MORE GOOD NEWS: "Trump must turn over tax returns to NY prosecutors"

And demanding records in search of a crime goes against every legal precept going back 500 years, uncle Joe.

It's not in search of a crime. We have the sworn testimony of a witness to attest to the crime. Now it's a matter of getting evidence of that crime.

Do you think the police should have been prevented from searching O.J.'s Brentwood home, or take a DNA blood sample. After all, they didn't even have a witness in that case who claims to have seen him commit a crime.
Liar....There's absolutely no evidence of any criminal act anywhere.

You Stalinist bitches are truly frightening.

They already know there was criminal activity and they need proof.
Has anyone else noticed that all the left has now is regurgitated bull shit? Its all Rinse, Lather, Rinse, repeat... Every single topic is one they have already tried and failed at.. Its no wonder they are falling like a rock in the battle ground states and the nation in general...

All they have is We Hate Trump... That is what they are running on as their surrogates Burn, Loot, and Murder Americans....
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We have the sworn testimony of a witness to attest to the crime. Now it's a matter of getting evidence of that crime.
Liar....There's absolutely no evidence of any criminal act anywhere.

You Stalinist bitches are truly frightening.

Once again, we have the sworn testimony of an eye witness to the crime.
That is "probable cause", and all that is necessary to grant a subpoena to investigate.
And demanding records in search of a crime goes against every legal precept going back 500 years, uncle Joe.

It's not in search of a crime. We have the sworn testimony of a witness to attest to the crime. Now it's a matter of getting evidence of that crime.

Do you think the police should have been prevented from searching O.J.'s Brentwood home, or take a DNA blood sample. After all, they didn't even have a witness in that case who claims to have seen him commit a crime.
Moron.. they had PROBABLE CAUSE... they have none of that on Trump...
We have the sworn testimony of a witness to attest to the crime. Now it's a matter of getting evidence of that crime.
Liar....There's absolutely no evidence of any criminal act anywhere.

You Stalinist bitches are truly frightening.

Once again, we have the sworn testimony of an eye witness to the crime.
That is "probable cause", and all that is necessary to grant a subpoena to investigate.
Choene is not a reliable source... Warrants require that... Epic Fail..
And demanding records in search of a crime goes against every legal precept going back 500 years, uncle Joe.

It's not in search of a crime. We have the sworn testimony of a witness to attest to the crime. Now it's a matter of getting evidence of that crime.

Do you think the police should have been prevented from searching O.J.'s Brentwood home, or take a DNA blood sample. After all, they didn't even have a witness in that case who claims to have seen him commit a crime.
Moron.. they had PROBABLE CAUSE... they have none of that on Trump...
If there’s no probable cause for subpoenas on Trump, then it would be easy to have them tossed on merit.

But he keeps losing.
if collusion with the russians fails to move you ice you must be part of the walking dead never mind all his people are crooks and thieves
View attachment 377391
Odd one They might be in the WH now Trumps good buddies 8 phone calls with Putin over the last couple of months ? Think they were talking adoption Or did Jr already use that line of BS?
Has anyone else noticed that all the left has now is regurgitated bull shit? Its all Rinse, Lather, Rinse, repeat... Every single topic is one they have already tried and failed at.. Its no wonder they are falling like a rock in the battle ground states and the nation in general...

All they have its Hate Trump... That is what they are running on as their surrogates Burn, Loot, and Murder Americans....
Not only that, but they're talking like they're the fucking Stasi.

This shit isn't funny anymore...These assholes are serious.
Bank records are a matter of public record, according to a USSC ruling, dumbfuck....

You got that completely wrong.

Supreme Court Rules Trump Cannot Block Release of Financial Records

“No citizen, not even the president, is categorically above the common duty to produce evidence when called upon in a criminal proceeding,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority.

Mr. Trump had asked the court to block both sets of subpoenas, which had sought information from his accountants and bankers, not from Mr. Trump himself. The firms have indicated that they would comply with the courts’ ultimate rulings.

