More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Show me a dictionary definition stating were means to date.... I'll wait! :badgrin:

past 2d singular, past plural, or past subjunctive of be


Past subjunctive of be

to date

prior to the present time​
I suppose in the backwards universe you live in, the past is not the same as prior to the present time. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Are you actually trying to assert that when you asked, "how many full time jobs were lost to Obomacare's mandated 29 Hours," you actually meant how many jobs "will be" lost??

See, you DID know what I meant!

But...2 Million Jobs Lost Due to Obamacare

2 Million Jobs Lost Due to Obamacare

Spin away! :D
Spin what, Truther? That you're an abject imbecile? You keep claiming that jobs were lost due to ObamaCare, but you continue to post articles about how it's projected jobs may be lost due to ObamaCare in the future.

So the answer to your question, how many full time jobs were lost due to ObamaCare, remains: zero :lol:
Regardless of your histrionics, the graph displays exactly what I described. The upwards trend began before Obama became president. Furthermore, it was affected by the Great Recession and baby boomers hitting the age of retirement ... both of which also began before Obama became president.

You may now resume your unhinged rant...

What year did the demogods take over congress dumb ass? How many times do you stupid shit haid democraps have to screw up this country before you realize welfare hand outs and shovel ready crap are not good investments? I'll end my rant when this hell you democraps created has been terminated.

You're too funny, rightie. You were just blaming Obama. After I point out that the current trend started before Obama was president, you completely abandon your position and look for the next closest Democrat you can find to blame.


Your senility aside, I highlighted two factors which increased the already growing not in the labor force group; retiring baby boomers and the Great Recession. Since you now want to change your position and switch from blaming Obama to blaming the Democrat-led Congress, prove. What bill(s) did that Congress pass which caused baby boomers to retire and the economy to crater........
Not my fault you were confused by my statement about the cause being voters like you who vote for democrats and neocons.

H1b visas, guest workers, and off-shoring led to layoffs, firings, and early retirement. This led to wage stagnation in productive jobs. The feds doubled their rates of pay in a decade and now get paid twice what they are worth. This led to the feds thinking themselves as gods over the population. This led to democrats demonizing all profit and further chasing american investors offshore. All the while democrats led by Barney Frank were standing in the way of stopping the realestate bubble. When it popped it resulted in a fairly large crash which further accelerated the offshoring, layoffs, and inshoring of labor, still supported by the democraps and neocons btw. All of these things resulted in 8-10million high paid private jobs being swapped out for early retirements, unemployment, and part time jobs.

You look up the names of the bills that were promulgated by democraps and neocons alike as being good for us. IMO you just don't give a shit to learn what the eff is going on. You're to busy reading democrap all is well charts.
Last edited:
What year did the demogods take over congress dumb ass? How many times do you stupid shit haid democraps have to screw up this country before you realize welfare hand outs and shovel ready crap are not good investments? I'll end my rant when this hell you democraps created has been terminated.

You're too funny, rightie. You were just blaming Obama. After I point out that the current trend started before Obama was president, you completely abandon your position and look for the next closest Democrat you can find to blame.


Your senility aside, I highlighted two factors which increased the already growing not in the labor force group; retiring baby boomers and the Great Recession. Since you now want to change your position and switch from blaming Obama to blaming the Democrat-led Congress, prove. What bill(s) did that Congress pass which caused baby boomers to retire and the economy to crater........
Not my fault you were confused by my statement about the cause being voters like you who vote for democrats and neocons.

H1b visas, guest workers, and off-shoring led to layoffs, firings, and early retirement. This led to wage stagnation in productive jobs. The feds doubled their rates of pay in a decade and now get paid twice what they are worth. This led to the feds thinking themselves as gods over the population. This led to democrats demonizing all profit and further chasing american investors offshore. All the while democrats led by Barney Frank were standing in the way of stopping the realestate bubble. When it popped it resulted in a fairly large crash which further accelerated the offshoring, layoffs, and inshoring of labor, still supported by the democraps and neocons btw. All of these things resulted in 8-10million high paid private jobs being swapped out for early retirements, unemployment, and part time jobs.

You look up the names of the bills that were promulgated by democraps and neocons alike as being good for us. IMO you just don't give a shit to learn what the eff is going on. You're to busy reading democrap all is well charts.

Your analysis is pretty laughable and totally misses the mark.

It's funny that you put complete blame on the government while we have a country lousy with billionaires.

