More fake news

It's true. They are shamelessly biased in favor of the Democrats. But I mean come on. Trump? Who wouldn't be.
It's true. They are shamelessly biased in favor of the Democrats. But I mean come on. Trump? Who wouldn't be.

And what year are they not? This year Trumped tricked them out of hiding, they fell for it. We've always suspected, now we know and knowing is half the battle. Yo Joe!
Fake news? Whats that? Like Fox?

Unreal how much in the tank the media is with the democrats.

Oh please. Mark Dice of all creatures?


It's true. They are shamelessly biased in favor of the Democrats. But I mean come on. Trump? Who wouldn't be.

Commercial news media are not on a "side" of anything except making money. Nobody makes money off of greasing a political party. But they make bucketfuls off freaks like Donald Rump.

Whether that particular story is positive or negative is irrelevant to the Ratings. And Ratings are the Prime Directive. Take it to the bank.
Unreal how much in the tank the media is with the democrats.

Oh please. Mark Dice of all creatures?


It's true. They are shamelessly biased in favor of the Democrats. But I mean come on. Trump? Who wouldn't be.

Commercial news media are not on a "side" of anything except making money. Nobody makes money off of greasing a political party. But they make bucketfuls off freaks like Donald Rump.

Whether that particular story is positive or negative is irrelevant to the Ratings. And Ratings are the Prime Directive. Take it to the bank.

are you saying he is wrong or made it up?
Fake news? Whats that? Like Fox?

Well post the orginal videos/articles of both of those events. Lets take a look at them.
both of them?
Yeah, I want to see the first one and definitely the second one.
which ones the first one what do you mean?

dipshit, the fox news post from 2013 is a joke and FAKE NEWS, they never said that. It was a photoshop job, just the the Trump saying republicans were stupid was. You guys fall for this stuff and you know why?

You never question or check about it authenticity. If it blasts republicans you believe it wholeheartedly, that's why they can use Fake News, republicans don't just post stupid shit. We actually check it out and see if we can confirm it.
post the video where that was shown. I bet you cant.
Fake news? Whats that? Like Fox?

Well post the orginal videos/articles of both of those events. Lets take a look at them.
both of them?
Yeah, I want to see the first one and definitely the second one.
which ones the first one what do you mean?

dipshit, the fox news post from 2013 is a joke and FAKE NEWS, they never said that. It was a photoshop job, just the the Trump saying republicans were stupid was. You guys fall for this stuff and you know why?

You never question or check about it authenticity. If it blasts republicans you believe it wholeheartedly, that's why they can use Fake News, republicans don't just post stupid shit. We actually check it out and see if we can confirm it.
post the video where that was shown. I bet you cant.
what about the other one?
Well post the orginal videos/articles of both of those events. Lets take a look at them.
both of them?
Yeah, I want to see the first one and definitely the second one.
which ones the first one what do you mean?

dipshit, the fox news post from 2013 is a joke and FAKE NEWS, they never said that. It was a photoshop job, just the the Trump saying republicans were stupid was. You guys fall for this stuff and you know why?

You never question or check about it authenticity. If it blasts republicans you believe it wholeheartedly, that's why they can use Fake News, republicans don't just post stupid shit. We actually check it out and see if we can confirm it.
post the video where that was shown. I bet you cant.
what about the other one?
No shows me the Fox News broadcast with that scroll
both of them?
Yeah, I want to see the first one and definitely the second one.
which ones the first one what do you mean?

dipshit, the fox news post from 2013 is a joke and FAKE NEWS, they never said that. It was a photoshop job, just the the Trump saying republicans were stupid was. You guys fall for this stuff and you know why?

You never question or check about it authenticity. If it blasts republicans you believe it wholeheartedly, that's why they can use Fake News, republicans don't just post stupid shit. We actually check it out and see if we can confirm it.
post the video where that was shown. I bet you cant.
what about the other one?
No shows me the Fox News broadcast with that scroll
no? no what?
Unreal how much in the tank the media is with the democrats.

Oh please. Mark Dice of all creatures?


It's true. They are shamelessly biased in favor of the Democrats. But I mean come on. Trump? Who wouldn't be.

Commercial news media are not on a "side" of anything except making money. Nobody makes money off of greasing a political party. But they make bucketfuls off freaks like Donald Rump.

