More Incredibly EPIC DUMBFUCKERY From the LEFT and Their LOVE for MUSLIMS


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
University of Minnesota Rejects 9/11 Remembrance Over ‘Islamaphobia’ and ‘Safe Space’ Concerns

by Alex Griswold | 3:41 pm, November 13th, 2015

The University of Minnesota Student Assembly voted down a measure providing for an annual remembrance of the September 11th attacks over worries that it could stoke intolerance towards Muslims.

Gee... we wouldn't want anyone to think BADLY of MUSLIMS. I mean, just don't pay any attention to them flying planes into buildings killing thousands of innocent people, or marching a dozen men onto a beach and sawing their heads off, or covering a man with gas and burning him alive in a cage, or burying a young girl up to her shoulders in dirt and stoning her to death because she was raped, or beheading people because they're gay, or chanting death to America, or, or, or... just don't pay any attention to any of that. We don't want anyone to think muslims are bad or anything, so just pretend that stuff never happens.

University of Minnesota Rejects 9/11 Remembrance Over ‘Islamaphobia’ and ‘Safe Space’ Concerns

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I love the word "DUMBFUCKERY" ... that's all I have to say
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Evidently a 9/11 Remembrance would be a "micro aggression" against Muslims, it might "hurt" their "feelings", and cause them to require a "safe space".

So we'd better just shut the fuck up about 9/11 'n stuff.
It's anti American, and it's coming from the LEFT.

There sheer level of DEFENSE of ISLAM by the LEFT, AFTER this horrendous KILLING SPREE by MUSLIMS, for the SECOND TIME in France is mind boggling. I'm beginning to believe that leftists truly do HATE America, and are IGNORANT to the point of to facilitate their own demise.
Evidently a 9/11 Remembrance would be a "micro aggression" against Muslims, it might "hurt" their "feelings", and cause them to require a "safe space".

So we'd better just shut the fuck up about 9/11 'n stuff.

And why do you think they care about what Muslims think?

Could be they are scared they might get killed.

Could be they just hate America that has given them so much.

Could be they are just spoil brats with no sense of duty.

Let 9/11 die.

Keeping it alive and burning in the minds of the easily manipulated masses only perpetuates a seemingly never ending cycle of American "dumbfuckery"

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You realize the radical's main recruiting tool is the claim that the US wants to destroy their religion, don't you?
This is what happens when we sit back and allow liberals to completely take over our education system.
They create people who then demand the right to never be offended.
Let 9/11 die.
"Those who do not remember the past are bond to repeat it"... so, no, we will never forget.

To remember is one thing. To endlessly and mindlessly obsess over is a compeletely different thing.

A once a year remembrance is "endlessly and mindlessly obsess over?"

Hyperbole much?

Still no. We won't forget 9/11, we won't forget Pearl Harbor, and we won't forget the fucking ALAMO.

Go pound sand, asshat.

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