Trump fought the law but the law won
U.S. judge dismisses Trump's lawsuit to block subpoena for tax records

Thomson Reuters
Aug 20th 2020 10:42AM
(Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit by President Donald Trump that sought to block enforcement of a grand jury subpoena for eight years of his personal and corporate tax records.
U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero said granting the relief Trump sought would be an "undue expansion" of presidential immunity.
Jay Sekulow, a lawyer for Trump, told Reuters the president would appeal the ruling and seek to delay enforcement of the subpoena.
Meanwhile, you want to bet that he hasn't been audited over the years at least a dozen times?

Audits only look at one set of books. Michael Cohen said that Trump kept two sets of books, and that they each claimed opposite property valuations.

Mike Cohen has said a lot of things. But he's a proven, admitted liar, serving time as a rat and a snitch.

Hardly appropriate to take his word as gospel

Nobody said Michael Cohen wasn't a low life snitch. And nobody will take his word for anything. That's why they want Trumps tax returns, because they already have his bank records, and if the two don't match, Trump is going to jail.
Stone Manafort Flynn,Cohen and now Bannon Trump is lowlife scum and so are all his people Trump is setting records on how many court cases a president loses
isn't justice supposed to be blind? you seem quite emotionally invested in the outcome.

that's on you. not your system. our system of government is not to be used for stupid petty emotional validation.
surely you don't believe a president is above the law? Conspiring with Russia ? Collusion in our election That makes no difference to you?
Has anyone else noticed that all the left has now is regurgitated bull shit? Its all Rinse, Lather, Rinse, repeat... Every single topic is one they have already tried and failed at.. Its no wonder they are falling like a rock in the battle ground states and the nation in general...

All they have its Hate Trump... That is what they are running on as their surrogates Burn, Loot, and Murder Americans....
Not only that, but they're talking like they're the fucking Stasi.

This shit isn't funny anymore...These assholes are serious.
you're gonna find out how serious Nov 3rd
Once again, we have the sworn testimony of an eye witness to the crime.
That is "probable cause", and all that is necessary to grant a subpoena to investigate.
Choene is not a reliable source... Warrants require that... Epic Fail..
Michael Cohen also produced documents, audio recordings, and other evidence in addition to his sworn statement. The corroborating evidence was sufficient for a subpoena.
Bank records are a matter of public record, according to a USSC ruling, dumbfuck....

You got that completely wrong.

Supreme Court Rules Trump Cannot Block Release of Financial Records

“No citizen, not even the president, is categorically above the common duty to produce evidence when called upon in a criminal proceeding,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority.

Mr. Trump had asked the court to block both sets of subpoenas, which had sought information from his accountants and bankers, not from Mr. Trump himself. The firms have indicated that they would comply with the courts’ ultimate rulings.

Yeah....Because bank records were declared public record (wrongly IMO) in U.S. v.Miller.

Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.

what law is this he breaking?


fuck off.

Reportedly campaign finance laws but we won’t know until the investigation is complete since the prosecutors don’t discuss ongoing matters.

The point is that a judge has determined Trump must comply with the subpoenas. He already lost his appeal to the SCOTUS.
"We won't know until we can force him to incriminate himself".

View attachment 377389

It’s pretty unlikely Trump has a legitimate 5th amendment case and I don’t think he’s made it in court.

Fascinating read:
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.

what law is this he breaking?


fuck off.

Reportedly campaign finance laws but we won’t know until the investigation is complete since the prosecutors don’t discuss ongoing matters.

The point is that a judge has determined Trump must comply with the subpoenas. He already lost his appeal to the SCOTUS.
"We won't know until we can force him to incriminate himself".

View attachment 377389

It’s pretty unlikely Trump has a legitimate 5th amendment case and I don’t think he’s made it in court.

Fascinating read:
You're a goddamn Stalinist.

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