More good news on the global warming front

Driven by Ocean Heat, World Sets Mark for Hottest June

The world just experienced its hottest June on record. The heat was driven in large by part by the hottest ocean temperatures since recordkeeping began more than 130 years ago. That makes this the third-warmest start to the year.


The fact is simple, the planet is getting hotter, and most likely, the burning of fossil fuels has a lot to do with it.


Because the ocean never warmed or changed before we started burning dat ebil oil!!!
For those of you scared about GW, fear not.

For those of you scared of CC maybe you are onto something but I didn't think it had to do with temperate climates changing to polar.

July 2014 coldest on record in Indianapolis

July 2014 coldest on record in Indianapolis -

Quest for record low July temperature ends in tie

Quest for record low July temperature ends in tie

Lake Michigan Upwelling (20 deg. cooler then 2012)

Lake Michigan Upwelling | Blogs

Meanwhile, the drought continues in California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Washington, Virginia, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

But you trumped it all with...the city of Indianpolis! :eusa_clap:

Because we never had droughts before fossil fuels.
Ignorant bullcrap!!!

The current abrupt warming trend is certainly being caused by the 43% increase in atmospheric CO2 that mankind has produced.p

You nutbagger denier cultists talk a lot about the warming being caused by "natural cycles" but you can never actually specify just which natural cycles are supposedly responsible. Obviously because you're scientific ignorant retards parroting a denier cult propaganda meme. There are no natural cycles that could be causing the current warming. In fact, the natural cycles caused by the Earth's variations in orbit and axial tilt have had the Earth is a long slow cooling trend for the last 6 thousand years or so until mankind's carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect put the world into an abrupt warming trend.
With such a post as yours, you must have irrefutable evidence to back up your claim.

There is sufficient evidence supporting anthropogenic global warming to convince virtually the entire world scientific community. There are no scientific organizations, societies, or national academies with any national or international standing who dispute the fact that mankind's carbon emissions are the driving force behind the current abrupt warming trend. Only you anti-science denier cult dingbats, bamboozled by the deceitful propaganda of the fossil fuel industry, idiotically deny these scientific facts.

You don't,
That's another of your moronic and very fallacious denier cult myths.

so I can only assume you're being driven by your religious faith.
And there's another idiotic assumption based only on your own ignorance of the facts and your unfortunate rightwingnut brainwashing which has fooled you into believing so many things that aren't true.

BTW, nutbagger, i challenged you to name the supposed natural "cycles" that you falsely claimed are causing the current warming trend. And of course, you can't, because there aren't any.

There is sufficient evidence supporting anthropogenic global warming to convince virtually the entire world scientific community.

You bet, 75/77 agree!!
Ignorant bullcrap!!!

The current abrupt warming trend is certainly being caused by the 43% increase in atmospheric CO2 that mankind has produced.p

You nutbagger denier cultists talk a lot about the warming being caused by "natural cycles" but you can never actually specify just which natural cycles are supposedly responsible. Obviously because you're scientific ignorant retards parroting a denier cult propaganda meme. There are no natural cycles that could be causing the current warming. In fact, the natural cycles caused by the Earth's variations in orbit and axial tilt have had the Earth is a long slow cooling trend for the last 6 thousand years or so until mankind's carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect put the world into an abrupt warming trend.
With such a post as yours, you must have irrefutable evidence to back up your claim.

There is sufficient evidence supporting anthropogenic global warming to convince virtually the entire world scientific community. There are no scientific organizations, societies, or national academies with any national or international standing who dispute the fact that mankind's carbon emissions are the driving force behind the current abrupt warming trend. Only you anti-science denier cult dingbats, bamboozled by the deceitful propaganda of the fossil fuel industry, idiotically deny these scientific facts.

You don't,
That's another of your moronic and very fallacious denier cult myths.

so I can only assume you're being driven by your religious faith.
And there's another idiotic assumption based only on your own ignorance of the facts and your unfortunate rightwingnut brainwashing which has fooled you into believing so many things that aren't true.

BTW, nutbagger, i challenged you to name the supposed natural "cycles" that you falsely claimed are causing the current warming trend. And of course, you can't, because there aren't any.

