More jobs -US created 158K private-sector jobs in June

Job creation in the private sector tailed off significantly in June in another sign that the economy is getting closer to full employment, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics.

Companies added 158,000 positions for the month, a number that economists who released the report said was still strong but stood well below the robust 230,000 number the report showed in May. The reading also was considerably below the 185,000 gain that economists surveyed by Reuters expected, and was revised lower from the initial 253,000 count.

"The job market continues to power forward," Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi said in a statement. "At this pace, which is double the rate of labor force growth, the tight labor market will continue getting tighter."


Job creation slows in June as labor market gets tighter
The official jobs report is in: Private sector jobs increased 187,000, and total job growth was +222,000
Burger flipping jobs
What's wrong with that?
The numbers are kind of low. HOWEVER, they arent part time service jobs anymore. These are professional, administrative, trade etc. Does one outweigh the other?
Not sure what you are asking here. But they aren't part time jobs like obama forced on us. I was even working at a libtard infested place when the obama part time assault came into play. You could work only 32 hours and be considered full time at the prison.

Currently out of the work force: 95,013,955
101,790,000 out of work.
Job creation in the private sector tailed off significantly in June in another sign that the economy is getting closer to full employment, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics.

Companies added 158,000 positions for the month, a number that economists who released the report said was still strong but stood well below the robust 230,000 number the report showed in May. The reading also was considerably below the 185,000 gain that economists surveyed by Reuters expected, and was revised lower from the initial 253,000 count.

"The job market continues to power forward," Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi said in a statement. "At this pace, which is double the rate of labor force growth, the tight labor market will continue getting tighter."


Job creation slows in June as labor market gets tighter
The official jobs report is in: Private sector jobs increased 187,000, and total job growth was +222,000
Burger flipping jobs
The number of employees in "limited-service restaurants" (aka fast food/fast casual) went up 10,000. Do you really think it's accurate to portray 5% of the job growth as a generalized reason for the entire job growth? Source: All employees, thousands, limited-service restaurants, seasonally adjusted
The U.S. economy added 222,000 new jobs in June and the unemployment rate held at 4.4 percent, according to a government report Friday.

TRUMP EFFECT: US Adds 222,000 Jobs In June, Far Exceeds Projections

View attachment 137469
Meanwhile, the real unemployment rate is still 41.5% under Trump.

No it's not.
Donald Trump says it is.
No, he now accepts the BLS data as real. Somehow, magically, everyone in the Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics at BLS must have been replaced and the change was from 42% to 4.4% in just 6 months. Praise Trump!
Job creation in the private sector tailed off significantly in June in another sign that the economy is getting closer to full employment, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics.

Companies added 158,000 positions for the month, a number that economists who released the report said was still strong but stood well below the robust 230,000 number the report showed in May. The reading also was considerably below the 185,000 gain that economists surveyed by Reuters expected, and was revised lower from the initial 253,000 count.

"The job market continues to power forward," Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi said in a statement. "At this pace, which is double the rate of labor force growth, the tight labor market will continue getting tighter."


Job creation slows in June as labor market gets tighter
The official jobs report is in: Private sector jobs increased 187,000, and total job growth was +222,000
Burger flipping jobs
The number of employees in "limited-service restaurants" (aka fast food/fast casual) went up 10,000. Do you really think it's accurate to portray 5% of the job growth as a generalized reason for the entire job growth? Source: All employees, thousands, limited-service restaurants, seasonally adjusted
All the jobs added under Trump were burger flipping jobs

Even Trump said the numbers you quote are fake
The U.S. economy added 222,000 new jobs in June and the unemployment rate held at 4.4 percent, according to a government report Friday.

TRUMP EFFECT: US Adds 222,000 Jobs In June, Far Exceeds Projections

View attachment 137469
Meanwhile, the real unemployment rate is still 41.5% under Trump.

No it's not.
Donald Trump says it is.
No, he now accepts the BLS data as real. Somehow, magically, everyone in the Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics at BLS must have been replaced and the change was from 42% to 4.4% in just 6 months. Praise Trump!
Since the unemployment rate dropped only ½ point since Trump said the unemployment rate is 42%, that means the unemployment rate is now at 41.5%.

According to Trump's figures, that is.
Job creation in the private sector tailed off significantly in June in another sign that the economy is getting closer to full employment, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics.

Companies added 158,000 positions for the month, a number that economists who released the report said was still strong but stood well below the robust 230,000 number the report showed in May. The reading also was considerably below the 185,000 gain that economists surveyed by Reuters expected, and was revised lower from the initial 253,000 count.

"The job market continues to power forward," Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi said in a statement. "At this pace, which is double the rate of labor force growth, the tight labor market will continue getting tighter."


Job creation slows in June as labor market gets tighter
The official jobs report is in: Private sector jobs increased 187,000, and total job growth was +222,000
Burger flipping jobs
The number of employees in "limited-service restaurants" (aka fast food/fast casual) went up 10,000. Do you really think it's accurate to portray 5% of the job growth as a generalized reason for the entire job growth? Source: All employees, thousands, limited-service restaurants, seasonally adjusted
All the jobs added under Trump were burger flipping jobs

Even Trump said the numbers you quote are fake
When did you speak to Mr. Trump?
Job creation in the private sector tailed off significantly in June in another sign that the economy is getting closer to full employment, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics.

