More guns keeping us safe.......

Like abortion and immigration, ‘guns’ is a wedge issue used by conservatives to further divide the American people.

immigration is not a wedge issue since it is illegal immigration that is the problem [but like pretending the ultimate goal of banning guns can't be true because no one dare say it aloud while the left is attempting to pass laws that have no other purpose but to ban guns one step at a time] you pretend it is about for abortion it is not even mentioned in the constitution where as the 2nd amendment is perfectly clear on its forbidding of congress passing laws abridging a right to bear arms

Conservatives contrive ridiculous lies about ‘banning’ guns and ‘confiscating’ guns to motivate their base and demonize their political opponents.
conservatives may do that, but claiming the left wants to ban guns is not contrived, it is example of contrived would be/ is claiming the first amendment is under attack

‘Guns’ is yet another facet of the dishonest, reprehensible right.
this thread is was created by a faux constitutionalist mocking the second amendment as well as those who do not want guns banned and not one liberal even noticed.
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The stats dont lie.
The worst argument ever tommy.... there are 4 types of lies tommy
large and
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.

Probably because they all come from ONE SOURCE, someone like you drawing them up in your mother's basement. Your chart doesn't even have a link to the source where it supposedly got its data!
Here is another one.
Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

The stats dont lie.
The worst argument ever tommy.... there are 4 types of lies tommy
large and
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.

Probably because they all come from ONE SOURCE, someone like you drawing them up in your mother's basement. Your chart doesn't even have a link to the source where it supposedly got its data!
Here is another one.
Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

How does showing me a second chart answer my questions? do you have any charts showing gun deaths at American guns shops vs. london? do you have a guess as to which has more gun deaths? the place where guns are banned or the place that is nothing but guns guns guns? use your charts to see if the facts match the charts claims...
In America, liberal areas are the deadliest places in the country [perhaps on earth] while gun shops are some of the safest if not the most safe...there was a time when our country did not have gun laws or liberal morals and no one needed to look at charts to see just how safe a country we were.
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.
does even one of them show how safe guns are when liberal areas of the country are excluded from them?

The stats dont lie.
The worst argument ever tommy.... there are 4 types of lies tommy
large and
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.

Probably because they all come from ONE SOURCE, someone like you drawing them up in your mother's basement. Your chart doesn't even have a link to the source where it supposedly got its data!
Here is another one.
Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

How does showing me a second chart answer my questions? do you have any charts showing gun deaths at American guns shops vs. london? do you have a guess as to which has more gun deaths? the place where guns are banned or the place that is nothing but guns guns guns? use your charts to see if the facts match the charts claims...
In America, liberal areas are the deadliest places in the country [perhaps on earth] while gun shops are some of the safest if not the most safe...there was a time when our country did not have gun laws or liberal morals and no one needed to look at charts to see just how safe a country we were.
Liberal areas are still a part of the US. You can make any country look safe by discounting its more problematic areas.What is the point of that ?
Liberal areas are still a part of the US.
really tommy? I pointed that out, it is why gun crimes are high in the US

You can make any country look safe by discounting its more problematic areas.
and you can make it look like guns are the problem if you do not point out the difference between liberal areas of the country where gun crimes are through the roof and gun toting america where gun crimes are very low and even non existent in some heavily armed areas...

What is the point of that ?

Your charts are intentionally skewed and misleading by not pointing out that gun crimes are higher in the areas where gun control liberals run the show and lower in parts where guns are so much a part of the culture that they are rites of passage...the fact that you had to have this explained to you shows how useless and misleading the charts are, they should have and would have reflected this if they were honest with no ulterior motive tommy.
Liberal areas are still a part of the US.
really tommy? I pointed that out, it is why gun crimes are high in the US

You can make any country look safe by discounting its more problematic areas.
and you can make it look like guns are the problem if you do not point out the difference between liberal areas of the country where gun crimes are through the roof and gun toting america where gun crimes are very low and even non existent in some heavily armed areas...

What is the point of that ?

Your charts are intentionally skewed and misleading by not pointing out that gun crimes are higher in the areas where gun control liberals run the show and lower in parts where guns are so much a part of the culture that they are rites of passage...the fact that you had to have this explained to you shows how useless and misleading the charts are, they should have and would have reflected this if they were honest with no ulterior motive tommy.
Well I could follow that logic and discount London,Liverpool and Manchester
Liberal areas are still a part of the US.
really tommy? I pointed that out, it is why gun crimes are high in the US

You can make any country look safe by discounting its more problematic areas.
and you can make it look like guns are the problem if you do not point out the difference between liberal areas of the country where gun crimes are through the roof and gun toting america where gun crimes are very low and even non existent in some heavily armed areas...

