More Global Warming Fraud

A diametrically opposed lie. It's all about profit from polluting the public commons without consequence of having to clean up the mess
People like you were whining and telling people in the 90's to go without air conditioners and aerosol products, but just leave us alone. Perhaps you would have liked to find out if the scientist were wrong about the effects on all of us from depleting the ozone layer.

As i've said before, you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. You're free to do what you gotta do. Go live in the woods, start building that Ark in preparation of Gore's end-times flood, or whatever. But leave the rest of us alone. Most now want less Government in their lives. They don't want more. The Global Warming scam is dead. Deal with it.

I would tell you to go pollute your own planet but that would be stupid cause that's the point.

So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

This is the reason the GOP hates Global Warming. Republicans want freedom/choice. This is going to take us as a collective society to solve this problem. That means government, regulations and taxes!

My dad gets so mad that he has to recycle but me 10 miles away I don't have to. I keep telling him not to worry. They are testing it out on him and when they realize how much it helps, they'll start making all of us do it. Which isn't a bad thing. We are such overpopulators and pollutors we need to be regulated.

I think it's more about wanting freedom without the responsibility that goes with it.

And the far left shows that they can not get beyond their programmed religious propaganda..

Although the far left never wants to accept any responsibility so not sure how that comment makes sense from a far left programmed drone..
As i've said before, you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. You're free to do what you gotta do. Go live in the woods, start building that Ark in preparation of Gore's end-times flood, or whatever. But leave the rest of us alone. Most now want less Government in their lives. They don't want more. The Global Warming scam is dead. Deal with it.

I would tell you to go pollute your own planet but that would be stupid cause that's the point.

So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

This is the reason the GOP hates Global Warming. Republicans want freedom/choice. This is going to take us as a collective society to solve this problem. That means government, regulations and taxes!

My dad gets so mad that he has to recycle but me 10 miles away I don't have to. I keep telling him not to worry. They are testing it out on him and when they realize how much it helps, they'll start making all of us do it. Which isn't a bad thing. We are such overpopulators and pollutors we need to be regulated.

Speak for yourself. Most want less Government intrusion in their lives. They don't want more. There's already too much of it now.

less government... riiiiiiiiiiight. Jump over to the voter voter ID thread and say that again ...


Gonna take a lot of Gumbment to secure that border fence, and don't forget we got to quarantine everybody coming here now too. So of course we want less government, just more of it.......
I would tell you to go pollute your own planet but that would be stupid cause that's the point.

So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

This is the reason the GOP hates Global Warming. Republicans want freedom/choice. This is going to take us as a collective society to solve this problem. That means government, regulations and taxes!

My dad gets so mad that he has to recycle but me 10 miles away I don't have to. I keep telling him not to worry. They are testing it out on him and when they realize how much it helps, they'll start making all of us do it. Which isn't a bad thing. We are such overpopulators and pollutors we need to be regulated.

Speak for yourself. Most want less Government intrusion in their lives. They don't want more. There's already too much of it now.

less government... riiiiiiiiiiight. Jump over to the voter voter ID thread and say that again ...


And the far left continues to show that they do not understand anything beyond their programmed religious propaganda..


how deep did you have to dig in your butt to find that one ?
So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

This is the reason the GOP hates Global Warming. Republicans want freedom/choice. This is going to take us as a collective society to solve this problem. That means government, regulations and taxes!

My dad gets so mad that he has to recycle but me 10 miles away I don't have to. I keep telling him not to worry. They are testing it out on him and when they realize how much it helps, they'll start making all of us do it. Which isn't a bad thing. We are such overpopulators and pollutors we need to be regulated.

Speak for yourself. Most want less Government intrusion in their lives. They don't want more. There's already too much of it now.

less government... riiiiiiiiiiight. Jump over to the voter voter ID thread and say that again ...


And the far left continues to show that they do not understand anything beyond their programmed religious propaganda..


how deep did you have to dig in your butt to find that one ?

Even more empirical evidence of how the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS..
I would tell you to go pollute your own planet but that would be stupid cause that's the point.

So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

This is the reason the GOP hates Global Warming. Republicans want freedom/choice. This is going to take us as a collective society to solve this problem. That means government, regulations and taxes!

My dad gets so mad that he has to recycle but me 10 miles away I don't have to. I keep telling him not to worry. They are testing it out on him and when they realize how much it helps, they'll start making all of us do it. Which isn't a bad thing. We are such overpopulators and pollutors we need to be regulated.

Speak for yourself. Most want less Government intrusion in their lives. They don't want more. There's already too much of it now.

less government... riiiiiiiiiiight. Jump over to the voter voter ID thread and say that again ...