Companies added 158,000 positions for the month, a number that economists who released the report said was still strong but stood well below the robust 230,000 number the report showed in May. The reading also was considerably below the 185,000 gain that economists surveyed by Reuters expected, and was revised lower from the initial 253,000 count.

"The job market continues to power forward," Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi said in a statement. "At this pace, which is double the rate of labor force growth, the tight labor market will continue getting tighter."


Job creation slows in June as labor market gets tighter
The official jobs report is in: Private sector jobs increased 187,000, and total job growth was +222,000
Burger flipping jobs
The number of employees in "limited-service restaurants" (aka fast food/fast casual) went up 10,000. Do you really think it's accurate to portray 5% of the job growth as a generalized reason for the entire job growth? Source: All employees, thousands, limited-service restaurants, seasonally adjusted
All the jobs added under Trump were burger flipping jobs

Even Trump said the numbers you quote are fake
When did you speak to Mr. Trump?

Didn't have to

Trump has repeatedly said the BLS numbers are fake
Only a dumb Trump rube could spin disappointing jobs numbers into a win for the orange moron.

June 2016 jobs creation? 287,000
+220,000 Jobs in June; Record 153,168,000 Employed
Let me know when Trump matches Obama's unprecedented streak of 76 consecutive months of job growth.
How about comparing the number of jobs created in 12 months of Trump to Obama's 76?

Sorry, but Obama hasn't left you much of a fig leaf to cower behind.
Twist it all you want but fact is, unemployment has increased since the election. Not bigly, but yes, it has gone up,

Also look at the nature of the jobs. Nothing to get excited about.

Don't blame the incompetent cheeto though. President Obama got the country to full employment. The best we can hope for is for trump not to screw it up too much.

Sent from my iPad using
Job creation in the private sector tailed off significantly in June in another sign that the economy is getting closer to full employment, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics.

Companies added 158,000 positions for the month, a number that economists who released the report said was still strong but stood well below the robust 230,000 number the report showed in May. The reading also was considerably below the 185,000 gain that economists surveyed by Reuters expected, and was revised lower from the initial 253,000 count.

"The job market continues to power forward," Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi said in a statement. "At this pace, which is double the rate of labor force growth, the tight labor market will continue getting tighter."


Job creation slows in June as labor market gets tighter
The official jobs report is in: Private sector jobs increased 187,000, and total job growth was +222,000
Burger flipping jobs
The number of employees in "limited-service restaurants" (aka fast food/fast casual) went up 10,000. Do you really think it's accurate to portray 5% of the job growth as a generalized reason for the entire job growth? Source: All employees, thousands, limited-service restaurants, seasonally adjusted
All the jobs added under Trump were burger flipping jobs

Even Trump said the numbers you quote are fake
Twist it all you want but fact is, unemployment has increased since the election. Not bigly, but yes, it has gone up,
But that's actually good. It's gone up because more people are entering the labor force and are unemployed due to the inevitable lag between searching and getting hired.
hmmmmmm, I seem to remember a very similar conversation around here about 'all the great jobs numbers under Obama' that turned out to be part-time minimum wage jobs (retail/fast food, etc)....because employers couldn't afford to pay both full time wages & provide the expensive medical insurance benefits to full time employees. This also included higher welfare numbers because that program made up the difference with supplementation.

I know in our area here, there are more full time trades/manufacturing/skilled jobs available than there was a year ago. Yes, quality jobs are better than quantity, anyday. Atleast those jobs can support a family.
Only a dumb Trump rube could spin disappointing jobs numbers into a win for the orange moron.

June 2016 jobs creation? 287,000
+220,000 Jobs in June; Record 153,168,000 Employed
Let me know when Trump matches Obama's unprecedented streak of 76 consecutive months of job growth.
How about comparing the number of jobs created in 12 months of Trump to Obama's 76?

Sorry, but Obama hasn't left you much of a fig leaf to cower behind.
You're deranged. Trump's only been president for less than 6 months now, not 12.

But comparing Trump's 5 month streak with Obama's 76 month streak..,

Obama ... mth/avg = 199,605 (15,170,000)
Trump ..... mth/avg = 172,600 (863,000)

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Only a dumb Trump rube could spin disappointing jobs numbers into a win for the orange moron.

June 2016 jobs creation? 287,000
+220,000 Jobs in June; Record 153,168,000 Employed
Let me know when Trump matches Obama's unprecedented streak of 76 consecutive months of job growth.
How about comparing the number of jobs created in 12 months of Trump to Obama's 76?

Sorry, but Obama hasn't left you much of a fig leaf to cower behind.
You're deranged. Trump's only been president for less than 6 months now, not 12.

But comparing Trump's 5 month streak with Obama's 76 month streak..,

Obama ... mth/avg = 199,605 (15,170,000)
Trump ..... mth/avg = 172,600 (863,000)

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You want to do first 6 months? First years? First 4 years? 8 years?

You're on, and no shoddy math. Six months we can start right now. For the rest you'll hafta wait.

Obama is finished; a failure. Get over it.

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