More glaring evidence that the democrat party has been completely hijacked communists

Democrats aren't communists. They support commodity fetishism leading to social alienation. They also support free labor as a way to make the domestic labor supply compete with foreigners rather than letting people live in peace among themselves. A communist society involves internationalism where every nation is treated with respect among its internal relations of production.

Lastly, they believe in bureaucratizating the professionalization of reform. They have no interest in getting their hands dirty. All they believe in is worshiping the working class and telling the working class they'll take care of all the abstract decision making for them. Anyone who wants to perform abstract decision making for themselves is called selfish and told to surrender their abstract decision making to the government.

By the way, communists endorse pervasive gun ownership. It's necessary for the revolution.
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Democrats aren't communists. They support commodity fetishism leading to social alienation. They also support free labor as a way to make the domestic labor supply compete with foreigners rather than letting people live in peace among themselves. A communist society involves internationalism where every nation is treated with respect among its internal relations of production.

Lastly, they believe in bureaucratizating the professionalization of reform. They have no interest in getting their hands dirty. All they believe in is worshiping the working class and telling the working class they'll take care of all the abstract decision making for them. Anyone who wants to perform abstract decision making for themselves is called selfish and told to surrender their abstract decision making to the government.

By the way, communists endorse pervasive gun ownership. It's necessary for the revolution.

Please spare us the communist terminology. Terms like "commodity fetishism" mean nothing to normal people. We know all your claims about what communists support is just so much pap because the reality of what they do once they attain power is far different. Gulags, mass starvation, show trials and abolishing labor unions are what communists believe in.

That sounds blatantly illegal, but expected for Dims.


Does this sheriff have to follow the laws put in front of him or does he get to pick and choose?

Ask Obama.

Sheriffs are elected, so the state legislature can't fire them. Furthermore, this isn't about enforcing the laws on the books but public support for laws that the communists in the legislature want to impose on everyone.
They are holding the salary of sheriffs hostage to gain compliance with gun control matters.

Quote from the OPs source.

So pretty much the state Representatives are telling the Sheriffs shut up and enforce the laws we vote on or else no pay raises?

Sounds like Conservative small government in action. No pay raises means an effectively smaller government after inflation is taken into account.

Representatives vote on laws. Sheriffs arrest ppl who break them.

If the laws are unconstitutional the ACLU or NRA hires a lawyer after finding a pet case and the law gets overturned.

This is how things work?
Colorado elected Democrats to run their state. They get what they deserve.

That sounds blatantly illegal, but expected for Dims.


Does this sheriff have to follow the laws put in front of him or does he get to pick and choose?

He should follow POTUS and tell his constituents that 'he has bigger fish to fry"
More glaring evidence that the Democrat party has been completely hijacked by Communists
Hey! Don't forget we make big gains in Republican Party too! Haha!

Too bad Sheriff is Elected Position. Should be Political Appointee, easier to control.
By DONNA CASSATA - Associated Press (AP)
April 11, 2012

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Rep. Allen West said he believes 75-plus House Democrats are members of the Communist Party, a claim that echoed Joe McCarthy's unsubstantiated 1950s charges that communists had infiltrated the top ranks of the U.S. government.

Addressing a town-hall meeting Tuesday in Florida, the freshman lawmaker was asked how many members of the American legislature are "card-carrying Marxists." West said "there's about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party." He did not provide names.

West's office said Wednesday that the congressman stood by the comments and was referring to the 76 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the largest group within the House Democratic caucus.

"The Communist Party has publicly referred to the Progressive Caucus as its allies," said Angela Melvin, a spokeswoman for West. "The Progressive Caucus speaks for itself. These individuals certainly aren't proponents of free markets or individual economic freedom."


Read more:
GOP lawmaker says 75-plus Dems are communists » Knoxville News Sentinel

Anyone who watched the DNC convention (which a number Dem candidates avoided), it was clear who was running the show. It was a lot of radical delegates, including communists, who laid out the platform for the covention and had a royal fit when word leaked what their agenda was and it had to be changed to avoid backlash from the public. The media did a bang up job of smoothing things over by not focusing on all the ugly details. Yes, these people are running things and the politicians obey for the most part.
Colorado elected Democrats to run their state. They get what they deserve.

