More Incredible Data on Inflation this Morning !!!

There is no link needed. Bush lowered the deficit for 3 years running.

Democrats can only lower it after they explode it (Look at Obama's and Bidens first years). And even then they can't lower it to what the GOP does.

The Banker is not only full of shit, he's exposed himself as a fucking liar.

Look at the chart he posted in #150. Look at those huge BLUE bars next the smaller RED bars. Look at Trumps numbers inbetween. 6 of 7 years where the deficit was over 1 Trillion are BLUE.

It's pretty plain that if you are going to play this blame game, Obama and Biden look like the morons they are.
What says it all are the numbers. Your interpretation of them is useless bullshit.

What's more funny is that you say you only quote facts and yet you ignore them. I am not repeating the same shit for the 6th time to you.

You are a liar.

You whine about people making excuses.

But you try to twist the numbers to fit the one (excuses) you seem bend on worshipping.
nope. You spin the numbers to excuse the republicans

When a democrat inherits a balanced budget and leaves office with trillion dollar deficits (like Bush did), then you can talk
When a democrat inherits a $600B deficit and leaves office with a mind blowing $3+T/ry deficit (like Trump did), then you can talk

When a republican can inherit a $1+T/yr deficit and lower it down to $600B/yr, like Obama did, then you can talk
When a republican can inherit a $3T/yr deficit and lower it down to $1.3T yr then you can talk.

Until then... shut the fuck up...

The republicans only increase the deficit, they never lower it
The democrats only lower the deficit, they rarely increase it, and that has been the trend since 1980, 40+ fuckin years of that trend.
nope. You spin the numbers to excuse the republicans

The numbers are facts.

Bush's last year was 455 Billlion. After pulling it down for 3 years straign. Almost down to 160 Billion. The lowest Biden has gotten is 1.4 Trillion. BIG Difference.
When a democrat inherits a $600B deficit and leaves office with a mind blowing $3+T/ry deficit (like Trump did), then you can talk
When his first year is 700 Billion and 4 years later Bidens first year is 2.7 Billion. Don't make me laugh.
When a republican can inherit a $1+T/yr deficit and lower it down to $600B/yr, like Obama did, then you can talk
Actually, when a republican has 4 years 1 trillion year plus deficits, you can crawl out of Nancy Pelosi's ass.
When a republican can inherit a $3T/yr deficit and lower it down to $1.3T yr then you can talk.
When a republican has a 1st year deficit of 2.7 trillion we'll be screaming for his head. We won't be buying his blow up doll.

Most of the time when peopole look at the democrats deficits they see 1 Trillion + When they look at hte GOP they see Billions...not Trillions.

Until then... shut the fuck up...
Make me.

In the meantime go fuck yourself or the goat you keep around.

The republicans only increase the deficit, they never lower it

Already showed that was a lie. It's so easy. Prick

The democrats only lower the deficit, they rarely increase it, and that has been the trend since 1980, 40+ fuckin years of that trend.

They only lower it after they fucking blow it to the moon. Not hard to do. You are such a sucker and an asswipe.
The numbers are facts.

Bush's last year was 455 Billlion. After pulling it down for 3 years straign. Almost down to 160 Billion. The lowest Biden has gotten is 1.4 Trillion. BIG Difference.

When his first year is 700 Billion and 4 years later Bidens first year is 2.7 Billion. Don't make me laugh.

Actually, when a republican has 4 years 1 trillion year plus deficits, you can crawl out of Nancy Pelosi's ass.

When a republican has a 1st year deficit of 2.7 trillion we'll be screaming for his head. We won't be buying his blow up doll.

Most of the time when peopole look at the democrats deficits they see 1 Trillion + When they look at hte GOP they see Billions...not Trillions.

Make me.

In the meantime go fuck yourself or the goat you keep around.

Already showed that was a lie. It's so easy. Prick

They only lower it after they fucking blow it to the moon. Not hard to do. You are such a sucker and an asswipe.
Bush blew up the economy and left it in total ruin...

you forgot about that part

Obama inherited the Bush crash and the subsequent economic fallout that was some of the worst in US history. Obama inherited the 2009 budget from Bush. Obama inherited the mess and the deficit.

You spin the facts, and are a total liar because you cannot hold the GOP accountable.

