More guns keeping us safe.......

By the way.....there is no such thing as an unrestricted sale to a criminal...the criminal already knows it is against the law for them to buy, own or carry a gun.....we can already arrest them when they do this. We already have those laws on the book.

Problem solved.
Now we need to arrest those who sell guns to criminals

Don't need to....since criminals use straw buyers to buy their guns or they steal them.......the straw buyer can buy the gun legally ......and then breaks the law by selling the gun to the criminal...that act is already against the law. Again, since you don't seem to get is already against the law for the criminal to buy, own or carry a gun, regardless of who is selling it.....that is already against the law, so we can arrest them, now, and put them in jail....

And then the democrats will let them go.
These laws are mostly unenforceable which how our bought and paid for politicians designed them. I can buy 3 assault weapons today and sell them to whoever I want. When they`re used in a crime and the police show up at my door I only need to say they were stolen. The NRA beat down a proposal to make the reporting of stolen guns mandatory. They`re a lobby group for crazies, criminals and terrorists.

These laws are mostly unenforceable

How is that? If a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, they can be arrested, prosecuted an put in is that unenforceable?
I can`t be arrested for having my guns "stolen" even if I did sell them on the street corner. Yes the criminal can be arrested but I can continue my career as a straw purchaser. What is it that you don`t understand?

Wrong.....if you actually understood what you were talking about, you would know that currently, people who sell guns to criminals are captured just like any other criminal, in particular, drug dealers. The criminal who is captured by the police tell them where they got the gun, they set up a sting with undercover police, and catch the seller in an illegal sale...

So again, we already have laws on the book for what you say you want. Criminals can't buy, own or carry guns....people who sell guns knowingly to criminals can be arrested and sent to prison, and in fact, are routinely captured using current police techniques...

So you have nothing...
So you can easily sell a gun to a criminal and nobody is the wiser

You are part of the problem

Criminals get all of their guns illegally, since they are forbidden by law from buying, owning or carrying guns....and their primary source are friends and family who can pass Federal background checks......their baby mommas, girlfriends, grandmas, mothers, sisters........

It is already against the law for a criminals to buy, own or carry a gun. When we catch a criminal with a gun, they can already be arrested and put in jail...

We have that law already.......
And the typical gun owner is an open source of criminals getting guns

I know a guy who has a gun he is trying to get rid of.......Interested?

Wrong......criminals break the don't infringe on the Rights of normal people because of criminals.

I am not that into no.

Again....criminals already know it is against the law for them to buy, own or carry guns, and if they do any of that, we can already arrest them.
And unrestricted sales from law abiding gun owners are a source of guns for criminal activities
Na, not really
Rural America has next to no violence, and firearms outnumber people many, many times over.
So it’s not the firearms that’s the problem. It’s progressive controlled urban America was extremely strict gun control laws where the violence resides… And not enough firearms in law abiding citizens possession...
Google.....Population Density

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop incidents like this...according to the CDC and the Department of Justice.


Sure they do....the asshole shooting from the car claims he is saving a life

And since he isn't, he can be arrested and sent to prison...

However, the actual victims of crime who use their guns to save so 1.1 million times a year, according to the Centers for Disease Control, and the Department of Justice......they aren't arrested, in fact, the criminal who attacked them is arrested....unless they have to go to the hospital first.....
Wishful thinking by gun owners

Not wishful thinking.....actual facts backed up by about 17 actual studies on the topic......studies that include the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of just two of the 17.......
Criminals get all of their guns illegally, since they are forbidden by law from buying, owning or carrying guns....and their primary source are friends and family who can pass Federal background checks......their baby mommas, girlfriends, grandmas, mothers, sisters........

It is already against the law for a criminals to buy, own or carry a gun. When we catch a criminal with a gun, they can already be arrested and put in jail...

We have that law already.......
And the typical gun owner is an open source of criminals getting guns

I know a guy who has a gun he is trying to get rid of.......Interested?

Wrong......criminals break the don't infringe on the Rights of normal people because of criminals.

I am not that into no.

Again....criminals already know it is against the law for them to buy, own or carry guns, and if they do any of that, we can already arrest them.
And unrestricted sales from law abiding gun owners are a source of guns for criminal activities
Na, not really
Rural America has next to no violence, and firearms outnumber people many, many times over.
So it’s not the firearms that’s the problem. It’s progressive controlled urban America was extremely strict gun control laws where the violence resides… And not enough firearms in law abiding citizens possession...
Google.....Population Density
The fact remains rural America Has the vast majority of firearms in the least amount of violent crime… What part of the equation don’t you understand. Firearms have nothing to do with violent crime you silly little fucker

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop incidents like this...according to the CDC and the Department of Justice.
If only there were 1.1 million police reports to support that. There aren`t. Your numbers are based on Kleck`s telephone surveys conducted in 15 states and people surveyed like that can say anything they want. If 68 million people used guns defensively since I was born I should know a couple dozen of them. I don`t know any and I spent 35 years in a factory with 3,200 employees and most of them were gun owners. NORMAL gun owners, not people who sleep with a gun under their pillow because they`re scared.