Then you should have irrefutable evidence to back up your claim.
The way your mouthing off with your drivel, you should be able to show the research which shows your religious cult's reproduction of what they call AGW. If you can't, you can go pound sand because you have nothing.

Natural cycles like the 5-6 ice ages Earth has experienced? You know....the heating and cooling of the Earth.
Driven by Ocean Heat, World Sets Mark for Hottest June

The world just experienced its hottest June on record. The heat was driven in large by part by the hottest ocean temperatures since recordkeeping began more than 130 years ago. That makes this the third-warmest start to the year.


The fact is simple, the planet is getting hotter, and most likely, the burning of fossil fuels has a lot to do with it.


Because the ocean never warmed or changed before we started burning dat ebil oil!!!

Blind denial of reality always looks very, very stupid.

Your moronic pseudo-argument is just like saying that because forest fires were started by natural causes, like lightning strikes, for hundreds of millions of years then all forest fires now must absolutely be the result of natural causes and mankind has nothing to do with starting any of them. Extremely retarded!
Driven by Ocean Heat, World Sets Mark for Hottest June


The fact is simple, the planet is getting hotter, and most likely, the burning of fossil fuels has a lot to do with it.


Because the ocean never warmed or changed before we started burning dat ebil oil!!!

Blind denial of reality always looks very, very stupid.

Your moronic pseudo-argument is just like saying that because forest fires were started by natural causes, like lightning strikes, for hundreds of millions of years then all forest fires now must absolutely be the result of natural causes and mankind has nothing to do with starting any of them. Extremely retarded!

For those of you scared about GW, fear not.

For those of you scared of CC maybe you are onto something but I didn't think it had to do with temperate climates changing to polar.

July 2014 coldest on record in Indianapolis

July 2014 coldest on record in Indianapolis -

Quest for record low July temperature ends in tie

Quest for record low July temperature ends in tie

Lake Michigan Upwelling (20 deg. cooler then 2012)

Lake Michigan Upwelling | Blogs

You denier cultists are such idiots. A couple of low temperatures in one small region are (according to you) super important enough to "disprove" AGW, but the entire rest of the planet should be ignored? You dingbats are sooooo gullible and easy to fool.

Here's some facts that denier cult nutjobs like you have to ignore.


* Sixteen years ago 1998 became the hottest year on record by a considerable margin.

* Currently 2010 is tied with 2005 as the hottest year on record, in records going back to the 1800s.

* 2013 was the fourth hottest year on record.

* The last decade was the hottest decade on record, as was the decade before that and the decade before that, in turn.

* All of the hottest years on record have occurred since 1998.

* The coldest years since 1998 are still hotter than all of the hottest years before 1998.

* This last November 2013 was the hottest November on record globally.

* This last April 2014 was tied with April 2010 as the hottest April on record globally.

* This last May was the hottest May on record globally.

* This last June was the hottest June on record globally.

* This last June was the 352nd consecutive month (29 years) with global average temperatures higher than the average temperature for that month, averaged over the entire twentieth century.

* The Arctic ice cap is still rapidly melting away.

* Large areas northern permafrost are still rapidly melting.

* Greenland and Antarctica are still losing ice mass at increasing rates.

* The large majority of mountain glaciers are still rapidly melting and disappearing.

* Sea levels are still rising at an accelerating rate.

:D :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :eek:
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Driven by Ocean Heat, World Sets Mark for Hottest June


The fact is simple, the planet is getting hotter, and most likely, the burning of fossil fuels has a lot to do with it.


Because the ocean never warmed or changed before we started burning dat ebil oil!!!

Blind denial of reality always looks very, very stupid.

Your moronic pseudo-argument is just like saying that because forest fires were started by natural causes, like lightning strikes, for hundreds of millions of years then all forest fires now must absolutely be the result of natural causes and mankind has nothing to do with starting any of them. Extremely retarded!

Blind denial of reality always looks very, very stupid.

I know, but your blind denial is fun to mock.

Well finally, a little self honesty from one of the dingbats.

So....your screen name stands for 'just cuckoo 456'. As I suspected.