When a democrat inherits a balanced budget and leaves office with trillion dollar deficits (like Bush did), then you can talk.
When a democrat inherits a $600B deficit and leaves office with a mind blowing $3+T/ry deficit (like Trump did), then you can talk.

When a republican can inherit a $1+T/yr deficit and lower it down to $600B/yr, like Obama did, then you can talk.
When a republican can inherit a $3T/yr deficit and lower it down to $1.3T yr then you can talk.

Until then... shut the fuck up...

The republicans only increase the deficit, they never lower it
The democrats only lower the deficit, they rarely increase it, and that has been the trend since 1980, 40+ fuckin years of that trend.
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So now you just ignore the numbers and say what you want in defense of that worthless POS in the WH who cares nothing for America.

Bush's last year 455 Billion. Yep....that's the number

Obama's first year 1.4 Trillion. Ouch. Sucks to be Obama. But then he's 1.3/1.3/1.1 Trillion. Four years in and he can't get it below 1 Trillion. Bush is long gone. And the recession is one of the worst we've part because Obama sucked. Then it lowers to close to what Bush's worst was (those are the numbers asswipe).

Bush first year 130 Billion surplus
Trumps first year 700 Billion Deficit
Obam's first year 1.4 TRILLION Deficit
Biden's first year 2.7 TRILLION Deficit

And the democrats just can't piss their pants hard enough.

Bush + Trump first year = 600 Billion deficit
Obama + Biden first year = 4.1 Trillion (7 times Bush/Trump)

Facts tell you that Obama and Biden are royal fuckups. But we knew that.
So now you just ignore the numbers and say what you want in defense of that worthless POS in the WH who cares nothing for America.

Bush's last year 455 Billion. Yep....that's the number

Obama's first year 1.4 Trillion. Ouch. Sucks to be Obama. But then he's 1.3/1.3/1.1 Trillion. Four years in and he can't get it below 1 Trillion. Bush is long gone. And the recession is one of the worst we've part because Obama sucked. Then it lowers to close to what Bush's worst was (those are the numbers asswipe).

Bush first year 130 Billion surplus
Trumps first year 700 Billion Deficit
Obam's first year 1.4 TRILLION Deficit
Biden's first year 2.7 TRILLION Deficit

And the democrats just can't piss their pants hard enough.

Bush + Trump first year = 600 Billion deficit
Obama + Biden first year = 4.1 Trillion (7 times Bush/Trump)

Facts tell you that Obama and Biden are royal fuckups. But we knew that.
What a joke.
You are comparing Bush deficits, who inherited a balanced budget, to Obama deficits, who inherited the Bush crash and trillion dollar deficits. The big Bush blow up, when Bush and the idiot GOP blew up the economy after 7 years of their failed policy.

GW Bush and the retard GOP took a balanced budget, passed trillions in spending, started 2 failed and mis-managed wars that they loved, then blew up the economy 7 years into their failed reign of terror, destroying the balance budget and leaving Obama to pick up the pieces of the worst financial mega crisis since the failed GOP had the Great Depression. Republicans have blood on their hands for destroying America and republican voters have blood on their hands for supporting it.

Your biggest attack on democrats is that they can't fix the GOP mega disasters fast enough, and the can't lower the GOP mega deficits fast enough.

the republicans cause all the problem and debt and deficit and crashes, and you try and blame the dems for not fixing the GOP's fuck ups and recessions and failed wars etc

I just shut you up. You have officially been shut up. There is no valid response you can make to the facts I just posted. Get back to us when the idiot republicans can have a presidential term that doesn't end in total ruin or riot or catastrophe... they can't even do that...
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What a joke.
Yes you are.
You are comparing Bush deficits, who inherited a balanced budget, to Obama deficits, who inherited the Bush crash and trillion dollar deficits.
Bush's final deficit was 455 Billion.

Obama's first deficit was massive. 1.4 Trillion.

There is no comparison.
The big Bush blow up, when Bush and the idiot GOP blew up the economy after 7 years of their failed policy.

Once again....yes, once again for about the fifth time.

Bush took over and his first deficit was actually a surplus. Great job GWB. You were a moron. But you were better than Obama. Bush saw the deficit get up to 450 Billion. started to decline. In 2007, it was down to 160 Billion. You've seen this and you've read it multiple times as it has been pointed out to your sorry stupid ass repeatedly. The deficit then jumped to 455 Billion. That was his last year. Please try to deny that fact as shown on every chart and table on the subject.