Yeah..those "poor" billionaires couldn't help it. The system was there to exploit, so, ethics be damned, they exploited it.

That of course lends it self to the obvious answer, more regulations, which you folks are loathe to enact.

Your no regs, low tax worldview led to this.

From Reagan, Bush, Bush..the deconstruction of consumer and labor protections along with new exotic financial instruments strangled the goose laying the golden eggs.

Your answer?

Goose dinner.
What year did the demogods take over congress dumb ass? How many times do you stupid shit haid democraps have to screw up this country before you realize welfare hand outs and shovel ready crap are not good investments? I'll end my rant when this hell you democraps created has been terminated.

You're too funny, rightie. You were just blaming Obama. After I point out that the current trend started before Obama was president, you completely abandon your position and look for the next closest Democrat you can find to blame.


Your senility aside, I highlighted two factors which increased the already growing not in the labor force group; retiring baby boomers and the Great Recession. Since you now want to change your position and switch from blaming Obama to blaming the Democrat-led Congress, prove. What bill(s) did that Congress pass which caused baby boomers to retire and the economy to crater........
Not my fault you were confused by my statement about the cause being voters like you who vote for democrats and neocons.

H1b visas, guest workers, and off-shoring led to layoffs, firings, and early retirement. This led to wage stagnation in productive jobs. The feds doubled their rates of pay in a decade and now get paid twice what they are worth. This led to the feds thinking themselves as gods over the population. This led to democrats demonizing all profit and further chasing american investors offshore. All the while democrats led by Barney Frank were standing in the way of stopping the realestate bubble. When it popped it resulted in a fairly large crash which further accelerated the offshoring, layoffs, and inshoring of labor, still supported by the democraps and neocons btw. All of these things resulted in 8-10million high paid private jobs being swapped out for early retirements, unemployment, and part time jobs.

You look up the names of the bills that were promulgated by democraps and neocons alike as being good for us. IMO you just don't give a shit to learn what the eff is going on. You're to busy reading democrap all is well charts.
Well I did ask you to continue your deranged rant, so I can't blame you for doing so, however, off shoring of jobs began years before Democrats took control of Congress. Also, while it's true Barney Frank was against preventing the real estate bubble, he was but one member of the minority party between 2003 and 2006, when something had to be done. It was during those years that Republicans were in charge and failed to reign in the bubble. Seems you unwittingly blame the Republicans for wrecking the economy. Good work, rightie.
past 2d singular, past plural, or past subjunctive of be

Past subjunctive of be

to date

prior to the present time​
I suppose in the backwards universe you live in, the past is not the same as prior to the present time. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Are you actually trying to assert that when you asked, "how many full time jobs were lost to Obomacare's mandated 29 Hours," you actually meant how many jobs "will be" lost??

See, you DID know what I meant!

But...2 Million Jobs Lost Due to Obamacare

2 Million Jobs Lost Due to Obamacare

Spin away! :D
Spin what, Truther? That you're an abject imbecile? You keep claiming that jobs were lost due to ObamaCare, but you continue to post articles about how it's projected jobs may be lost due to ObamaCare in the future.

So the answer to your question, how many full time jobs were lost due to ObamaCare, remains: zero :lol:

The answer is we don't know, simpleton! There are hundreds of examples on the net of different companies, such as the one below that does NOT give a specific number but ststes they have rolled back hours because of Obamacare.... If you have a hard time digesrting that, or think your little word games mean anything, continue, but readers will KNOW what I've posted is true! :badgrin::eusa_clap:

Regal Entertainment Group, which operates more than 500 theaters in 38 states, last month rolled back shifts for non-salaried workers to 30 hours per week, putting them under the threshold at which employers are required to provide health insurance. The Nashville-based company said in a letter to managers that the move was a direct result of ObamaCare.

Or go here for multiple stories of obumacare job cuts!...enjoy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
See, you DID know what I meant!

But...2 Million Jobs Lost Due to Obamacare

2 Million Jobs Lost Due to Obamacare

Spin away! :D
Spin what, Truther? That you're an abject imbecile? You keep claiming that jobs were lost due to ObamaCare, but you continue to post articles about how it's projected jobs may be lost due to ObamaCare in the future.

