More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Another first!

Guess the flirting with the libertarian kool aid is ovah!

Drink deep mighty Randian!

Four quadrants on a basic political scale I'm Upper Right, aka libertarian conservative. This is where 99% of my views come from. Saying a libertarian leaning conservative is a righty is an insult. There are way to many authoritarans in the right and left to call a libertarian a lefty or righty. Randians are my enemy just as much as Marxists.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Conservatives are righties.


I'm not a conservative either. I'm a libertarian conservative. Quite the difference. Only align with about half the political opinions of so called conservatives. I align with only a very small percentage of political opinions of so called progressives. I align with 99.9 % of the opinions of so called libertarians who are right leaning. IOW I'm not a libertarian anarchist, rather I'm a libertarian conservative.

If you don't understand I invite you explain how it is you think all conservatives have the same opinion on all topics and respond with whether you agreed with every single opinion of every single lefty.

I'm not a rightie dumb ass. What part of me blaming democraps AND NEOCONS confused you?

Another first!

Guess the flirting with the libertarian kool aid is ovah!

Drink deep mighty Randian!

Four quadrants on a basic political scale I'm Upper Right, aka libertarian conservative. This is where 99% of my views come from. Saying a libertarian leaning conservative is a righty is an insult. There are way to many authoritarans in the right and left to call a libertarian a lefty or righty. Randians are my enemy just as much as Marxists.

Here's the fun thing.

I don't have many enemies.

Unless you are some sort of child molesting murdering scumbag bent on the destruction of the planet? I don't consider you an "enemy".

And I have a pretty good memory.

Aren't you Bill Gate's mentor?

Another first!

Guess the flirting with the libertarian kool aid is ovah!

Drink deep mighty Randian!

Four quadrants on a basic political scale I'm Upper Right, aka libertarian conservative. This is where 99% of my views come from. Saying a libertarian leaning conservative is a righty is an insult. There are way to many authoritarans in the right and left to call a libertarian a lefty or righty. Randians are my enemy just as much as Marxists.

Here's the fun thing.

I don't have many enemies.

Unless you are some sort of child molesting murdering scumbag bent on the destruction of the planet? I don't consider you an "enemy".

And I have a pretty good memory.

Aren't you Bill Gate's mentor?


No, I'm not Bill Gate's mentor. If you have a pretty good memory why do you get nearly everything requiring memory wrong?

Working with a person while disliking his politics and viewpoints on monopolizing markets with crap software isn't the same as mentoring the person.

I didn't have many enemies when I was young and naive. Then I worked hard and earned a decent income for my family. I bought into the American Dream as it was at the time, and I was very good at playing that game. Then the democrats called me out as part of a group they called the evil rich, said I didn't build shit, said my family was filthy rich and didn't deserve what it had earned, promoted class division, expanded welfare handout systems funded from my family's income, and brought in millions of h1b immigrants to take my family's jobs away from us.

I have lots of enemies now.
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Four quadrants on a basic political scale I'm Upper Right, aka libertarian conservative. This is where 99% of my views come from. Saying a libertarian leaning conservative is a righty is an insult. There are way to many authoritarans in the right and left to call a libertarian a lefty or righty. Randians are my enemy just as much as Marxists.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Conservatives are righties.


I'm not a conservative either. I'm a libertarian conservative. Quite the difference. Only align with about half the political opinions of so called conservatives. I align with only a very small percentage of political opinions of so called progressives. I align with 99.9 % of the opinions of so called libertarians who are right leaning. IOW I'm not a libertarian anarchist, rather I'm a libertarian conservative.

If you don't understand I invite you explain how it is you think all conservatives have the same opinion on all topics and respond with whether you agreed with every single opinion of every single lefty.

This is fucking ridiculous ... you said yourself you are in the "Upper Right quadrant of the political spectrum. Anyone to the right is a rightie. Anyone who is any flavor of Conservative is a rightie.

Embrace who you are, rightie, and stop being so ashamed of it?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Conservatives are righties.


I'm not a conservative either. I'm a libertarian conservative. Quite the difference. Only align with about half the political opinions of so called conservatives. I align with only a very small percentage of political opinions of so called progressives. I align with 99.9 % of the opinions of so called libertarians who are right leaning. IOW I'm not a libertarian anarchist, rather I'm a libertarian conservative.

If you don't understand I invite you explain how it is you think all conservatives have the same opinion on all topics and respond with whether you agreed with every single opinion of every single lefty.

This is fucking ridiculous ... you said yourself you are in the "Upper Right quadrant of the political spectrum. Anyone to the right is a rightie. Anyone who is any flavor of Conservative is a rightie.

Embrace who you are, rightie, and stop being so ashamed of it?

Eat shit and choke on it ya Commie bastard.
Truther, the point you made is that you couldn't find a single person who lost their job due to ObamaCare.



Over 59,000,000 links to "I lost my job because of obamacare"

I lost my job because of obamacare - Bing

I'm sure you can find ONE within those 59 million links!

Thanks for playing!...My points been made, you may continue to rant OCDPawn! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Exactly what point do you think you made there, Truther ... ?

Vigilante is the forum idiot - Bing

306,000,000 results!


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At what point do The Democrat Party and Islam become a single religion?


On that day, Islam became hero to the democrats

I mean a frormal, tax-exempt religion? They are already obviously a single faith!

