More fake news by Rachel Maddow & MSNBC

Proof that he was improperly surveilled?

The proof is that he was. There was no reason for him to be surveilled. And rice's now exposed complicity also brings your hero obummer into the loop. That whole house of cards is going to be collapsing. What are you going to do when his criminal acts are finally exposed?

The only reason Trump might have had a legitimate claim would be that he was surveilled for political purposes. That has been shown to be bullshit. Being surveilled in connection with investigation of illegal activities is not a reason to engender sympathy for him.

I love how the liberals back track now
From no way was trump wire tapped, he lied
To well yes he could have been... But... But... But...

What fucking backtracking? Trump lied. No ifs, no butts.

Republicans said it, Nunes said it, FBI said it.

Lie my ass you admitted it everyone knew since Bush Jr, since snowden the government was spying on the public no ifs ands or butts about it


What do you think tard, that Trump meant Obama snuck into Trump towers and placed wire taps?

I bet you think Trump thought that right?

Proof that he was improperly surveilled?

The proof is that he was. There was no reason for him to be surveilled. And rice's now exposed complicity also brings your hero obummer into the loop. That whole house of cards is going to be collapsing. What are you going to do when his criminal acts are finally exposed?

The only reason Trump might have had a legitimate claim would be that he was surveilled for political purposes. That has been shown to be bullshit. Being surveilled in connection with investigation of illegal activities is not a reason to engender sympathy for him.

I love how the liberals back track now
From no way was trump wire tapped, he lied
To well yes he could have been... But... But... But...

What fucking backtracking? Trump lied. No ifs, no butts.

Republicans said it, Nunes said it, FBI said it.

Lie my ass you admitted it everyone knew since Bush Jr, since snowden the government was spying on the public no ifs ands or butts about it
. you are confused. I mean you seriously have no clue what is going on as your mind jumps from one thing on to next.
The proof is that he was. There was no reason for him to be surveilled. And rice's now exposed complicity also brings your hero obummer into the loop. That whole house of cards is going to be collapsing. What are you going to do when his criminal acts are finally exposed?

The only reason Trump might have had a legitimate claim would be that he was surveilled for political purposes. That has been shown to be bullshit. Being surveilled in connection with investigation of illegal activities is not a reason to engender sympathy for him.

I love how the liberals back track now
From no way was trump wire tapped, he lied
To well yes he could have been... But... But... But...

What fucking backtracking? Trump lied. No ifs, no butts.

Republicans said it, Nunes said it, FBI said it.

Lie my ass you admitted it everyone knew since Bush Jr, since snowden the government was spying on the public no ifs ands or butts about it
. you are confused. I mean you seriously have no clue what is going on as your mind jumps from one thing on to next.

Me confused? I am not the one brain washed.. I actually read, the past 51 years I have been alive, to say Trump out right lied for weeks is and was insane with all the damn evidence the past 16 years..

On the government spying

It doesn't pass the smell test that Putin preferred Trump over Hillary. Hillary was going to continue the Obama course, weakening the US military and reducing our presence around the world. She is also famous for the failed "reset" button, while Trump openly and repeatedly vowed to strengthen the US military. Which would a Putin prefer?

I think that Putin had dirt on everybody, and was spreading it around all over the place, trying to gain leverage over whomever won the election. One remembers questionable (read fake) garbage spewed about Trump as well as HIllary during the campaign.

It doesn't pass the smell test that Putin preferred Trump over Hillary.

You don't pass the intelligence test.
Logically, in working to diminish Clinton, the Russians were also working to help Trump. If they didn't prefer Trump, then why target Clinton?
The basis of this post was:
How can they prefer a candidate that
nobody at that time thought was gonna win their party nomination?
WHY would they support the capitalist over the socialists?
You assume who hacked, you assume why countries would hack and how they use the info. Making your own correlations & narative is what Gutfeld mocked Maddow for doing. I mocked it by saying you are playing a giant game of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon using Putin instead of the actor.
I even proved how silly it was as I myself brought the degrees of seperation I have to Putin from 5 to as low as 3 now.
5 through Obama and Hillary being 4 degrees
but it's actually 3 because I forgot I did work for then D.A. Ed Rendell who is seperated
by 1 to Hillary who is 1 seperation to Putin=3 degrees seperation to Putin.
Come on you try it, who do you know who knows Obama and Hillary or Schumer all 1 degrees seperation from Putin?
View attachment 120031 View attachment 120032
You assume who hacked, you assume why countries would hack and how they use the info. Making your own correlations & narative is what Gutfeld mocked Maddow for doing.

