More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

36% of the country is on welfare. Wonder if those are the happy ones.

Funny how the math works out on that, huh? LOL.

Yep, we warned about the makers and the takers. Now even some of the takers as well as all the makers can see what a disaster O is.

Learned a long time ago with my children, if you give them everything they ask for they won't be happy with what they get and they will come back demanding more. Hand outs do not work, never have, never will. Does not matter if the hand outs are to a corporation to save it from well deserved bankruptcy, or to people who live on a piece of land frequented by floods, or to shore up stock prices. Redistributing money is a recipe for disaster, casting pearls to swine... yeah that's biblical in it's folly.

Yes because another 1930s style depression is just what the doctor ordered.

Funny how the math works out on that, huh? LOL.

Yep, we warned about the makers and the takers. Now even some of the takers as well as all the makers can see what a disaster O is.

Learned a long time ago with my children, if you give them everything they ask for they won't be happy with what they get and they will come back demanding more. Hand outs do not work, never have, never will. Does not matter if the hand outs are to a corporation to save it from well deserved bankruptcy, or to people who live on a piece of land frequented by floods, or to shore up stock prices. Redistributing money is a recipe for disaster, casting pearls to swine... yeah that's biblical in it's folly.

Yes because another 1930s style depression is just what the doctor ordered.

Who's fault is that?

Conservatives have done their very best to completely dismantle government protections against megacorporations.

Reagan was a champion in that.

And Scalia? Sealed the deal with "Citizen's United".

This is a world of your making.

ROFL you have idiot speak down pat.


Wait now you like Megacorporations and Monopolies?

You are casting off the libertarian carapace?

Mitt,'ve tried this before.

Doesn't work.

You're rambling nonsense.
Learned a long time ago with my children, if you give them everything they ask for they won't be happy with what they get and they will come back demanding more. Hand outs do not work, never have, never will. Does not matter if the hand outs are to a corporation to save it from well deserved bankruptcy, or to people who live on a piece of land frequented by floods, or to shore up stock prices. Redistributing money is a recipe for disaster, casting pearls to swine... yeah that's biblical in it's folly.

Yes because another 1930s style depression is just what the doctor ordered.


That's what was staring us in the face.

Lehman went and the whole street was set to follow. Along with the Auto Industry.

A good deal of our manufacturing along with tech had already been off shored.

What's left?

Pencils and apples?
Yes because another 1930s style depression is just what the doctor ordered.


That's what was staring us in the face.

Lehman went and the whole street was set to follow. Along with the Auto Industry.

A good deal of our manufacturing along with tech had already been off shored.

What's left?

Pencils and apples?

Jobs have left this country for two reasons---------high corporate taxes and unions----both basions of liberalism.

Want more american jobs and growth of the american economy? cut the corporate tax rate, allow foreign corporate money to return to the US tax free, eliminate federal employee unions, tax union "profits" (dues from members).
ROFL you have idiot speak down pat.


Wait now you like Megacorporations and Monopolies?

You are casting off the libertarian carapace?

Mitt,'ve tried this before.

Doesn't work.

You're rambling nonsense.

What rambling nonsense?

You are the one who's all over the place.

Completely Free Markets? That leads to Monopolies..every time.

Competition is inefficient for business. It keeps the prices of goods down and the price of labor up. And you do not have complete control over resources.

With monopolies? You can pay labor what you want, charge what you want for your product and keep government at bay..if not control it completely. are way over your head with this.

That's what was staring us in the face.

Lehman went and the whole street was set to follow. Along with the Auto Industry.

A good deal of our manufacturing along with tech had already been off shored.

What's left?

Pencils and apples?

Jobs have left this country for two reasons---------high corporate taxes and unions----both basions of liberalism.

Want more american jobs and growth of the american economy? cut the corporate tax rate, allow foreign corporate money to return to the US tax free, eliminate federal employee unions, tax union "profits" (dues from members).

That's ridiculous.

Jobs left because of several factors:

1. The tax code rewards foreign investment.
2. Education of labor in India and China met requirements.
3. Work place safety rules in foreign nations were non-existent.
4. Companies could retain US legal protections and make use of the infrastructure while having access to US markets and not pay for it.