GW Bush and the retard GOP took a balanced budget, passed trillions in spending, started 2 failed and mis-managed wars that they loved, then blew up the economy 7 years into their failed reign of terror, destroying the balance budget and leaving Obama to pick up the pieces of the worst financial mega crisis since the failed GOP had the Great Depression. Republicans have blood on their hands for destroying America and republican voters have blood on their hands for supporting it.

This isn't worth addressing because it has nothing in it that is factual in terms of the deficits. It's you shitting on your keyboard and showing yourself to be a moron.

Your biggest attack on democrats is that they can't fix the GOP mega disasters fast enough, and the can't lower the GOP mega deficits fast enough.

Well, actually. As I have said. 6 of the 7 deficits over 1 Trillion belong to democrats. So, I am not sure what I expect them to fix. They break it and sucker you into kissing their asses because their failures start to repair themselves. You get your own opinion, you don't get to make stuff up. Bush's last deficit was 455 Billion. Obama's first deficit was 1.4 Trillion. Yep, those are the numbers. Obama never got it down to 455 Billion. Again, Bush's worst was better than Obama's best.

the republicans cause all the problem and debt and deficit and crashes,
Your devotion to this bullshit is somewhat scary. I'd tell you to fuck yourself but I am afraid your mother might catch really trying to do it.
and you try and blame the dems for not fixing the GOP's fuck ups and recessions and failed wars etc
You can't produce one post where I said the democrats are not fixing the GOP's problems fast enough. You can produce plenty of posts where I say that the democrats are not fixing their own fuck ups fast enough. Obama took 4 years to get his deficits down below 1 Trillion. Those were his first four years at 1 Trillion. He presided over the slowest, weakest, most anemic recovery ever. He was incompetent. Face it. After the asskicking the GOP took in 2006, Hardball asshole Chris Matthews echoed comments by some democratic butt-nuggets when he said, it would be 2020 before the GOP would get the house back. Ooops. 2010, the American people, in a massive shellacking, gave the house back to the GOP just two years into Obama's election. Good thing too. Those deficits would have been a whole lot higher. I am sure one day your BHO blow up doll will be worth something, but not yet. Clearly someone was pissed at him for his screw ups and high deficits and sloppy leadership. We should note that the American people actually give Bush more seats in the house after 2002. Even I was shocked. I am sure Obama wished they had, at least, left him the house after 2010 was over. To bad, so sad.

I just shut you up. You have officially been shut up.

Uh, no you have not. You could not shut up a 3rd grader. You can go fuck yourself or your pet goat. You can keep repeating the same bullshit over and over again and if I am not to bored, I'll keep showing you where you are stupid and wrong.
There is no valid response you can make to the facts I just posted.
You posted no facts. You posted a bunch of blathering. I am the one with the numbers that is showing you what moron you are. You have officially fucked yourself....again.

Get back to us when the idiot republicans can have a presidential term that doesn't end in total ruin or riot or catastrophe

As measured by.....???

Oh yeah....deficits.

Obama....10 Billion

Trump 5.7 Billion in four years.

Biden 6.2 Billion in three years (going for the speed record I guess).

Bush Roughly 3 Billion.

So, just what the fuck are you talking about again ?

Why don't you get back to us when you guys can keep from spending our grandkids money like drunken sailors.

One final thought as I ponder if I will again inform you of the facts...that you keep ignoring.

Eat shit and die.
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Yes you are.

Bush's final deficit was 455 Billion.

Obama's first deficit was massive. 1.4 Trillion.

There is no comparison.

Once again....yes, once again for about the fifth time.

Bush took over and his first deficit was actually a surplus. Great job GWB. You were a moron. But you were better than Obama. Bush saw the deficit get up to 450 Billion. started to decline. In 2007, it was down to 160 Billion. You've seen this and you've read it multiple times as it has been pointed out to your sorry stupid ass repeatedly. The deficit then jumped to 455 Billion. That was his last year. Please try to deny that fact as shown on every chart and table on the subject.

This isn't worth addressing because it has nothing in it that is factual in terms of the deficits. It's you shitting on your keyboard and showing yourself to be a moron.

