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][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
OK enough is enough. It's time to take back control from the so c alled smart experts. They created this mess.

Net job impact of stimulus zero, from SF Federal Reserve study
A study by Daniel J. Wilson of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank, suggests that the net job creation from the $814 billion stimulus bill passed in February, 2009, was zero by August 2010. In the first year, the stimulus "saved or created" 2 million jobs (not 4 million as repeatedly claimed by the Administration), but this number proved to be short lived, paying for temporary jobs, at a very high cost of $400,000 per job "saved or created."

American Thinker Blog: Net job impact of stimulus zero, from SF Federal Reserve study

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