More jobs -US created 158K private-sector jobs in June

The problem with Obamas numbers unfortunately, is many of the jobs created were founded in one form or another by government. Thus, the massive debt to "stimulate" the economy. This stimulation didn't end, as 10 trillion over 8 years will attest. That's not free market economics. So give money to Green companies, consulting firms and the like and say "look at the economy booming".

Canada does this very well, they gave a few hundred million dollars to GM to stay in Ontario and another $100+ to Ford to open up a plant in Ottawa creating 300 jobs. Canadian and provincial politicians were so bold as to thump their chest over all of the great jobs coming to Canada. Really, it was just big tax dollar welfare spending to have some of the chosen people employed while the taxpayer foots the bill. Unsustainable and disingenuous.
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. . . as if any president has any effect on job growth. You all are bloody insane.
Of course a President can affect job growth

Do you think passing a trillion dollar infrastructure bill does not affect job growth?
Do you think major Defense spending increases do not affect job growth?
You think raising interest rates has no impact on jobs?
Oh, I think interest rates have a lot of impact. . .

Are you telling me the president has anything to do with interest rates now? :badgrin:

Are you telling me that the president has anything to do with whether spending increases are passed? Seriously?

He rubber stamps shit.

So far, nothing has been passed that would affect the economy.

And the budget is all the House's responsibility. That's what affects productivity.
The societal wealth redistribution to a privileged few at the top begun a half century ago continues unabated while partisansthiheads quibble over whose “side” did more damage, and still Goldman Sachs is all up in the white house. Same as it ever was.
. . . as if any president has any effect on job growth. You all are bloody insane.
Of course a President can affect job growth

Do you think passing a trillion dollar infrastructure bill does not affect job growth?
Do you think major Defense spending increases do not affect job growth?
You think raising interest rates has no impact on jobs?
Oh, I think interest rates have a lot of impact. . .

Are you telling me the president has anything to do with interest rates now? :badgrin:

Are you telling me that the president has anything to do with whether spending increases are passed? Seriously?

He rubber stamps shit.

So far, nothing has been passed that would affect the economy.

And the budget is all the House's responsibility. That's what affects productivity.

A President proposes a budget to Congress and ultimately signs it

A Government the size of the US can not only influence jobs here but jobs around the world. Government actions can influence the Fed to raise or lower interest rates
A President can declare war which will impact the nations jobs

You can't make a statement that a President has no influence on job growth
Those numbers don't even keep up with population growth.

170 million Americans have no jobs

The numbers don't lie

US Population is .....325 million
US Workforce is .....153 million

172 million Americans do not have jobs under Donnie Dealmaker

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Roughly a quarter of the US is under 18.
You can't make a statement that a President has no influence on job growth

Yes I can.

The President of the United States Does Not Control the Economy

For many voters and pundits, the fact that the President of the United States presides over the economy makes him entirely responsible for the economy. This is not quite the Pottery Barn Theory of presidential power—"you break it, you buy it." Often, it resembles the Used Car Theory of presidential power—"it's broken, but you bought it." Like a lemon, the economy is constantly breaking down, demanding emergency fixes, or sputtering along with agonizing sluggishness. But if the Blinder/Watson paper tells us anything, it's that we should employ an informed humility about the White House's ability to control every ingredient that bakes into GDP growth and employment.

That's not to say policy is irrelevant to the economics of people's lives. On the contrary, we have mountains of evidence that Social Security dramatically reduces poverty, that cutting taxes raises take-home pay in the short run, and that passing a law to broaden health care coverage reduces the number of uninsured households. The fact that income inequality has grown in Republican administrations and fallen under Democrats illustrates a major point. The government has vast control over how much of your paycheck goes home with you and what your taxes are used for. But it exercises little control over the global vicissitudes that determine our overall growth, prices, and wages.

Maybe we'd be better off thinking about international economics less like Washington's little private laboratory and more like the weather—a massive force we cannot hope to control, even as we debate how to respond to its worst excesses.
The President of the United States Does Not Control the Economy
You can't make a statement that a President has no influence on job growth

Yes I can.