Well, actually. As I have said. 6 of the 7 deficits over 1 Trillion belong to democrats. So, I am not sure what I expect them to fix. They break it and sucker you into kissing their asses because their failures start to repair themselves. You get your own opinion, you don't get to make stuff up. Bush's last deficit was 455 Billion. Obama's first deficit was 1.4 Trillion. Yep, those are the numbers. Obama never got it down to 455 Billion. Again, Bush's worst was better than Obama's best.

Your devotion to this bullshit is somewhat scary. I'd tell you to fuck yourself but I am afraid your mother might catch really trying to do it.

You can't produce one post where I said the democrats are not fixing the GOP's problems fast enough. You can produce plenty of posts where I say that the democrats are not fixing their own fuck ups fast enough. Obama took 4 years to get his deficits down below 1 Trillion. Those were his first four years at 1 Trillion. He presided over the slowest, weakest, most anemic recovery ever. He was incompetent. Face it. After the asskicking the GOP took in 2006, Hardball asshole Chris Matthews echoed comments by some democratic butt-nuggets when he said, it would be 2020 before the GOP would get the house back. Ooops. 2010, the American people, in a massive shellacking, gave the house back to the GOP just two years into Obama's election. Good thing too. Those deficits would have been a whole lot higher. I am sure one day your BHO blow up doll will be worth something, but not yet. Clearly someone was pissed at him for his screw ups and high deficits and sloppy leadership. We should note that the American people actually give Bush more seats in the house after 2002. Even I was shocked. I am sure Obama wished they had, at least, left him the house after 2010 was over. To bad, so sad.

Uh, no you have not. You could not shut up a 3rd grader. You can go fuck yourself or your pet goat. You can keep repeating the same bullshit over and over again and if I am not to bored, I'll keep showing you where you are stupid and wrong.

You posted no facts. You posted a bunch of blathering. I am the one with the numbers that is showing you what moron you are. You have officially fucked yourself....again.

As measured by.....???

Oh yeah....deficits.

Obama....10 Billion

Trump 5.7 Billion in four years.

Biden 6.2 Billion in three years (going for the speed record I guess).

Bush Roughly 3 Billion.

So, just what the fuck are you talking about again ?

Why don't you get back to us when you guys can keep from spending our grandkids money like drunken sailors.

One final thought as I ponder if I will again inform you of the facts...that you keep ignoring.

Eat shit and die.
Listen here you dumb fuck, the budget for 2009 is Bush's last budget. Obama's first budget was 2010.

You don't even know how the government works...
Obama took over the presidency in 2009, when did he pass the budget for 2009?? His first budget was in 2010.
You have completely embarrassed yourself retard.

Bush inherited a balanced budget and left office with a $1.4T deficit. And he blew up the economy and left it in ruin

You are an absolute joke.
You post lies and excuses.

I say again:

When a democrat inherits a balanced budget and leaves office with trillion dollar deficits (like Bush did), then you can talk
When a democrat inherits a $600B deficit and leaves office with a mind blowing $3+T/ry deficit (like Trump did), then you can talk

When a republican can inherit a $1+T/yr deficit and lower it down to $600B/yr, like Obama did, then you can talk
When a republican can inherit a $2+T/yr deficit and lower it down to $1.3T yr then you can talk.

Until then... shut the fuck up...

The republicans only increase the deficit, they never lower it
The democrats only lower the deficit, they rarely increase it, and that has been the trend since 1980, 40+ fuckin years of that trend.

I have shut you up.
The Wanker got one thing right on this bogus propaganda effort thread of his.

The headline. It is incredible. The literal meaning. :eusa_whistle:
Listen here you dumb fuck, the budget for 2009 is Bush's last budget. Obama's first budget was 2010.

Yes, we know this bullshit story. Keep at it. It only makes you look more stupid.

You already fucked up the definition of deficit.

You don't even know how the government works...
And you don't have a brain that works.
You are an absolute joke.
You post lies and excuses.
To quote you, I post facts in the form of numbers (well you never say the numbers part because you are to stupid to actually post facts). You post blathering horsehit.

Until then... shut the fuck up...
And I say again.....

Make me......

Go fuck yourself or your pet goat.