What is the point of that ?

Your charts are intentionally skewed and misleading by not pointing out that gun crimes are higher in the areas where gun control liberals run the show and lower in parts where guns are so much a part of the culture that they are rites of passage...the fact that you had to have this explained to you shows how useless and misleading the charts are, they should have and would have reflected this if they were honest with no ulterior motive tommy.
So to make the charts more honest we need to exclude data from the worst areas in the US?
Well I could follow that logic and discount London,Liverpool and Manchester
Not without explaining why the way I did... to just dismiss them without pointing out the politics of the area and how they relate to areas with different politics and gun laws would serve a completely different purpose than the one I had...for instance, london having one of your higher crime rates for guns would indicate to me that it has a left wing mayor or at least left wing populace or both...your charts don't show either way which means that they could blame the type of breakfast food eaten as the cause if they wanted to.

So to make the charts more honest we need to exclude data from the worst areas in the US?
No, that is what you are already doing, you need to include more data like the politics of the area so that folks can see that the crime rate for guns are higher in areas with liberal policy while being lower in areas where guns are a way of would prove that the guns are not committing the crimes, nor the reason for them.
There is no better excuse for your bad driving than waving a gun to prove you are right
The stats dont lie.
The worst argument ever tommy.... there are 4 types of lies tommy
large and
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.

Probably because they all come from ONE SOURCE, someone like you drawing them up in your mother's basement. Your chart doesn't even have a link to the source where it supposedly got its data!
Here is another one.

Poor Tommy. He CAN'T buy a gun and I can. You have no choice, squirt. You can wipe your ass with charts. People make those charts just trying to put America down. Americans LIKE guns, that is how we kicked your ass in the Revolutionary War and since.
The stats dont lie.
The worst argument ever tommy.... there are 4 types of lies tommy
large and
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.

Probably because they all come from ONE SOURCE, someone like you drawing them up in your mother's basement. Your chart doesn't even have a link to the source where it supposedly got its data!
Here is another one.
Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

Another fine example of the second amendment keeping us safe
The answer to gun violence is that more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens make us safer.

Unfortunately, all of the above is negated by the fact that the USA has the most violent crime, AND the most guns in the hands of civilians.

Oh well~~~~

Untrue. Latin America has 8% of the world's population yet suffers 31% of the world's murders. Care to guess the origin point for the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens who now inundate this country?

Care to guess the origin country from which all those guns came from?
Many from Eastern Europe and right there in Brazil. And yes, a lot of guns got into Latin America during the Obama administration as I remember.

snipThe government will prosecute anyone dealing arms to other countries without authorization...snip
Under obama, arms were purposely spread to Latin America to boost public sentiment for gun control. Hypocrite much?
And yet less than half the number of cars kill more people than the guns do. Who knew!
Cars kill less than guns now

Nope, they don't. Drunk drivers kill more people than guns do in the hands of murderers. Been that way since there were cars.

And we take away the cars of drunk drivers

Time to take away the guns

You do? Where? How many more of these do you want me to present to show you how stupid your claim is?

Man arrested in Bay County for 13th DUI
Man arrested in Bay County for 13th DUI

King County man pleads not guilty to 17th DUI
King County man pleads not guilty to 17th DUI
Do i need to list all the drivers who lost their licences due to a DUI?

Need to do the same with irresponsible gun owners
And yet less than half the number of cars kill more people than the guns do. Who knew!
Cars kill less than guns now

Nope, they don't. Drunk drivers kill more people than guns do in the hands of murderers. Been that way since there were cars.

And we take away the cars of drunk drivers

Time to take away the guns

You do? Where? How many more of these do you want me to present to show you how stupid your claim is?

Man arrested in Bay County for 13th DUI
Man arrested in Bay County for 13th DUI

King County man pleads not guilty to 17th DUI
King County man pleads not guilty to 17th DUI
Do i need to list all the drivers who lost their licences due to a DUI?

Need to do the same with irresponsible gun owners
We already do
People lose their carry permits all the time when found to be in possession of a firearm while drunk.