I assumed nothing. I provided links stating that those were the official positions of the FBI and the intelligence community.

You are the one assuming something other than reality.
How many fucking times, in how many different fucking ways do you need to be told by Democrats, by Republicans and by FBI that there was no improper surveillance?

There is NO SUCH CLAIM BY ANYONE, except Trump himself.

Nunes allegations are of improper UNMASKING, not SURVEILLANCE itself. Learn it, stop spreading falsehoods.

Trump got his balls in the vice and is screaming "LOOK SQUIRELLL!!" and all the Trumpster dumabasses run on off to chase the squirrels.
Another NPR listener.

Another non-reply from a dumbass.

Is this fake news?
Intelligence official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up,' source says

Did you know that Alger Hiss was NOT a Soviet spy?
Did you know that Billy BJ Clinton NEVER had sex with that woman Monica?
Did you know that Obama would never surveil Trump, but he did surveil everyone else? just conceded I'm correct - UNMASKING IS NOT AN ACT OF SURVEILLANCE.

Get it dumbass? You can stop deflecting now.

Unmasking is a PRODUCT of surveillance. Are you so stupid that you don't understand that?

Don't you understand that?
That means the Trump people were not the target of surveillance.

Pretty stupid indeed.
Just one credible bit of proof for your claim?
*L* We've waited 3/4 a year for your proof of the Dems claims. Each time a delusional claim is proven false (after recounts and vote investigations=no tampering.)
Only tampering and cheating foundxwas Clinton's camp when they did find one state had as much as 6% illegals voting, huge difference from all the Dem Senators and media claiming 0 illegals voted.
Seriously how delusional is saying zero? *L*
And yet without giving a chance to start illegal surveillance investigations the Demsxand liberal tabloid media said Trumps tweet was delusional and wrong=0 days to give proof vs Dems 260+ days
Unfair standard much? And yet MSNBC ALL ALONG proved Trump right with an Obama personel admission in an interview before Nunes spoke out.

Oh shut up. Your right wing lies are getting boring.

Um who said I was right wing?
I'm a counter propagandist and you are a guy with a shovel, & a party who's symbol should be a shovel.
Why does everyone always try and put wings on me? :)
Another NPR listener.

Another non-reply from a dumbass.

Is this fake news?
Intelligence official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up,' source says

Did you know that Alger Hiss was NOT a Soviet spy?
Did you know that Billy BJ Clinton NEVER had sex with that woman Monica?
Did you know that Obama would never surveil Trump, but he did surveil everyone else? just conceded I'm correct - UNMASKING IS NOT AN ACT OF SURVEILLANCE.

Get it dumbass? You can stop deflecting now.

Unmasking is a PRODUCT of surveillance. Are you so stupid that you don't understand that?

Don't you understand that?
That means the Trump people were not the target of surveillance.

Pretty stupid indeed.
That's not what the Obama administration stated with the interview MSNBC themselves had with that lady who detailed an excuse as to why they were doing it. Which in turn inadvertantly busted on how Clinton destroyed evidence.
Proof everything they touch they make worse, even couldn't cheat right or sucessfully. *L*
Are you still clinging to the fallacy that that obese orange clown was improperly surveilled, or that Obama ordered any specific surveillance?
Trump was improperly surveilled. We may find out if your Messiah was complicit. Will you still love him if he was??

Proof that he was improperly surveilled?

The proof is that he was. There was no reason for him to be surveilled. And rice's now exposed complicity also brings your hero obummer into the loop. That whole house of cards is going to be collapsing. What are you going to do when his criminal acts are finally exposed?

The only reason Trump might have had a legitimate claim would be that he was surveilled for political purposes. That has been shown to be bullshit. Being surveilled in connection with investigation of illegal activities is not a reason to engender sympathy for him.

No, that is not factual. We KNOW he was spied on. The only possible reason is for the obummer/shrilary admin to punish the trumpster for having the temerity to stand up to their political cabal.

Totally nuts. :cuckoo:
Another NPR listener.

Another non-reply from a dumbass.

Is this fake news?
Intelligence official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up,' source says

Did you know that Alger Hiss was NOT a Soviet spy?
Did you know that Billy BJ Clinton NEVER had sex with that woman Monica?
Did you know that Obama would never surveil Trump, but he did surveil everyone else? just conceded I'm correct - UNMASKING IS NOT AN ACT OF SURVEILLANCE.

Get it dumbass? You can stop deflecting now.