Do you ever actually research what you post....? Because from what you just posted, you don't appear to really understand anything....

No...Dr. Kleck's number was 2.5 million defensive gun bill clinton ordered the Department of Justice to do their own study, with their own anti-gun researchers and their number was 1.5 million defensive gun uses a year.......and clinton also had the Centers for Disease Control do the exact same research with their own researchers...trying to get that number down lower....and they found 1.1 million defensive gun uses a year......those are 3 studies out of 17...........

Your argument is with the anti-gun researchers, not me....and Dr. Kleck was an anti-gun researcher when he did his research....

Here is a list of the actual should try to do a little research so you might know something about which you are posting...

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

The name of the group doing the study, the year of the study, the number of defensive gun uses and if police and military defensive gun uses are included.....notice the bill clinton and obama defensive gun use research is highlighted.....

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, no military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, no military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, no military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, no military)

CDC...1996-1998... 1.1 million averaged over those years.( no cops, no military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, no military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, no military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops,no military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, no military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, no military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
You've been shown statistics, probably a dozen times in this thread alone that the U.S. IS safer after a dramatic increase in the number of guns in private hands. You continue to ignore the facts and spouting the Progressive party line.
Are you just ignorant, or simply stupid?
What’s been shown dozens of times in this thread are post hoc fallacies – not ‘statistics.’

The fact is that the U.S. IS NOT safer after an increase in the number of guns in private hands, ‘dramatic’ or otherwise:

The NRA's theory that more guns mean less crime is debunked in a new Stanford analysis

Consequently, you’re in no position question anyone’s ignorance or stupidity.
Still the same, I see, Clayton. I figured even you might learn to read something that doesn't toe the party line. Not the first time I've had misplaced faith in evolution.

One small problem, in this one small thing, Clayton is correct. While he isn't correct all the time, he is on this one. There is NO proof one way or another that the increase in the number of guns in the civilian world has had any affect over gun violence. No matter what the NRA tries to present. Both competing sides are just full of yourselves. But we do have to worry about having too few guns (subject to discussion) and too many guns (not subject to discussion as history has shown us).
Did you file a report with the police? I didn`t think so. You would be in trouble for filing a fake police report. A bus load of home invaders pulled into my driveway last week but when I came out of the house with an armload of assault weapons they took off like scared rabbits. I didn`t call the police either. :)
Typical gun owner fantasy about chasing off bad guys

My gun makes me a bad ass
Typical response from a person who can't do anything but spout the same trite nonsense.

How many of the millions of people who legally carry a gun every day go on rampages over a parking space ?
Too many


The fact is that people who legally carry a concealed weapon are the least likely to commit any crime

People who carry guns are most likely to use them
You need to look at it another way.
People who dont have guns are less likely to shoot people.
And the typical gun owner is an open source of criminals getting guns

I know a guy who has a gun he is trying to get rid of.......Interested?

Wrong......criminals break the don't infringe on the Rights of normal people because of criminals.

I am not that into no.

Again....criminals already know it is against the law for them to buy, own or carry guns, and if they do any of that, we can already arrest them.
And unrestricted sales from law abiding gun owners are a source of guns for criminal activities
Na, not really
Rural America has next to no violence, and firearms outnumber people many, many times over.
So it’s not the firearms that’s the problem. It’s progressive controlled urban America was extremely strict gun control laws where the violence resides… And not enough firearms in law abiding citizens possession...
Google.....Population Density
The fact remains rural America Has the vast majority of firearms in the least amount of violent crime… What part of the equation don’t you understand. Firearms have nothing to do with violent crime you silly little fucker

Firearms have nothing to do with violent crime you silly little fucker

One of the dumbest posts ever made

Wrong......criminals break the don't infringe on the Rights of normal people because of criminals.

I am not that into no.