In fact getting charged with a DUI even if you are not carrying your gun can be cause for a CCW permit to be revoked

Is it Illegal to Possess a Firearm While Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs?

It is almost always a crime to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance.
Funny how you moved the goalpost….
No goalpost was moved! What part of your own statement did you not understand?
...but, you just forgot to post a link from anyone advocating that guns be banned in America.....
  • I posted a link. Now you want multiple links (to every democrat in congress I suppose).
  • I posted a link from someone. Someone is anyone. Anyone is a singular term.
  • Advocating guns be banned. Diane and others have openly said they wish to BAN GUNS.
  • I gave you a link right to one of the more recent GUN BAN BILLS. It even gave a long list of the ones wished banned.
  • I even gave you recent FBI statistics that the vilified weapons comprise less than 1% of all gun violence.
And you accuse ME of trying to move the goalpost?

Look you lying, disingenuous ass hat, if you want even more, get off your lazy ass and do a search. The internet is replete with interviews and articles from Democrats for ages lecturing on the desire to register, restrict, confiscate and ban guns. You really dumb enough to think they want to stop with the 1% AR-15 or AK-47 once banned and the crime continues with the other 99%? You really that dumb? Just in last month's Democratic Debate, both Harris and Sanders talked about their desires at length. It's all right on YouTube.

You're right, you don't need a gun, you'd just be a danger to society. Idiots like you need a wing and a prayer.

Toob, you and your NRA pals have been crying "wolf" so long that you don't even notice that it is all coming from you and the NRA, and not from us. Let me outline this in such a way that even you can understand.

I have among other firearms, a .38 Colt revolver, and a Mosen- Nagant rifle, and a Mosen-Nagant carbine. They are all three firearms (guns). Who, and I mean ANYBODY, has advocated that these guns be banned? Can't find anyone? How about a .44 magnum revolver? A double barreled shotgun? How about a 30-30? Anyone clamoring for banning .32 caliber guns? I have been hearing that "gun grabbers" are going to ban guns for decades. I have also heard that Obama was going to demand that every bullet be assigned a serial number. In short, I have heard ALL this crap since the 1960's, and I am calling bullshit. NOBODY is banning "guns". Someone may advocate that you can not be allowed to buy a fully automatic weapon, a bump stock, a 100 round drum, or an "assault rifle". That is NOT banning guns.

Sorry, dipshit.....Scalia pointed out your argument and it holds no weight......

The question under Heller is not whether citizens have adequate alternatives available for self-defense.

Rather, Heller asks whether the law bans types of firearms commonly used for a lawful purpose—regardless of whether alternatives exist. 554 U. S., at 627–629.

And Heller draws a distinction between such firearms and weapons specially adapted to unlawful uses and not in common use, such as sawed-off shotguns. Id., at 624–625.

The City’s ban is thus highly suspect because it broadly prohibits common semiautomatic firearms used for lawful purposes.

Roughly five million Americans own AR-style semiautomatic rifles. See 784 F. 3d, at 415, n. 3. The overwhelming majority of citizens who own and use such rifles do so for lawful purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. See ibid. Under our precedents, that is all that is needed for citizens to have a right under the Second Amendment to keep such weapons. See McDonald, 561 U. S., at 767–768; Heller, supra, at 628–629.
Funny how you moved the goalpost….
No goalpost was moved! What part of your own statement did you not understand?
...but, you just forgot to post a link from anyone advocating that guns be banned in America.....
  • I posted a link. Now you want multiple links (to every democrat in congress I suppose).
  • I posted a link from someone. Someone is anyone. Anyone is a singular term.
  • Advocating guns be banned. Diane and others have openly said they wish to BAN GUNS.
  • I gave you a link right to one of the more recent GUN BAN BILLS. It even gave a long list of the ones wished banned.
  • I even gave you recent FBI statistics that the vilified weapons comprise less than 1% of all gun violence.
And you accuse ME of trying to move the goalpost?

Look you lying, disingenuous ass hat, if you want even more, get off your lazy ass and do a search. The internet is replete with interviews and articles from Democrats for ages lecturing on the desire to register, restrict, confiscate and ban guns. You really dumb enough to think they want to stop with the 1% AR-15 or AK-47 once banned and the crime continues with the other 99%? You really that dumb? Just in last month's Democratic Debate, both Harris and Sanders talked about their desires at length. It's all right on YouTube.