Gonna take a lot of Gumbment to secure that border fence, and don't forget we got to quarantine everybody coming here now too. So of course we want less government, just more of it.......

Actually, a fence, properly maintained would result in less need for more government. But a thinking person would already know that.
and now comes ISIS ...

time to leave these crazy people to their own design, they'll be speaking in tongues next ..
So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

This is the reason the GOP hates Global Warming. Republicans want freedom/choice. This is going to take us as a collective society to solve this problem. That means government, regulations and taxes!

My dad gets so mad that he has to recycle but me 10 miles away I don't have to. I keep telling him not to worry. They are testing it out on him and when they realize how much it helps, they'll start making all of us do it. Which isn't a bad thing. We are such overpopulators and pollutors we need to be regulated.

Speak for yourself. Most want less Government intrusion in their lives. They don't want more. There's already too much of it now.

less government... riiiiiiiiiiight. Jump over to the voter voter ID thread and say that again ...


And the far left continues to show that they do not understand anything beyond their programmed religious propaganda..


how deep did you have to dig in your butt to find that one ?

Oh, it's patently obvious to anyone with a brain. Which leaves you.......oh....sorry...
and now comes ISIS ...

time to leave these crazy people to their own design, they'll be speaking in tongues next ..

Even more proof and empirical evidence that shows how the far left is more dangerous than ISIS..

Typical far left/AGW religious programmed drone..
A diametrically opposed lie. It's all about profit from polluting the public commons without consequence of having to clean up the mess
People like you were whining and telling people in the 90's to go without air conditioners and aerosol products, but just leave us alone. Perhaps you would have liked to find out if the scientist were wrong about the effects on all of us from depleting the ozone layer.

As i've said before, you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. You're free to do what you gotta do. Go live in the woods, start building that Ark in preparation of Gore's end-times flood, or whatever. But leave the rest of us alone. Most now want less Government in their lives. They don't want more. The Global Warming scam is dead. Deal with it.

I would tell you to go pollute your own planet but that would be stupid cause that's the point.

So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

Did you just hear a whoosing sound?

Oh, so you're too cowardly to walk the walk. You just wanna force your agenda on others by way of Government force. Well, your Global Warming glory days are over. The People have caught on. It's over. You nutters are just gonna have to deal with that.

What a Conserv-o-tastrophy you are. Favoring corporation rights to pollute the planet without responsibility to clean up their mess. I understand, that's what corporate lackey's do.
As i've said before, you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. You're free to do what you gotta do. Go live in the woods, start building that Ark in preparation of Gore's end-times flood, or whatever. But leave the rest of us alone. Most now want less Government in their lives. They don't want more. The Global Warming scam is dead. Deal with it.

I would tell you to go pollute your own planet but that would be stupid cause that's the point.

So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

Did you just hear a whoosing sound?

Oh, so you're too cowardly to walk the walk. You just wanna force your agenda on others by way of Government force. Well, your Global Warming glory days are over. The People have caught on. It's over. You nutters are just gonna have to deal with that.

What a Conserv-o-tastrophy you are. Favoring corporation rights to pollute the planet without responsibility to clean up their mess. I understand, that's what corporate lackey's do.

Another far left programmed drone attack fires and misses by light years..

Pollution and AGW are not the same tings, more empirical proof how dangerous the far left religion has become..
CO2 does not drive climate, for the past 40 years the AGW church has ben preaching that as gospel, yet has zero real scientific proof to back up their religious claims..

Got a link that claims CO2 and not the Sun drives the Climite?

Got a link with datasets and source code that prove CO2 drives climate?

You are the one who claims someone has been preaching that CO2 drives the climate. As I understand the science, it is the sun that drives our climate. What I like from you is proof of what you claimed. Clear now?

The AGW religion preaches that CO2 drives climate.

And now the far left is denying that even their king has said as much..

As for a link visit the Environmental board to see all the links you want on the subject.

Without the sun the Earth would be a ball of ice, without the magnetic field life could not exist on this planet.

The Earth's magnetic field has been diminishing over the last 150 years, with the most happening in the last 40 years.

So you keep saying, but talk is cheap.

What I've said to you many times is there is no reputable scientist who claims CO2 drives earth's climate.

I just asked you to back up what you say, again.

So then you agree, the Sun drives the climate on earth, not the CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere?
I would tell you to go pollute your own planet but that would be stupid cause that's the point.

So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

Did you just hear a whoosing sound?

Oh, so you're too cowardly to walk the walk. You just wanna force your agenda on others by way of Government force. Well, your Global Warming glory days are over. The People have caught on. It's over. You nutters are just gonna have to deal with that.

