More Global Warming Fraud

Pollution contributes to pollution, not global warming. Upset about global climate change? talk to the sun.

This is like sugar contributes to sugar lmao. Deep thinking being done here folks.

Did pollution contribute to the depletion of the Ozone layer? If so, did you know that the Ozone layer is not classified as a "pollution"?

the so-called ozone hole is seasonal. the ozone layer is just fine, relax.

Theres no "so called" hole...either its a hole or not lmao.

Seasonal? I asked you if pollution contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer...not what the Ozone layers schedule is.

Soooo, did pollution contribute or not slick willy?

I already gave you the solution to your problem. Just go off the grid, live in a tent, and build an Ark. Do what you gotta do. No one will stop you. But we will stop you from forcing your agenda on the rest of us. You're free to go on living in fear of your Global Warming Boogeyman, but leave the rest of us alone.

Soooo, did pollution contribute or not slick willy?

You live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. So, get off the grid, grab that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one's stopping you. What are you waiting for?

You're not gonna force more Government intrusion in others' lives. So deal with it. Just do what ya gotta do and leave the rest of us alone.
There is absolutely NO definitive proof that there is a causal link between smoking cigarettes and lung cancer or other respiratory illnesses... the tobacco industry and their representatives would have us believe.

Don't listen to the scare tactics of those freedom-hating, fear-mongering liberals who say that smoking is hazardous to your health. Light up, folks! It's okay. It's perfectly safe.

failed analogy , the link between smoking and lung cancer has been proven. Pollution is bad, pollution of your body or your planet. Stop pollution and stop the lies about man causing climate change. Focus on the real problem, not some bullshit created by the idiot Gore.

It's not a failed analogy at all. In fact, in both cases, many of the very same people were involved in the campaigns to dispel concerns about smoking and global warming.

If you want to see the history of these campaigns (and additional campaigns against CFCs, acid rain concerns, nuclear winter, secondhand smoke etc), read the following excellent and well-researched book:


Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming

Where do you get this shit? Smoking causes cancer and other lung diseases. That is a fact.

the acts of man do not cause climate change. man may pollute the planet, but there is no proof that pollution causes climate change.

Oh, come on. To this very day, I don't think the tobacco industry has EVER acknowledged that smoking causes cancer.

As for pollution (or unwanted and/or undesirable waste products as it could be called), it's always been known that enough of a particular type of waste product MIGHT have a deleterious effect on the environment. But it's previously been thought of as a localized thing. For example, too much pig shit from a very large hog farm might very well pollute a local water supply.

Other waste products were believed to be essentially benign. So, while the cyanide runoff from a gold mine operation would be seen as extremely toxic, increasing CO2 emissions was once seen as a generally benign waste product. I get that. But what might be benign and even extremely beneficial in small quantities (like rain) might very well be disastrous in large quantities. So, just as too much fertilizer and/or road salt could lead to agricultural problems down the road, too much rain might lead to floods and could wash away the topsoil. And since it's a scientific fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, consequently, if ENOUGH CO2 is pumped into the atmosphere over a period of decades, it could, and probably would, have consequences that were originally completely unforeseen a hundred years ago.

Nobody likes it, and nobody wants it. But hiding your head in the sand or pretending it's not happening doesn't help anymore than when it was discovered that CFCs lead to holes in the ozone layer and that too much sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides NOX, which were created primarily from the burning of coal for electricity and other heavy industrial uses, led to acid rain which poisons lakes and severely damages the soil and the trees and plants that grow in the soil. But it's a reality, and grown ups deal with the real world as it is and not how they wish it would be. But I don't expect the people who profit from the mining of fossil fuels to admit it anymore than the marketers of tobacco products have acknowledged a causal link between smoking and cancer simply because they profit GREATLY from the status quo. always know someone has a strong arguement when they duck questions and start repeating their canned answers.

Good stuff
People need to stop having that stale argument about whether Global Warming is a real problem or not. It's not the point. The point is, people need to oppose Al Gore and his Communist Globalist assholes taking more control of their lives with more Government intrusion. Personally, i don't care if Global Warming is real or not. I value my Freedom & Liberty far more than i fear the Global Warming Boogeyman.

