More fake news by Rachel Maddow & MSNBC

Just one credible bit of proof for your claim?
*L* We've waited 3/4 a year for your proof of the Dems claims. Each time a delusional claim is proven false (after recounts and vote investigations=no tampering.)
Only tampering and cheating foundxwas Clinton's camp when they did find one state had as much as 6% illegals voting, huge difference from all the Dem Senators and media claiming 0 illegals voted.
Seriously how delusional is saying zero? *L*
And yet without giving a chance to start illegal surveillance investigations the Demsxand liberal tabloid media said Trumps tweet was delusional and wrong=0 days to give proof vs Dems 260+ days
Unfair standard much? And yet MSNBC ALL ALONG proved Trump right with an Obama personel admission in an interview before Nunes spoke out.

Oh shut up. Your right wing lies are getting boring.

Um who said I was right wing?
I'm a counter propagandist and you are a guy with a shovel, & a party who's symbol should be a shovel.
Why does everyone always try and put wings on me? :)

Call yourself what ever you want. You're spouting right wing lies. That makes you a right winger.

No it makes you a person who can't Teshuva.
I proved my points both Politically and theologically with you and now you are making those points come to life with precision examples. With that I thank you.
But please note you harm yourself harming the nation and wishing it to fail to deliver in the same way you wish me to fail to HaShev (deliver,return,place back,redeem).
Oh I'm sorry, did you want time for
Donna Brazile to pass you the response to that?
Former Obama aide,
Evelyn Farkas, who left her position as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama White House in 2015, disclosed that Trump’s staff was indeed spied on.
She claimed in a brief March 2 MSNBC "Morning Joe" appearance that she had urged her “former colleagues and … people on the Hill” to get as much information as they could about the Trump team before Obama left office.

Remember Morning Joe's co-anchor was acting weird and over dramatic claiming she feared something about Trumps claims in his tweet, now we know the fear was for her Job or blame for this admission. And yet they full out lied and demonized the president thereafter knowing full well there was proof of Trumps claim.
Tabloid TV exposed!
Of course you're misrepresenting this completely. Go figure.
We know about the efforts of the Obama admin to preserve and archive as much Intel as possible so it wouldn't be buried by the next admin. There was absolutely nothing wrong with doing so.

He was having another one of his hissy fits... It was unprecedented to scatter them over all those departments

Oh I'm sorry, did you want time for
Donna Brazile to pass you the response to that?
Former Obama aide,
Evelyn Farkas, who left her position as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama White House in 2015, disclosed that Trump’s staff was indeed spied on.
She claimed in a brief March 2 MSNBC "Morning Joe" appearance that she had urged her “former colleagues and … people on the Hill” to get as much information as they could about the Trump team before Obama left office.

Remember Morning Joe's co-anchor was acting weird and over dramatic claiming she feared something about Trumps claims in his tweet, now we know the fear was for her Job or blame for this admission. And yet they full out lied and demonized the president thereafter knowing full well there was proof of Trumps claim.
Tabloid TV exposed!
Of course you're misrepresenting this completely. Go figure.
We know about the efforts of the Obama admin to preserve and archive as much Intel as possible so it wouldn't be buried by the next admin. There was absolutely nothing wrong with doing so.

He was having another one of his hissy fits... It was unprecedented to scatter them over all those departments

And we knew Obama did something wrong when they denied it for him, especially Comey which later retracted and said he made a mistake when he outright lied to protect Obama. His wife's job relies on that.
Is this fake news?
Intelligence official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up,' source says

Did you know that Alger Hiss was NOT a Soviet spy?
Did you know that Billy BJ Clinton NEVER had sex with that woman Monica?
Did you know that Obama would never surveil Trump, but he did surveil everyone else? just conceded I'm correct - UNMASKING IS NOT AN ACT OF SURVEILLANCE.

Get it dumbass? You can stop deflecting now.

Unmasking is a PRODUCT of surveillance. Are you so stupid that you don't understand that?