Unmasking is a PRODUCT of surveillance. Are you so stupid that you don't understand that?

Don't you understand that?
That means the Trump people were not the target of surveillance.

Pretty stupid indeed.
Incidental means they are supposed to mask the identity of the people so surveilled.
How many fucking times, in how many different fucking ways do you need to be told by Democrats, by Republicans and by FBI that there was no improper surveillance?

There is NO SUCH CLAIM BY ANYONE, except Trump himself.

Nunes allegations are of improper UNMASKING, not SURVEILLANCE itself. Learn it, stop spreading falsehoods.

Trump got his balls in the vice and is screaming "LOOK SQUIRELLL!!" and all the Trumpster dumabasses run on off to chase the squirrels.
Another NPR listener.

You could be right, even though there are plenty of other places that information is available. Unfortunately, most of the sources you might accept, such as fox or Alex Jones prefer to spread the lie that there was improper surveillance.
Are you still clinging to the fallacy that Trump was NOT surveilled by Big Ears?

Are you still clinging to the fallacy that that obese orange clown was improperly surveilled, or that Obama ordered any specific surveillance?
Trump was improperly surveilled. We may find out if your Messiah was complicit. Will you still love him if he was??
He wasn't, so your question is irrelevant.
Hutch Starskey and BullDog are affraid to tell us their degree of seperation from Putin.
Answer the simple question, are you at least 6 degrees seperation from Putin or not?
I think the denial for you guys to answer and misslead to cover up is enough for an investigation according to Dem and liberal media standards you guys need to be investigated. :)
Another non-reply from a dumbass.

Is this fake news?
Intelligence official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up,' source says

Did you know that Alger Hiss was NOT a Soviet spy?
Did you know that Billy BJ Clinton NEVER had sex with that woman Monica?
Did you know that Obama would never surveil Trump, but he did surveil everyone else? just conceded I'm correct - UNMASKING IS NOT AN ACT OF SURVEILLANCE.

Get it dumbass? You can stop deflecting now.

Unmasking is a PRODUCT of surveillance. Are you so stupid that you don't understand that?

Don't you understand that?
That means the Trump people were not the target of surveillance.

Pretty stupid indeed.
That's not what the Obama administration stated with the interview MSNBC themselves had with that lady who detailed an excuse as to why they were doing it. Which in turn inadvertantly busted on how Clinton destroyed evidence.
Proof everything they touch they make worse, even couldn't cheat right or sucessfully. *L*

Another non-reply from a dumbass.

Is this fake news?
Intelligence official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up,' source says

Did you know that Alger Hiss was NOT a Soviet spy?
Did you know that Billy BJ Clinton NEVER had sex with that woman Monica?
Did you know that Obama would never surveil Trump, but he did surveil everyone else? just conceded I'm correct - UNMASKING IS NOT AN ACT OF SURVEILLANCE.

Get it dumbass? You can stop deflecting now.

Unmasking is a PRODUCT of surveillance. Are you so stupid that you don't understand that?

Don't you understand that?
That means the Trump people were not the target of surveillance.

Pretty stupid indeed.
Incidental means they are supposed to mask the identity of the people so surveilled.

They were masked until they were unmasked. The simple fact that they were unmasked is not a problem. It happens everyday. Now if you can come up with the procedure and purpose for unmasking and show any malfeasance on the part of the Obama admin, please do. Otherwise you're just speculating.
Oh I'm sorry, did you want time for
Donna Brazile to pass you the response to that?
Former Obama aide,
Evelyn Farkas, who left her position as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama White House in 2015, disclosed that Trump’s staff was indeed spied on.
She claimed in a brief March 2 MSNBC "Morning Joe" appearance that she had urged her “former colleagues and … people on the Hill” to get as much information as they could about the Trump team before Obama left office.

Remember Morning Joe's co-anchor was acting weird and over dramatic claiming she feared something about Trumps claims in his tweet, now we know the fear was for her Job or blame for this admission. And yet they full out lied and demonized the president thereafter knowing full well there was proof of Trumps claim.
Tabloid TV exposed!
Another NPR listener.

You could be right, even though there are plenty of other places that information is available. Unfortunately, most of the sources you might accept, such as fox or Alex Jones prefer to spread the lie that there was improper surveillance.
Are you still clinging to the fallacy that Trump was NOT surveilled by Big Ears?