And actually Manufacturing has been coming back because of President Obama's tax incentives, the fact that the infrastructure in China and India really sucks and wages are starting to go up in those places.
That's what was staring us in the face.

Lehman went and the whole street was set to follow. Along with the Auto Industry.

A good deal of our manufacturing along with tech had already been off shored.

What's left?

Pencils and apples?

Jobs have left this country for two reasons---------high corporate taxes and unions----both basions of liberalism.

Want more american jobs and growth of the american economy? cut the corporate tax rate, allow foreign corporate money to return to the US tax free, eliminate federal employee unions, tax union "profits" (dues from members).

That's ridiculous.

Jobs left because of several factors:

1. The tax code rewards foreign investment.
2. Education of labor in India and China met requirements.
3. Work place safety rules in foreign nations were non-existent.
4. Companies could retain US legal protections and make use of the infrastructure while having access to US markets and not pay for it.

And actually Manufacturing has been coming back because of President Obama's tax incentives, the fact that the infrastructure in China and India really sucks and wages are starting to go up in those places.

1, 2, and 3 are correct. 4 is bullshit, american corporations pay american taxes (actually consumers pay them but thats a different topic).

"obama's tax incentives" :lol::lol::lol: thats some funny shit.
Completely Free Markets? That leads to Monopolies..every time.
That is one of the more ridiculous things I've ever heard.

Competition is inefficient for business. It keeps the prices of goods down and the price of labor up. And you do not have complete control over resources.
But in a free market system, how are you proposing businesses avoid competition? And I'm not sure you're using the word "efficient" correctly. A standing monopoly can act less efficiently because it has no competition. See any government enterprise for evidence. Competition forces businesses to be as efficient as possible or die.

With monopolies? You can pay labor what you want, charge what you want for your product and keep government at bay..if not control it completely.

It's been a while, so I'd have to hunt it down, but I remember studies that have shown that it can be more costly to gain and maintain a monopoly than it would be to operate under competition. The reason being that those costs themselves are not revenue producing and direct resources away from production to merely protecting production.
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How many times do Koolaid drinkers on the left have to be told the stock market is not the economy.

In fact, Obama has turned everything into Bizzarro World, especially the stock market. We know it and he knows it.


You folks weren't saying that during the Reagan, Bush and Bush administrations.


Comrade, considering FULL time employment, how is your little tin god doing? Are more or less people in full time jobs today, than the day he assumed power?

You are programmed to claim that Obama has cut unemployment, but with a massive chunk of that being part time jobs - to avoid Obama's Fascist care mandates, we have a severely under-employed America.

Where will the market be at the end of the year.

Give us all a number.

I don't know or care.

But I'm not the one claiming the POTUS is the reason for stock prices rising and falling. You are.

Iirc you were predicting that the stock market would regain all it's losses over the past few weeks by yesterday ...... :lol:

Good luck with that :thup:

Yup..I did..and I miss calculated.

First the old canard that good news is bad news at the Market. Which it is for a short time.

And then that Russia was going to make a stink.

Overall however? It' will recover and over the next couple of weeks. That is if there is no new war or some other ridiculous event.

That's the thing [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION]. Nobody can predict the future or how the stock market will react to ANYTHING. Some people believe that over the long term, the market will always come back? Tell that to investors from 1966 ...they had to wait over 20 years just to break even. 1928 investors waited over 30 years....

My point is simple - You don't know what the market will do. Nobody does.

Good luck!! :thup:

Where will the market be at the end of the year.

Give us all a number.

I think you're thinking of a gypsy with a crystal ball, not a macroeconomist.

That's like asking your doctor the exact day he or she expects you to croak based on your eating and exercise habits.

It's also like asking a priest exactly what day the world's going to come to an end.

The questions that you, D23, Jakey, Merc, etc.'s obvious you folks have no training whatsoever in this discipline. I'm not saying you can't make assessments, but it's like you asking a doctor something you should be asking a Vet or asking a plumber something you should be asking a carpenter.

Your questions are very telling about what you know and don't know.

Not asking you anything that mystical.