Don't you understand that?
That means the Trump people were not the target of surveillance.

Pretty stupid indeed.
Incidental means they are supposed to mask the identity of the people so surveilled.

They were masked until they were unmasked. The simple fact that they were unmasked is not a problem. It happens everyday. Now if you can come up with the procedure and purpose for unmasking and show any malfeasance on the part of the Obama admin, please do. Otherwise you're just speculating.
That's what the investigation is all about, who unmasked whom illegally. If, for example, Flynn had a conversation with a Russian but didn't commit a crime (like say he was going to kill the president), then there is no way we should be talking about it and he should never had gotten in trouble over it.
That's what the investigation is all about, who unmasked whom illegally.

oh for fucks sakes THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS INVESTIGATION IS ABOUT. The investigation is about Russian interference in our elections.

To say that it is about unmasking is like saying that Watergate was about Deep Throat. I know Nixon Trump would like you to believe that, BUT IT IS NOT SO.

If, for example, Flynn had a conversation with a Russian but didn't commit a crime (like say he was going to kill the president), then there is no way we should be talking about it and he should never had gotten in trouble over it.

Total horseshit. If Flynn, a civilian at the time, discussed Russian sanctions and undermined current president Obama, that is AGAINST THE LAW. Flynn then went on to LIE about it.
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That's what the investigation is all about, who unmasked whom illegally.

oh for fucks sakes THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS INVESTIGATION IS ABOUT. The investigation is about Russian interference in our elections.

To say that it is about unmasking is like saying that Watergate was about Deep Throat. I know Nixon Trump would like you to believe that, BUT IT IS NOT SO.

If, for example, Flynn had a conversation with a Russian but didn't commit a crime (like say he was going to kill the president), then there is no way we should be talking about it and he should never had gotten in trouble over it.

Total horseshit. If Flynn, a civilian at the time, discussed Russian sanctions and undermined current president Obama, that is AGAINST THE LAW. Flynn then went on to LIE about it.
Russian interference was a made up thing, so that lying scumbag politicians could monitor their opponents.
That's what the investigation is all about, who unmasked whom illegally.

oh for fucks sakes THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS INVESTIGATION IS ABOUT. The investigation is about Russian interference in our elections.

To say that it is about unmasking is like saying that Watergate was about Deep Throat. I know Nixon Trump would like you to believe that, BUT IT IS NOT SO.

If, for example, Flynn had a conversation with a Russian but didn't commit a crime (like say he was going to kill the president), then there is no way we should be talking about it and he should never had gotten in trouble over it.

Total horseshit. If Flynn, a civilian at the time, discussed Russian sanctions and undermined current president Obama, that is AGAINST THE LAW. Flynn then went on to LIE about it.
Russian interference was a made up thing, so that lying scumbag politicians could monitor their opponents.

At some point you have to learn that you saying things does not make them so.

Russian break-in into DNC servers is at this point well documented and accepted fact by FBI, CIA, security experts and both political parties currently conducting investigations. So when you say what you just did, it is in contradiction to well established facts and makes you look like a total nutter idiot. You can go ahead and carry on embarrassing yourself with all that insight you gain at Breitbart , but don't think for a second that what you say has any credibility at all.
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That's what the investigation is all about, who unmasked whom illegally.

oh for fucks sakes THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS INVESTIGATION IS ABOUT. The investigation is about Russian interference in our elections.

To say that it is about unmasking is like saying that Watergate was about Deep Throat. I know Nixon Trump would like you to believe that, BUT IT IS NOT SO.

If, for example, Flynn had a conversation with a Russian but didn't commit a crime (like say he was going to kill the president), then there is no way we should be talking about it and he should never had gotten in trouble over it.

Total horseshit. If Flynn, a civilian at the time, discussed Russian sanctions and undermined current president Obama, that is AGAINST THE LAW. Flynn then went on to LIE about it.
Russian interference was a made up thing, so that lying scumbag politicians could monitor their opponents.