Again....criminals already know it is against the law for them to buy, own or carry guns, and if they do any of that, we can already arrest them.
And unrestricted sales from law abiding gun owners are a source of guns for criminal activities
Na, not really
Rural America has next to no violence, and firearms outnumber people many, many times over.
So it’s not the firearms that’s the problem. It’s progressive controlled urban America was extremely strict gun control laws where the violence resides… And not enough firearms in law abiding citizens possession...
Google.....Population Density
The fact remains rural America Has the vast majority of firearms in the least amount of violent crime… What part of the equation don’t you understand. Firearms have nothing to do with violent crime you silly little fucker

Firearms have nothing to do with violent crime you silly little fucker

One of the dumbest posts ever made
People kill people not firearms... You silly little fucker
Typical gun owner fantasy about chasing off bad guys

My gun makes me a bad ass
Typical response from a person who can't do anything but spout the same trite nonsense.

How many of the millions of people who legally carry a gun every day go on rampages over a parking space ?
Too many


The fact is that people who legally carry a concealed weapon are the least likely to commit any crime

People who carry guns are most likely to use them
You need to look at it another way.
People who dont have guns are less likely to shoot people.

Victims of rape, robbery and murder are more likely to be victims if they don't have access to guns.....that is why Britain is more violent than the U.S.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robbery and murder.....

You would rather they suffer those crimes than stop them.

And again, you have failed to answer the question...if your theory is that more guns = more gun crime, how did the gun murder rate in the U.S. go down 49% as more Americans owned and carried guns over the last 26 years. How did the gun crime rate go down 75% and the violent crime rate go down 72%, if your theory is more guns = more gun crime.

Meanwhile....if less guns = less gun crime than why did Britains gun crime rate spike for 10 years after you banned guns, and then return to the same level after you banned guns.....showing no real difference in gun murder? And how is it that British police state that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into Britain?
Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
You've been shown statistics, probably a dozen times in this thread alone that the U.S. IS safer after a dramatic increase in the number of guns in private hands. You continue to ignore the facts and spouting the Progressive party line.
Are you just ignorant, or simply stupid?
What’s been shown dozens of times in this thread are post hoc fallacies – not ‘statistics.’

The fact is that the U.S. IS NOT safer after an increase in the number of guns in private hands, ‘dramatic’ or otherwise:

The NRA's theory that more guns mean less crime is debunked in a new Stanford analysis

Consequently, you’re in no position question anyone’s ignorance or stupidity.
Still the same, I see, Clayton. I figured even you might learn to read something that doesn't toe the party line. Not the first time I've had misplaced faith in evolution.

One small problem, in this one small thing, Clayton is correct. While he isn't correct all the time, he is on this one. There is NO proof one way or another that the increase in the number of guns in the civilian world has had any affect over gun violence. No matter what the NRA tries to present. Both competing sides are just full of yourselves. But we do have to worry about having too few guns (subject to discussion) and too many guns (not subject to discussion as history has shown us).

You and he are both wrong....but miss the biggest more Americans owned and carried guns in the last 26 years...the gun crime rate did not go up.......your theory and his is that more guns = more gun crime...that did not happen....

and there is research that actually shows that armed civilians help to reduce the gun crime rate.......actual research which he ignores....
Did you file a report with the police? I didn`t think so. You would be in trouble for filing a fake police report. A bus load of home invaders pulled into my driveway last week but when I came out of the house with an armload of assault weapons they took off like scared rabbits. I didn`t call the police either. :)
Typical gun owner fantasy about chasing off bad guys

My gun makes me a bad ass
Typical response from a person who can't do anything but spout the same trite nonsense.

How many of the millions of people who legally carry a gun every day go on rampages over a parking space ?
Too many


The fact is that people who legally carry a concealed weapon are the least likely to commit any crime

People who carry guns are most likely to use them

Wrong again

People who LEGALLY carry use their firearms extremely rarely if at all.

Once again I'll tell you that people who LEGALLY carry a firearm are the most law abiding citizens in the country therefore they do not use their handguns in anything but a legal manner specifically self defense or defense of another.

If you were right ( and you're not) then there would be millions of shootings every day

The fact is that people who legally carry a concealed weapon are the least likely to commit any crime

People who carry guns are most likely to use them
people who illegally carry guns are more likely to use them
Those who lawfully carry them only use them when others use them illegally.

I walked around with an " illegal " (not registered ) 38 special for years .Its even been in the Empire state buildingbefore they had metal detectors

I did business with someone on the 44th floor...i was in there all the time

Never had to use it ...BUt would of if i absolutely had to
None of my firearms are registered there is no law requiring that they are registered
So I have no clue what your saying.
So you can easily sell a gun to a criminal and nobody is the wiser

You are part of the problem
I have never sold a gun to anyone.
people who illegally carry guns are more likely to use them
Those who lawfully carry them only use them when others use them illegally.