The republicans only increase the deficit, they never lower it
The democrats only lower the deficit, they rarely increase it, and that has been the trend since 1980, 40+ fuckin years of that trend.

You are correct, they don't increase it (although Biden did in 2023). Generally they start out by fucking things up so bad it fixes itself. Then you can scream "'s coming down". Obama got it to come down below 1 Trillion (yes folks, 1 Fucking Trillion dollars never heard of before until BHO) after FOUR years. He was such a shithead, the country took the house from him in 2010 just to avoid something worse. Yes, dumbass....that's a fact.....he lost the house in 2010. Or are you going to cry that is untrue too ?
I have shut you up.

Ooops. No you didn't. You have fucked yourself.....again.
What a joke.
You are comparing Bush deficits, who inherited a balanced budget, to Obama deficits, who inherited the Bush crash and trillion dollar deficits. The big Bush blow up, when Bush and the idiot GOP blew up the economy after 7 years of their failed policy.

GW Bush and the retard GOP took a balanced budget, passed trillions in spending, started 2 failed and mis-managed wars that they loved, then blew up the economy 7 years into their failed reign of terror, destroying the balance budget and leaving Obama to pick up the pieces of the worst financial mega crisis since the failed GOP had the Great Depression. Republicans have blood on their hands for destroying America and republican voters have blood on their hands for supporting it.

Your biggest attack on democrats is that they can't fix the GOP mega disasters fast enough, and the can't lower the GOP mega deficits fast enough.

the republicans cause all the problem and debt and deficit and crashes, and you try and blame the dems for not fixing the GOP's fuck ups and recessions and failed wars etc

I just shut you up. You have officially been shut up. There is no valid response you can make to the facts I just posted. Get back to us when the idiot republicans can have a presidential term that doesn't end in total ruin or riot or catastrophe... they can't even do that...
Yes, we know this bullshit story. Keep at it. It only makes you look more stupid.

You already fucked up the definition of deficit.

And you don't have a brain that works.

To quote you, I post facts in the form of numbers (well you never say the numbers part because you are to stupid to actually post facts). You post blathering horsehit.

And I say again.....

Make me......

Go fuck yourself or your pet goat.

You are correct, they don't increase it (although Biden did in 2023). Generally they start out by fucking things up so bad it fixes itself. Then you can scream "'s coming down". Obama got it to come down below 1 Trillion (yes folks, 1 Fucking Trillion dollars never heard of before until BHO) after FOUR years. He was such a shithead, the country took the house from him in 2010 just to avoid something worse. Yes, dumbass....that's a fact.....he lost the house in 2010. Or are you going to cry that is untrue too ?

Ooops. No you didn't. You have fucked yourself.....again.
Wow, you are really flailing here. Are you drunk ??
Mega triggered, you are an utter embarrassment.

Are you trying to say that the budget for 2009 was Obama's budget when he wasn't even president on Jan 1st??
Obama's first budget was 2010, and Bush left office was a $1.4T deficit

The massive deficit was due to all of Bush's rampant spending and the massive tax revenue sort fall from the economy blowing up. Because Bush blew up the economy. You try to act smart, but are completely ignorant and stupid. You have proven your stupidity.

Bush started with a balanced budget and left office with a $1.4T deficit.
Trump started with a $600B deficit and left office with a $3T deficit

you have nothing to complain about at all when it comes to the deficit because your people fucked this up.

You have been shut up...
keep running your mouth and looking even stupider. You made a fool of your self and exposed yourself for knowing nothing about any of this.
Wow, you are really flailing here. Are you drunk ??
Mega triggered, you are an utter embarrassment.

Are you trying to say that the budget for 2009 was Obama's budget when he wasn't even president on Jan 1st??
Obama's first budget was 2010, and Bush left office was a $1.4T deficit

The massive deficit was due to all of Bush's rampant spending and the massive tax revenue sort fall from the economy blowing up. Because Bush blew up the economy. You try to act smart, but are completely ignorant and stupid. You have proven your stupidity.

Bush started with a balanced budget and left office with a $1.4T deficit.
Trump started with a $600B deficit and left office with a $3T deficit

you have nothing to complain about at all when it comes to the deficit because your people fucked this up.

You have been shut up...
keep running your mouth and looking even stupider. You made a fool of your self and exposed yourself for knowing nothing about any of this.