At some point you have to learn that you saying things does not make them so.

Russian break-in into DNC servers is at this point well documented and accepted fact by FBI, CIA, security experts and both political parties currently conducting investigations. So when you say what you just did, it is in contradiction to well established facts and makes you look like a total nutter idiot. You can go ahead and carry on embarrassing yourself with all that insight you gain at Breitbart , but don't think for a second that what you say has any credibility at all.
The whole point about this thread is fake news creating their own narative opposing actual time lines, and you just did that now.
In other words the hack attempts were from 2010 on up by many countries, you are referring to claims still before Trump was even a known viable candidate and nobody thought he'd win not even Cheater Hillary.
There's no evidence any of the countries hacking was for purpose of election results and no evidence of collusion and you had like 10 months of tin foil hat conspiracy nonsense only to give the surveillance charges 0 time before you excuse it even by telling everyone this investigation is about Russia. No it was about Russia, nothing was found and now we have a new one on leaks, abuse of power spying on civilians and tampering with an election by a former sitting president and his staff. Enjoy your Worse then Watergate debacle, don't say we didn't tell you so.

Above: Obama calling Alan Dershowitz
"can you assemble me a dream team?"
"And get me one of the smarter Kardashians for good luck"
Alan replies:
"Which one would that be?"
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That's what the investigation is all about, who unmasked whom illegally.

oh for fucks sakes THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS INVESTIGATION IS ABOUT. The investigation is about Russian interference in our elections.

To say that it is about unmasking is like saying that Watergate was about Deep Throat. I know Nixon Trump would like you to believe that, BUT IT IS NOT SO.

If, for example, Flynn had a conversation with a Russian but didn't commit a crime (like say he was going to kill the president), then there is no way we should be talking about it and he should never had gotten in trouble over it.

Total horseshit. If Flynn, a civilian at the time, discussed Russian sanctions and undermined current president Obama, that is AGAINST THE LAW. Flynn then went on to LIE about it.
Russian interference was a made up thing, so that lying scumbag politicians could monitor their opponents.

At some point you have to learn that you saying things does not make them so.

Russian break-in into DNC servers is at this point well documented and accepted fact by FBI, CIA, security experts and both political parties currently conducting investigations. So when you say what you just did, it is in contradiction to well established facts and makes you look like a total nutter idiot. You can go ahead and carry on embarrassing yourself with all that insight you gain at Breitbart , but don't think for a second that what you say has any credibility at all.
Lies lies and more lies. Why do you always lie?

There is no proof Russia broke into the scummy DNC servers....why lie?
That's what the investigation is all about, who unmasked whom illegally.

oh for fucks sakes THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS INVESTIGATION IS ABOUT. The investigation is about Russian interference in our elections.

To say that it is about unmasking is like saying that Watergate was about Deep Throat. I know Nixon Trump would like you to believe that, BUT IT IS NOT SO.

If, for example, Flynn had a conversation with a Russian but didn't commit a crime (like say he was going to kill the president), then there is no way we should be talking about it and he should never had gotten in trouble over it.

Total horseshit. If Flynn, a civilian at the time, discussed Russian sanctions and undermined current president Obama, that is AGAINST THE LAW. Flynn then went on to LIE about it.
Russian interference was a made up thing, so that lying scumbag politicians could monitor their opponents.

At some point you have to learn that you saying things does not make them so.

Russian break-in into DNC servers is at this point well documented and accepted fact by FBI, CIA, security experts and both political parties currently conducting investigations. So when you say what you just did, it is in contradiction to well established facts and makes you look like a total nutter idiot. You can go ahead and carry on embarrassing yourself with all that insight you gain at Breitbart , but don't think for a second that what you say has any credibility at all.
Lies lies and more lies. Why do you always lie?

There is no proof Russia broke into the scummy DNC servers....why lie?

