More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
NBC comentator says the world is united behind the French.

NO, they are NOT united behind the French unless you want to ignore the Middle East and North Africa.

Last time I checked those regions were still a part of the world. China and North Korea are not behind France either.

Multiculturalism is a mental disease, for sure. They cannot grasp what Reality is any more.
NBC comentator says the world is united behind the French.

NO, they are NOT united behind the French unless you want to ignore the Middle East and North Africa.

Last time I checked those regions were still a part of the world. China and North Korea are not behind France either.

Multiculturalism is a mental disease, for sure. They cannot grasp what Reality is any more.

You mistaken multiculturalism with appeasing and the unwillingness to combat evil and wrongdoing.
America is multiculturalism at it's finest. Only when you see the leftist appeasers propping up bad behavior do see cultural clashes in modern America.
For the most part, with a vast array of different cultures/religions, we all get along fine.

So you think the Middle East and North Africa are actually not part of the 'world'? roflmao, you are an idiot.

You mistaken multiculturalism with appeasing and the unwillingness to combat evil and wrongdoing.

No, appeasement and cultural equivalence are foundational concepts to multiculturalism. They say open borders are the perfect borders because there is absolutely nothing to be concerned about in letting in everyone that wants to come here.

you need to pay more attention, jack ass.

America is multiculturalism at it's finest.

America is FREEDOM and democratic-Republicanism at its finest.

Only when you see the leftist appeasers propping up bad behavior do see cultural clashes in modern America.

No, not only....

For the most part, with a vast array of different cultures/religions, we all get along fine.

'For the most part', what a bunch of weasel worded blather.

So you think the Middle East and North Africa are actually not part of the 'world'? roflmao, you are an idiot.

You mistaken multiculturalism with appeasing and the unwillingness to combat evil and wrongdoing.

No, appeasement and cultural equivalence are foundational concepts to multiculturalism. They say open borders are the perfect borders because there is absolutely nothing to be concerned about in letting in everyone that wants to come here.

you need to pay more attention, jack ass.

America is multiculturalism at it's finest.

America is FREEDOM and democratic-Republicanism at its finest.

Only when you see the leftist appeasers propping up bad behavior do see cultural clashes in modern America.

No, not only....

For the most part, with a vast array of different cultures/religions, we all get along fine.

'For the most part', what a bunch of weasel worded blather.

Sorry, I did not realize you are so clueless.
"America is a Democratic Republic" - really?? You think statement alone shows your ignorance. We are a corporate plutocracy. 100%.
Get a clue.
"More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!"

This fails as a composition fallacy.

One news commentator is not 'representative' of an entire group of people.
"More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!"

This fails as a composition fallacy.

One news commentator is not 'representative' of an entire group of people.

I did not say the comentator represented anything, moron. I simply used her for an example of the mind rot that constitutes multiculturalism.

Once again, you make an absolute ass out of yourself.
Sorry, I did not realize you are so clueless.
"America is a Democratic Republic" - really?? You think statement alone shows your ignorance. We are a corporate plutocracy. 100%.
Get a clue.

Lol, republics are the preferred form of government for oligarchs, fool
"More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!"

This fails as a composition fallacy.

One news commentator is not 'representative' of an entire group of people.

I did not say the comentator represented anything, moron. I simply used her for an example of the mind rot that constitutes multiculturalism.

Once again, you make an absolute ass out of yourself.
The PC Police are still getting their spin together after the tragedy.

Give them time, they'll get organized.
Ask our super patriot, Jimbo, about his service to this nation. Seems a bit unwilling to answer.

The civilized world is united behind France. ISIS has murdered a bunch of Russian citizens on an airplane, murdered in Paris now, and have engaged in the murder of other sects of Islam, and Christians where ever they have been able to get at them. I think that you can effectively say that almost the whole world is against them, and even more will be actively participating in their demise now.
"More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!"

This fails as a composition fallacy.

One news commentator is not 'representative' of an entire group of people.

I did not say the comentator represented anything, moron. I simply used her for an example of the mind rot that constitutes multiculturalism.

Once again, you make an absolute ass out of yourself.
The PC Police are still getting their spin together after the tragedy.