Whether that particular story is positive or negative is irrelevant to the Ratings. And Ratings are the Prime Directive. Take it to the bank.

are you saying he is wrong or made it up?

I'm saying anyone who takes a freaking moment to actually THINK about it will quickly realize how commercial media works. The key word is commercial --- and that's got squat to do with any ideologies. This paranoid collective psychosis (PCP) that the "eeebil media is all out to get us" is wackadoodle.

The media IS out to get us, but not at all in the way wackadoodles think. All it wants is your money. And it will do whatever it takes to get it.
Unreal how much in the tank the media is with the democrats.

Oh please. Mark Dice of all creatures?


It's true. They are shamelessly biased in favor of the Democrats. But I mean come on. Trump? Who wouldn't be.

Commercial news media are not on a "side" of anything except making money. Nobody makes money off of greasing a political party. But they make bucketfuls off freaks like Donald Rump.

Whether that particular story is positive or negative is irrelevant to the Ratings. And Ratings are the Prime Directive. Take it to the bank.

are you saying he is wrong or made it up?

I'm saying anyone who takes a freaking moment to actually THINK about it will quickly realize how commercial media works. The key word is commercial --- and that's got squat to do with any ideologies. This paranoid collective psychosis (PCP) that the "eeebil media is all out to get us" is wackadoodle.

The media IS out to get us, but not at all in the way wackadoodles think. All it wants is your money. And it will do whatever it takes to get it.

The problem with that theory is they always benefit democrats and very, very rarely republicans or RWs, so no it's not just money. IF it were, they would use the Fox News model, but MSNBC and CNN Tilt strong left, like Van Jones, Don Lemon commie left.
Unreal how much in the tank the media is with the democrats.

Oh please. Mark Dice of all creatures?


It's true. They are shamelessly biased in favor of the Democrats. But I mean come on. Trump? Who wouldn't be.

Commercial news media are not on a "side" of anything except making money. Nobody makes money off of greasing a political party. But they make bucketfuls off freaks like Donald Rump.

Whether that particular story is positive or negative is irrelevant to the Ratings. And Ratings are the Prime Directive. Take it to the bank.

are you saying he is wrong or made it up?

I'm saying anyone who takes a freaking moment to actually THINK about it will quickly realize how commercial media works. The key word is commercial --- and that's got squat to do with any ideologies. This paranoid collective psychosis (PCP) that the "eeebil media is all out to get us" is wackadoodle.

The media IS out to get us, but not at all in the way wackadoodles think. All it wants is your money. And it will do whatever it takes to get it.

We as viewers are the product, not the consumer. The MSM doesn't want your money, they want your viewership which improves ratings. It's the advertiser's money they want.

But they don't stop there. They want it all, including the ability to sway election results in favor of either establishment Democrats or establishment Republicans. Either party is fine (When lead by the establishment).

This time they couldn't pull it off. They got unexpected competition from social media and alternative news sites and their candidate lost.

Now they're pissed and they want those sites censored. To do it, they are pushing a bogus narrative called "Fake news" and they are calling for sites that they deem "fake news" to be "filtered" from us.
We as viewers are the product, not the consumer. The MSM doesn't want your money, they want your viewership which improves ratings. It's the advertiser's money they want.

Same thing. The advertiser's money comes from the viewer/consumer. They're just a middleman.
The point was, and still is, it is that pursuit ---- of money/ratings ---- that drives what they do and what their content is. Every second. Not political ideologies, which pay nothing.

But they don't stop there. They want it all, including the ability to sway election results in favor of either establishment Democrats or establishment Republicans. Either party is fine (When lead by the establishment).

Definitely. :thup:

This time they couldn't pull it off. They got unexpected competition from social media and alternative news sites and their candidate lost.

Au contraire, if anything their candidate won. The candidate who's orange face alone guarantees ratings, are you shittin' me? They could have and would have scraped up whatever drivel they could come up with had Hillary won --- they have shitloads of practice at such scraping --- but now they don't have to. Their job (as they see it, i.e. ratings-whoring) just got WAAAAAY easier.

Now they're pissed and they want those sites censored. To do it, they are pushing a bogus narrative called "Fake news" and they are calling for sites that they deem "fake news" to be "filtered" from us.

Are they really.


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