He lies because just as my OP states, fake news give them trick words and false naratives that shape the propaganda this person feeds on, by getting news from one bias source that is known to be tabloidesque. just conceded I'm correct - UNMASKING IS NOT AN ACT OF SURVEILLANCE.

Get it dumbass? You can stop deflecting now.

Unmasking is a PRODUCT of surveillance. Are you so stupid that you don't understand that?

Don't you understand that?
That means the Trump people were not the target of surveillance.

Pretty stupid indeed.
Incidental means they are supposed to mask the identity of the people so surveilled.

They were masked until they were unmasked. The simple fact that they were unmasked is not a problem. It happens everyday. Now if you can come up with the procedure and purpose for unmasking and show any malfeasance on the part of the Obama admin, please do. Otherwise you're just speculating.
That's what the investigation is all about, who unmasked whom illegally. If, for example, Flynn had a conversation with a Russian but didn't commit a crime (like say he was going to kill the president), then there is no way we should be talking about it and he should never had gotten in trouble over it.

What investigation?
How is Flynn involved?
Do you understand the difference between unmasking and leaking?

It doesn't seem like it.
The whole point about this thread is fake news

Do you even understand what FAKE NEWS is?

It is a story publisher of which MAKES IT UP and knows it to be false.

Like them or not MSNBC publishes what they believe to be true and there has never been a reason to think that any of their reporting is somehow FAKE.

Incorrect or inaccurate on some things? Maybe, and that's open for discussion but it is absolutely REAL.
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That's what the investigation is all about, who unmasked whom illegally.

oh for fucks sakes THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS INVESTIGATION IS ABOUT. The investigation is about Russian interference in our elections.

To say that it is about unmasking is like saying that Watergate was about Deep Throat. I know Nixon Trump would like you to believe that, BUT IT IS NOT SO.

If, for example, Flynn had a conversation with a Russian but didn't commit a crime (like say he was going to kill the president), then there is no way we should be talking about it and he should never had gotten in trouble over it.

Total horseshit. If Flynn, a civilian at the time, discussed Russian sanctions and undermined current president Obama, that is AGAINST THE LAW. Flynn then went on to LIE about it.
Russian interference was a made up thing, so that lying scumbag politicians could monitor their opponents.

At some point you have to learn that you saying things does not make them so.

Russian break-in into DNC servers is at this point well documented and accepted fact by FBI, CIA, security experts and both political parties currently conducting investigations. So when you say what you just did, it is in contradiction to well established facts and makes you look like a total nutter idiot. You can go ahead and carry on embarrassing yourself with all that insight you gain at Breitbart , but don't think for a second that what you say has any credibility at all.
Lies lies and more lies. Why do you always lie?

There is no proof Russia broke into the scummy DNC servers....why lie?

You are insane. Straight up bonkers, to keep claiming it to this day. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Analysis | Here’s what we learned from the Senate hearing on Russia
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That's what the investigation is all about, who unmasked whom illegally.

oh for fucks sakes THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS INVESTIGATION IS ABOUT. The investigation is about Russian interference in our elections.

To say that it is about unmasking is like saying that Watergate was about Deep Throat. I know Nixon Trump would like you to believe that, BUT IT IS NOT SO.

If, for example, Flynn had a conversation with a Russian but didn't commit a crime (like say he was going to kill the president), then there is no way we should be talking about it and he should never had gotten in trouble over it.

Total horseshit. If Flynn, a civilian at the time, discussed Russian sanctions and undermined current president Obama, that is AGAINST THE LAW. Flynn then went on to LIE about it.
Russian interference was a made up thing, so that lying scumbag politicians could monitor their opponents.

At some point you have to learn that you saying things does not make them so.

Russian break-in into DNC servers is at this point well documented and accepted fact by FBI, CIA, security experts and both political parties currently conducting investigations. So when you say what you just did, it is in contradiction to well established facts and makes you look like a total nutter idiot. You can go ahead and carry on embarrassing yourself with all that insight you gain at Breitbart , but don't think for a second that what you say has any credibility at all.
Lies lies and more lies. Why do you always lie?

