More good news on the global warming front

If we wasted the money, then probably not much. If we use the money to effectively reduce GHG emissions, they could be down significantly. And, as I said before, infinitely more then they'll be down following your advice.

they could be down significantly

To what level?

Why don't you ask the experts? Try IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I'm an engineer with the Navy.

I'm a brain surgeon....the IPCC wants the redistribution of wealth on a global level. Yeah, no partisanship on their behalf. And, you don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out their shtick.
If we wasted the money, then probably not much. If we use the money to effectively reduce GHG emissions, they could be down significantly. And, as I said before, infinitely more then they'll be down following your advice.

they could be down significantly

To what level?

Why don't you ask the experts? Try IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I'm an engineer with the Navy.

None of them are here pushing for trillions in wasted spending.
For those of you scared about GW, fear not.

For those of you scared of CC maybe you are onto something but I didn't think it had to do with temperate climates changing to polar.

July 2014 coldest on record in Indianapolis

July 2014 coldest on record in Indianapolis -

Quest for record low July temperature ends in tie

Quest for record low July temperature ends in tie

Lake Michigan Upwelling (20 deg. cooler then 2012)

Lake Michigan Upwelling | Blogs

You denier cultists are such idiots. A couple of low temperatures in one small region are (according to you) super important enough to "disprove" AGW, but the entire rest of the planet should be ignored? You dingbats are sooooo gullible and easy to fool.

Here's some facts that denier cult nutjobs like you have to ignore.


* Sixteen years ago 1998 became the hottest year on record by a considerable margin.

* Currently 2010 is tied with 2005 as the hottest year on record, in records going back to the 1800s.

* 2013 was the fourth hottest year on record.

* The last decade was the hottest decade on record, as was the decade before that and the decade before that, in turn.

* All of the hottest years on record have occurred since 1998.

* The coldest years since 1998 are still hotter than all of the hottest years before 1998.

* This last November 2013 was the hottest November on record globally.

* This last April 2014 was tied with April 2010 as the hottest April on record globally.

* This last May was the hottest May on record globally.

* This last June was the hottest June on record globally.

* This last June was the 352nd consecutive month (29 years) with global average temperatures higher than the average temperature for that month, averaged over the entire twentieth century.

* The Arctic ice cap is still rapidly melting away.

* Large areas northern permafrost are still rapidly melting.

* Greenland and Antarctica are still losing ice mass at increasing rates.

* The large majority of mountain glaciers are still rapidly melting and disappearing.

* Sea levels are still rising at an accelerating rate.

And for all that......the science still isn't mattering!!!!:itsok:
Driven by Ocean Heat, World Sets Mark for Hottest June


The fact is simple, the planet is getting hotter, and most likely, the burning of fossil fuels has a lot to do with it.

Probably not from fossil fuels.....odds on favorite is cyclical.

Ignorant bullcrap!!!

The current abrupt warming trend is certainly being caused by the 43% increase in atmospheric CO2 that mankind has produced.

You nutbagger denier cultists talk a lot about the warming being caused by "natural cycles" but you can never actually specify just which natural cycles are supposedly responsible. Obviously because you're scientific ignorant retards parroting a denier cult propaganda meme. There are no natural cycles that could be causing the current warming. In fact, the natural cycles caused by the Earth's variations in orbit and axial tilt have had the Earth is a long slow cooling trend for the last 6 thousand years or so until mankind's carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect put the world into an abrupt warming trend.

I am not sure why the GW/CC/CD fearists have to resort to name calling, but inevitably that is what always happens. Instead of going by someone sitting on their porch making an observation about the weather or posting pretty pictures that anyone could argue anything. Let us go to NOAA. I did a search using these parameters for the average US temperature for 1997 to 2014, need I tell you the trend? It was -.06 deg. In another post in this thread I showed you that the global oceans, according to NOAA were not really warming as reported. That is using their data non THEIR web site. I appeal to your curiosity and ask you do as I did.

Here are the parameters used:

Parameter: Average Temperature

Time Scale: Annual

Start Year: 1997

State/Region: Contiguous U.S. --

Climate Division/City: All 48 States

I am actually enjoying this summer, very pleasant weather if not on the cool side.
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I always wonder how someone can say we cannot effect the earth then say "lets fight pollution" like humans can effect the earth.

The "Earth" doesn't give a crap what we do, it was here long before us and will be long after. Pollution isn't an "EARTH" thing it is local it is harmful, no one is for pollution except those who profit by it, they need stopped. But GW? That is just a scam, in my opinion.

Exactly what I just said so why did you say fighting pollution is more "productive"? When it doesnt do anything?

CO2 is not a pollutant that is why. CO2 in low concentrations does no harm to humans. Pollution on the other hand kills things, either now or later. But even with that said we are always going to have some pollution which will not kill or make people sick.
Probably not from fossil fuels.....odds on favorite is cyclical.

Ignorant bullcrap!!!

The current abrupt warming trend is certainly being caused by the 43% increase in atmospheric CO2 that mankind has produced.

