More hate speech from Mooch - "Women are smarter than men"

WTF is Laura Bush doing hanging around at an African summit.......does she want to get ebola????????

No -MIchelle Obama was showing her how to bang Monkeys to help spread the AIDS more equitably. You're so insensitive !!
It IS funny how some posters think it is an insult to call her a man. I would guess they think being a man is insulting in some way. :D

Well of course, they have also attacked Oblama's kids to show their hate..
Would real men get bent out of shape by her joke?

I think not.
Doesn't even rise to the level of Fauxrage. Slightly below PoutRage.

But what do you expect from a rag like BratPhart, the king of the "out of context" Poutrage.
I've been hearing that since I was old enough to understand what was said..That being said, it was a sexist statement, but what do you expect, she's a woman and is on the womens' side~Duh
It used to be called, The Battle of The Sexes...Butt hurt right wingers must have forgotten that since they is soo old and senile...

Psychology has identified many distinct differences between male and female mental functions Differences in brain structure and function driven by epigenetics and hormones. Women for instance do not fare as well in the field of Mathematics - why is uncertain. There have also been studies that suggest that alarge proportion of women have a hard time comprehending Maps - why is uncertain.

However When it comes to the question of whether there is a significant difference in average I.Q. between males and females - the answer is a definitive NO [ See: Sex differences on high-range I.Q. tests analysed ]

What a monstrous gaffe - but the media always lets liberal hate-speech slide.

Michelle Obama: 'Women Are Smarter Than Men'

6 Aug 2014,
First Lady Michelle Obama shared some thoughts about women versus men during a conversation with former First Lady Laura Bush at the U.S Africa Leaders Summit in Washington D.C.
Obama explained that as First Lady it was important to remember to use the position to highlight their personal interests.
“We can’t waste this spotlight, it is temporary and life is short and change is needed and women are smarter than men. And the men can’t complain because you’re outnumbered today,” she said as the audience laughed.

and you're still stupid.
Women drink for free, get dinner paid for them and go on all expense paid vacations.

Of course they are smarter.
Just imagine if a conservative said men are smarter than women.

in this thread?

Bendog - All these smart ass women make me .... sick. Give one an inch and she wants to be a ruler. Never shoulda let em vote. First the whiskey rebellion, then the vote. We white men were doomed even before all the Mexicans starting swimming the rio grande

Methinks that was sarcasm...

Women drink for free, get dinner paid for them and go on all expense paid vacations.

Of course they are smarter.

Actually feminist are working on getting that taken away. So you can say maybe they were smarter, but some women are liberals and prove the point wrong.
Just imagine if a conservative said men are smarter than women.

in this thread?

Bendog - All these smart ass women make me .... sick. Give one an inch and she wants to be a ruler. Never shoulda let em vote. First the whiskey rebellion, then the vote. We white men were doomed even before all the Mexicans starting swimming the rio grande

Methinks that was sarcasm...


Oh yeah. My wife would slap the shite outta me if I really believed that. She might let me have my own opinion about something someday too.
I've been hearing that since I was old enough to understand what was said..That being said, it was a sexist statement, but what do you expect, she's a woman and is on the womens' side~Duh
It used to be called, The Battle of The Sexes...Butt hurt right wingers must have forgotten that since they is soo old and senile...

Psychology has identified many distinct differences between male and female mental functions Differences in brain structure and function driven by epigenetics and hormones. Women for instance do not fare as well in the field of Mathematics - why is uncertain. There have also been studies that suggest that alarge proportion of women have a hard time comprehending Maps - why is uncertain.

However When it comes to the question of whether there is a significant difference in average I.Q. between males and females - the answer is a definitive NO [ See: Sex differences on high-range I.Q. tests analysed ]

Men and women do the same on IQ tests because the tests favor verbal skills - a useless skill unless you're a social worker or entertainer. Only STEM skills count and if IQ focused on that men would skunk the beyatches.
I've been hearing that since I was old enough to understand what was said..That being said, it was a sexist statement, but what do you expect, she's a woman and is on the womens' side~Duh
It used to be called, The Battle of The Sexes...Butt hurt right wingers must have forgotten that since they is soo old and senile...

Psychology has identified many distinct differences between male and female mental functions Differences in brain structure and function driven by epigenetics and hormones. Women for instance do not fare as well in the field of Mathematics - why is uncertain. There have also been studies that suggest that alarge proportion of women have a hard time comprehending Maps - why is uncertain.

However When it comes to the question of whether there is a significant difference in average I.Q. between males and females - the answer is a definitive NO [ See: Sex differences on high-range I.Q. tests analysed ]

Men and women do the same on IQ tests because the tests favor verbal skills - a useless skill unless you're a social worker or entertainer. Only STEM skills count and if IQ focused on that men would skunk the beyatches.

You seem to believe that only STEM skills count for IQ . By some theories STEM skills are something that is learned, that is - it is something you acquire through practice, it's not something you are born with . STEM - [science, technology, engineering, mathematics] .

However , The numbers to date seem to indicate that females under perform in comparison to males in STEM related endeavors - the jury is out on whether this is nature vs. nurture . It's been a few years since I've done any study in this field so if you know of any new information that I am not aware of that helped you draw the conclusion you came to - I'd be much obliged for a link . Thanks.
So this is why every branch of science and math was created by men? Doesn't seem very stupid to me.

What exactly makes women think they're so smart?
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