MORE GOOD NEWS: "Trump must turn over tax returns to NY prosecutors"

Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.

what law is this he breaking?


fuck off.

Reportedly campaign finance laws but we won’t know until the investigation is complete since the prosecutors don’t discuss ongoing matters.

The point is that a judge has determined Trump must comply with the subpoenas. He already lost his appeal to the SCOTUS.
"We won't know until we can force him to incriminate himself".

View attachment 377389

It’s pretty unlikely Trump has a legitimate 5th amendment case and I don’t think he’s made it in court.

Fascinating read:
You're a goddamn Stalinist.
Why? The US justice system is full of checks and balances. What is being violated here?
Bank records are a matter of public record, according to a USSC ruling, dumbfuck....

You got that completely wrong.

Supreme Court Rules Trump Cannot Block Release of Financial Records

“No citizen, not even the president, is categorically above the common duty to produce evidence when called upon in a criminal proceeding,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority.

Mr. Trump had asked the court to block both sets of subpoenas, which had sought information from his accountants and bankers, not from Mr. Trump himself. The firms have indicated that they would comply with the courts’ ultimate rulings.

Yeah....Because bank records were declared public record (wrongly IMO) in U.S. v.Miller.


Again you read it wrong. They didn't rule that bank "records" were public, but that public bank documents, like deposit slips, checks, etc,, were not privileged bank records.

From the decision:

The subpoenaed materials were business records of the banks, not respondent's private papers. Pp. 440-441.

(b) There is no legitimate "expectation of privacy" in the contents of the original checks and deposit slips, since the checks are not confidential communications but negotiable instruments to be used in commercial transactions, and all the documents obtained contain only information voluntarily conveyed to the banks and exposed to their employees in the ordinary course of business.

Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.

what law is this he breaking?


fuck off.

Reportedly campaign finance laws but we won’t know until the investigation is complete since the prosecutors don’t discuss ongoing matters.

The point is that a judge has determined Trump must comply with the subpoenas. He already lost his appeal to the SCOTUS.
"We won't know until we can force him to incriminate himself".

View attachment 377389

It’s pretty unlikely Trump has a legitimate 5th amendment case and I don’t think he’s made it in court.

Fascinating read:
well it's pretty unlikely you have a case.

there is no legal requirement to provide taxes to be president so fuck off. this is just another sideshowbob shit from the left. as stupid as obama's birth certificate crap.
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.

what law is this he breaking?


fuck off.

Reportedly campaign finance laws but we won’t know until the investigation is complete since the prosecutors don’t discuss ongoing matters.

The point is that a judge has determined Trump must comply with the subpoenas. He already lost his appeal to the SCOTUS.
"We won't know until we can force him to incriminate himself".

View attachment 377389

It’s pretty unlikely Trump has a legitimate 5th amendment case and I don’t think he’s made it in court.

Fascinating read:
well it's pretty unlikely you have a case.

there is no legal requirement to provide taxes to be president so fuck off. this is just another sideshowbob shit from the left. as stupid as obama's birth certificate crap.

Stop being so emotional.

This isn’t about what is required to be president, it’s about complying with a subpoena from a grand jury.

You can have a conversation like an adult or you can keep swearing and whining about off topic nonsense. Your choice.
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.

WTFU Sparky,
Cy Vance has all the documents from Trump's account with Deutsche Bank.
Deutsche Bank has been raided several times over the years for money laundering
Putin has accounts with Deutsche Bank, too.
Hmmmm.....Geeeeee....This is a tough one.....for fucking idiots like yourself, anyway.

Again you read it wrong. They didn't rule that bank "records" were public, but that public bank documents, like deposit slips, checks, etc,, were not privileged bank records.
Right. It would still be quite illegal to leak them to the public.
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.

WTFU Sparky,
Cy Vance has all the documents from Trump's account with Deutsche Bank.
Deutsche Bank has been raided several times over the years for money laundering
Putin has accounts with Deutsche Bank, too.
Hmmmm.....Geeeeee....This is a tough one.....for fucking idiots like yourself, anyway.

View attachment 377412
Yeah...He has all the records yet still has no case....Because if he did have one, it could be turned over to congress to proceed with with another impeachment jihad.

Fucking dope.
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.

what law is this he breaking?


fuck off.

Reportedly campaign finance laws but we won’t know until the investigation is complete since the prosecutors don’t discuss ongoing matters.

The point is that a judge has determined Trump must comply with the subpoenas. He already lost his appeal to the SCOTUS.
"We won't know until we can force him to incriminate himself".

View attachment 377389

It’s pretty unlikely Trump has a legitimate 5th amendment case and I don’t think he’s made it in court.

Fascinating read:
You're a goddamn Stalinist.
Why? The US justice system is full of checks and balances. What is being violated here?
Eat shit....You assholes want to completely bypass and usurp every legal standard that has stood for over 500 years, because of your blind hatred for one man.

You would have been a fine member of Stalin's politburo.
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.

what law is this he breaking?


fuck off.

Reportedly campaign finance laws but we won’t know until the investigation is complete since the prosecutors don’t discuss ongoing matters.

The point is that a judge has determined Trump must comply with the subpoenas. He already lost his appeal to the SCOTUS.
"We won't know until we can force him to incriminate himself".

View attachment 377389

It’s pretty unlikely Trump has a legitimate 5th amendment case and I don’t think he’s made it in court.