The democrats aren't really tax exempt, but the IRS is Obama's personal secret police, so dims are immune from prosecution.
How many times do Koolaid drinkers on the left have to be told the stock market is not the economy.

In fact, Obama has turned everything into Bizzarro World, especially the stock market. We know it and he knows it.
As Obummer's performance on the economy - as perceived by the American public -continues to fall each month, it's funny to see the feeling of desperation in the voice of lefties. They're getting more and more shrill and the personal attacks are hilarious.
How many times do Koolaid drinkers on the left have to be told the stock market is not the economy.

In fact, Obama has turned everything into Bizzarro World, especially the stock market. We know it and he knows it.


You folks weren't saying that during the Reagan, Bush and Bush administrations.

How many times do Koolaid drinkers on the left have to be told the stock market is not the economy.

In fact, Obama has turned everything into Bizzarro World, especially the stock market. We know it and he knows it.


You folks weren't saying that during the Reagan, Bush and Bush administrations.


I've never heard anyone that understands economics say that the stock market is the same as the overall economy.

There is "some" relationship typically, as in it tends to be moving in the same direction as the economy, not the INVERSE relationship that O's free money binge has created.

Obama has created a bubble in the market. I don't care how many people try to dispute it.
The Dow is now negative for the year

The Russell 2000 down 3.62% YTD

The S&P500 is up 3.89% for the year

And I predict the second half of the year will be worse by the time the zigging and zagging is done.
As Obummer's performance on the economy - as perceived by the American public -continues to fall each month, it's funny to see the feeling of desperation in the voice of lefties. They're getting more and more shrill and the personal attacks are hilarious.

Yeah because now..we have a whole new set of metrics we are using to judge the economy on..

It's not the GDP anymore.
It's not the Stock Market anymore.
It's not the number of new hires anymore.
It's not the Unemployment anymore.

We have other numbers. Like the numbers of people that "could" work but don't. Like for examples..retirees. If only retirees were working? The economy would be so much better.

Or quadruple amputees. If only they were working, things would be so much better.

Nothing about your "new" metrics makes sense to anyone serious about the economy or people that deal with reality.

But the reality is..Obama NOW holds the record for most numbers of new jobs, and in the private sector, mind you..of any American President. He's numero uno.

And the Stock Market? It's at record highs. He beats everyone else.

The economy now is in pretty good shape. It didn't come roaring back because of the really fucked up shape folks like yourself, left it in. We were about to collapse. Like we did during the Depression. People dying in the streets. Hoovervilles. The Dust Bowl. Worker name it. It was going to happen.

But it didn't. Why?

President Obama. That's why.
The Dow is now negative for the year

The Russell 2000 down 3.62% YTD

The S&P500 is up 3.89% for the year

And I predict the second half of the year will be worse by the time the zigging and zagging is done.


Where will the market be at the end of the year.

Give us all a number.

I don't know or care.

But I'm not the one claiming the POTUS is the reason for stock prices rising and falling. You are.

Iirc you were predicting that the stock market would regain all it's losses over the past few weeks by yesterday ...... :lol:

Good luck with that :thup:
As Obummer's performance on the economy - as perceived by the American public -continues to fall each month, it's funny to see the feeling of desperation in the voice of lefties. They're getting more and more shrill and the personal attacks are hilarious.

Yeah because now..we have a whole new set of metrics we are using to judge the economy on..

It's not the GDP anymore.
It's not the Stock Market anymore.
It's not the number of new hires anymore.
It's not the Unemployment anymore.

We have other numbers. Like the numbers of people that "could" work but don't. Like for examples..retirees. If only retirees were working? The economy would be so much better.

Or quadruple amputees. If only they were working, things would be so much better.

Nothing about your "new" metrics makes sense to anyone serious about the economy or people that deal with reality.

But the reality is..Obama NOW holds the record for most numbers of new jobs, and in the private sector, mind you..of any American President. He's numero uno.

And the Stock Market? It's at record highs. He beats everyone else.

The economy now is in pretty good shape. It didn't come roaring back because of the really fucked up shape folks like yourself, left it in. We were about to collapse. Like we did during the Depression. People dying in the streets. Hoovervilles. The Dust Bowl. Worker name it. It was going to happen.

But it didn't. Why?

President Obama. That's why.

Do you know what the GDP to date is??????

Even with the 4% last quarter than I strongly believe will be revised down, it is still only 1% for the year.

Do you know how disastrous that is? After $17 trillion of debt, with about 6 trillion of that coming solely from Obama, do you know what an indictment that is of his tax and spend policies, AKA Keynsian economic policies that never have worked and never will???
And I predict the second half of the year will be worse by the time the zigging and zagging is done.


Where will the market be at the end of the year.

Give us all a number.

I don't know or care.

But I'm not the one claiming the POTUS is the reason for stock prices rising and falling. You are.

Iirc you were predicting that the stock market would regain all it's losses over the past few weeks by yesterday ...... :lol:

Good luck with that :thup:

Yup..I did..and I miss calculated.

First the old canard that good news is bad news at the Market. Which it is for a short time.

And then that Russia was going to make a stink.

Overall however? It' will recover and over the next couple of weeks. That is if there is no new war or some other ridiculous event.

Every time I post this up, as I hit the "submit" button, Im splitting my sides laughing!!

The banks are controlling every' name it. Waitlll this one pops.......boy are some on this thread going to look like epic mEaThEadS:D:D:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
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