You nutbagger denier cultists talk a lot about the warming being caused by "natural cycles" but you can never actually specify just which natural cycles are supposedly responsible. Obviously because you're scientific ignorant retards parroting a denier cult propaganda meme. There are no natural cycles that could be causing the current warming. In fact, the natural cycles caused by the Earth's variations in orbit and axial tilt have had the Earth is a long slow cooling trend for the last 6 thousand years or so until mankind's carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect put the world into an abrupt warming trend.

I am not sure why the GW/CC/CD fearists have to resort to name calling, but inevitably that is what always happens. Instead of going by someone sitting on their porch making an observation about the weather or posting pretty pictures that anyone could argue anything. Let us go to NOAA. I did a search using these parameters for the average US temperature for 1997 to 2014, need I tell you the trend? It was -.06 deg. In another post in this thread I showed you that the global oceans, according to NOAA were not really warming as reported. That is using their data non THEIR web site. I appeal to your curiosity and ask you do as I did.

Here are the parameters used:

Parameter: Average Temperature

Time Scale: Annual

Start Year: 1997

State/Region: Contiguous U.S. --

Climate Division/City: All 48 States

I am actually enjoying this summer, very pleasant weather if not on the cool side.

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Global warming, not US warming. The US makes up 2% of the Earth's surface. Versteht?
Do the two of you reject the greenhouse effect?

Immaterial, but I seriously doubt there are many that reject that the greenhouse effect is the reason for life on Earth.

But let me ask you. If I put 2 feet of insulation in my home that is the same as the greenhouse effect, correct? Now, if I put 10 feet in that does not void the insulating power of insulation but the extra 8 feet really isn't going to do much to help me retain heat in my home. In other words there is equilibrium, in my opinion. A point where more insulation just isn't going to make that big of difference. I am not going to say I know enough to say that it works the same for CO2, but could it?

So not knowing means we look at the data and I have supplied a source for temperature data. With the ever growing increase in CO2, by other countries, one would think that the rise would be fairly linear and fairly constant, that is not what the data shows.
Ignorant bullcrap!!!

The current abrupt warming trend is certainly being caused by the 43% increase in atmospheric CO2 that mankind has produced.

You nutbagger denier cultists talk a lot about the warming being caused by "natural cycles" but you can never actually specify just which natural cycles are supposedly responsible. Obviously because you're scientific ignorant retards parroting a denier cult propaganda meme. There are no natural cycles that could be causing the current warming. In fact, the natural cycles caused by the Earth's variations in orbit and axial tilt have had the Earth is a long slow cooling trend for the last 6 thousand years or so until mankind's carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect put the world into an abrupt warming trend.

I am not sure why the GW/CC/CD fearists have to resort to name calling, but inevitably that is what always happens. Instead of going by someone sitting on their porch making an observation about the weather or posting pretty pictures that anyone could argue anything. Let us go to NOAA. I did a search using these parameters for the average US temperature for 1997 to 2014, need I tell you the trend? It was -.06 deg. In another post in this thread I showed you that the global oceans, according to NOAA were not really warming as reported. That is using their data non THEIR web site. I appeal to your curiosity and ask you do as I did.

Here are the parameters used:

Parameter: Average Temperature

Time Scale: Annual

Start Year: 1997

State/Region: Contiguous U.S. --

Climate Division/City: All 48 States

I am actually enjoying this summer, very pleasant weather if not on the cool side.

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Global warming, not US warming. The US makes up 2% of the Earth's surface. Versteht?

I was responding, I thought, to a statement about the US temperature. Not sure why the US would show a neg trend if the world was actually warming. Anyways I did search using the following parameters. The trend is -.01 deg C.

Timescale: Annual

Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2014 (these years were picked because it looks like no real big anomaly either way.)

Latitude Band: Global Surface: Land and Ocean Land Ocean

Year Anomaly Rank
2001 0.55°C 3
2002 0.61°C 9
2003 0.62°C 11
2004 0.58°C 5
2005 0.65°C 12
2006 0.60°C 8
2007 0.59°C 7
2008 0.51°C 1
2009 0.59°C 6
2010 0.66°C 13
2011 0.53°C 2
2012 0.57°C 4
2013 0.62°C 11
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Do the two of you reject the greenhouse effect?


People are never told that the most powerful greenhouse gases by orders of magnitude is water vapor and clouds. When only human emitted CO2 is considered, less than one percent of the greenhouse gas potential comes from human activity. Yet, all the global warming is supposed to be attributed to it. Water vapor plays a huge role in keeping the earth warm; 70 times more powerful than the CO2 emitted by human activity. When clouds are added, CO2 becomes even less important. However, clouds not only trap heat, low elevation clouds also reflect much of the incoming solar radiation, so the sun's heat never reaches the earth's surface which cools the earth. It is this mechanism that a growing number of scientists believe is one of the primary mechanisms warming and cooling the earth.

Why does the AGW cult hate real science?
My query was addressed to posters Freewill and ClosedCaption, not you.
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Do the two of you reject the greenhouse effect?

Why do you reject reality? Why do you ignore empirical data that shows your computer modeled science fiction to be false?

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