Give them time, they'll get organized.
Mac, which PC police? The one making excuses for ISIS or the rightwingnuts that want to blame it all on people of this nation whose politics they do not like?
Ask our super patriot, Jimbo, about his service to this nation. Seems a bit unwilling to answer.
US Army, 1978-1983 MOS 11B1

Did you comprehend it this time, dumbass?

The civilized world is united behind France.

So now China, North Korea, North Africa and almost he entire Middle East are not part of the civilized world?

Why dont you just shut your racist ass up and stop humiliating yourself, PC Nazi?
Mac, which PC police? The one making excuses for ISIS or the rightwingnuts that want to blame it all on people of this nation whose politics they do not like?
Lol, that is ridiculous. No one applies the phrase 'PC' to the rightwing as we have not nearly influence on society to define what is 'politically correct'.

But the times, they are a'changing! :D
"More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!"

This fails as a composition fallacy.

One news commentator is not 'representative' of an entire group of people.

I did not say the comentator represented anything, moron. I simply used her for an example of the mind rot that constitutes multiculturalism.

Once again, you make an absolute ass out of yourself.
The PC Police are still getting their spin together after the tragedy.

Give them time, they'll get organized.
Mac, which PC police? The one making excuses for ISIS or the rightwingnuts that want to blame it all on people of this nation whose politics they do not like?
The PC Police.

The Regressive Left that enables bad behavior by spinning & deflecting for it. Those hardcore left wing partisan ideologues who scream about "the American Taliban" in an effort to deflect from the actions of Jihadists. The zealots who want to fundamentally transform America at all costs.

Those folks.
OK, thank you.

There are parts of the Middle East that are not part of the civilized world. That is readily apparent. There are parts of Africa that are not part of the civilized world. North Korea is definately not part of the civilized world.

LOL. Racist because I will not go along with your idea of the superiority of the European White. LOL
"More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!"

This fails as a composition fallacy.

One news commentator is not 'representative' of an entire group of people.

I did not say the comentator represented anything, moron. I simply used her for an example of the mind rot that constitutes multiculturalism.

Once again, you make an absolute ass out of yourself.
The PC Police are still getting their spin together after the tragedy.

Give them time, they'll get organized.
Mac, which PC police? The one making excuses for ISIS or the rightwingnuts that want to blame it all on people of this nation whose politics they do not like?
The PC Police.

The Regressive Left that enables bad behavior by spinning & deflecting for it. Those hardcore left wing partisan ideologues who scream about "the American Taliban" in an effort to deflect from the actions of Jihadists. The zealots who want to fundamentally transform America at all costs.

Those folks.
But you give the rightwingnuts an automatic pass. Thank you, Mac, for clearing that up.
If one is attacking Islam not the jihadists, one is
OK, thank you.

There are parts of the Middle East that are not part of the civilized world. That is readily apparent. There are parts of Africa that are not part of the civilized world. North Korea is definately not part of the civilized world.

LOL. Racist because I will not go along with your idea of the superiority of the European White. LOL
You declare most of the Third World uncivilized, then call me a racist? roflmao

And no, I do not believe that Europeans are the superior race.

If it is anyone, it is the Han Chinese.
"More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!"

This fails as a composition fallacy.

One news commentator is not 'representative' of an entire group of people.

I did not say the comentator represented anything, moron. I simply used her for an example of the mind rot that constitutes multiculturalism.

Once again, you make an absolute ass out of yourself.
The PC Police are still getting their spin together after the tragedy.

Give them time, they'll get organized.
Mac, which PC police? The one making excuses for ISIS or the rightwingnuts that want to blame it all on people of this nation whose politics they do not like?
The PC Police.

The Regressive Left that enables bad behavior by spinning & deflecting for it. Those hardcore left wing partisan ideologues who scream about "the American Taliban" in an effort to deflect from the actions of Jihadists. The zealots who want to fundamentally transform America at all costs.

Those folks.
But you give the rightwingnuts an automatic pass. Thank you, Mac, for clearing that up.
I'm pointing out the damage done by the PC Police. I can understand that bothers you.

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