Bi-racial marriages make white people want to puke

I dont care what others think. ...

Good for you, because if you cared you might find the fact that almost everyone here sees you as the illogical, bigoted idiot you are a bit distressing. Wrap yourself up in your nice cozy stupidity and keep your eyes closed.

Who is everyone? Anyone important?

"I...I don't care what you guys think!" is a poor cover for your lack of self-respect.
Common sense. Too bad you have none.

Its not common sense to think women that look like children are attractive to grown men. What the hell is wrong with you?

You've driven bigotry all the way to insanity. You're exactly like Shitshispeedos, who for a while insisted I must be black because I took issue with his racist tirades. YOU ARE EXACTLY ALIKE.

You need help.

You must be exacctly like this Shithisspeedo character then because you sure claimed I was someone named Jakefakey (or something like that) for quite awhile until the the admin shut you up on that. i wonder when you are going to realize that no one really cares what you think? Get over yourself clown. :lol:
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This will keep you warm without giving you bone bruises.


So, by your 'reasoning,' someone who prefers thin women would be required to say that woman looks morbidly obese, right? Would that seem reasonable to you?

You are every bit as stupid as Shitshispeedos - at least.

No thats your reasoning. You like anorexic looking women.

There you go. Maybe you are so far gone you don't realize what you're doing.

You also remind me of another asshole around here. A douche named Projectionist or something who not only insists that the US Constitution outlaws Islam - because he says so - but that anyone who does not cheer on his bigoted tirades must therefore be a Muslim. Does that sound like rational thinking to you?
Good for you, because if you cared you might find the fact that almost everyone here sees you as the illogical, bigoted idiot you are a bit distressing. Wrap yourself up in your nice cozy stupidity and keep your eyes closed.

Who is everyone? Anyone important?

"I...I don't care what you guys think!" is a poor cover for your lack of self-respect.

I guess you really do think I care what you think. :lol: ROTFLMAO!! Stop before you make me get the hiccups Unk!
Its not common sense to think women that look like children are attractive to grown men. What the hell is wrong with you?

You've driven bigotry all the way to insanity. You're exactly like Shitshispeedos, who for a while insisted I must be black because I took issue with his racist tirades. YOU ARE EXACTLY ALIKE.

You need help.

You must be exacctly like this Shithisspeedo character then because you sure claimed I was someone named Jakefakey (or something like that) for quite awhile until the the admin shut you up on that.

It was, due to your inherent limitations, lost on you that I was trying to point out you shared similarly infantile and illogical patterns of expressing yourselves. Me and someone else had a nice laugh at your expense over that one.
So, by your 'reasoning,' someone who prefers thin women would be required to say that woman looks morbidly obese, right? Would that seem reasonable to you?

You are every bit as stupid as Shitshispeedos - at least.

No thats your reasoning. You like anorexic looking women.

There you go. Maybe you are so far gone you don't realize what you're doing.

You also remind me of another asshole around here. A douche named Projectionist or something who not only insists that the US Constitution outlaws Islam - because he says so - but that anyone who does not cheer on his bigoted tirades must therefore be a Muslim. Does that sound like rational thinking to you?

Don't let people on a message board govern your life and get to you Unk. You don't do much here but try and play grammar Nazi. its not that serious. Go put those teacher skills to use. I'm sure someone somewhere needs a tutor like you to help in proper grammar and spelling on a message board.
You've driven bigotry all the way to insanity. You're exactly like Shitshispeedos, who for a while insisted I must be black because I took issue with his racist tirades. YOU ARE EXACTLY ALIKE.

You need help.

You must be exacctly like this Shithisspeedo character then because you sure claimed I was someone named Jakefakey (or something like that) for quite awhile until the the admin shut you up on that.

It was, due to your inherent limitations, lost on you that I was trying to point out you shared similarly infantile and illogical patterns of expressing yourselves. Me and someone else had a nice laugh at your expense over that one.

it must have felt good to you to be validated by a like minded individual. Did you wipe each others mouths after you finished blowing each other? :lol:
"I...I don't care what you guys think!" is a poor cover for your lack of self-respect.

I guess you really do think I care what you think.

You seem to think that if you keep repeating that juvenile mantra it will make your stupidity go away. It won't.

Well no. I'm concerned you take this message board a little too seriously. Honestly, if you or I died tomorrow no one on this board would miss us longer than a week tops.
No thats your reasoning. You like anorexic looking women.