What a Conserv-o-tastrophy you are. Favoring corporation rights to pollute the planet without responsibility to clean up their mess. I understand, that's what corporate lackey's do.

Another far left programmed drone attack fires and misses by light years..

Pollution and AGW are not the same tings, more empirical proof how dangerous the far left religion has become..

The Corporatist strikes back with his usual "far left" nonsense. Next he'll be saying CO2 is not a pollutant or something.
CO2 does not drive climate, for the past 40 years the AGW church has ben preaching that as gospel, yet has zero real scientific proof to back up their religious claims..

Got a link that claims CO2 and not the Sun drives the Climite?

Got a link with datasets and source code that prove CO2 drives climate?

You are the one who claims someone has been preaching that CO2 drives the climate. As I understand the science, it is the sun that drives our climate. What I like from you is proof of what you claimed. Clear now?

The AGW religion preaches that CO2 drives climate.

And now the far left is denying that even their king has said as much..

As for a link visit the Environmental board to see all the links you want on the subject.

Without the sun the Earth would be a ball of ice, without the magnetic field life could not exist on this planet.

The Earth's magnetic field has been diminishing over the last 150 years, with the most happening in the last 40 years.

So you keep saying, but talk is cheap.

What I've said to you many times is there is no reputable scientist who claims CO2 drives earth's climate.

I just asked you to back up what you say, again.

So then you agree, the Sun drives the climate on earth, not the CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere?

James Hansen is one, but hey you are right he is not a reputable scientist.. Then again maybe you need to rewatch AL Gores video and this time pay attention..



People are never told that the most powerful greenhouse gases by orders of magnitude is water vapor and clouds. When only human emitted CO2 is considered, less than one percent of the greenhouse gas potential comes from human activity. Yet, all the global warming is supposed to be attributed to it. Water vapor plays a huge role in keeping the earth warm; 70 times more powerful than the CO2 emitted by human activity. When clouds are added, CO2 becomes even less important. However, clouds not only trap heat, low elevation clouds also reflect much of the incoming solar radiation, so the sun's heat never reaches the earth's surface which cools the earth. It is this mechanism that a growing number of scientists believe is one of the primary mechanisms warming and cooling the earth.

CO2 does NOT drive climate..
So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

Did you just hear a whoosing sound?

Oh, so you're too cowardly to walk the walk. You just wanna force your agenda on others by way of Government force. Well, your Global Warming glory days are over. The People have caught on. It's over. You nutters are just gonna have to deal with that.

What a Conserv-o-tastrophy you are. Favoring corporation rights to pollute the planet without responsibility to clean up their mess. I understand, that's what corporate lackey's do.

Another far left programmed drone attack fires and misses by light years..

Pollution and AGW are not the same tings, more empirical proof how dangerous the far left religion has become..

The Corporatist strikes back with his usual "far left" nonsense. Next he'll be saying CO2 is not a pollutant or something.

Oh the far left shows that they are incapable of anything beyond their programmed talking points. And NO CO2 is not a pollutant, the far left were the ones that claimed this..


Of all the carbon emitted into the atmosphere each year, 210 billion tons are from natural sources, and only 6.3 billion tons are from man's activity. Man's burning of fossil fuel, therefore only accounts for 3 percent of total emissions of CO2.
So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

This is the reason the GOP hates Global Warming. Republicans want freedom/choice. This is going to take us as a collective society to solve this problem. That means government, regulations and taxes!

My dad gets so mad that he has to recycle but me 10 miles away I don't have to. I keep telling him not to worry. They are testing it out on him and when they realize how much it helps, they'll start making all of us do it. Which isn't a bad thing. We are such overpopulators and pollutors we need to be regulated.

Speak for yourself. Most want less Government intrusion in their lives. They don't want more. There's already too much of it now.

less government... riiiiiiiiiiight. Jump over to the voter voter ID thread and say that again ...


Gonna take a lot of Gumbment to secure that border fence, and don't forget we got to quarantine everybody coming here now too. So of course we want less government, just more of it.......

Actually, a fence, properly maintained would result in less need for more government. But a thinking person would already know that.

Somebody has to monitor the fence line cause you know, even Mexicans have ladder technology. Somebody has to repair the fence too. How about anti-tunnel operations? Gotta have somebody do that. Can't be too safe.
This is the reason the GOP hates Global Warming. Republicans want freedom/choice. This is going to take us as a collective society to solve this problem. That means government, regulations and taxes!