More Government intrusion in Citizens' lives isn't the answer. Less Government is the logical way forward. So i don't engage in the stale arguments over whether it's real or not. I refuse to be a Global Warming cult member. Period, end of story.

Ahahaha man imagine all the freedom we'll have by not caring about global warming. I mean, why is cancer increasing? lol who knows
My the smog is heavy I can hardly breathe but at least I can let my car run idle for 20 min without someone asking why..

Well, you're here posting nonsensical babble. So i'm pretty sure you're breathing just fine. Like i said, the World is full of 'Dupers' and 'Dupees.' Al Gore is a 'Duper.' And you're clearly one of his 'Dupees.'

Personally, i value Freedom & Liberty far more than i feel your Global Warming Boogeyman. I'm willing to take my chances with it, rather than with Gore and you Communist Globalists. I'll never join your Global Warming cult. Period, end of story.

This isnt a either or choice. You can have peanut butter AND Chocolate yanno lol.

I'll just wait until I have the freedom of not breathing fine before I even think about Global blah blah and Environmental do dads or whatever.

This arguement is essentially like a guy who lives in the woods and doesnt realize that taking care of his land is what allows him the freedom he enjoys

why can't you libs comprehend the difference between pollution and global warming. No one wants a polluted planet. Everyone wants to stop pollution. However, Pollution is not changing the climate of the planet.
Pollution contributes to pollution, not global warming. Upset about global climate change? talk to the sun.

This is like sugar contributes to sugar lmao. Deep thinking being done here folks.

Did pollution contribute to the depletion of the Ozone layer? If so, did you know that the Ozone layer is not classified as a "pollution"?

the so-called ozone hole is seasonal. the ozone layer is just fine, relax.

Theres no "so called" hole...either its a hole or not lmao.

Seasonal? I asked you if pollution contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer...not what the Ozone layers schedule is.

Soooo, did pollution contribute or not slick willy?

I already gave you the solution to your problem. Just go off the grid, live in a tent, and build an Ark. Do what you gotta do. No one will stop you. But we will stop you from forcing your agenda on the rest of us. You're free to go on living in fear of your Global Warming Boogeyman, but leave the rest of us alone.

Soooo, did pollution contribute or not slick willy?

Ahhh, turn the AC down and pass the hair spray..........
The problem with most Global Warming psychos is that they like to talk the talk, but they're too cowardly to actually walk the walk. They choose instead to try and force their agenda on others by way of Government force. No one is stopping any of them from going off the grid, living in tents, or building their Arks. They're free to make that decision.

It's all about Freedom & Liberty in the end. Most people don't want more Government intrusion in their lives. They actually want less. So the Global Warming psychos are just gonna have to go it alone. They'll have to do what they gotta do. They won't be allowed to force more Government intrusion on others.
This is like sugar contributes to sugar lmao. Deep thinking being done here folks.

Did pollution contribute to the depletion of the Ozone layer? If so, did you know that the Ozone layer is not classified as a "pollution"?

the so-called ozone hole is seasonal. the ozone layer is just fine, relax.

Theres no "so called" hole...either its a hole or not lmao.

Seasonal? I asked you if pollution contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer...not what the Ozone layers schedule is.

Soooo, did pollution contribute or not slick willy?

I already gave you the solution to your problem. Just go off the grid, live in a tent, and build an Ark. Do what you gotta do. No one will stop you. But we will stop you from forcing your agenda on the rest of us. You're free to go on living in fear of your Global Warming Boogeyman, but leave the rest of us alone.

Soooo, did pollution contribute or not slick willy?

You live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. So, get off the grid, grab that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one's stopping you. What are you waiting for?

You're not gonna force more Government intrusion in others' lives. So deal with it. Just do what ya gotta do and leave the rest of us alone.

Did you warn of the Ozone Layer Boogeyman too? They were coming for our air conditioner's and aerosol spray cans (the damn socialist/commie/nazis)!
the so-called ozone hole is seasonal. the ozone layer is just fine, relax.

Theres no "so called" hole...either its a hole or not lmao.

Seasonal? I asked you if pollution contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer...not what the Ozone layers schedule is.

Soooo, did pollution contribute or not slick willy?

