More Global Warming Fraud

I do know that, and using that criteria there is absolutely no evidence that the acts of humans have caused the climate of our planet to change. none, zero, nada, zilch.

Of course there is, bauble, but you haven't read it, because for you it is all politics. And that's why you are so far behind everyone else on this issue.

If you read the science, you will get it.

I have read almost everything that has been published on this topic. 98% of it is political bullshit. The sun controls the climate of earth, not soccer moms driving SUVs
I have read almost everything that has been published on this topic. 98% of it is political bullshit. The sun controls the climate of earth, not soccer moms driving SUVs

What was your impression of the last IIPC report?

Based on your own reading of it.

IIPC is an organization with an agenda. They supported algore's book. nuff said.
Redfish & Swimexpert -

If you research tempersture records, you'll find we actually know a lot about tenperatures going back centuries. Any decent science source will explain how that works.

Again - how is it that you don't know what everyone else learned a decade ago?

More far left/AGW cult mantra easily defeated:


It is often reported that the temperature of the earth is higher the past 20 years than it has ever been in history. This is simply not true, nor has it ever been. Hundreds of research studies using ice cores, pollen sedimentation, tree rings, etc. have shown that there were dozens of periods in the past 11,000 years (the Holocene period) that earth's temperature was warmer than it is today. Earth's temperature was very much warmer at least four times during the current interglacial period.

Another AGW religious scripture debunked..

We are indeed fortunate to have the benefit of your scientific expertise to put this issue into perspective.

what were/are algore's scientific credentials?

When did he claim he was a scientist? I must have missed it.
I do know that, and using that criteria there is absolutely no evidence that the acts of humans have caused the climate of our planet to change. none, zero, nada, zilch.

Of course there is, bauble, but you haven't read it, because for you it is all politics. And that's why you are so far behind everyone else on this issue.

If you read the science, you will get it.

I have read almost everything that has been published on this topic. 98% of it is political bullshit. The sun controls the climate of earth, not soccer moms driving SUVs

No doubt the weather is controlled by politically motivated anecdotes.
The sun controls the climate of earth, not soccer moms driving SUVs

We ... that is, the reality-based people ... know that's bullshit, because the data says it's bullshit.

If warming was due to a solar increase, we would see more warming in the day, more warming in summer, and a warming stratosphere.

Instead, we see the exact opposite. More warming at night, more warming in winter, a cooling stratosphere.

Those are the fingerprints of greenhouse gas-induced warming, not solar-induced warming.

And yes, I understand that Red will ignore such facts, given his cult commands him to ignore the facts. Like so many deniers, he believes God has granted him special dispensation to lie for the cause.
Real science will always trump AGW religious scripture.

And yet real science backs climate change science.

Of the 60 largest scientific organisations on earth - 59 back climate change, and 1 is neutral. NOT ONE agrees with you.

Funny that, isn't it?

More unfounded "facts" posted by the AGW cult continue to show they are desperate to make up numbers to support their government funded religion..
I do know that, and using that criteria there is absolutely no evidence that the acts of humans have caused the climate of our planet to change. none, zero, nada, zilch.

Of course there is, bauble, but you haven't read it, because for you it is all politics. And that's why you are so far behind everyone else on this issue.

If you read the science, you will get it.

I have read almost everything that has been published on this topic. 98% of it is political bullshit. The sun controls the climate of earth, not soccer moms driving SUVs

No doubt the weather is controlled by politically motivated anecdotes.

The weather is the weather, but the far left has made it political..
Real science will always trump AGW religious scripture.

And yet real science backs climate change science.

Of the 60 largest scientific organisations on earth - 59 back climate change, and 1 is neutral. NOT ONE agrees with you.

Funny that, isn't it?

More unfounded "facts" posted by the AGW cult continue to show they are desperate to make up numbers to support their government funded religion..

A massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.......funny stuff.
It is often reported that the temperature of the earth is higher the past 20 years than it has ever been in history

I have never heard anyone suggest that. That really is utter nonsense. Link?

Really...what utter nonsense you post, Kosh.

Seriously, you post on the Environment board and never heard that? WOW! Guess you missed all those AGW cult posts that you agreed with..

AGW is NOT science it is a government sponsored and funded religion..
Real science will always trump AGW religious scripture.

And yet real science backs climate change science.

Of the 60 largest scientific organisations on earth - 59 back climate change, and 1 is neutral. NOT ONE agrees with you.

Funny that, isn't it?

More unfounded "facts" posted by the AGW cult continue to show they are desperate to make up numbers to support their government funded religion..

A massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.......funny stuff.

Yep! How the far left governments in Europe used this to try and get the rest of the world (especially the rich US) to pay for their over bloated social programs, by trying to tax the world for their use of carbon in the European airspace..

Go figure that one..
Seriously, you post on the Environment board and never heard that?

Of course not, because you just made it up.

You do that a lot, because you're a pathological liar. Most deniers gradually end up in such a state. All the data says they're full of shit. Being pathetic manchildren, they can't admit that, so they just keep doubling down on the crazy lies, until basically everything they say is a lie.

Yes from the AGW cult member that has wants to suppress real science.

Wrong! CO2 does NOT control climate.

That is of course you want to post those datasets with source code that proves otherwise..
Yep! How the far left governments in Europe used this to try and get the rest of the world (especially the rich US) to pay for their over bloated social programs, by trying to tax the world for their use of carbon in the European airspace.

