Bi-racial marriages make white people want to puke

I think I clearly stated that it was a matter of personal preference. There is a difference in being thin and borderline anorexic looking. If you dont think its a problem being attracted to women that look like children then its your choice as long as you keep it above 18 bud.

Again, does the 33 year old model and mother of two Gisele Bündchen look like a child to you?

Are you dense or something? What did I already say?

I was giving you a chance to not look like as much of a ridiculous fool as you do, but you blew it, Shitshispeedos.
Women are women are women.

And men are men are men; and men are usually attracted to women and women are usually attracted to men. Despite obstacles of law and social mores at various points and places in history, the bullshit notion of 'race' has not stopped men and women who are attracted to each other from getting together and it never will. Trying to figure out why and how people are attracted to each other is a pointless and futile exercise. Trying to figure it out by insisting on seeing people as 'groups' or 'categories' instead of individuals is just plain stupid; Shitshispeedos/Asclepias - level stupid.

I have to wonder why are you commenting in this thread then? No one cares what you think .

If your tender little emotions can't handle being called on your constant nonsense and abiding racism, then STFU and go away. People "care what you think" the same way they "care" to look at a car wreck on the side of the highway. Stop posting stupid things and you won't have to worry about it.
And men are men are men; and men are usually attracted to women and women are usually attracted to men. Despite obstacles of law and social mores at various points and places in history, the bullshit notion of 'race' has not stopped men and women who are attracted to each other from getting together and it never will. Trying to figure out why and how people are attracted to each other is a pointless and futile exercise. Trying to figure it out by insisting on seeing people as 'groups' or 'categories' instead of individuals is just plain stupid; Shitshispeedos/Asclepias - level stupid.

I have to wonder why are you commenting in this thread then? No one cares what you think .

If your tender little emotions can't handle being called on your constant nonsense and abiding racism, then STFU and go away. People "care what you think" the same way they "care" to look at a car wreck on the side of the highway. Stop posting stupid things and you won't have to worry about it.

You are the one crying about my choice to like adult women with adult bodies. You are butthurt over some woman that doesn't even know you. :lol:
I have to wonder why are you commenting in this thread then? No one cares what you think .

If your tender little emotions can't handle being called on your constant nonsense and abiding racism, then STFU and go away. People "care what you think" the same way they "care" to look at a car wreck on the side of the highway. Stop posting stupid things and you won't have to worry about it.

You are the one crying about my choice to like adult women with adult bodies.

NO, I'm pointing out how stupid it is of you to think that a 5'11", 33 year old mother of two looks like a child. If you are into fat chicks that's your choice, but you don't have to be irrational about it. Your fetish has driven you to ridiculous extremes.
If your tender little emotions can't handle being called on your constant nonsense and abiding racism, then STFU and go away. People "care what you think" the same way they "care" to look at a car wreck on the side of the highway. Stop posting stupid things and you won't have to worry about it.

You are the one crying about my choice to like adult women with adult bodies.

NO, I'm pointing out how stupid it is of you to think that a 5'11", 33 year old mother of two looks like a child. If you are into fat chicks that's your choice, but you don't have to be irrational about it. Your fetish has driven you to ridiculous extremes.

Hows that working for you so far? I know you have fantasies about women that can pass for 13 year olds. Don't blow a fuse because i still think she looks like a child despite your pleas for me to change my mind. What have you accomplished?
Are you dense or something? What did I already say?

I was giving you a chance to not look like as much of a ridiculous fool as you do, but you blew it, Shitshispeedos.

Oh my God! What will I do now Unk? i [sic] promise I will be good as long as you think the world of me.

Don't set your sights too high. Start with climbing up out of your pit of ignorance and irrationality enough that you seem like a reasonable adult. When and if you ever reach that milestone you might consider taking a course in basic logic and then trying to apply what you learned to your discussions here. It wouldn't hurt for you to stop being a dishonest, racist piece of shit as well, but maybe that's just beyond your moral and intellectual capabilities.
You are the one crying about my choice to like adult women with adult bodies.

NO, I'm pointing out how stupid it is of you to think that a 5'11", 33 year old mother of two looks like a child. If you are into fat chicks that's your choice, but you don't have to be irrational about it. Your fetish has driven you to ridiculous extremes.

Hows that working for you so far?

It's not working out too well for YOU since you've made no progress at all.
I know you have fantasies about women that can pass for 13 year olds.

Ok numbskull, take a poll and see how many people here think Gisele looks like a 13 year old child and not a tall, thin, adult woman.

You have a mental problem. You really do.
I know you have fantasies about women that can pass for 13 year olds.

Ok numbskull, take a poll and see how many people here think Gisele looks like a 13 year old child and not a tall, thin, adult woman.

You have a mental problem. You really do.

Why should I do that? I dont care what others think. She happily married to Tom Brady and not thinking about either of us.


Sorry but she looks like a 13 year old to me. Get over it Unk.

This will keep you warm without giving you bone bruises.

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I dont care what others think. ...

Good for you, because if you cared you might find the fact that almost everyone here sees you as the illogical, bigoted idiot you are a bit distressing. Wrap yourself up in your nice cozy stupidity and keep your eyes closed.
This will keep you warm without giving you bone bruises.


So, by your 'reasoning,' someone who prefers thin women would be required to say that woman looks morbidly obese, right? Would that seem reasonable to you?

You are every bit as stupid as Shitshispeedos - at least.
I know you have fantasies about women that can pass for 13 year olds.

Ok numbskull, take a poll and see how many people here think Gisele looks like a 13 year old child and not a tall, thin, adult woman.

You have a mental problem. You really do.

Why should I do that? I dont care what others think. She happily married to Tom Brady and not thinking about either of us.


Sorry but she looks like a 13 year old to me. Get over it Unk.

This will keep you warm without giving you bone bruises.


That is nice though.
Who told you that it was warped?

Common sense. Too bad you have none.

Its not common sense to think women that look like children are attractive to grown men. What the hell is wrong with you?

You've driven bigotry all the way to insanity. You're exactly like Shitshispeedos, who for a while insisted I must be black because I took issue with his racist tirades. YOU ARE EXACTLY ALIKE.

You need help.
This will keep you warm without giving you bone bruises.


So, by your 'reasoning,' someone who prefers thin women would be required to say that woman looks morbidly obese, right? Would that seem reasonable to you?

You are every bit as stupid as Shitshispeedos - at least.

No thats your reasoning. You like anorexic looking women.

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