I already gave you the solution to your problem. Just go off the grid, live in a tent, and build an Ark. Do what you gotta do. No one will stop you. But we will stop you from forcing your agenda on the rest of us. You're free to go on living in fear of your Global Warming Boogeyman, but leave the rest of us alone.

Soooo, did pollution contribute or not slick willy?

You live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. So, get off the grid, grab that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one's stopping you. What are you waiting for?

You're not gonna force more Government intrusion in others' lives. So deal with it. Just do what ya gotta do and leave the rest of us alone.

Did you warn of the Ozone Layer Boogeyman too? They were coming for our air conditioner's and aerosol spray cans (the damn socialist/commie/nazis)!

I don't fear the Ozone or Global Warming Boogeyman. But you're free to. It's time for you to walk the walk. Just get off the grid, live in that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one is stopping you. But you will be stopped from forcing more Government intrusion on the rest of us. And that's that.
CO2 does not drive climate, for the past 40 years the AGW church has ben preaching that as gospel, yet has zero real scientific proof to back up their religious claims..
The problem with most Global Warming psychos is that they like to talk the talk, but they're too cowardly to actually walk the walk. They choose instead to try and force their agenda on others by way of Government force. No one is stopping any of them from going off the grid, living in tents, or building their Arks. They're free to make that decision.

It's all about Freedom & Liberty in the end. Most people don't want more Government intrusion in their lives. They actually want less. So the Global Warming psychos are just gonna have to go it alone. They'll have to do what they gotta do. They won't be allowed to force more Government intrusion on others.

A diametrically opposed lie. It's all about profit from polluting the public commons without consequence of having to clean up the mess
Theres no "so called" hole...either its a hole or not lmao.

Seasonal? I asked you if pollution contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer...not what the Ozone layers schedule is.

Soooo, did pollution contribute or not slick willy?

I already gave you the solution to your problem. Just go off the grid, live in a tent, and build an Ark. Do what you gotta do. No one will stop you. But we will stop you from forcing your agenda on the rest of us. You're free to go on living in fear of your Global Warming Boogeyman, but leave the rest of us alone.

Soooo, did pollution contribute or not slick willy?

You live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. So, get off the grid, grab that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one's stopping you. What are you waiting for?

You're not gonna force more Government intrusion in others' lives. So deal with it. Just do what ya gotta do and leave the rest of us alone.

Did you warn of the Ozone Layer Boogeyman too? They were coming for our air conditioner's and aerosol spray cans (the damn socialist/commie/nazis)!

I don't fear the Ozone or Global Warming Boogeyman. But you're free to. It's time for you to walk the walk. Just get off the grid, live in that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one is stopping you. But you will be stopped from forcing more Government intrusion on the rest of us. And that's that.

People like you were whining and telling people in the 90's to go without air conditioners and aerosol products, but just leave us alone. Perhaps you would have liked to find out if the scientist were wrong about the effects on all of us from depleting the ozone layer.
How does living in a tent prevent global warming lol? And why is going bareback and getting everyone pregnant not an option since you oppose abortions?

Now you see the problem with going full retard with any argument.
CO2 does not drive climate, for the past 40 years the AGW church has ben preaching that as gospel, yet has zero real scientific proof to back up their religious claims..

How could so many fall for a scam pushed by a dimwit who claimed he invented the Internet? It really is shocking. And most people now understand it's a Communist Globalist agenda anyway. They're not buying into it so much these days. It's over.
CO2 does not drive climate, for the past 40 years the AGW church has ben preaching that as gospel, yet has zero real scientific proof to back up their religious claims..

Got a link that claims CO2 and not the Sun drives the Climite?
The problem with most Global Warming psychos is that they like to talk the talk, but they're too cowardly to actually walk the walk. They choose instead to try and force their agenda on others by way of Government force. No one is stopping any of them from going off the grid, living in tents, or building their Arks. They're free to make that decision.

It's all about Freedom & Liberty in the end. Most people don't want more Government intrusion in their lives. They actually want less. So the Global Warming psychos are just gonna have to go it alone. They'll have to do what they gotta do. They won't be allowed to force more Government intrusion on others.

A diametrically opposed lie. It's all about profit from polluting the public commons without consequence of having to clean up the mess
I already gave you the solution to your problem. Just go off the grid, live in a tent, and build an Ark. Do what you gotta do. No one will stop you. But we will stop you from forcing your agenda on the rest of us. You're free to go on living in fear of your Global Warming Boogeyman, but leave the rest of us alone.