So the answer to your question, how many full time jobs were lost due to ObamaCare, remains: zero :lol:

The answer is we don't know, simpleton! There are hundreds of examples on the net of different companies, such as the one below that does NOT give a specific number but ststes they have rolled back hours because of Obamacare.... If you have a hard time digesrting that, or think your little word games mean anything, continue, but readers will KNOW what I've posted is true! :badgrin::eusa_clap:

Regal Entertainment Group, which operates more than 500 theaters in 38 states, last month rolled back shifts for non-salaried workers to 30 hours per week, putting them under the threshold at which employers are required to provide health insurance. The Nashville-based company said in a letter to managers that the move was a direct result of ObamaCare.

Or go here for multiple stories of obumacare job cuts!...enjoy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Job Cuts Archives »
It's not word games, you rightie. YOU asked a question.

YOU asked how many jobs were lost because of ObamaCare. That was YOUR question. I admitted I didn't know so I asked you. Turned out, you couldn't cite a single job that was lost due to ObamaCare. Now you're throwing a hissy fit because I have the nerve to point that out. :lol:
Spin what, Truther? That you're an abject imbecile? You keep claiming that jobs were lost due to ObamaCare, but you continue to post articles about how it's projected jobs may be lost due to ObamaCare in the future.

So the answer to your question, how many full time jobs were lost due to ObamaCare, remains: zero :lol:

The answer is we don't know, simpleton! There are hundreds of examples on the net of different companies, such as the one below that does NOT give a specific number but ststes they have rolled back hours because of Obamacare.... If you have a hard time digesrting that, or think your little word games mean anything, continue, but readers will KNOW what I've posted is true! :badgrin::eusa_clap:

Regal Entertainment Group, which operates more than 500 theaters in 38 states, last month rolled back shifts for non-salaried workers to 30 hours per week, putting them under the threshold at which employers are required to provide health insurance. The Nashville-based company said in a letter to managers that the move was a direct result of ObamaCare.

Or go here for multiple stories of obumacare job cuts!...enjoy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Job Cuts Archives »
It's not word games, you rightie. YOU asked a question.

YOU asked how many jobs were lost because of ObamaCare. That was YOUR question. I admitted I didn't know so I asked you. Turned out, you couldn't cite a single job that was lost due to ObamaCare. Now you're throwing a hissy fit because I have the nerve to point that out. :lol:

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: My points been made, you may continue to rant OCDPawn! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
The answer is we don't know, simpleton! There are hundreds of examples on the net of different companies, such as the one below that does NOT give a specific number but ststes they have rolled back hours because of Obamacare.... If you have a hard time digesrting that, or think your little word games mean anything, continue, but readers will KNOW what I've posted is true! :badgrin::eusa_clap:

Regal Entertainment Group, which operates more than 500 theaters in 38 states, last month rolled back shifts for non-salaried workers to 30 hours per week, putting them under the threshold at which employers are required to provide health insurance. The Nashville-based company said in a letter to managers that the move was a direct result of ObamaCare.

Or go here for multiple stories of obumacare job cuts!...enjoy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Job Cuts Archives »
It's not word games, you rightie. YOU asked a question.

YOU asked how many jobs were lost because of ObamaCare. That was YOUR question. I admitted I didn't know so I asked you. Turned out, you couldn't cite a single job that was lost due to ObamaCare. Now you're throwing a hissy fit because I have the nerve to point that out. :lol:

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: My points been made, you may continue to rant OCDPawn! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

The point I got from that exchange with you is that you're an idiot. Point well made, Truther. It's funny because the answer to your question remains: zero. :lol:
It's not word games, you rightie. YOU asked a question.

YOU asked how many jobs were lost because of ObamaCare. That was YOUR question. I admitted I didn't know so I asked you. Turned out, you couldn't cite a single job that was lost due to ObamaCare. Now you're throwing a hissy fit because I have the nerve to point that out. :lol:

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: My points been made, you may continue to rant OCDPawn! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

The point I got from that exchange with you is that you're an idiot. Point well made, Truther. It's funny because the answer to your question remains: zero. :lol:

My points been made, you may continue to rant OCDPawn! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: My points been made, you may continue to rant OCDPawn! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

The point I got from that exchange with you is that you're an idiot. Point well made, Truther. It's funny because the answer to your question remains: zero. :lol:

My points been made, you may continue to rant OCDPawn! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Truther, the point you made is that you couldn't find a single person who lost their job due to ObamaCare.