You're right, you don't need a gun, you'd just be a danger to society. Idiots like you need a wing and a prayer.

Toob, you and your NRA pals have been crying "wolf" so long that you don't even notice that it is all coming from you and the NRA, and not from us. Let me outline this in such a way that even you can understand.

I have among other firearms, a .38 Colt revolver, and a Mosen- Nagant rifle, and a Mosen-Nagant carbine. They are all three firearms (guns). Who, and I mean ANYBODY, has advocated that these guns be banned? Can't find anyone? How about a .44 magnum revolver? A double barreled shotgun? How about a 30-30? Anyone clamoring for banning .32 caliber guns? I have been hearing that "gun grabbers" are going to ban guns for decades. I have also heard that Obama was going to demand that every bullet be assigned a serial number. In short, I have heard ALL this crap since the 1960's, and I am calling bullshit. NOBODY is banning "guns". Someone may advocate that you can not be allowed to buy a fully automatic weapon, a bump stock, a 100 round drum, or an "assault rifle". That is NOT banning guns.

The dolt is given a link to the actual bill listing the banning of all assault-style semi-automatics and still lives in denial. If you've been hearing it since the 60s and it still hasn't happen yet, idiot, it is not for want of trying, but because of people like the NRA.

Well, it is obvious that you are no longer talking about people wanting to ban guns, since nobody is doing any such thing. Since you are talking about people advocating the banning of "assault type weapons", you need to define what that means, because every time someone says those words, NRA types get their panties in a wad, because the only thing that makes it different than any semi-automatic rifle is that it is black. Having said that, I'll just go to the bottom line and tell you that all of the paranoia in the NRA building is not enough to actually make that happen, even though the NRA assures everyone that if they don't get more donations, the government is going to "ban guns", and ram your ramparts at your house with Abrams tanks, and day now.

Yes...they are, cities and states are banning semi-auto rifles simply because they can.....

You are a propagandist for anti-gun extremism.......
Funny how you moved the goalpost….
No goalpost was moved! What part of your own statement did you not understand?
...but, you just forgot to post a link from anyone advocating that guns be banned in America.....
  • I posted a link. Now you want multiple links (to every democrat in congress I suppose).
  • I posted a link from someone. Someone is anyone. Anyone is a singular term.
  • Advocating guns be banned. Diane and others have openly said they wish to BAN GUNS.
  • I gave you a link right to one of the more recent GUN BAN BILLS. It even gave a long list of the ones wished banned.
  • I even gave you recent FBI statistics that the vilified weapons comprise less than 1% of all gun violence.
And you accuse ME of trying to move the goalpost?

Look you lying, disingenuous ass hat, if you want even more, get off your lazy ass and do a search. The internet is replete with interviews and articles from Democrats for ages lecturing on the desire to register, restrict, confiscate and ban guns. You really dumb enough to think they want to stop with the 1% AR-15 or AK-47 once banned and the crime continues with the other 99%? You really that dumb? Just in last month's Democratic Debate, both Harris and Sanders talked about their desires at length. It's all right on YouTube.

You're right, you don't need a gun, you'd just be a danger to society. Idiots like you need a wing and a prayer.

Toob, you and your NRA pals have been crying "wolf" so long that you don't even notice that it is all coming from you and the NRA, and not from us. Let me outline this in such a way that even you can understand.

I have among other firearms, a .38 Colt revolver, and a Mosen- Nagant rifle, and a Mosen-Nagant carbine. They are all three firearms (guns). Who, and I mean ANYBODY, has advocated that these guns be banned? Can't find anyone? How about a .44 magnum revolver? A double barreled shotgun? How about a 30-30? Anyone clamoring for banning .32 caliber guns? I have been hearing that "gun grabbers" are going to ban guns for decades. I have also heard that Obama was going to demand that every bullet be assigned a serial number. In short, I have heard ALL this crap since the 1960's, and I am calling bullshit. NOBODY is banning "guns". Someone may advocate that you can not be allowed to buy a fully automatic weapon, a bump stock, a 100 round drum, or an "assault rifle". That is NOT banning guns.

No one advocates for ‘banning’ guns.

No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ guns.

The notion that anyone seeks to ‘ban’ or ‘confiscate’ guns is a lie contrived and propagated by the right, nothing but demagoguery on the part of conservatives.