The President of the United States Does Not Control the Economy

For many voters and pundits, the fact that the President of the United States presides over the economy makes him entirely responsible for the economy. This is not quite the Pottery Barn Theory of presidential power—"you break it, you buy it." Often, it resembles the Used Car Theory of presidential power—"it's broken, but you bought it." Like a lemon, the economy is constantly breaking down, demanding emergency fixes, or sputtering along with agonizing sluggishness. But if the Blinder/Watson paper tells us anything, it's that we should employ an informed humility about the White House's ability to control every ingredient that bakes into GDP growth and employment.

That's not to say policy is irrelevant to the economics of people's lives. On the contrary, we have mountains of evidence that Social Security dramatically reduces poverty, that cutting taxes raises take-home pay in the short run, and that passing a law to broaden health care coverage reduces the number of uninsured households. The fact that income inequality has grown in Republican administrations and fallen under Democrats illustrates a major point. The government has vast control over how much of your paycheck goes home with you and what your taxes are used for. But it exercises little control over the global vicissitudes that determine our overall growth, prices, and wages.

Maybe we'd be better off thinking about international economics less like Washington's little private laboratory and more like the weather—a massive force we cannot hope to control, even as we debate how to respond to its worst excesses.
The President of the United States Does Not Control the Economy

Nice try but it answers a different question

I was responding to the claim that the President has no influence on job growth
You responded with a claim that the President does not control the economy

Big difference
Those numbers don't even keep up with population growth.

170 million Americans have no jobs
Children don't have jobs.

Not my problem
Part of your lie though.

I just proved to you that 172 million Americans do not have jobs
Well, actually, that's 172 million people in America who do not have jobs. Many of them are not U.S. citizens, and there are many U.S citizens overseas who don't have jobs.

But the real point is so what? How many of those 172 million are able to work, how many want a job, how many need a job? Children, prisoners, people in nursing homes or mental it a problem if those people aren't working?
Job creation in the private sector tailed off significantly in June in another sign that the economy is getting closer to full employment, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics.

Companies added 158,000 positions for the month, a number that economists who released the report said was still strong but stood well below the robust 230,000 number the report showed in May. The reading also was considerably below the 185,000 gain that economists surveyed by Reuters expected, and was revised lower from the initial 253,000 count.

"The job market continues to power forward," Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi said in a statement. "At this pace, which is double the rate of labor force growth, the tight labor market will continue getting tighter."


Job creation slows in June as labor market gets tighter
The official jobs report is in: Private sector jobs increased 187,000, and total job growth was +222,000
170 million Americans have no jobs
Children don't have jobs.

Not my problem
Part of your lie though.

I just proved to you that 172 million Americans do not have jobs
Well, actually, that's 172 million people in America who do not have jobs. Many of them are not U.S. citizens, and there are many U.S citizens overseas who don't have jobs.

But the real point is so what? How many of those 172 million are able to work, how many want a job, how many need a job? Children, prisoners, people in nursing homes or mental it a problem if those people aren't working?
Who cares about their sob story?

172 million are not working under Trump
Job creation in the private sector tailed off significantly in June in another sign that the economy is getting closer to full employment, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics.

Companies added 158,000 positions for the month, a number that economists who released the report said was still strong but stood well below the robust 230,000 number the report showed in May. The reading also was considerably below the 185,000 gain that economists surveyed by Reuters expected, and was revised lower from the initial 253,000 count.

"The job market continues to power forward," Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi said in a statement. "At this pace, which is double the rate of labor force growth, the tight labor market will continue getting tighter."


Job creation slows in June as labor market gets tighter
The official jobs report is in: Private sector jobs increased 187,000, and total job growth was +222,000
Burger flipping jobs
Children don't have jobs.

Not my problem
Part of your lie though.

I just proved to you that 172 million Americans do not have jobs
Well, actually, that's 172 million people in America who do not have jobs. Many of them are not U.S. citizens, and there are many U.S citizens overseas who don't have jobs.

But the real point is so what? How many of those 172 million are able to work, how many want a job, how many need a job? Children, prisoners, people in nursing homes or mental it a problem if those people aren't working?
Who cares about their sob story?

172 million are not working under Trump

172 million weren't working under Obama also.
The U.S. economy added 222,000 new jobs in June and the unemployment rate held at 4.4 percent, according to a government report Friday.

TRUMP EFFECT: US Adds 222,000 Jobs In June, Far Exceeds Projections


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