Fascinating read:
You're a goddamn Stalinist.
Why? The US justice system is full of checks and balances. What is being violated here?
Eat shit....You assholes want to completely bypass and usurp every legal standard that has stood for over 500 years, because of your blind hatred for one man.

You would have been a fine member of Stalin's politburo.

Legal standards like going to a grand jury, presenting probable cause and getting a subpoena?

Yeah. That’s how the justice system works in this country. Got a problem with it? Move to authoritarian shithole where the political elites are untouchable.
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.

what law is this he breaking?


fuck off.

Reportedly campaign finance laws but we won’t know until the investigation is complete since the prosecutors don’t discuss ongoing matters.

The point is that a judge has determined Trump must comply with the subpoenas. He already lost his appeal to the SCOTUS.
"We won't know until we can force him to incriminate himself".

View attachment 377389

It’s pretty unlikely Trump has a legitimate 5th amendment case and I don’t think he’s made it in court.

Fascinating read:
You're a goddamn Stalinist.
Why? The US justice system is full of checks and balances. What is being violated here?
Eat shit....You assholes want to completely bypass and usurp every legal standard that has stood for over 500 years, because of your blind hatred for one man.

You would have been a fine member of Stalin's politburo.

Legal standards like going to a grand jury, presenting probable cause and getting a subpoena?

Yeah. That’s how the justice system works in this country. Got a problem with it? Move to authoritarian shithole where the political elites are untouchable.
Yeah, those are the exact legal standards that you want to trash...Thanks for owning up to it, tovarich.
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.

what law is this he breaking?


fuck off.

Reportedly campaign finance laws but we won’t know until the investigation is complete since the prosecutors don’t discuss ongoing matters.

The point is that a judge has determined Trump must comply with the subpoenas. He already lost his appeal to the SCOTUS.
"We won't know until we can force him to incriminate himself".

View attachment 377389

It’s pretty unlikely Trump has a legitimate 5th amendment case and I don’t think he’s made it in court.

Fascinating read:
well it's pretty unlikely you have a case.

there is no legal requirement to provide taxes to be president so fuck off. this is just another sideshowbob shit from the left. as stupid as obama's birth certificate crap.

Stop being so emotional.

This isn’t about what is required to be president, it’s about complying with a subpoena from a grand jury.

You can have a conversation like an adult or you can keep swearing and whining about off topic nonsense. Your choice.
It's about the left being a bunch of mentally challenged emotionally stuck at 2 years old assholes pissed they got told no.
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.

what law is this he breaking?


fuck off.

Reportedly campaign finance laws but we won’t know until the investigation is complete since the prosecutors don’t discuss ongoing matters.

The point is that a judge has determined Trump must comply with the subpoenas. He already lost his appeal to the SCOTUS.
"We won't know until we can force him to incriminate himself".

View attachment 377389

It’s pretty unlikely Trump has a legitimate 5th amendment case and I don’t think he’s made it in court.

Fascinating read:
well it's pretty unlikely you have a case.

there is no legal requirement to provide taxes to be president so fuck off. this is just another sideshowbob shit from the left. as stupid as obama's birth certificate crap.

Stop being so emotional.

This isn’t about what is required to be president, it’s about complying with a subpoena from a grand jury.

You can have a conversation like an adult or you can keep swearing and whining about off topic nonsense. Your choice.
It's about the left being a bunch of mentally challenged emotionally stuck at 2 years old assholes pissed they got told no.
Reviewing your language in this thread, are you sure you want to accuse the left of being mentally challenged and emotionally stuck at 2 years old? Your profanity laced emotional outbursts aren’t covering substantive issues here.

And who is being told no? Vance keeps winning court cases to have the subpoenas upheld.
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.
sounds like that perception is only in your fucked up head...just saying
Last edited:
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.

what law is this he breaking?


fuck off.

Reportedly campaign finance laws but we won’t know until the investigation is complete since the prosecutors don’t discuss ongoing matters.

The point is that a judge has determined Trump must comply with the subpoenas. He already lost his appeal to the SCOTUS.
"We won't know until we can force him to incriminate himself".

View attachment 377389

It’s pretty unlikely Trump has a legitimate 5th amendment case and I don’t think he’s made it in court.

Fascinating read:
You're a goddamn Stalinist.
Why? The US justice system is full of checks and balances. What is being violated here?
Eat shit....You assholes want to completely bypass and usurp every legal standard that has stood for over 500 years, because of your blind hatred for one man.

You would have been a fine member of Stalin's politburo.

Legal standards like going to a grand jury, presenting probable cause and getting a subpoena?

Yeah. That’s how the justice system works in this country. Got a problem with it? Move to authoritarian shithole where the political elites are untouchable.
Yeah, those are the exact legal standards that you want to trash...Thanks for owning up to it, tovarich.
The opposite is true. Vance is going through the Egypt’s framework, following the established standards and Trump wants to throw it out the window.
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.

"Cy Vance was in Gitmo and could not comment on this"
Won't withstand an appeal....Beside that, his tax records will be of no political value (and make no mistake that this is 100% politics) after November....And this legal rigmarole will certainly drag on past election day.

So suck it.
They are looking at violation of laws so I hope he gets his day in court and stops claiming to be above the law.
No they're not....They're looking for financial statements that can have political impact.

The sanctimonious cry of "nobody is above the law" from you moonbats has become seriously stale.
what about the brain dead democrats---their saying is---FLIP FLOP FLIP FLOP---we dont know ---that should sound familiar to you

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