Right....except that many of these government are conservative, aren't they?

Would you like a list of all of the conservative governments in power in Europe at the moment?

Jesus wept, man - sometimes ignorance is NOT an excuse.
Seriously, you post on the Environment board and never heard that?

Of course not, because you just made it up.

You do that a lot, because you're a pathological liar. Most deniers gradually end up in such a state. All the data says they're full of shit. Being pathetic manchildren, they can't admit that, so they just keep doubling down on the crazy lies, until basically everything they say is a lie.

Yes from the AGW cult member that has wants to suppress real science.

Wrong! CO2 does NOT control climate.

That is of course you want to post those datasets with source code that proves otherwise..

I see you've switched to Control instead of Drive. What scientist said CO2 Controls the climate then?
The Global Warming cult nutters are free to go on living in fear of their Global Warming Boogeyman. That's their call. But the rest of us are free to choose not to join their cult. It's time to get rid of the Global Warming fear mongering in our schools and close the book on it. It's time to stop scaring and using the children to push the agenda. Kids have enough problems growing up. They don't need the cultists scaring the hell out of em with Gore's End-Times apocalypse nonsense.

Gore's scam is probably the biggest pyramid scheme in history. So many got duped. Gore's massive future fortune solely depends on dupes continuing to buy into his scam. But many have caught on. The Great Global Warming Swindle has lost a lot of steam. It's time is now rapidly passing. The sun has just about set on it. It's over.
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A diametrically opposed lie. It's all about profit from polluting the public commons without consequence of having to clean up the mess
People like you were whining and telling people in the 90's to go without air conditioners and aerosol products, but just leave us alone. Perhaps you would have liked to find out if the scientist were wrong about the effects on all of us from depleting the ozone layer.

As i've said before, you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. You're free to do what you gotta do. Go live in the woods, start building that Ark in preparation of Gore's end-times flood, or whatever. But leave the rest of us alone. Most now want less Government in their lives. They don't want more. The Global Warming scam is dead. Deal with it.

I would tell you to go pollute your own planet but that would be stupid cause that's the point.

So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

This is the reason the GOP hates Global Warming. Republicans want freedom/choice. This is going to take us as a collective society to solve this problem. That means government, regulations and taxes!

My dad gets so mad that he has to recycle but me 10 miles away I don't have to. I keep telling him not to worry. They are testing it out on him and when they realize how much it helps, they'll start making all of us do it. Which isn't a bad thing. We are such overpopulators and pollutors we need to be regulated.
Really, TAXES solves AGW...

Don't make me laugh. This is the worst thing about AGW in general - none of the so called measures that they are talking about or will ever talk about do anything whatsoever to change the overall output of CO2 through the world.

Essentially, this extra government and control does NOT address global warming. Until there is something that actually shows a promise of affecting AGW there is no reason whatsoever to force out industries, submit our freedoms and our wealth to these measures. It is asinine.

BAM! Spot On. Most now know it's all a Communist Globalist political agenda. It's about more control and money. Gore and his cronies stand to make $Billions. His massive future fortune solely depends on people continuing to buy into his pyramid scheme.
I would tell you to go pollute your own planet but that would be stupid cause that's the point.

So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

This is the reason the GOP hates Global Warming. Republicans want freedom/choice. This is going to take us as a collective society to solve this problem. That means government, regulations and taxes!

My dad gets so mad that he has to recycle but me 10 miles away I don't have to. I keep telling him not to worry. They are testing it out on him and when they realize how much it helps, they'll start making all of us do it. Which isn't a bad thing. We are such overpopulators and pollutors we need to be regulated.
Really, TAXES solves AGW...

Don't make me laugh. This is the worst thing about AGW in general - none of the so called measures that they are talking about or will ever talk about do anything whatsoever to change the overall output of CO2 through the world.

Essentially, this extra government and control does NOT address global warming. Until there is something that actually shows a promise of affecting AGW there is no reason whatsoever to force out industries, submit our freedoms and our wealth to these measures. It is asinine.

BAM! Spot On. Most now know it's all a Communist Globalist political agenda. It's about more control and money. Gore and his cronies stand to make $Billions. His massive future fortune solely depends on people continuing to buy into his pyramid scheme.

I wonder how long you guys will get away with denying the obvious. Pathetic really. But we get it. As long as you deny and fight it, you're corporations will continue to burn fossil fuels and you are probably going to go too far to the point we won't be able to reverse it.

No biggy though. I think this planet will do better without humans.

Your boy Gore stands to make $Billions. His future massive fortune depends solely on you continuing to buy into his pyramid scheme. But hey, it looks like you're All-In. And that's fine with me. Just don't try to force others to join your cult. You're free to do what you gotta do personally. Go off the grid, go live in a tent, and build an Ark. That's your call. No one will stop you. Good luck.

You wouldn't be such an ignorant fuck if you lived in California and your well ran dry. Now you have to sell a home that has no running water. Stupid fuck.

That's on you dipshit. You chose to live there. And 'Global Warming' had absolutely nothing to do with it anyway. Here's some friendly advice for ya, stop taking the word of a buffoon who once claimed he invented the Internet. Once you do that, you'll begin coming to your senses. You'll begin trying very hard to opt out of his pyramid scheme.

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