Except for the left wing of the Supreme Court, left wing judges at all levels of the lower courts, the entire group of democrat Presidential candidates and the leadership of the democrat party, local democrat mayors and officials at the city and state level...but other than are right.
Criminals, Terrorist and Mass Shooters love naive liberals such as Tommy.
If the far left extremist politicians managed to ban guns, it would cause a blood bath of crime, because the bad guys won't turn in their guns and their victims would be defenseless.

Somebody wants to ban guns? I have heard this all my life, but I have never found out just who it is that is trying to ban guns. He must have a secret identity.

Then you are an idiot because Dems have ADMITTED IT in as many words in recent years, as linked to here more than a few times just in recent months! If it hasn't actually happened yet, you can thank the NRA and the vigilant, proactive people of America!

...but, you just forgot to post a link from anyone advocating that guns be banned in America.....

Funny how liberal's SEARCH functions never seem to work for themselves on any topic they'd rather avoid. OK, here's a link to anyone:

Text - H.R.4269 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Assault Weapons Ban of 2015

Why are democrats trying to vilify "assault weapons?" There are no assault weapons. Ownership of assault weapons was made illegal a long, long time ago after the Valentine Day Massacre. You need a special federal stamp to own one now. What they are talking about are rifles which simply LOOK menacing and hold more than one round at a time (magazine). But that covers nearly the entire field of all rifles and even shotguns and nearly all pistols too despite the fact that "assault-style" looking rifles are at the very BOTTOM of the barrel in frequency of use in actual crimes as reported by the FBI:

View attachment 268905

ANSWER: Because by vilifying assault-style rifles as the easiest to get public consensus to go after, based on the reasoning that after all, why does anyone NEED a rifle with 30 rounds in it to hunt deer, they can get their foot in the door. If and when once they actually get semi-auto rifles banned and it has NO EFFECT on crime, then the precedent has been set to go after the real target: handguns.

Next they will make it increasingly restrictive to own and process even a bolt-action rifle. New York State has long set the precedent where even getting a license to carry is next to impossible. Make no mistake that once democrats get the ball rolling on any sort of ban, they intend to use the continued gun violence as justification to go after all guns until the public is effectively disarmed. At that point when gun crime still continues virtually unchecked because criminals don't obey laws, it will be too late to do anything about it. We will be another England with our thumbs up our asses.


What one Democrat might believe isn’t ‘representative’ of all Democrats.

Moreover, AWBs are perfectly Constitutional, the Supreme Court having never ruled on the merits of such measures.

That AWBs are pointless, ineffective, and devoid of merit doesn’t mean they violate the Second Amendment.

This and other posts like it are further examples of rightwing demagoguery.

Yes....they Heller and then Scalia confirmed the decision in his writings in Friedman v Highland Park......the lower courts, filled with left wing, anti-gun judges are ignoring rulings of the Supreme Court on banning these rifles.....

You are lying.
The stats dont lie.
The worst argument ever tommy.... there are 4 types of lies tommy
large and
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.

Wrong....they show results that include suicide, and don't break down our country correctly. Our gun crime is confined to tiny areas of our country, controlled by the democrat party. The rest of the country, 99% of it, are as safe, or safer than any country in Europe......but let's not let the truth get out...
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.
does even one of them show how safe guns are when liberal areas of the country are excluded from them?

The worst argument ever tommy.... there are 4 types of lies tommy
large and
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.

Probably because they all come from ONE SOURCE, someone like you drawing them up in your mother's basement. Your chart doesn't even have a link to the source where it supposedly got its data!
Here is another one.
Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

How does showing me a second chart answer my questions? do you have any charts showing gun deaths at American guns shops vs. london? do you have a guess as to which has more gun deaths? the place where guns are banned or the place that is nothing but guns guns guns? use your charts to see if the facts match the charts claims...
In America, liberal areas are the deadliest places in the country [perhaps on earth] while gun shops are some of the safest if not the most safe...there was a time when our country did not have gun laws or liberal morals and no one needed to look at charts to see just how safe a country we were.
Liberal areas are still a part of the US. You can make any country look safe by discounting its more problematic areas.What is the point of that ?

You don't seem to understand that most gun crimes are committed by people who are legally ineligible from owning firearms.

We don't blame law abiding citizens for the bad acts of criminals in this country

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