Last edited:
The point I got from that exchange with you is that you're an idiot. Point well made, Truther. It's funny because the answer to your question remains: zero. :lol:

My points been made, you may continue to rant OCDPawn! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Truther, the point you made is that you couldn't find a single person who lost their job due to ObamaCare.



Over 59,000,000 links to "I lost my job because of obamacare"

I lost my job because of obamacare - Bing

I'm sure you can find ONE within those 59 million links!

Thanks for playing!...My points been made, you may continue to rant OCDPawn! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

You're too funny, rightie. You were just blaming Obama. After I point out that the current trend started before Obama was president, you completely abandon your position and look for the next closest Democrat you can find to blame.


Your senility aside, I highlighted two factors which increased the already growing not in the labor force group; retiring baby boomers and the Great Recession. Since you now want to change your position and switch from blaming Obama to blaming the Democrat-led Congress, prove. What bill(s) did that Congress pass which caused baby boomers to retire and the economy to crater........
Not my fault you were confused by my statement about the cause being voters like you who vote for democrats and neocons.

H1b visas, guest workers, and off-shoring led to layoffs, firings, and early retirement. This led to wage stagnation in productive jobs. The feds doubled their rates of pay in a decade and now get paid twice what they are worth. This led to the feds thinking themselves as gods over the population. This led to democrats demonizing all profit and further chasing american investors offshore. All the while democrats led by Barney Frank were standing in the way of stopping the realestate bubble. When it popped it resulted in a fairly large crash which further accelerated the offshoring, layoffs, and inshoring of labor, still supported by the democraps and neocons btw. All of these things resulted in 8-10million high paid private jobs being swapped out for early retirements, unemployment, and part time jobs.

You look up the names of the bills that were promulgated by democraps and neocons alike as being good for us. IMO you just don't give a shit to learn what the eff is going on. You're to busy reading democrap all is well charts.

Your analysis is pretty laughable and totally misses the mark.

It's funny that you put complete blame on the government while we have a country lousy with billionaires.

Yeah..those "poor" billionaires couldn't help it. The system was there to exploit, so, ethics be damned, they exploited it.

That of course lends it self to the obvious answer, more regulations, which you folks are loathe to enact.

Your no regs, low tax worldview led to this.

From Reagan, Bush, Bush..the deconstruction of consumer and labor protections along with new exotic financial instruments strangled the goose laying the golden eggs.

Your answer?

Goose dinner.
I've provided my answer hundreds of times to you. You continue to ignore the answer. The answer is to break up the monopolies and oligopolies. For example, the oligopolies on labor rates in this country. As another example, the oligopoly on Executive pay rates shielded from the owners of said companies (the stock holders.)

That is one of the jobs this government refuses to do, break up monopolies and oligopolies.

Your generalization about regulation is complete bull shit. There are good regulations and bad regulations. There is also idiocy in thinking we should regulate our producers while allowing foreign producers to import products that are not subject to the same regulations. This is a recipe for off-shoring investments in production and thus jobs and our economy.

In short your just a blow hard jerk, completely ignorant of your surroundings.

You're too funny, rightie. You were just blaming Obama. After I point out that the current trend started before Obama was president, you completely abandon your position and look for the next closest Democrat you can find to blame.


Your senility aside, I highlighted two factors which increased the already growing not in the labor force group; retiring baby boomers and the Great Recession. Since you now want to change your position and switch from blaming Obama to blaming the Democrat-led Congress, prove. What bill(s) did that Congress pass which caused baby boomers to retire and the economy to crater........
Not my fault you were confused by my statement about the cause being voters like you who vote for democrats and neocons.

H1b visas, guest workers, and off-shoring led to layoffs, firings, and early retirement. This led to wage stagnation in productive jobs. The feds doubled their rates of pay in a decade and now get paid twice what they are worth. This led to the feds thinking themselves as gods over the population. This led to democrats demonizing all profit and further chasing american investors offshore. All the while democrats led by Barney Frank were standing in the way of stopping the realestate bubble. When it popped it resulted in a fairly large crash which further accelerated the offshoring, layoffs, and inshoring of labor, still supported by the democraps and neocons btw. All of these things resulted in 8-10million high paid private jobs being swapped out for early retirements, unemployment, and part time jobs.

