More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!

"More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!"

This fails as a composition fallacy.

One news commentator is not 'representative' of an entire group of people.

I did not say the comentator represented anything, moron. I simply used her for an example of the mind rot that constitutes multiculturalism.

Once again, you make an absolute ass out of yourself.
The PC Police are still getting their spin together after the tragedy.

Give them time, they'll get organized.
Mac, which PC police? The one making excuses for ISIS or the rightwingnuts that want to blame it all on people of this nation whose politics they do not like?
The PC Police.

The Regressive Left that enables bad behavior by spinning & deflecting for it. Those hardcore left wing partisan ideologues who scream about "the American Taliban" in an effort to deflect from the actions of Jihadists. The zealots who want to fundamentally transform America at all costs.

Those folks.
There are no 'PC police.'

The notion is a ridiculous contrivance of the right, the consequence of conservative hostility toward unfettered debate in a free and democratic society.

Every ignorant, hateful bigot and racist in the United States is at liberty to express his fear, ignorance, and hate with impunity in any manner he sees fit that comports with current First Amendment jurisprudence, in no way subject to punitive measures by the state.

Indeed, references to the myth of 'political correctness' by the right is an inane effort to intimidate and silence those whom conservatives oppose.
Indeed, references to the myth of 'political correctness' by the right is an inane effort to intimidate and silence those whom conservatives oppose.
Gawd, amazing, you're STILL trying this.

You just can't be honest. I can understand your reticence given what you people have caused.

Here are a few HONEST liberals who are willing to admit what you are not:
China has offered to help France fight terrorism. Who care what N. Korea say?

Great, so now we still have half of Africa and almost all the Middle East not uniting behind France.

The world is still not united, dude, and NEVER will be.
I don't think "the world uniting behind France" is meant to be literal. It is meant to indicate that lots of world leaders representing lots of nations are making statements of support and unity with France. The statement won't be literally correct and accurate until some statement is made at and by the United Nations. Even when and if that happens there will be folks who can argue the technical correctness of the statement.
"More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!"

Actually this represents the stupidity common to many on the right, and their ridiculous, reprehensible efforts to exploit the tragedy in Paris for some perceived partisan gain.
"More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!"

Actually this represents the stupidity common to many on the right, and their ridiculous, reprehensible efforts to exploit the tragedy in Paris for some perceived partisan gain.

America's fanatical right are global embarrassments.
There are no 'PC police.'

The notion is a ridiculous contrivance of the right, the consequence of conservative hostility toward unfettered debate in a free and democratic society..

Yeah, because the President of Missouri University was not pressured into resigning because he was not PC enough.

Go crawl back under your rick and jack off to pics of dead Frenchmen again, OK?
America's fanatical right are global embarrassments.
No, you libtards who still defend the wack jobs that want to kill us all, you are the embarrassments, and you will go down in history as the same kind of cowards that tried to prevent the passengers from regaining control of United Airlines flight 93.
America's fanatical right are global embarrassments.
No, you libtards who still defend the wack jobs that want to kill us all, you are the embarrassments, and you will go down in history as the same kind of cowards that tried to prevent the passengers from regaining control of United Airlines flight 93.
Lack on context, JB. The sane ones don't condemn all Muslims for the acts of the jihadists.
America's fanatical right are global embarrassments.
No, you libtards who still defend the wack jobs that want to kill us all, you are the embarrassments, and you will go down in history as the same kind of cowards that tried to prevent the passengers from regaining control of United Airlines flight 93.
No one is defending the terrorist who we are at war with. People are just fed up with governments making the same stupid mistakes over and over. When you take old fashioned conventional warfare to a nation to defeat terrorist organizations and insurgencies and produce large amounts of collateral damage the enemy you are trying to destroy becomes stronger. It is not a battle between brave people and cowards, it is a question of foolish people stuck in the past and wiser people who have learned from the past.
No one is defending the terrorist who we are at war with. People are just fed up with governments making the same stupid mistakes over and over. When you take old fashioned conventional warfare to a nation to defeat terrorist organizations and insurgencies and produce large amounts of collateral damage the enemy you are trying to destroy becomes stronger. It is not a battle between brave people and cowards, it is a question of foolish people stuck in the past and wiser people who have learned from the past.

Wow, you finally said something reasonable, aka something I agree with, lol.

Yes, our governments are fighting this war stupidly as there are five very important aspects of it; containing the threat, avoiding the winning strategems of our opponents, demotivating the oppositions demographic base, securing our own nations at home, and using all intelligence resources to track, identify and eliminate the terrorists cadre leadership and active agents.