And you sir are man with words and no proof of any word you write. So, As I expressed over and over again to you on this board, you're a k00k.

BTW, let me know when you have the experiment that shows that 120 PPM of CO2 drives temperature or climate. Or 10 PPM, 20, 60 ,280. You pick. Like everyone before you, you'll have zip and still spout your useless words to a group that doesn't accept them.

So like the state of Missouri.....Show Me
Because the ocean never warmed or changed before we started burning dat ebil oil!!!

Blind denial of reality always looks very, very stupid.

Your moronic pseudo-argument is just like saying that because forest fires were started by natural causes, like lightning strikes, for hundreds of millions of years then all forest fires now must absolutely be the result of natural causes and mankind has nothing to do with starting any of them. Extremely retarded!

Blind denial of reality always looks very, very stupid.

I know, but your blind denial is fun to mock.

Unfortunately for you, ToadtheParrot, you are much too retarded to successfully "mock" anything. And, of course, trying to 'mock' someone who is telling the truth is a fool's game to begin with. Which is appropriate since you are a prize fool.
We also proved that the negative forcing is countering the very real positive to cause the current flatline of surface temperatures.. Research papers and people within the field have solved the reasons for the current pause!
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BTW, let me know when you have the experiment that shows that 120 PPM of CO2 drives temperature or climate. Or 10 PPM, 20, 60 ,280. You pick. Like everyone before you, you'll have zip and still spout your useless words to a group that doesn't accept them.

So like the state of Missouri.....Show Me

Multiple experiments showing precisely these points have been posted here on multiple occasions. You know that to be a fact and thus your claim otherwise is a willful LIE.

Besides being one of the more ignorant posters on this forum, you don't have the moral standing required to justify any but the most minimal response. If that.
Blind denial of reality always looks very, very stupid.

Your moronic pseudo-argument is just like saying that because forest fires were started by natural causes, like lightning strikes, for hundreds of millions of years then all forest fires now must absolutely be the result of natural causes and mankind has nothing to do with starting any of them. Extremely retarded!

Blind denial of reality always looks very, very stupid.

I know, but your blind denial is fun to mock.

Unfortunately for you, ToadtheParrot, you are much too retarded to successfully "mock" anything. And, of course, trying to 'mock' someone who is telling the truth is a fool's game to begin with. Which is appropriate since you are a prize fool.

If we waste $75 trillion on "green energy", what will CO2 levels be in 2080?

How much cooler will the planet be? Show all your work.
If we wasted the money, then probably not much. If we use the money to effectively reduce GHG emissions, they could be down significantly. And, as I said before, infinitely more then they'll be down following your advice.
If we wasted the money, then probably not much. If we use the money to effectively reduce GHG emissions, they could be down significantly. And, as I said before, infinitely more then they'll be down following your advice.

they could be down significantly

To what level?
BTW, let me know when you have the experiment that shows that 120 PPM of CO2 drives temperature or climate. Or 10 PPM, 20, 60 ,280. You pick. Like everyone before you, you'll have zip and still spout your useless words to a group that doesn't accept them.

So like the state of Missouri.....Show Me

Multiple experiments showing precisely these points have been posted here on multiple occasions. You know that to be a fact and thus your claim otherwise is a willful LIE.

Besides being one of the more ignorant posters on this forum, you don't have the moral standing required to justify any but the most minimal response. If that.

Experiments? What experiments? Do you mean models using numbers that have been manipulated?
You shouldn't be talking about anyone being ignorant. just sayin'
If we wasted the money, then probably not much. If we use the money to effectively reduce GHG emissions, they could be down significantly. And, as I said before, infinitely more then they'll be down following your advice.

they could be down significantly

To what level?

He's got experiments to back up his assertion somewhere. :eusa_hand:
If we wasted the money, then probably not much. If we use the money to effectively reduce GHG emissions, they could be down significantly. And, as I said before, infinitely more then they'll be down following your advice.

they could be down significantly

To what level?

He's got experiments to back up his assertion somewhere. :eusa_hand:

What assertion of mine do you believe requires experimentation to verify?

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