When I was on another board I predicted a real live crash was going to happen when the Market hit 14000. I thought it would go down to about 9k or 8K but it would be dramatic.

That was based on a real fake economy. One based on taxes cut on the rich, almost zero interest rates, the mortgage backed securities and 2 wars.

I was slightly off since the market when down to around 6-7K and the job market collapsed.

i was also basing that on the failure to do anything about the Arthur Anderson/Enron debacle. don't have to do a crystal ball thing.

What you can do is predict something based on what you are seeing.

i was also basing that on the failure to do anything about the Arthur Anderson/Enron debacle.

Sarbox was nothing?

Let's repeal it then.
I think you're thinking of a gypsy with a crystal ball, not a macroeconomist.

That's like asking your doctor the exact day he or she expects you to croak based on your eating and exercise habits.

It's also like asking a priest exactly what day the world's going to come to an end.

The questions that you, D23, Jakey, Merc, etc.'s obvious you folks have no training whatsoever in this discipline. I'm not saying you can't make assessments, but it's like you asking a doctor something you should be asking a Vet or asking a plumber something you should be asking a carpenter.

Your questions are very telling about what you know and don't know.

Shallow thinks he is a Keynesian - he isn't, but he thinks that he is. Shallow is a CrapKrugsian - he thinks that the crap Krugman puts out has merit - and is more than mindless demagoguery crafted to satiate the drooling, partisan sycophants like himself.

I have a great deal of criticism of Lord Keynes, who was a pampered Aristocrat with no grasp of real life. However, Keynes was an intellectual, there is reason and legitimate methodology behind his ideas. Not so with Krugman, who is merely a hack. I loved it in 2010 when Paul had to close his blog because he was getting thrashed by his own readers.
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Comrade, considering FULL time employment, ... Are more or less people in full time jobs today, than the day he assumed power?.
January 2009: 115,818,000 full time workers
July 2014: 118,489,000 full time workers
change: +2,671,000


We're still short of the 121,609,000 full time workers in Dec 2007, but getting there.

Keynes was - like Krugman and Reich - an academic theorist.

Little to no experience in the real world, virtually no understanding of business psychology.

There's pretty much only one way to acquire that understanding, and it's not by living in an Ivy League environment.

Nobody can predict the future or how the stock market will react to ANYTHING.

Most "explanations" for short-lived big moves in the stock market are post hoc rationalizations. Nothing more than pet theories. We know this because they don't actually poll stock market buyers and sellers to find out why they bought or sold that day.

The pet theories are based on whatever is big news that day. Sometimes that is the actual reason, sometimes it isn't.

You don't know what the market will do. Nobody does.

Actually, there are times when you know exactly what the market will do. The tricky part is the timing.
Who's fault is that?

Conservatives have done their very best to completely dismantle government protections against megacorporations.

Reagan was a champion in that.

And Scalia? Sealed the deal with "Citizen's United".

This is a world of your making.

Are you really so stupid that you fail to grasp the irony of your post? You, who was crowing about how great your little tin god is, because the DOW was rising?
Comrade, considering FULL time employment, ... Are more or less people in full time jobs today, than the day he assumed power?.
January 2009: 115,818,000 full time workers
July 2014: 118,489,000 full time workers
change: +2,671,000


We're still short of the 121,609,000 full time workers in Dec 2007, but getting there.

Yellen is going to allow inflation to grow above 2 percent, for two reasons.

One, it makes paying down the debt easier. Two, it enables full employment.

Devaluing the dollar has always been the preferred method of US policymakers to lower our debts.
You're rambling nonsense.

What rambling nonsense?

You are the one who's all over the place.

Completely Free Markets? That leads to Monopolies..every time.

Competition is inefficient for business. It keeps the prices of goods down and the price of labor up. And you do not have complete control over resources.

With monopolies? You can pay labor what you want, charge what you want for your product and keep government at bay..if not control it completely. are way over your head with this.

I believe what he said is that YOU are rambling nonsense - which you clearly are.

Look, I long ago established that you have a net sum of zero grasp of macro economics. I have explained to you, in detail, why no non-natural monopoly can form or exist without the express collusion of government.

You simply lack the intellect requisite to learn.
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