You look up the names of the bills that were promulgated by democraps and neocons alike as being good for us. IMO you just don't give a shit to learn what the eff is going on. You're to busy reading democrap all is well charts.
Well I did ask you to continue your deranged rant, so I can't blame you for doing so, however, off shoring of jobs began years before Democrats took control of Congress. Also, while it's true Barney Frank was against preventing the real estate bubble, he was but one member of the minority party between 2003 and 2006, when something had to be done. It was during those years that Republicans were in charge and failed to reign in the bubble. Seems you unwittingly blame the Republicans for wrecking the economy. Good work, rightie.

I'm not a rightie dumb ass. What part of me blaming democraps AND NEOCONS confused you?
Not my fault you were confused by my statement about the cause being voters like you who vote for democrats and neocons.

H1b visas, guest workers, and off-shoring led to layoffs, firings, and early retirement. This led to wage stagnation in productive jobs. The feds doubled their rates of pay in a decade and now get paid twice what they are worth. This led to the feds thinking themselves as gods over the population. This led to democrats demonizing all profit and further chasing american investors offshore. All the while democrats led by Barney Frank were standing in the way of stopping the realestate bubble. When it popped it resulted in a fairly large crash which further accelerated the offshoring, layoffs, and inshoring of labor, still supported by the democraps and neocons btw. All of these things resulted in 8-10million high paid private jobs being swapped out for early retirements, unemployment, and part time jobs.

You look up the names of the bills that were promulgated by democraps and neocons alike as being good for us. IMO you just don't give a shit to learn what the eff is going on. You're to busy reading democrap all is well charts.

Your analysis is pretty laughable and totally misses the mark.

It's funny that you put complete blame on the government while we have a country lousy with billionaires.

Yeah..those "poor" billionaires couldn't help it. The system was there to exploit, so, ethics be damned, they exploited it.

That of course lends it self to the obvious answer, more regulations, which you folks are loathe to enact.

Your no regs, low tax worldview led to this.

From Reagan, Bush, Bush..the deconstruction of consumer and labor protections along with new exotic financial instruments strangled the goose laying the golden eggs.

Your answer?

Goose dinner.
I've provided my answer hundreds of times to you. You continue to ignore the answer. The answer is to break up the monopolies and oligopolies. For example, the oligopolies on labor rates in this country. As another example, the oligopoly on Executive pay rates shielded from the owners of said companies (the stock holders.)

That is one of the jobs this government refuses to do, break up monopolies and oligopolies.

Your generalization about regulation is complete bull shit. There are good regulations and bad regulations. There is also idiocy in thinking we should regulate our producers while allowing foreign producers to import products that are not subject to the same regulations. This is a recipe for off-shoring investments in production and thus jobs and our economy.

In short your just a blow hard jerk, completely ignorant of your surroundings.

Well this is a first.

You've never mentioned breaking up monopolies or oligopolies. And my "generalization" about regulations is bullshit? What the heck would you put into place to do the breaking up?


Glad to see this new "out of the blue" stance you've taken up that is somehow "buried" in a previous post.

Because before your sudden (Well according to you..not so sudden) awakening to the fact that monopolies are injurious to the economy..

You came off as a laissez-faire freemarketeer anything goes guy.

Mitt? Is that you?

Not my fault you were confused by my statement about the cause being voters like you who vote for democrats and neocons.

H1b visas, guest workers, and off-shoring led to layoffs, firings, and early retirement. This led to wage stagnation in productive jobs. The feds doubled their rates of pay in a decade and now get paid twice what they are worth. This led to the feds thinking themselves as gods over the population. This led to democrats demonizing all profit and further chasing american investors offshore. All the while democrats led by Barney Frank were standing in the way of stopping the realestate bubble. When it popped it resulted in a fairly large crash which further accelerated the offshoring, layoffs, and inshoring of labor, still supported by the democraps and neocons btw. All of these things resulted in 8-10million high paid private jobs being swapped out for early retirements, unemployment, and part time jobs.

You look up the names of the bills that were promulgated by democraps and neocons alike as being good for us. IMO you just don't give a shit to learn what the eff is going on. You're to busy reading democrap all is well charts.
Well I did ask you to continue your deranged rant, so I can't blame you for doing so, however, off shoring of jobs began years before Democrats took control of Congress. Also, while it's true Barney Frank was against preventing the real estate bubble, he was but one member of the minority party between 2003 and 2006, when something had to be done. It was during those years that Republicans were in charge and failed to reign in the bubble. Seems you unwittingly blame the Republicans for wrecking the economy. Good work, rightie.