Well said.

Just like the nation that re elected Junebug in 2004 is getting what it deserves right now.

We can both enjoy watching the scum that re elected that filthy little bugger in 2004 take their lumps from Obama.
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Wait. As a conservative I feel a sheriff must follow the laws put in front of him. Seems nice of them not to just fire the fella if he publicly disagrees.

Do you believe the Constitution has it laid out otherwise?

You're not a conservative (god almighty I hate when liberals use this lame tactic). We are not talking about "following the law" here - we are talking about being forced to help pass a bill into law that they do not believe in.

Huge.....Fucking.....Difference.... HUGE
Democrats aren't communists. They support commodity fetishism leading to social alienation. They also support free labor as a way to make the domestic labor supply compete with foreigners rather than letting people live in peace among themselves. A communist society involves internationalism where every nation is treated with respect among its internal relations of production.

Lastly, they believe in bureaucratizating the professionalization of reform. They have no interest in getting their hands dirty. All they believe in is worshiping the working class and telling the working class they'll take care of all the abstract decision making for them. Anyone who wants to perform abstract decision making for themselves is called selfish and told to surrender their abstract decision making to the government.

By the way, communists endorse pervasive gun ownership. It's necessary for the revolution.

Please spare us the communist terminology. Terms like "commodity fetishism" mean nothing to normal people. We know all your claims about what communists support is just so much pap because the reality of what they do once they attain power is far different. Gulags, mass starvation, show trials and abolishing labor unions are what communists believe in.

Modern society already uses punitive measures for anyone who isn't politically correct. For example, if you're not a feminist, multiculturalist, environmentalist, egalitarian, you have zero chance at networking into the modern workforce. Instead, you're treated as a pain in the neck who should just go away and endure slavery working in volunteer organizations or do menial labor for a living. Shame on you for not indulging in the debt, service, consumer economy of pop culture.

Otherwise, you can go to jail or become mentally institutionalized. You can enlist in the military too if you want and risk your lives defending those who alienated you.

Conservatives need to get their heads screwed on straight and realize that communists aren't their worst enemies.
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Wait. As a conservative I feel a sheriff must follow the laws put in front of him. Seems nice of them not to just fire the fella if he publicly disagrees.

Do you believe the Constitution has it laid out otherwise?

You're not a conservative (god almighty I hate when liberals use this lame tactic). We are not talking about "following the law" here - we are talking about being forced to help pass a bill into law that they do not believe in.

Huge.....Fucking.....Difference.... HUGE

Got it. A conservative believes the elected President does not have to face threats from Congress if he voices disagreement.

I am a liberal because I believe congress will do everything in its Constitutional power to accomplish whatever its members want.

Are are we talking conservative on beliefs here? I support gun rights. I support the death penalty. Neither was up for debate here, correct? Just is the state house could lean on local officials just a little.

Ronald Reagan ruined conservatism. He made it liberal in all respects to government power but conservative in regards to my rights in my bedroom. Don't toe the line. Think about your conservative beliefs or quit pretending you are a constitutional conservative and call yourself a bedroom conservative.
Wait. As a conservative I feel a sheriff must follow the laws put in front of him. Seems nice of them not to just fire the fella if he publicly disagrees.

Do you believe the Constitution has it laid out otherwise?

You're not a conservative (god almighty I hate when liberals use this lame tactic). We are not talking about "following the law" here - we are talking about being forced to help pass a bill into law that they do not believe in.

Huge.....Fucking.....Difference.... HUGE

Got it. A conservative believes the elected President does not have to face threats from Congress if he voices disagreement.

I am a liberal because I believe congress will do everything in its Constitutional power to accomplish whatever its members want.

Are are we talking conservative on beliefs here? I support gun rights. I support the death penalty. Neither was up for debate here, correct? Just is the state house could lean on local officials just a little.

Ronald Reagan ruined conservatism. He made it liberal in all respects to government power but conservative in regards to my rights in my bedroom. Don't toe the line. Think about your conservative beliefs or quit pretending you are a constitutional conservative and call yourself a bedroom conservative.

A sheriff must follow the laws put in front of him.

The law has not yet been put in front of him. His salary is being threatened for a law not yet passed.

I don't understand what you're saying about the President and Congress.

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