Fuck, who do you think the 'wiser people' are though? The same fools that have been fucking this war up over the last 6 years?

NBC comentator says the world is united behind the French.

NO, they are NOT united behind the French unless you want to ignore the Middle East and North Africa.

Last time I checked those regions were still a part of the world. China and North Korea are not behind France either.

Multiculturalism is a mental disease, for sure. They cannot grasp what Reality is any more.

Jim, I do agree that the people of the Middle East are turning on ISIS themselves. No one wishes to turn his daughter over to ISIS. The problem in Syria is that we waited too long and have allowed Russia and Iran to come in and shore up Assad. The only way we can persuade Turkey to go into Syria is if we agreed to take Assad out. That would be very hard to do now that Russia and Iran have entered into the picture.

Tonight should be a great night for Hillary though. Hillary is far more hawkish than Obama or even Bernie for that matter. Hillary will tout her no-fly zone solution once again. I don't see any value in establishing a no-fly zone in Syria myself. ISIS flies no aircraft. They have no air force. All her no-fly zone will do is pit us against the Russian air force and might easily provoke an international incident with Russia and Iran. I say leave Syria to Russia and Iran and concentrate on Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and on ISIS elsewhere. We need to get active in bombing and taking out ISIS troops and infrastructure instead of concentrating on sending a drone to take out one or two ISIS leaders. Pin pricks do nothing in the overall scheme. Bush was correct in saying that going after Bin Laden was not a priority. Taking out a leader now and again has accomplished nothing. We must take out the guys with the guns and we must take out a lot of the guys with the guns.
"More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!"

This fails as a composition fallacy.

One news commentator is not 'representative' of an entire group of people.
Third time you have posted this stupidity in 25 minutes. You discover the composition fallacy and you want to spread the news?
"More Libtard Stupidity on the Paris Attacks; the World is NOT United behind the French!"

This fails as a composition fallacy.

One news commentator is not 'representative' of an entire group of people.
Third time you have posted this stupidity in 25 minutes. You discover the composition fallacy and you want to spread the news?

Doesn't he just love that word "fallacy" ?
I think he gets hard every time he utters it......."fallacy, fallacy, fallacy, fallacy, fallacy, fallacy, fallacy, fallacy.........phallic !!!!!!
Ask our super patriot, Jimbo, about his service to this nation. Seems a bit unwilling to answer.

The civilized world is united behind France. ISIS has murdered a bunch of Russian citizens on an airplane, murdered in Paris now, and have engaged in the murder of other sects of Islam, and Christians where ever they have been able to get at them. I think that you can effectively say that almost the whole world is against them, and even more will be actively participating in their demise now.

yeah...they murdered 3,000 Americans...and then everyone got bored...and now they are coming back to kill...everyone talks tough after this attack....and then the left will get to work undermining any real effort to deal with the murderers they secretly sympathize with......
So now China, North Korea, North Africa and almost he entire Middle East are not part of the civilized world?
run that through you mental processes. Since when did these areas become part of the civilized world?
Since they were about the only civilization in the Eastern Mediterranean world from about 800 to around 1300 other than the dying remnants of the Roman/Byzantine Empire.

China has had a large and successful civilization going back thousands of years.

Try reading some world history some time.
Jim, I do agree that the people of the Middle East are turning on ISIS themselves. No one wishes to turn his daughter over to ISIS. The problem in Syria is that we waited too long and have allowed Russia and Iran to come in and shore up Assad. The only way we can persuade Turkey to go into Syria is if we agreed to take Assad out. That would be very hard to do now that Russia and Iran have entered into the picture.

Dont know about Turkey. Erdogan won a crushing victory in the last elections and he is a closet Islamofascist, methinks. I say leave Syria to Russia. Better them than Iran or China.

Tonight should be a great night for Hillary though. Hillary is far more hawkish than Obama or even Bernie for that matter. Hillary will tout her no-fly zone solution once again. I don't see any value in establishing a no-fly zone in Syria myself. ISIS flies no aircraft. They have no air force. All her no-fly zone will do is pit us against the Russian air force and might easily provoke an international incident with Russia and Iran. I say leave Syria to Russia and Iran and concentrate on Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and on ISIS elsewhere. We need to get active in bombing and taking out ISIS troops and infrastructure instead of concentrating on sending a drone to take out one or two ISIS leaders. Pin pricks do nothing in the overall scheme. Bush was correct in saying that going after Bin Laden was not a priority. Taking out a leader now and again has accomplished nothing. We must take out the guys with the guns and we must take out a lot of the guys with the guns.

We need to do a bunch of things, starting with a top-down re-evaluation of how we are trying to win this thing.

But Obozo is not the man to lead that job.

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