Soooo, did pollution contribute or not slick willy?

You live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. So, get off the grid, grab that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one's stopping you. What are you waiting for?

You're not gonna force more Government intrusion in others' lives. So deal with it. Just do what ya gotta do and leave the rest of us alone.

Did you warn of the Ozone Layer Boogeyman too? They were coming for our air conditioner's and aerosol spray cans (the damn socialist/commie/nazis)!

I don't fear the Ozone or Global Warming Boogeyman. But you're free to. It's time for you to walk the walk. Just get off the grid, live in that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one is stopping you. But you will be stopped from forcing more Government intrusion on the rest of us. And that's that.

People like you were whining and telling people in the 90's to go without air conditioners and aerosol products, but just leave us alone. Perhaps you would have liked to find out if the scientist were wrong about the effects on all of us from depleting the ozone layer.

As i've said before, you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. You're free to do what you gotta do. Go live in the woods, start building that Ark in preparation of Gore's end-times flood, or whatever. But leave the rest of us alone. Most now want less Government in their lives. They don't want more. The Global Warming scam is dead. Deal with it.
CO2 does not drive climate, for the past 40 years the AGW church has ben preaching that as gospel, yet has zero real scientific proof to back up their religious claims..

How could so many fall for a scam pushed by a dimwit who claimed he invented the Internet? It really is shocking. And most people now understand it's a Communist Globalist agenda anyway. They're not buying into it so much these days. It's over.

It is the Nazi-environmentalists that pushed this and then far left governments seized as a way to control peoples lives. Another reason why the far left is more dangerous than ISIS..
The problem with most Global Warming psychos is that they like to talk the talk, but they're too cowardly to actually walk the walk. They choose instead to try and force their agenda on others by way of Government force. No one is stopping any of them from going off the grid, living in tents, or building their Arks. They're free to make that decision.

It's all about Freedom & Liberty in the end. Most people don't want more Government intrusion in their lives. They actually want less. So the Global Warming psychos are just gonna have to go it alone. They'll have to do what they gotta do. They won't be allowed to force more Government intrusion on others.

A diametrically opposed lie. It's all about profit from polluting the public commons without consequence of having to clean up the mess
Soooo, did pollution contribute or not slick willy?

You live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. So, get off the grid, grab that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one's stopping you. What are you waiting for?

You're not gonna force more Government intrusion in others' lives. So deal with it. Just do what ya gotta do and leave the rest of us alone.

Did you warn of the Ozone Layer Boogeyman too? They were coming for our air conditioner's and aerosol spray cans (the damn socialist/commie/nazis)!

I don't fear the Ozone or Global Warming Boogeyman. But you're free to. It's time for you to walk the walk. Just get off the grid, live in that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one is stopping you. But you will be stopped from forcing more Government intrusion on the rest of us. And that's that.

People like you were whining and telling people in the 90's to go without air conditioners and aerosol products, but just leave us alone. Perhaps you would have liked to find out if the scientist were wrong about the effects on all of us from depleting the ozone layer.

As i've said before, you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. You're free to do what you gotta do. Go live in the woods, start building that Ark in preparation of Gore's end-times flood, or whatever. But leave the rest of us alone. Most now want less Government in their lives. They don't want more. The Global Warming scam is dead. Deal with it.

and you'll be too dead to know if global warming existed just like everyone else living in 2014 will be ... scam is an argument you can't lose right now ... get back with me in 2075 - 3000.
CO2 does not drive climate, for the past 40 years the AGW church has ben preaching that as gospel, yet has zero real scientific proof to back up their religious claims..

How could so many fall for a scam pushed by a dimwit who claimed he invented the Internet? It really is shocking. And most people now understand it's a Communist Globalist agenda anyway. They're not buying into it so much these days. It's over.

It is the Nazi-environmentalists that pushed this and then far left governments seized as a way to control peoples lives. Another reason why the far left is more dangerous than ISIS..