There you go. Maybe you are so far gone you don't realize what you're doing.

You also remind me of another asshole around here. A douche named Projectionist or something who not only insists that the US Constitution outlaws Islam - because he says so - but that anyone who does not cheer on his bigoted tirades must therefore be a Muslim. Does that sound like rational thinking to you?

Don't let people on a message board govern your life and get to you Unk.

There he goes..... :lalala:
You must be exacctly like this Shithisspeedo character then because you sure claimed I was someone named Jakefakey (or something like that) for quite awhile until the the admin shut you up on that.

It was, due to your inherent limitations, lost on you that I was trying to point out you shared similarly infantile and illogical patterns of expressing yourselves. Me and someone else had a nice laugh at your expense over that one.

it must have felt good to you to be validated by a like minded individual. Did you wipe each others mouths after you finished blowing each other?

That's it, keep're doing great....
I am more offended by the fact his wife is a hideous feminist, and that De Blasio is a Communist. His goofy looking children don't bother me at all.
Richard Cohen: Mixed Race Familes Make 'Conventional' People 'Gag'

Richard Cohen wants you to know that there is no racism in the GOP at all. No way, no how, nuh-uh. They just find the idea of a white man married to a black woman to be nauseating. Why Richard Cohen, long time columnist at the Washington Post thinks this is not a phenomenally racist thing to say is unclear. What is clear is that Richard Cohen is a jackass and the Washington Post would be better off without him and his pervasive racism.

Richard Cohen made quite a stir earlier this year when he cheered George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the Trayvon Martin murder case. In his column he compared Trayvon in a hoodie to a white man wearing KKK robes. In essence, a black teen wearing a sweat jacket with the hood pulled up in the rain is a “uniform we all recognize.” You know, because criminals have a dress code and whatnot. No racism there or anything....

Today’s GOP is not racist, as Harry Belafonte alleged about the tea party, but it is deeply troubled — about the expansion of government, about immigration, about secularism, about the mainstreaming of what used to be the avant-garde. People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor-elect of New York — a white man married to a black woman and with two biracial children. (Should I mention that Bill de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, used to be a lesbian?) Thise America. To cultural conservatives, this doesn’t look like their country at all.

(The same article quotes this jerk as saying Christie isn't conservative enough when, in fact, Christie does agree with most of the backward and barbaric beliefs of the GObP.)

I'm sick of hearing the racist shit but, the election of a man married to a black woman and having bi-racial kids should send the same message as when a t-potty candidate loses.

Most of America is not filled with hate for people who are of a different color. Most people just really don't care about this any ore than they care about who marries who.

Too bad we can't send all the racist slime to some barren island - like the asshole who learned he's not 100% white. But of course, they wouldn't last long with out their government checks.

Oh look, more liberals fantasizing about what they wish conservatives would think about.
I just got a PM from someone who is terribly, terribly scared that interracial marriages are on the rise in America. Funny stuff.
I know you have fantasies about women that can pass for 13 year olds.

Ok numbskull, take a poll and see how many people here think Gisele looks like a 13 year old child and not a tall, thin, adult woman.

You have a mental problem. You really do.

Why should I do that? I dont care what others think. She happily married to Tom Brady and not thinking about either of us.


Sorry but she looks like a 13 year old to me. Get over it Unk.

This will keep you warm without giving you bone bruises.


White girl, stunning.

Cocoa girl, repulsive.
Ok numbskull, take a poll and see how many people here think Gisele looks like a 13 year old child and not a tall, thin, adult woman.

You have a mental problem. You really do.

Why should I do that? I dont care what others think. She happily married to Tom Brady and not thinking about either of us.


Sorry but she looks like a 13 year old to me. Get over it Unk.

This will keep you warm without giving you bone bruises.


White girl, stunning.

Cocoa girl, repulsive.

White girl, pre-pubescent jail bait.

Cocoa girl, good enough to eat.
Why should I do that? I dont care what others think. She happily married to Tom Brady and not thinking about either of us.


Sorry but she looks like a 13 year old to me. Get over it Unk.

This will keep you warm without giving you bone bruises.


White girl, stunning.

Cocoa girl, repulsive.

White girl, pre-pubescent jail bait.

Cocoa girl, good enough to eat.

I never developed a taste for stretch marks.

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