My dad gets so mad that he has to recycle but me 10 miles away I don't have to. I keep telling him not to worry. They are testing it out on him and when they realize how much it helps, they'll start making all of us do it. Which isn't a bad thing. We are such overpopulators and pollutors we need to be regulated.

Speak for yourself. Most want less Government intrusion in their lives. They don't want more. There's already too much of it now.

less government... riiiiiiiiiiight. Jump over to the voter voter ID thread and say that again ...


Gonna take a lot of Gumbment to secure that border fence, and don't forget we got to quarantine everybody coming here now too. So of course we want less government, just more of it.......

Actually, a fence, properly maintained would result in less need for more government. But a thinking person would already know that.

Somebody has to monitor the fence line cause you know, even Mexicans have ladder technology. Somebody has to repair the fence too. How about anti-tunnel operations? Gotta have somebody do that. Can't be too safe.

And more far left drone attacks that keeps missing by light years..
Speak for yourself. Most want less Government intrusion in their lives. They don't want more. There's already too much of it now.

less government... riiiiiiiiiiight. Jump over to the voter voter ID thread and say that again ...


Gonna take a lot of Gumbment to secure that border fence, and don't forget we got to quarantine everybody coming here now too. So of course we want less government, just more of it.......

Actually, a fence, properly maintained would result in less need for more government. But a thinking person would already know that.

Somebody has to monitor the fence line cause you know, even Mexicans have ladder technology. Somebody has to repair the fence too. How about anti-tunnel operations? Gotta have somebody do that. Can't be too safe.

And more far left drone attacks that keeps missing by light years..
No one seems to want to address anything you have said so far...
The problem with most Global Warming psychos is that they like to talk the talk, but they're too cowardly to actually walk the walk. They choose instead to try and force their agenda on others by way of Government force. No one is stopping any of them from going off the grid, living in tents, or building their Arks. They're free to make that decision.

It's all about Freedom & Liberty in the end. Most people don't want more Government intrusion in their lives. They actually want less. So the Global Warming psychos are just gonna have to go it alone. They'll have to do what they gotta do. They won't be allowed to force more Government intrusion on others.

A diametrically opposed lie. It's all about profit from polluting the public commons without consequence of having to clean up the mess
I don't fear the Ozone or Global Warming Boogeyman. But you're free to. It's time for you to walk the walk. Just get off the grid, live in that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one is stopping you. But you will be stopped from forcing more Government intrusion on the rest of us. And that's that.

People like you were whining and telling people in the 90's to go without air conditioners and aerosol products, but just leave us alone. Perhaps you would have liked to find out if the scientist were wrong about the effects on all of us from depleting the ozone layer.

As i've said before, you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. You're free to do what you gotta do. Go live in the woods, start building that Ark in preparation of Gore's end-times flood, or whatever. But leave the rest of us alone. Most now want less Government in their lives. They don't want more. The Global Warming scam is dead. Deal with it.

I would tell you to go pollute your own planet but that would be stupid cause that's the point.

So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

This is the reason the GOP hates Global Warming. Republicans want freedom/choice. This is going to take us as a collective society to solve this problem. That means government, regulations and taxes!

My dad gets so mad that he has to recycle but me 10 miles away I don't have to. I keep telling him not to worry. They are testing it out on him and when they realize how much it helps, they'll start making all of us do it. Which isn't a bad thing. We are such overpopulators and pollutors we need to be regulated.
Really, TAXES solves AGW...

Don't make me laugh. This is the worst thing about AGW in general - none of the so called measures that they are talking about or will ever talk about do anything whatsoever to change the overall output of CO2 through the world.

Essentially, this extra government and control does NOT address global warming. Until there is something that actually shows a promise of affecting AGW there is no reason whatsoever to force out industries, submit our freedoms and our wealth to these measures. It is asinine.
LOL at liberals desperately trying to convince us independent thinkers who are free of the puppet strings that man made global warming is real.

They really need to keep up with their pathetic party and the world socialists. It is no longer man made global warming.

It is "climate change." LOL at the same morons trying to change it even further a few months ago to "climate disruption." You can only imagine some communication expert coming up with that ambiguous all inclusive term.

I still have not see any liberal attempt to explain if MAN MADE global warming is a pure fact, why the change in terminology. Not even an attempt to explain why the concerted effort. The fact that there is a concerted effort, ought to clue these morons in just little bit.

Then again, we are talking about liberals, who as I have said, have no ability whatsoever to think for themselves. None.
Theowl -

Have you noticed that these liberal 'morons' all read and write better English than you so, but alao seem to have read more science?

Plus that their case is backed by not only the entire scientific community, but most conservative politicians, parties and industries such as oil and automotive?

Why do you think that is?

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