More Global Warming Fraud

Btw, Climate change is the only term that has been widely used for around 20 years now.

It came to be used instead of global warming because there are so many things happenibg to our climate - rising seal levels, melting glaciers, coral bleaching - that a more accurate term than simply 'warming' was needed.

Simple, really.
Theowl -

Have you noticed that these liberal 'morons' all read and write better English than you so, but alao seem to have read more science?

Plus that their case is backed by not only the entire scientific community, but most conservative politicians, parties and industries such as oil and automotive?

Why do you think that is?

Yeah, here they come. The grammar police, who cannot spell ALSO.

Notice folks, how this know it all, intolerant, squishpot still has not offered any explanation as to why there has been a concerted effort to change the terminology from MAN MADE global warming to "climate change."

Instead the skillful obfuscation goes to to my sentence structure, and whether or not I used past participles correctly.

Liberals are so fucking ruined.

Hey, saigon. Go suck farts.
Btw, Climate change is the only term that has been widely used for around 20 years now.

It came to be used instead of global warming because there are so many things happenibg to our climate - rising seal levels, melting glaciers, coral bleaching - that a more accurate term than simply 'warming' was needed.

Simple, really.


Climate change has been the ONLY TERM?!?!?!?!

Yeah, we know there are so many things going on with the climate. That is the point you miserable left winger. They changed the term in order to include ALL weather patterns, including the cooling that has been going on over the last 17 years.

No one, not one conservative has denied there is climate change. That happens, and that has been happening since the earth began.

MAN MADE global warming is not a fact. It is only speculation. Glad you agree. Now, sit there and contemplate that, miss know it all.
Can you believe it? Liberals are now trying to say climate change has been the ONLY TERM used over the last TWENTY YEARS.

Theowl -

Yes, climate change has been the only term widely used for around 20 years.

Btw. This is nothing to do with liberals or any other group. This is science - NOT politics.
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LOL. They are still claiming climate change has been the ONLY TERM usedby liberals over the last 20 years.

Does this piece of shit think a jedi mind trick will work on me?
Does this piece of shit think a jedi mind trick will work on me?

Dude, you've already lost you mind. NO tricks required.

Beside that, what fucking difference does it make what climate change is called. According to you, it ain't happening, so what difference does it make what people call something that isn't taking place? (according to you at least)

Matter of fact, why do you even respond to something that isn't taking place? You lose your mind or something?
Does this piece of shit think a jedi mind trick will work on me?

Dude, you've already lost you mind. NO tricks required.

Beside that, what fucking difference does it make what climate change is called. According to you, it ain't happening, so what difference does it make what people call something that isn't taking place? (according to you at least)

Matter of fact, why do you even respond to something that isn't taking place? You lose your mind or something?

I have already lost me mind?
LOL. They are still claiming climate change has been the ONLY TERM usedby liberals over the last 20 years.

Does this piece of shit think a jedi mind trick will work on me?
not only THAT piece of shit, but all the other pieces of shit all across America !

if i recall correctly..., and i DO recall positively that there has been every possible term for globull warming used for 50+ fucking years, cooling, warming, cooling, warming, and now once more, cooooooling.

liberfools, please stop these fucking jokes, my sides are aching so damn much from :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :up:
Theowl -

Yes, climate change has been the only term widely used for around 20 years.

Btw. This is nothing to do with liberals or any other group. This is science - NOT politics.

Yes, dipshit. the climate is changing. It has been changing for millions of years and will be changing millions of years from now. Man has never had anything to do with it.

Why can't you silly warmer-fucks get the difference between pollution and climate change.

Pollution is a real problem. Why not work on something real?

BTW, as bad as pollution is, it does not cause climate change.
Theowl -

I have 0 interest as to whether you ever get up to speed on this topic or not.

For you this topic seems to be very political, in which case you may never understand it. I hope you do, of course, but realitsticaöly, if you were interested in science you would probably have read it years ago.
Theowl -

I have 0 interest as to whether you ever get up to speed on this topic or not.

For you this topic seems to be very political, in which case you may never understand it. I hope you do, of course, but realitsticaöly, if you were interested in science you would probably have read it years ago.

You still here? Thought I told you to go suck farts.
Love how saigon thinks she is so above the political fray. Yet, there she is claiming the liberals never used the term global warming, and ONLY used the term climate change.

There is zeke the pot head seemingly agreeing with her.
Wildman & theowl -

There is no cooling. Temperatures have been stable for a few years, but make no mistake - the thermostat is stuck on hot.

If I remember rightly, all of the ten hottest years on record have occured within the past 20 years. I'll check this and post it in fetail later.
Wildman & theowl -

There is no cooling. Temperatures have been stable for a few years, but make no mistake - the thermostat is stuck on hot.

If I remember rightly, all of the ten hottest years on record have occured within the past 20 years. I'll check this and post it in fetail later.

So it is man made global warming? Just trying to keep up with your shifting bullshit.

Oh, and btw you are fucking wrong.
Wildman & theowl -

There is no cooling. Temperatures have been stable for a few years, but make no mistake - the thermostat is stuck on hot.

If I remember rightly, all of the ten hottest years on record have occured within the past 20 years. I'll check this and post it in fetail later.

note you said "on record". Do you know what the temp average was in 10,000 BC? 100AD? The earth is millions of years old, we have only been keeping records for 100 years or so. Short term trends prove nothing.
But if it makes you feel good to run around screaming "the sky is falling, we are all going to boil in sea water" go right ahead. there is no shortage of fools in the human race.
Wildman & theowl -

There is no cooling. Temperatures have been stable for a few years, but make no mistake - the thermostat is stuck on hot.

If I remember rightly, all of the ten hottest years on record have occured within the past 20 years. I'll check this and post it in fetail later.

so record cold temps last winter mean nothing, but one day or record heat is significant--------------we get it :wtf:
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but make no mistake - the thermostat is stuck on hot.

And this is why AGW theory is so ridiculous. You make an assumption about the future, then when it doesn't pan out you write it off as an anomaly and tell people to have faith that the assumption will still play out further in the future. You have zero scientific basis to say that "the thermostat is stuck on hot."

If I remember rightly, all of the ten hottest years on record have occured within the past 20 years. I'll check this and post it in fetail later.

That's like a 90 year old woman with saying "Ten of the seconds past 20 seconds I've experienced the greatest sexual libido since I started keeping records two hours ago" and you drawing the conclusion that it proves alzheimer's is sexy. The 150 year "record" is nothing more than a snapshot of history.
Wildman & theowl -

There is no cooling. Temperatures have been stable for a few years, but make no mistake - the thermostat is stuck on hot.

If I remember rightly, all of the ten hottest years on record have occured within the past 20 years. I'll check this and post it in fetail later.

so record cold temps last winter mean nothing, but one day or record heat is significant--------------we get it :wtf:

Ok, so you obviouly don't get it then, do you?

It has nothing to do with one dy or one place. It is about what happens globally and over years. How can you NOT know that?
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Swimexpert -

If we have no zero scientific basis to say that - why is it that that is precisely what scientists DO say? Why is it that not one single scientific organisation agrees ith you?

Actually we know why - because you are missing the point.

Forget politics - read the science and then decide what can or cnnot be claimed.

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