It's clearly a Communist Globalist agenda. And Gore's massive future fortune depends on people continuing to buy into his Global Warming pyramid scheme.
The problem with most Global Warming psychos is that they like to talk the talk, but they're too cowardly to actually walk the walk. They choose instead to try and force their agenda on others by way of Government force. No one is stopping any of them from going off the grid, living in tents, or building their Arks. They're free to make that decision.

It's all about Freedom & Liberty in the end. Most people don't want more Government intrusion in their lives. They actually want less. So the Global Warming psychos are just gonna have to go it alone. They'll have to do what they gotta do. They won't be allowed to force more Government intrusion on others.

A diametrically opposed lie. It's all about profit from polluting the public commons without consequence of having to clean up the mess
You live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. So, get off the grid, grab that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one's stopping you. What are you waiting for?

You're not gonna force more Government intrusion in others' lives. So deal with it. Just do what ya gotta do and leave the rest of us alone.

Did you warn of the Ozone Layer Boogeyman too? They were coming for our air conditioner's and aerosol spray cans (the damn socialist/commie/nazis)!

I don't fear the Ozone or Global Warming Boogeyman. But you're free to. It's time for you to walk the walk. Just get off the grid, live in that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one is stopping you. But you will be stopped from forcing more Government intrusion on the rest of us. And that's that.

People like you were whining and telling people in the 90's to go without air conditioners and aerosol products, but just leave us alone. Perhaps you would have liked to find out if the scientist were wrong about the effects on all of us from depleting the ozone layer.

As i've said before, you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. You're free to do what you gotta do. Go live in the woods, start building that Ark in preparation of Gore's end-times flood, or whatever. But leave the rest of us alone. Most now want less Government in their lives. They don't want more. The Global Warming scam is dead. Deal with it.

and you'll be too dead to know if global warming existed just like everyone else living in 2014 will be ... scam is an argument you can't lose right now ... get back with me in 2075 - 3000.


It is often reported that the temperature of the earth is higher the past 20 years than it has ever been in history. This is simply not true, nor has it ever been. Hundreds of research studies using ice cores, pollen sedimentation, tree rings, etc. have shown that there were dozens of periods in the past 11,000 years (the Holocene period) that earth's temperature was warmer than it is today. Earth's temperature was very much warmer at least four times during the current interglacial period.

It would seem that real science trumps the AGW/far left religious mantra..
The problem with most Global Warming psychos is that they like to talk the talk, but they're too cowardly to actually walk the walk. They choose instead to try and force their agenda on others by way of Government force. No one is stopping any of them from going off the grid, living in tents, or building their Arks. They're free to make that decision.

It's all about Freedom & Liberty in the end. Most people don't want more Government intrusion in their lives. They actually want less. So the Global Warming psychos are just gonna have to go it alone. They'll have to do what they gotta do. They won't be allowed to force more Government intrusion on others.

A diametrically opposed lie. It's all about profit from polluting the public commons without consequence of having to clean up the mess
You live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. So, get off the grid, grab that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one's stopping you. What are you waiting for?

You're not gonna force more Government intrusion in others' lives. So deal with it. Just do what ya gotta do and leave the rest of us alone.

Did you warn of the Ozone Layer Boogeyman too? They were coming for our air conditioner's and aerosol spray cans (the damn socialist/commie/nazis)!

I don't fear the Ozone or Global Warming Boogeyman. But you're free to. It's time for you to walk the walk. Just get off the grid, live in that tent, and start working on that Ark. No one is stopping you. But you will be stopped from forcing more Government intrusion on the rest of us. And that's that.

People like you were whining and telling people in the 90's to go without air conditioners and aerosol products, but just leave us alone. Perhaps you would have liked to find out if the scientist were wrong about the effects on all of us from depleting the ozone layer.

As i've said before, you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. You're free to do what you gotta do. Go live in the woods, start building that Ark in preparation of Gore's end-times flood, or whatever. But leave the rest of us alone. Most now want less Government in their lives. They don't want more. The Global Warming scam is dead. Deal with it.

and you'll be too dead to know if global warming existed just like everyone else living in 2014 will be ... scam is an argument you can't lose right now ... get back with me in 2075 - 3000.

Irrational fear mongering. Sums up the whole Global Warming scam. You people need to start building your Arks. Better get prepared for Gore's end-times flood. You do what you gotta do. But leave the rest of us alone.

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