There is no proof Russia broke into the scummy DNC servers....why lie?

You are insane. Straight up bonkers, to keep claiming it to this day. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Analysis | Here’s what we learned from the Senate hearing on Russia
Why have you chosen to be a dupe for the ruling class establishment? You have nothing in common with them.
The whole point about this thread is fake news

Do you even understand what FAKE NEWS is?

It is a story publisher of which MAKES IT UP and knows it to be false.

Like them or not MSNBC publishes what they believe to be true and there has never been a reason to think that any of their reporting is somehow FAKE.

Incorrect or inaccurate on some things? Maybe, and that's open for discussion but it is absolutely REAL.
Fake news is where you GET your news. This is why everything you know is wrong.
The whole point about this thread is fake news

Do you even understand what FAKE NEWS is?

It is a story publisher of which MAKES IT UP and knows it to be false.

Like them or not MSNBC publishes what they believe to be true and there has never been a reason to think that any of their reporting is somehow FAKE.

Incorrect or inaccurate on some things? Maybe, and that's open for discussion but it is absolutely REAL.

MSNBC knows Trump's TWEET was true because they themselves had a guest of the Obama administration verify it as true.
Yet they purposely claimed it delusional and false claims and not worth investigation.
FURTHERMORE there should be a 50-50 coverage of both investigations and the surveillance scandal investigation should be given the same seriousness and time to gather info and evidence and questioning that the year long Ruasian scam charge did.
The fact that is notcthe case proves everything I've said and paints you as a propagandist who is adamantly trying to argue FAKE NEWS with a well versed sucessful counter propagandist.
Thanks for playing in my sand box, just try not to throw your toys at the other people- ok
Speaking of fake news broadcasting, Bill O'Reilly's just about done! It's coming to light, for the whole world to see what a sleazebag he's been for years to & with women after losing Mercedes Benz as a sponsor the other day! Today he lost another 16; all since he signed a new contract with FNC! :beer: :banana: :badgrin:
The whole point about this thread is fake news

Do you even understand what FAKE NEWS is?

It is a story publisher of which MAKES IT UP and knows it to be false.

Like them or not MSNBC publishes what they believe to be true and there has never been a reason to think that any of their reporting is somehow FAKE.

Incorrect or inaccurate on some things? Maybe, and that's open for discussion but it is absolutely REAL.

MSNBC knows Trump's TWEET Is true

:rolleyes: No they do not know that.

In fact no one except ignorant nuts like you knows that to be true. Sane, informed people know the opposite to be true because FBI and even Trump tools like Nunez said in fairly plain, straight forward terms that Trump's allegations of Obama wiretapping him are without any basis in fact.

There has been NO ONE of any prominence, Democrat or Republican that to this day took up the position that Trump didn't lie in those tweets.
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The whole point about this thread is fake news

Do you even understand what FAKE NEWS is?

It is a story publisher of which MAKES IT UP and knows it to be false.

Like them or not MSNBC publishes what they believe to be true and there has never been a reason to think that any of their reporting is somehow FAKE.

Incorrect or inaccurate on some things? Maybe, and that's open for discussion but it is absolutely REAL.
Fake news is where you GET your news. This is why everything you know is wrong.

Said the guy who is convinced that poor Russians are being framed for hacking DNC.
The whole point about this thread is fake news

Do you even understand what FAKE NEWS is?

It is a story publisher of which MAKES IT UP and knows it to be false.

Like them or not MSNBC publishes what they believe to be true and there has never been a reason to think that any of their reporting is somehow FAKE.

Incorrect or inaccurate on some things? Maybe, and that's open for discussion but it is absolutely REAL.
Fake news is where you GET your news. This is why everything you know is wrong.

Said the guy who is convinced that poor Russians are being framed for hacking DNC.
Really? That never occurred to me.

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