I'm not a rightie dumb ass. What part of me blaming democraps AND NEOCONS confused you?

Another first!

Guess the flirting with the libertarian kool aid is ovah!

Drink deep mighty Randian!
Your analysis is pretty laughable and totally misses the mark.

It's funny that you put complete blame on the government while we have a country lousy with billionaires.

Yeah..those "poor" billionaires couldn't help it. The system was there to exploit, so, ethics be damned, they exploited it.

That of course lends it self to the obvious answer, more regulations, which you folks are loathe to enact.

Your no regs, low tax worldview led to this.

From Reagan, Bush, Bush..the deconstruction of consumer and labor protections along with new exotic financial instruments strangled the goose laying the golden eggs.

Your answer?

Goose dinner.
I've provided my answer hundreds of times to you. You continue to ignore the answer. The answer is to break up the monopolies and oligopolies. For example, the oligopolies on labor rates in this country. As another example, the oligopoly on Executive pay rates shielded from the owners of said companies (the stock holders.)

That is one of the jobs this government refuses to do, break up monopolies and oligopolies.

Your generalization about regulation is complete bull shit. There are good regulations and bad regulations. There is also idiocy in thinking we should regulate our producers while allowing foreign producers to import products that are not subject to the same regulations. This is a recipe for off-shoring investments in production and thus jobs and our economy.

In short your just a blow hard jerk, completely ignorant of your surroundings.

Well this is a first.

You've never mentioned breaking up monopolies or oligopolies. And my "generalization" about regulations is bullshit? What the heck would you put into place to do the breaking up?


Glad to see this new "out of the blue" stance you've taken up that is somehow "buried" in a previous post.

Because before your sudden (Well according to you..not so sudden) awakening to the fact that monopolies are injurious to the economy..

You came off as a laissez-faire freemarketeer anything goes guy.

Mitt? Is that you?


You just have a bad memory.

Nothing needs to be put in place. The processes for breaking up monopolies and oligopolies already exists and is one of the fundamental tenants of our free capitalist society.

What needs to happen is we have to elect leaders who will DO THEIR DAMN JOB.

Not sure how you got the impression I was good with letting massive monopoly based corporations and governments kill our free market based economy.

Remember the tenant... liberty only exists so far as it does not take away the liberty of others. If you learn this you'll understand my entire political philosophy. Which is to ensure a maximum amount of liberty for the people, without taking away liberties of the people. To abhor using force of majority opinion to harm minority groups unless it is shown those in the minority group are harming the majority.
Last edited:
Well I did ask you to continue your deranged rant, so I can't blame you for doing so, however, off shoring of jobs began years before Democrats took control of Congress. Also, while it's true Barney Frank was against preventing the real estate bubble, he was but one member of the minority party between 2003 and 2006, when something had to be done. It was during those years that Republicans were in charge and failed to reign in the bubble. Seems you unwittingly blame the Republicans for wrecking the economy. Good work, rightie.

I'm not a rightie dumb ass. What part of me blaming democraps AND NEOCONS confused you?

Another first!

Guess the flirting with the libertarian kool aid is ovah!

Drink deep mighty Randian!

Four quadrants on a basic political scale I'm Upper Right, aka libertarian conservative. This is where 99% of my views come from. Saying a libertarian leaning conservative is a righty is an insult. There are way to many authoritarans in the right and left to call a libertarian a lefty or righty. Randians are my enemy just as much as Marxists.
My points been made, you may continue to rant OCDPawn! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Truther, the point you made is that you couldn't find a single person who lost their job due to ObamaCare.



Over 59,000,000 links to "I lost my job because of obamacare"

I lost my job because of obamacare - Bing

I'm sure you can find ONE within those 59 million links!

Thanks for playing!...My points been made, you may continue to rant OCDPawn! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Exactly what point do you think you made there, Truther ... ?

Vigilante is the forum idiot - Bing

306,000,000 results!

I'm not a rightie dumb ass. What part of me blaming democraps AND NEOCONS confused you?

Another first!

Guess the flirting with the libertarian kool aid is ovah!

Drink deep mighty Randian!

Four quadrants on a basic political scale I'm Upper Right, aka libertarian conservative. This is where 99% of my views come from. Saying a libertarian leaning conservative is a righty is an insult. There are way to many authoritarans in the right and left to call a libertarian a lefty or righty. Randians are my enemy just as much as Marxists.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Conservatives are righties.


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