Are you still clinging to the fallacy that that obese orange clown was improperly surveilled, or that Obama ordered any specific surveillance?
Trump was improperly surveilled. We may find out if your Messiah was complicit. Will you still love him if he was??
He wasn't, so your question is irrelevant.
Yeah he would never do that. :uhoh3:
Oh I'm sorry, did you want time for
Donna Brazile to pass you the response to that?
Former Obama aide,
Evelyn Farkas, who left her position as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama White House in 2015, disclosed that Trump’s staff was indeed spied on.
She claimed in a brief March 2 MSNBC "Morning Joe" appearance that she had urged her “former colleagues and … people on the Hill” to get as much information as they could about the Trump team before Obama left office.

Remember Morning Joe's co-anchor was acting weird and over dramatic claiming she feared something about Trumps claims in his tweet, now we know the fear was for her Job or blame for this admission. And yet they full out lied and demonized the president thereafter knowing full well there was proof of Trumps claim.
Tabloid TV exposed!
Of course you're misrepresenting this completely. Go figure.
We know about the efforts of the Obama admin to preserve and archive as much Intel as possible so it wouldn't be buried by the next admin. There was absolutely nothing wrong with doing so.
The only reason Trump might have had a legitimate claim would be that he was surveilled for political purposes. That has been shown to be bullshit. Being surveilled in connection with investigation of illegal activities is not a reason to engender sympathy for him.

I love how the liberals back track now
From no way was trump wire tapped, he lied
To well yes he could have been... But... But... But...

What fucking backtracking? Trump lied. No ifs, no butts.

Republicans said it, Nunes said it, FBI said it.

Lie my ass you admitted it everyone knew since Bush Jr, since snowden the government was spying on the public no ifs ands or butts about it
. you are confused. I mean you seriously have no clue what is going on as your mind jumps from one thing on to next.

Me confused? I am not the one brain washed.. I actually read, the past 51 years I have been alive, to say Trump out right lied for weeks is and was insane with all the damn evidence the past 16 years..

On the government spying.

Did you read about the time Trump put out a bullshit tweet about how Obama wiretapped him?

And now your defense of it is - well everyone is illegally tapped, so he is totally right! :rolleyes:
Just one credible bit of proof for your claim?
*L* We've waited 3/4 a year for your proof of the Dems claims. Each time a delusional claim is proven false (after recounts and vote investigations=no tampering.)
Only tampering and cheating foundxwas Clinton's camp when they did find one state had as much as 6% illegals voting, huge difference from all the Dem Senators and media claiming 0 illegals voted.
Seriously how delusional is saying zero? *L*
And yet without giving a chance to start illegal surveillance investigations the Demsxand liberal tabloid media said Trumps tweet was delusional and wrong=0 days to give proof vs Dems 260+ days
Unfair standard much? And yet MSNBC ALL ALONG proved Trump right with an Obama personel admission in an interview before Nunes spoke out.

Oh shut up. Your right wing lies are getting boring.

Um who said I was right wing?
I'm a counter propagandist and you are a guy with a shovel, & a party who's symbol should be a shovel.
Why does everyone always try and put wings on me? :)

Call yourself what ever you want. You're spouting right wing lies. That makes you a right winger.
Oh I'm sorry, did you want time for
Donna Brazile to pass you the response to that?
Former Obama aide,
Evelyn Farkas, who left her position as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama White House in 2015, disclosed that Trump’s staff was indeed spied on.
She claimed in a brief March 2 MSNBC "Morning Joe" appearance that she had urged her “former colleagues and … people on the Hill” to get as much information as they could about the Trump team before Obama left office.

Remember Morning Joe's co-anchor was acting weird and over dramatic claiming she feared something about Trumps claims in his tweet, now we know the fear was for her Job or blame for this admission. And yet they full out lied and demonized the president thereafter knowing full well there was proof of Trumps claim.
Tabloid TV exposed!
Of course you're misrepresenting this completely. Go figure.
We know about the efforts of the Obama admin to preserve and archive as much Intel as possible so it wouldn't be buried by the next admin. There was absolutely nothing wrong with doing so.

Yeah Rice is in hot water over nothing, they were gathering intel on the campaign and even Trump before elections a year ago.
But to bad you just admitted you think spying on civilians and doing so for political motive against opponents (abuse of power) is nothing, that means your whole toasting of Russia is nothing. You just lost all your arguments and spent how many days over nothing?

And you still couldn't answer a simple question, how many degrees seperation are you from Putin. I bet it's 2, because you have worked for her campaign or know Clinton right? And she is 1 degree seperation from Putin and this is why you refuse to answer a simple question.
You have to recuse yourself from this discussion now. *L*
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