more at the grocery store and gas station. Middle class and the poor still hurting. Obamacare will make more jobs (and people) disappear once Obama stops delaying the harmful parts of it.

These morons don't realize that the Dow is made up of only 30 Megacorporation - Corporate Cronies, who make money from government connections and regulatory capture...or because Fat Poor People will continue to drive around to get junk food no matter how bad the economy is due to the fact that they also feed off of the government.

The Real Private sector is not doing well at all.
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


You know what that DOW record will mean to the "99%" that the left supposedly sympathizes with? Nothing. The jobs report is not great. Millions dropped out of the work force altogether and no longer count in the stats. Many settled for lower paying or part time jobs and aren't doing nearly as well as they were before. Those jobs numbers mean very little now. Still spending way more at the grocery store and gas station. Middle class and the poor still hurting. Obamacare will make more jobs (and people) disappear once Obama stops delaying the harmful parts of it.

These morons don't realize that the Dow is made up of only 30 Megacorporation - Corporate Cronies, who make money from government connections and regulatory capture...or because Fat Poor People will continue to drive around to get junk food no matter how bad the economy is due to the fact that they also feed off of the government.

The Real Private sector is not doing well at all.

Who's fault is that?

Conservatives have done their very best to completely dismantle government protections against megacorporations.

Reagan was a champion in that.

And Scalia? Sealed the deal with "Citizen's United".

This is a world of your making.
Well, well. NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll is out.

64% of Americans unhappy with economy.

Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, the economy's doing great. (roll eyes)

Poll shows Obama crashing and burning on everything.

79% of the country dissatisfied with the current direction of the country.

36% of the country is on welfare. Wonder if those are the happy ones.

Funny how the math works out on that, huh? LOL.

Yep, we warned about the makers and the takers. Now even some of the takers as well as all the makers can see what a disaster O is.

Learned a long time ago with my children, if you give them everything they ask for they won't be happy with what they get and they will come back demanding more. Hand outs do not work, never have, never will. Does not matter if the hand outs are to a corporation to save it from well deserved bankruptcy, or to people who live on a piece of land frequented by floods, or to shore up stock prices. Redistributing money is a recipe for disaster, casting pearls to swine... yeah that's biblical in it's folly.
You know what that DOW record will mean to the "99%" that the left supposedly sympathizes with? Nothing. The jobs report is not great. Millions dropped out of the work force altogether and no longer count in the stats. Many settled for lower paying or part time jobs and aren't doing nearly as well as they were before. Those jobs numbers mean very little now. Still spending way more at the grocery store and gas station. Middle class and the poor still hurting. Obamacare will make more jobs (and people) disappear once Obama stops delaying the harmful parts of it.

These morons don't realize that the Dow is made up of only 30 Megacorporation - Corporate Cronies, who make money from government connections and regulatory capture...or because Fat Poor People will continue to drive around to get junk food no matter how bad the economy is due to the fact that they also feed off of the government.

The Real Private sector is not doing well at all.

Who's fault is that?

Conservatives have done their very best to completely dismantle government protections against megacorporations.

Reagan was a champion in that.

And Scalia? Sealed the deal with "Citizen's United".

This is a world of your making.

ROFL you have idiot speak down pat.
These morons don't realize that the Dow is made up of only 30 Megacorporation - Corporate Cronies, who make money from government connections and regulatory capture...or because Fat Poor People will continue to drive around to get junk food no matter how bad the economy is due to the fact that they also feed off of the government.

The Real Private sector is not doing well at all.

Who's fault is that?

Conservatives have done their very best to completely dismantle government protections against megacorporations.

Reagan was a champion in that.

And Scalia? Sealed the deal with "Citizen's United".

This is a world of your making.

ROFL you have idiot speak down pat.


Wait now you like Megacorporations and Monopolies?

You are casting off the libertarian carapace?

Mitt,'ve tried this before.

Doesn't work.

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