More glaring evidence that the democrat party has been completely hijacked communists

Democrats are a coalition party. Not possible for it to be taken over. Unlike the Republican Party with the Teanuts controlling the tards.

It's a coalition of communists of various stripes.

Oh yea, you're probably right. Because Democrats are a coalition party, they must be communists. Only Republicans are "real" Americans. Real American tards being led by the Teanuts.

One thing is clear: Democrats aren't loyal Americans. They despise every principle this country was founded on. They've proven that over and over and over again.
As if we didn't already know.

Hey folks,

Happy New Year Eve. Welcome to the last day of 2010. Please remember folks, I do not know where it began, and truthfully, I can't relate, not being a big Drinker myself. But I know that there will be many of you out there going out today, and tonight, BBQs, Parties, Bars, Street Parties, ETC. Many of you will be drinking. I'm still not sure how this relates to the New Year. Why start a New Year, a New Beginning, sick as a dog? With a Hangover? Not sure the point. But I know many of you will be out there. Please. PLEASE. DO NOT DRIVE. It's not just your life you put on the line. You could kill yourself, others, end up in Jail. Drink by all means. If that's your thing, go for it. But PLEASE do not get behind the wheel.

Well, not only is it the last day of 2010, it's also FRIDAY!!! Time to go to the Emails. You folks out there are GOOD! I have been talking for YEARS, check the archives, about the insurgency of the New Liberals. They completely Hijacked the Liberal Label, and were taking over the once Great Democratic Party. Just this past Wednesday, I posted The Inexorable March Of Tyranny by Bob Livingston. I reminded you of just some of the times we discussed this here.

One of those things was the difference between New and Old Liberalism. We talked about how Original Liberalism is closer to Conservatism. New Liberalism is a quest for Tyranny.

Well, looky here. According to Associated Content / Yahoo - Communist Party USA Reveals: We're Using the Democrat Party By Snidely Whiplash, Yahoo! Contributor Network

Not too awful long ago I wrote about the Communist Party USA and their support for many of the identical principles endorsed by the Democrat Party here in the US. I listed the various similarities but now I have some even more honest words from the Communists themselves. Joe Sims, co-editor of the Communist Party USA online magazine Peoples World states among other things "the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely." Read that slowly and carefully..."the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely."​


Read more:
OPNTALK: Communist Party Admits THEY Control The Democrat Party
By DONNA CASSATA - Associated Press (AP)
April 11, 2012

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Rep. Allen West said he believes 75-plus House Democrats are members of the Communist Party, a claim that echoed Joe McCarthy's unsubstantiated 1950s charges that communists had infiltrated the top ranks of the U.S. government.

Addressing a town-hall meeting Tuesday in Florida, the freshman lawmaker was asked how many members of the American legislature are "card-carrying Marxists." West said "there's about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party." He did not provide names.

West's office said Wednesday that the congressman stood by the comments and was referring to the 76 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the largest group within the House Democratic caucus.

"The Communist Party has publicly referred to the Progressive Caucus as its allies," said Angela Melvin, a spokeswoman for West. "The Progressive Caucus speaks for itself. These individuals certainly aren't proponents of free markets or individual economic freedom."


Read more:
GOP lawmaker says 75-plus Dems are communists » Knoxville News Sentinel

And that bullshit claim made last year has since been disproven.

Incidentally, that was one of the things that helped him lose his re-election.

Then why did the sheriff say this on his Facebook page?

After the interview, Maketa took to his Facebook page to clarify that the email did not come directly from Colorado Democrats:

I want to make something very clear; I have not been directly threatened or coerced in any way nor would I tolerate any threat. A message delivered verbally to a representative of the Colorado Sheriff’s Association basically stated that the Senate Dems are very upset with the Colorado Sheriffs opposing the gun legislation proposed by the Senate Democrats. This message insinuated that this could negatively affect the salary bill which has been delayed and put off by the Democrats with the excuse that they would expect bipartisan support. I do believe the salary proposal is being held hostage and I believe that if they’re willing to send gun control measures without bipartisan support then they should be willing to take a stand as the majority leadership and follow a democrat-created commission’s recommendations.

btw...............that's from your link.
Got it. A conservative believes the elected President does not have to face threats from Congress if he voices disagreement.

I am a liberal because I believe congress will do everything in its Constitutional power to accomplish whatever its members want.

Are are we talking conservative on beliefs here? I support gun rights. I support the death penalty. Neither was up for debate here, correct? Just is the state house could lean on local officials just a little.

Ronald Reagan ruined conservatism. He made it liberal in all respects to government power but conservative in regards to my rights in my bedroom. Don't toe the line. Think about your conservative beliefs or quit pretending you are a constitutional conservative and call yourself a bedroom conservative.