I walked around with an " illegal " (not registered ) 38 special for years .Its even been in the Empire state buildingbefore they had metal detectors

I did business with someone on the 44th floor...i was in there all the time

Never had to use it ...BUt would of if i absolutely had to
None of my firearms are registered there is no law requiring that they are registered
So I have no clue what your saying.
So you can easily sell a gun to a criminal and nobody is the wiser

You are part of the problem

Criminals get all of their guns illegally, since they are forbidden by law from buying, owning or carrying guns....and their primary source are friends and family who can pass Federal background checks......their baby mommas, girlfriends, grandmas, mothers, sisters........

It is already against the law for a criminals to buy, own or carry a gun. When we catch a criminal with a gun, they can already be arrested and put in jail...

We have that law already.......
And the typical gun owner is an open source of criminals getting guns

I know a guy who has a gun he is trying to get rid of.......Interested?

Is your ass jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?
Wrong......criminals break the don't infringe on the Rights of normal people because of criminals.

I am not that into no.

Again....criminals already know it is against the law for them to buy, own or carry guns, and if they do any of that, we can already arrest them.
And unrestricted sales from law abiding gun owners are a source of guns for criminal activities

By the way.....there is no such thing as an unrestricted sale to a criminal...the criminal already knows it is against the law for them to buy, own or carry a gun.....we can already arrest them when they do this. We already have those laws on the book.

Problem solved.
Now we need to arrest those who sell guns to criminals

Don't need to....since criminals use straw buyers to buy their guns or they steal them.......the straw buyer can buy the gun legally ......and then breaks the law by selling the gun to the criminal...that act is already against the law. Again, since you don't seem to get is already against the law for the criminal to buy, own or carry a gun, regardless of who is selling it.....that is already against the law, so we can arrest them, now, and put them in jail....

And then the democrats will let them go.
These laws are mostly unenforceable which how our bought and paid for politicians designed them. I can buy 3 assault weapons today and sell them to whoever I want. When they`re used in a crime and the police show up at my door I only need to say they were stolen. The NRA beat down a proposal to make the reporting of stolen guns mandatory. They`re a lobby group for crazies, criminals and terrorists.

Then don't sell guns to anyone.

I don't
I never will.
Typical response from a person who can't do anything but spout the same trite nonsense.

How many of the millions of people who legally carry a gun every day go on rampages over a parking space ?
Too many


The fact is that people who legally carry a concealed weapon are the least likely to commit any crime

People who carry guns are most likely to use them
You need to look at it another way.
People who dont have guns are less likely to shoot people.

Victims of rape, robbery and murder are more likely to be victims if they don't have access to guns.....that is why Britain is more violent than the U.S.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robbery and murder.....

You would rather they suffer those crimes than stop them.

And again, you have failed to answer the question...if your theory is that more guns = more gun crime, how did the gun murder rate in the U.S. go down 49% as more Americans owned and carried guns over the last 26 years. How did the gun crime rate go down 75% and the violent crime rate go down 72%, if your theory is more guns = more gun crime.

Meanwhile....if less guns = less gun crime than why did Britains gun crime rate spike for 10 years after you banned guns, and then return to the same level after you banned guns.....showing no real difference in gun murder? And how is it that British police state that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into Britain?
Your rates go up and down. So do ours. But never has your slaughter come any where near the deaths in the civilised world. Dissemble as much as you like, guns do not make you safer.
Two People Hospitalized Following Possible Road Rage Shooting In Miami

Saturday morning on the Palmetto Expressway exit ramp to Southwest 56th Street.

They say the driver of a silver sedan rolled up to an SUV full of people and started shooting, but it’s not known why.

I'll give you 10 to 1 odds the shooter was not legally eligible to possess a firearm.

So why don't you worry about stopping the ILLEGAL possession and trafficking of firearms and leave us law abiding people who will never commit a gun crime alone?

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop incidents like this...according to the CDC and the Department of Justice.


Sure they do....the asshole shooting from the car claims he is saving a life

Only if he can prove it to the satisfaction of the law and FYI no one who shoots from a moving vehicle at unarmed civilains can do that
Typical gun owner fantasy about chasing off bad guys

My gun makes me a bad ass
Typical response from a person who can't do anything but spout the same trite nonsense.

How many of the millions of people who legally carry a gun every day go on rampages over a parking space ?
Too many


The fact is that people who legally carry a concealed weapon are the least likely to commit any crime

People who carry guns are most likely to use them
You need to look at it another way.
People who dont have guns are less likely to shoot people.

And are more likely to be victims

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