Not breaking it down for you any more champ.

Every time you say you work for data, you've shown that you are fucking liar.

You making excuses for Obama's failures is hysterical. Four years.... count them 1,2,3,4 of deficits of over 1 trillion dollars....headed towards a total of close to 10 Billion total (over eight years). Let me guess, your sorry woke ass is going to try and blame it on the GOP.

Well, I guess you could try since American partially fired Obama's ass when the took the house away from him in 2010. But I am the one flailing ? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

That was the American people complaining about Obama. Read it and weep, asshole.

You have projected your own lack of data onto others with no success. You are running from the data. You can keep clamoring all you want.

Facts are Facts.......
Obama....10 Billion

Trump 5.7 Billion in four years.

Biden 6.2 Billion in three years (going for the speed record I guess).

Bush Roughly 3 Billion.

You are clueless with your head up demented Biden's ass.

When are you guys going to elect someone who won't run up trillion dollar deficits.

Bye fuckhead. Tired of schooling your ass.
Wow, you are really flailing here. Are you drunk ??
Mega triggered, you are an utter embarrassment.

I get that your 4'-10" 90 lb scrawny ass needs to sound tough.

But you really need to consider just what an idiot you look like when you post this kind of stuff.

You're kind of like the Black Night on Monty Python.

You sorry ass.
Not breaking it down for you any more champ.

Every time you say you work for data, you've shown that you are fucking liar.

You making excuses for Obama's failures is hysterical. Four years.... count them 1,2,3,4 of deficits of over 1 trillion dollars....headed towards a total of close to 10 Billion total (over eight years). Let me guess, your sorry woke ass is going to try and blame it on the GOP.

Well, I guess you could try since American partially fired Obama's ass when the took the house away from him in 2010. But I am the one flailing ? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

That was the American people complaining about Obama. Read it and weep, asshole.

You have projected your own lack of data onto others with no success. You are running from the data. You can keep clamoring all you want.

Facts are Facts.......
Obama....10 Billion

Trump 5.7 Billion in four years.

Biden 6.2 Billion in three years (going for the speed record I guess).

Bush Roughly 3 Billion.

You are clueless with your head up demented Biden's ass.

When are you guys going to elect someone who won't run up trillion dollar deficits.

Bye fuckhead. Tired of schooling your ass.

you triggered little cry baby

You try and blame Obama and Biden for Bush and Trump's fuck ups and deficits. The debt under Obama and Biden was only high because they inherited the massive $1+T/yr Bush deficit, and the $3+T/yr Trump deficit. Obama and Biden have lowered the deficit, Bush and Trump blew it up.

Obama and Biden inherited the massive deficits from their failed predecessors. Bush and Trump caused the deficits and are responsible for them.

I am the king of facts and I only post facts, you post lies and spin

When a democrat inherits a balanced budget and leaves office with trillion dollar deficits (like Bush did), then you can talk
When a democrat inherits a $600B deficit and leaves office with a mind blowing $3+T/ry deficit (like Trump did), then you can talk

When a republican can inherit that $1+T/yr deficit and lower it down to $600B/yr, like Obama did, then you can talk
When a republican can inherit that $3+T/yr deficit and lower it down to $1.3T yr then you can talk.

Until then... shut the fuck up... and keep crying like a little pussy
waaaa !
waaaaaa !!!
Enjoy the incredible data on inflation, only +0.1%. I sure the MAGA trash hate it
Enjoy the lowered deficit that Biden lowered. If Trump were president the deficit would be at $4T/yr
Get ready for rate cuts and the economy to boom like it did in 2021 before Putin started the war.

Stop electing failed republicans and the debt and deficit will be much lower as the republicans caused all this debt, and therefore this inflation.
Price of gas go down?

Price of groceries go down?
Pay no attention to the Cherry picked BS. It's all government propaganda and meaningless in the real world. REAL INFLATION which is a measure of Cost of living, Gas prices, food prices has risen yet again this month by nearly 3 percent.
The Fed's measure of dollar purchasing power is not guaged against the needs of Main street, it is a fabricated guesstimate of dollar value based on a basket comparison to other currencies. Ergo it might as well be a fairytale. Oh an to prove this we might ask why the lending rate just went up again there times in one day.

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