And how is it "constitutional" to use force, coercion, and extortion on law enforcement to achieve assistance from your opposition? :cuckoo:

You're not a conservative - you're using the same lame ass tactics that "Right-Winger", "JoeB.", and "Buc90" (among others) use - which is to claim your a conservative while preaching other ideologies in the absurd belief that you can make actual conservatives "see the light". :cuckoo:

Given the ignorance and stupidity of the ideological right, everyone’s given up trying to educate conservatives.

With regard to the failure of your thread:

You failed to provide a link to the alleged email.

You failed to provide proof that the alleged email was sent by elected democrats.

And you failed to provide proof that the alleged democrats who sent the alleged email are acknowledged by all democrats and all liberals as being representative of all democrats and all liberals, speak for all democrats and all liberals, and determine official, sanctioned policy for all democrats and all liberals.

Otherwise your ‘argument’ is nothing more than a hasty generalization fallacy.

The story says exactly what the story says - sorry you can't deal with it and sorry you have no intelligent argument for it.
I was setting up whoever calls this wrong fo a speech against dirty tricks. Afterall, the point here is a disagreement over dirty, legal tricks not conservative vs liberal.

It is difficult to label onself as Conservative or anything for that matter. Hypocrisy is easily called out. Now unjoin the fanboys of either party and it is easier to have a sound opinion.

You're making completely incoherent statements. You're an idiot - and your not a conservative. Anyone who supports elected officials abusing their powers and using coercion to further their political agenda is the farthest thing from a conservative (and the farthest thing from a rational person as well).

So I found this thread with the name calling and all that. No one mentioned right or wrong. Just liberal evil this or that.

So, follow me, we are just talking about government officials using legal government powers. Find a thread with no name calling or one not about hiw evil liberalism is and we can debate if the threats are right or wrong.

Still conservatively these representatives seem in the right. Anyways, it is leading to at least a partial freeze in government payrolls so this is good in the small governmmnt world.

Honest, I think I am more Constitutionally Conservative than most who go about yelling Conservative this or that. After all, Idislike what Joahn Ashcroft did to the folks of Oregon who voted in right to die. These DC loving Bush II worshipers though atruck down another state power.

Really? It's legal for elected representatives to extort people under them?
And how is it "constitutional" to use force, coercion, and extortion on law enforcement to achieve assistance from your opposition? :cuckoo:

You're not a conservative - you're using the same lame ass tactics that "Right-Winger", "JoeB.", and "Buc90" (among others) use - which is to claim your a conservative while preaching other ideologies in the absurd belief that you can make actual conservatives "see the light". :cuckoo:

Given the ignorance and stupidity of the ideological right, everyone’s given up trying to educate conservatives.

With regard to the failure of your thread:

You failed to provide a link to the alleged email.

You failed to provide proof that the alleged email was sent by elected democrats.

And you failed to provide proof that the alleged democrats who sent the alleged email are acknowledged by all democrats and all liberals as being representative of all democrats and all liberals, speak for all democrats and all liberals, and determine official, sanctioned policy for all democrats and all liberals.

Otherwise your ‘argument’ is nothing more than a hasty generalization fallacy.

The story says exactly what the story says - sorry you can't deal with it and sorry you have no intelligent argument for it.

Did you even read all of your own link? The sheriff CLEARLY stated on his Facebook page (in your link) that he didn't feel threatened, and that it was a message delivered VERBALLY to the department, not the sheriff himself.

Try again Fart Smeller.
Anyways, it is leading to at least a partial freeze in government payrolls so this is good in the small governmmnt world.

You continue to expose yourself as a big government liberal. Any true conservative understands that payroll has almost nothing to do with "small government".

The amount of government workers, the amount of departments, and most importantly their powers and their reach is how real conservatives measure the size of government.
Given the ignorance and stupidity of the ideological right, everyone’s given up trying to educate conservatives.

With regard to the failure of your thread:

You failed to provide a link to the alleged email.

You failed to provide proof that the alleged email was sent by elected democrats.

And you failed to provide proof that the alleged democrats who sent the alleged email are acknowledged by all democrats and all liberals as being representative of all democrats and all liberals, speak for all democrats and all liberals, and determine official, sanctioned policy for all democrats and all liberals.

Otherwise your ‘argument’ is nothing more than a hasty generalization fallacy.

The story says exactly what the story says - sorry you can't deal with it and sorry you have no intelligent argument for it.

Did you even read all of your own link? The sheriff CLEARLY stated on his Facebook page (in your link) that he didn't feel threatened, and that it was a message delivered VERBALLY to the department, not the sheriff himself.

Try again Fart Smeller.

Yes.....?!? That's the entire point, dumb ass. If this one directed at one man, it wouldn't be nearly as much an outrage as trying to extort an entire department.

Listen, I know your a high school drop out. I know your IQ is slightly below your average 12 year old with Downs Syndrome. But even your sorry ass has to understand what an outrage it is to tell government employees if they don't support a bill, there will be consequences on their careers. Stop pretending like your "confused" as to why this is an issue.

This is a complete and total outrage and they are violating at least a dozen laws here....

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