More Nutty, Racist, Partisan Hypocrisy from the Left


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Controversy over Richard Cohen?s comments on the de Blasio family - The Washington Post

Lefty columnist Richard Cohen:

“People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor-elect of New York — a white man married to a black woman and with two biracial children. (Should I mention that Bill de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, used to be a lesbian?) This family represents the cultural changes that have enveloped parts — but not all — of America. To cultural conservatives, this doesn’t look like their country at all.”
What he said was flat out stupid. Most people in America approve of interracial marriage.

I really hate when the race card is played.
This guy has a record of saying stupid things.

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